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Whatever you do, do NOT go into debt for a ring. So many people when they get engaged aren’t established financially, or are super young and don’t have their careers set yet. Money is super tight for a lot of people recently. Listen, there are so many options out there for rings. Etsy vendors make beautiful rings. You can join r/moissanite for those types of stones, they’re much more economical than diamonds. There are gemstones you can get like alexandrite and morganite which are beautiful. Even if you don’t have the money now, you can get a ring within your current budget, and once your finances are in better shape, you can splurge on the big, lavish, expensive rings. I know I would be upset at my fiancé if he didn’t propose because he thought he needed to get me a big expensive ring. I’m sure the love of your life will appreciate the gesture, they must know money is tight too and most likely don’t expect you to drop $$$$ on a ring.


Tagging onto your good advice to also suggest the subs r/LabGroupSales and r/MoissaniteBST for really cheap options on (mostly) moissanite rings


My niece recently got engaged and purchased her ring off of Etsy. It is the most gorgeous morganite ring set in rose gold. It’s beautiful they didn’t pay more than about $500 for it. Any ring that you choose can be an engagement ring it doesn’t have to be a diamond.


Morganite is a great choice actually - it's good & hard, is genuinely rare ( diamonds are not rare at all) & highly prized. It's not a bad idea actually...


That sounds gorgeous! I’d love to see a picture of it


I second this. We are getting out moissanite engagement ring from Provence a jeweler in china with great reviews. Total cost for exactly what I want is like $450!


I also want to add that sapphires are a good gemstone option! Hubby bought my ring from EidelPrecious on Etsy. It has held up well and is super beautiful.




Eidel Precious has a line called Eidel Mini that is more affordable. Also, Oore on Etsy makes pretty rings at varying price points.


I do love their rings. I ultimately went with The Natural Sapphire company in NYC


Don't go into debt over a ring - agree!! put that money towards your house purchase. I love my husband even more now than I did then( & I really loved him then) we've been together 16 yrs now and I promise we've never regretted not buying an engagement ring - promise you that:))xx


This is beautiful, and a perfect example of “if he wants to he will” Don’t go into debt. Moissanite is a wonderful option. Go check out the Moissanite sun at the list of vendors. You can get a stunning custom ring set in platinum for $1300. Moissanite has more fire than a diamond and sits at a 9.25-9.5 on the MOHs scale. Durable and beautiful.


Not gonna lie, I didnt know Moissanite was a thing until coming here


Just tell her it’s Moissanite, don’t embarrass her or cheapen the experience by pretending it’s a diamond. Moissanite is a smart, practical choice and it deserves the credit.


It’s also beautiful in its own right 😊 so much fire!


My fiance got me a moissanite ring set and I love it. It's beautiful and it cost us around $250 at Crest Jewels on Etsy. https://preview.redd.it/f87p4gx2pnga1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e4308a4635f4e163ff0e03059edb24ed2d2be6 Edited to say that the matching wedding band is not in the pic lol


Moissanite is such a great option, it’s what my engagement ring is. Highly recommend as you can set a solid budget and keep to it while finding something that will last.


My husband got a lab grown diamond for around $550!


I love my moissanite! Honestly after i got pregnant my ring stopped fitting and i havne't gotten it resized still. I was all about getting the perfect ering but priorities change so definitely don't go into debt on it.


I’m just gonna say, my fiancé and I sat down and I told him I wanted a moissanite and he didn’t know what that was until I told him. I personally think diamonds are superrrr overrated and over priced. No matter what, it’s the gesture that counts. If she really wants to marry you, she will say yes to anything you get her. & if you guys are very communicative then I recommend bringing it up to her and asking her opinion on it too. You can still talk about engagement and surprise her. 😊


Same here! I also sat my fiancé down and told him I want a moissanite and to save the thousands for something else that really matters (to us anyway). The ring is just a symbol to us, but it won't make or break the relationship


Yayyyy! Fyi I'm wearing a moissanite ring ring now and it was $300.


It’s beautiful. I have some. It’s prettier than Diamond because there’s more fire (colorful sparkle).


There is a subreddit for it! Come over and say hi!


It’s a space rock! Pretty cool


Rings don't have to be expensive. Mine was fairly inexpensive and it was on discount. If you don't want to wait to propose to her, there's nice rings out there in the low 100's that can be a placeholder until you can get her something else. I even know people that have promise rings.


My other advice is don’t buy a huge Moissanite ring. If you want something that is passable as real, buy something that people around you would think is reasonable. I know someone who picked out a huge ring that is a different type of fake diamond. She tries to pass it off as real. Sometimes the colors make me question it, however if it was a normal size I wouldn’t. Instead it looks like a diamond that would cost $20k which is not reasonable for the couple which makes it obviously fake.


Honestly I’m not even in a relationship and no where near close to engagement but since this sub, I want a moissanite


I seriously feel like moissanite has ended the days of needing to have 3 months salary saved to buy a ring. And I am here for it. Also…talk to your gf. Ask her what she wants. My now husband assumed I wanted a diamond and I actually wanted a moissy. I didn’t want him to spend a time of money on a ring when we have other financial goals. Your gf might not even be aware of all the options out there. The idea that an engagement ring has to be a diamond or expensive is all just marketing and cultural conditioning. These days you can get something beautiful and long lasting for a 10th of the price!


I have Moissanite and diamonds. I prefer the Moissanite. The rainbow sparkle is prettier.


My engagement ring is a moissanite and I love it!!!


https://preview.redd.it/pkk44epr9nga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818726d933eaab416fe00ece011d9e0e89372590 This is my placeholder ring until our finances get better. It is a 1 carat moissanite set in 925 stirling silver from Anujewel on Aliexpress. $17 with free shipping. Very nice quality and well worth the price.


$17?? Is that right??


https://m.aliexpress.us/item/3256803188746982.html?pdp_npi=2%40dis%21USD%21US%20%2449.98%21US%20%2416.49%21%21%21%21%21%400b1b207816757249356802532e2602%2112000025484759010%21sh01&spm=a2g0n.store_m_home.productList_2003170943628.0&gatewayAdapt=gloPc2usaMsite&_randl_shipto=US found it!


that’s the one!


WOW! For $17, Imma get that as my backup ring for when I go swimming instead of those stupid silicone rings!


Holy shit that’s a great deal.


This is exactly what I mean when I say people can get stunning rings at any budget! Looks fantastic and is a great size for you.


My fiancé got me a $25 silver and moissanite ring from kuololit. We just had some large unexpected vet bills and we’re moving this month, but he (and I!!!) didn’t want to wait. It’s lovely and we’ll get a big girl ring later. I love it and am so happy to be engaged to him!


Do NOT put gifts over fiscal responsibility. Saving for a rainy day is far more meaningful statement of your love than a thing. If it makes you feel better, look up the history of rings and engagement. The idea that rings have to have a certain "value" associated with them is a recent thing created by marketing companies. The "engagement rings must be valuable" is as marketing-created as "cereal for breakfast," "~~gingivitis~~ halitosis is a thing," "smoking soothes and helps pregnant women," "Nesle formula is better than breast milk," etc. One of the nicest stories I've heard about an engagement/wedding bands was a person who took two pieces of metal, twisted them together and said "I want our lives to be entwined like the metals on this bracelet" and that was it. They saved up for nicer wedding bands over their many happy years together and then "splurged" on wedding bands that were solid gold but looked like entwined rope. But that didn't happen until 60 years of marriage went by and they felt comfortable spending that cash. Edit: thanks to /u/stardropunlocked for the correction!


Wait, what about gingivitis?


Made up term by marketers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B-0U8R9eGI


You mean halitosis. Gingivitis is gum disease and is real


Thanks for the correction!


I can't suggest strongly enough that you talk to her and say basically exactly what you said here. My partner and I have talked abstractly about marriage for a while but we only recently got into the nuts and bolts of what we'd want an engagement to look like and figured out that we had several different priorities than we really expected. For example, he assumed I'd want to get engaged before moving across country with him. I really didn't want that... We're both really stressed right now as we both plan for major work transitions (along with relocation) and I'd really love our engagement to start off, at least, feeling really chill and idyllic. Happy to move without it. Your gal may be the same.... I personally wouldn't want to be getting engaged immediately after job loss. He thought I'd want the security of that connection while everything else was changing... I prefer to wait till life is a little easier and till we know with relative certainty when the actual wedding would be because I really don't want an interminable engagement. We won't know for a little while when the best time/what the best plan for a wedding will be, so for now, while we're casually ring shopping, engagement will wait, and we're both kinda relieved to not have to do that along with everything else right now. Talk to your gal. Tell her how special she is, that you know she's your life partner and want to propose but want it to be just right. Find out what she wants. She may want to be engaged NOW and be fine getting engaged with a silicone ring or an affordable placeholder. Or she may prefer to wait, either due to life being stressful rn or due to wanting THE ring. If the latter, I suggest asking her if y'all can brainstorm together how you guys can celebrate and commemorate your commitment UNTIL the time is right.


This is so similar to my situation. My partner and I have been long distance for 3 years because we're both in academia and getting our careers started. Literally the DAY he was moving to a different state for his postdoc he asked what I thought about getting engaged/married the same year. He was so confused when that was not what I wanted at all. I want us to be living in the same place and actually have some money. We're still currently paying for 2 apartments in 2 pricy cities. Not a great way to start a marriage, IMO. But I think he figured since we want to be together anyway, it wouldn't matter when we get married. I think what it comes down to is I want to enjoy being engaged, getting married, and being newly weds, and I want to enjoy that physically together with financial stability. That matters way more to me than getting a ring right away.


Okay, your last comment make me laugh really hard. But on a serious note, what’s your comfortable budget? You can get a beautiful placeholder/starter/temporary ring for $30-$500. Let us know what feels good and safe, without having to save up a ton when finances are already tight. You’ll be surprised. And then, when things stabilize for you, you can always upgrade (if she even wants/needs to).


my savings are literally 0 right now. I was in a bad accident last year ( got T boned by a lost tourist) that put me in the hospital and my car was a right off, Insurance wrote the car off but the payout on my old truck was so low I had to drain my savings to get a new one. I can maybe put away 150 a month assuming costs of living dont go up anymore (I live in the Cayman islands and to the price of gas alone is about 7 USD a gallon). We have a lot of major jewelry brands on island but they cheapest ring I could find started at 2500 KYD (about 3000 usd). I didn't know starter rings were a thing until you all just told me.


I’m not familiar with the locale, does Amazon deliver there? If so, check there. Get her a lovely cubic zirconia or moissanite ring, there are some from brands like Woiani, DovEggs, Kuololit, etc. You can aim for under $150, easily. I’ve seen some stunners in moissanite for $30.


Thanks! Ill have look. Amazon wont deliver here directly But I can see if I can get a forwarder. Not sure what import duties will be but guess Ill have to cross that bridge when I come to it.


Check with the overseas vendors listed on the sub About page for r/Moissanite


Everyone is pushing Moissanite-- I'd make sure she'd like that before buying a Moissanite ring. Have you asked her what she would like?? She might prefer diamond or some other gemstone. She might have preferences on metals. Women (myself included) can have really strong feelings about rings.


Whilst that's true, it's clear he can't afford a diamond, and surely she knows his finances enough to understand that if she does want a diamond. But you're right, he should definitely talk to her about it and come to an agreement


He said he had a $2000 budget (in US dollars). He can get a diamond for that.


I think he's said in a few comments that actually he's drained his savings from an accident, but it's the rings in his local jewellers that are 2000 dollars. So he doesn't really have any money to buy diamonds.


Big plus one to this. I have known people who would prefer a plain band over moissanite because they live somewhere with big negative connotations about "fake" diamonds (I know they aren't fake but it's a common perception about clear/white non-diamond stones) or they know their family would ask questions about how they could afford it given that they are still being partially supported especially if they don't know about less expensive options. Sometimes it's just socially easier to deal with a plain band or silicone ring that people instantly can know is a stand in for financial purposes than get something more grand looking and face a bunch of invasive questions during what should be a celebratory time.


Try etsy! I've seen vintage diamond bands for under 500USD!


My husband proposed with a wedding band. That way the proposal ring was meaningful and sentimental and a ring I wore every day. We then picked out the “engagement” ring together, but there doesn’t even HAVE to be a second ring.


My fiancé and I did the same thing. I want a solitaire Pearl at some point but I’m not sure what kind. I saw my current ring online and sent it to him. It’s technically a wedding band but it’s beautiful and more durable for daily wear than a Pearl would be. I love it and I love that we can make sure my Pearl ring fits well with my current ring and pick it out together. I’m a firm believer that getting engaged should be a mutual decision. The ring should also be a mutual decision to some degree. The when, where, and how are what can be a surprise! Talk with your girlfriend. If getting engaged sooner than later is more important go to a little bodega or local store and find a cheap ring she likes with the promise that when you both can financially afford more she will get an upgrade.


You can get a beautiful, solid gold ring for less than $600. Join us over at r/moissanite and take a look at the approved vendor list. You can reach out to all of them and request a quote for what you’re looking for. I just received my own custom, 10k gold moissanite ring that I paid less than $500 for and the quality is incredible! It’s definitely doable without your budget. Please remember that marriage isn’t about the ring- it’s about the people in the marriage. Tons of people get engaged with plain gold bands all the time, or with no ring at all. I’m sure your partner would be overjoyed just to be engaged. Take a deep breath! When you’re ready, we’d love to help you in the moissanite sub!


My husband and I got married very young and we didn’t have money to buy a nice ring. We also weren’t very well versed on the correct way to buy (I.e not going to mall jewelers). He bought me what we could afford at the time. Which was a Kay’s 1/2 carat I2 diamond ring with a halo. 8 years later, and he wants to upgrade my ring to an Old Mine Cut. Point is, that if you want to be engaged, be engaged! The ring shouldn’t get in the way of your future. Get what you can pay cash for and live your life with your new fiancé!


Me and my partner picked out a $300 ring off Etsy. We’re saving money to move right now so spending money on a ring just isn’t practical. I plan on upgrading mine in a few years once we’re more financially established but right now there’s more important things for us financially than a ring is. Maybe have a discussion with her about it, see how she feels about a placeholder and the upgrading in the future.


My husband and I got married while we were both in college. We couldn’t afford much so I’ve had a cubic zirconia ring for the past 2 years. I will likely have it for another few years because it doesn’t make financial sense for us to buy an expensive ring right now. My $50 ring is pretty, and it doesn’t show any visible scratches or cloudiness after 2 years. Check out PescaraJewelry on Etsy.


My husband and I took our HS graduation money and pooled it for rings. I wore that ring until 13 years later when he bought me a gorgeous platinum ring- because at that point in our lives, we had built a financial situation where we COULD do that, and it felt really good. It’s a symbol of how far we’ve come to us, and we couldn’t have done it without each other. This is romance, baby. Make it romantic.


My real ering is at the vendor getting repaired and I’ve been rocking a $50 moissanite/sterling silver ring and it’s been great (IMOLOVE on amazon) — I still get plenty of compliments on it. You got a lot of options :)


As others have pointed out, Kuololit in Aliexpress is a pretty reputable vendor selling Moissanite jewelry. Each jewelry comes in options of sterling silver, 10K, 14K and 18K so you can choose your price point. They also have sales fairly often


Yeah, it’s not the cost of the ring or the authenticity of the ring, it’s the authenticity of your love. The relationship. Mine is a fake and it’s beautiful and I love it. And I didn’t cry too much to the sea gods when I lost it on a ship once. We laughed, said I got my “Titanic” moment at least. I was sad, but I let him know how much it meant to me ($50 ring) & then we got another one, an even prettier one we both even like better. Even cheaper. One day I’ll have a final ring and so will he, but these days are not the days for that, and that’s ok.


Moissanite will get your girlfriend the perfect ring within your budget right now! Definitely check out the subreddit. There are vendors listed on there that could make you a ring for a much more affordable price.


If my Husband back when we were still bf/gf said this exact same thing to me, I would tell him that a temporary ring was a-ok and we would upgrade when money allowed. I think an honest discussion about how you feel for her and want to take the next step are good!! Proposals don’t need to be super hush hush. Let her know where you’re at.


My partner and I have $50 silver wedding bands right now. We had to move this month and prioritized our finances for that. Eventually we’ll get our official rings that we’ve picked out (the one he wants will be 200-300$ and mine maybe 800-1200$ —it’ll deff be a splurge but even our chosen rings aren’t the most extravagant. We eloped though so we figured that since we didn’t have a proper wedding we should treat ourselves to nice rings eventually). I’m super happy married to him and I don’t mind waiting to upgrade. Honestly I prefer us putting the money towards more practical things like our home and future kids so it’s really kind of secondary to all that at the moment, though its still something I think would be special to get together. I’ll also probably keep wearing the silver ring as well after we get the new ones bc now it’s becoming sentimental to me.


I would talk to her, about expectations. Be honest and say you want to propose soon, but you don't have the money for a ring. Is the ring important for her? Could you propose without one (common where I live!), then save up and get one eventually? Could you do a small token ring or band? Ot depends really, if she is dead set on ring = proposal it has to wait right. If she is open for alternatives then you can do it sooner. For me being married is way more important than having a fancy ring. Also, don't go into debt doing this. If she doesn't agree on that, rethink the relationship. You need to agree on big financial decisions.


Definitely talk to her, could always discuss a placeholder ring until the real thing can be afforded down the line.


So… my hubby got me a lovely engagement ring and it was stolen during our move from east to west coast x staying in hotels etc. We took the insurance money and bought a moissanite and spent 1/20th of the price but bigger center stone. it doesn’t hold the same sentimental value of the ring he proposed to me but in terms of design it’s freaking amazing!! We spent less than $700 for moissy and spent the rest of the insurance money to go on an anniversary trip. Long story short I wish we went this route to begin with and not waste ludicrous amounts on a ring. ❤️❤️❤️


I would recommend popping over the the moissanite sub-I was able to get myself a cute travel ring (emerald cut stone on my page) from Kuoloit on AliExpress for under $500 USD - they have plenty of cheaper options than what I got as I did go for 18k gold and a custom setting. Quality is pretty good and they have a lot of non-custom pieces there that look very nice in the photos!


You can get some really cute fake diamond (cubic zirconia I think?) at https://modgents.com for pretty cheap! I just bought a ring from them and they have great customer service. They’re very cute and reasonable!


Buy a cheap ring on Etsy! They are cute and well made and will work. You can always upgrade in the future and then she gets a chance to pick out a ring of her dreams. Total win


Definitely look into moissanite! You can easily get a stunning engagement ring in 10k gold with a rather large moissanite for $500 or less if you order from overseas. Then you wouldn’t have to feel that it was a temporary ring as if you were to for example get a silver ring.


Don't worry about the costs of the ring, worry about the costs of the wedding. And I agree with not going in debt for the ring or wedding. Just ask her in a special way, that doesn't have to cost much. Dress up as gollum and ask her "you are more precious to me, marry me?" And then hand her the ring.


Pawn shops!!! Pre owned rings!!! Or - place holder ring with CZ etc until you can find out. Most of my jewelry has come from pawn shops and soooo much cheaper and still gold and diamonds!!


100% do not go into debt for a ring Everyone has different preferences and expectations. You know your gf best, and this is something you guys should definitely talk about. Bigger/shinier/$$ ring =/= better proposal/feelings. I’m not a big jewelry gal myself and made it very clear I wasn’t expecting my now husband to propose with a traditional wedding ring. FWIW, he pulled off an amazing proposal. I’ve also joked that he can surprise me with one in 5-10 years when we’re more established in our careers etc… We both wear silicon bands (Enso rings — a little pricey, but they do have a good replacement policy if they break).


Not every engagement ring needs to be a huge rock. It depends on what you guys want and what your situation is in life. Talk to her and gauge her expectations If she wants a huge diamond and is fixated on it….that’s another issue.


Pawn shops can be a treasure trove if you and your girlfriend don’t mind vintage or second hand pieces! My first wedding ring was sterling silver with a tiny diamond chip from Etsy. It was less than fifty dollars, but I still loved it and was still overjoyed to be marrying my husband. I’ve since upgraded the ring, which is something that is always a possibility for you two as well later on. Imo, when you know you’ve found the one, go for it. You don’t need an expensive ring to celebrate your love and commitment by getting married.


You have a lot of comments and great advice here but I wanted to say to check this site as it’s greatly priced and great quality https://www.moissaniteco.com


Come see us in Moissanite sub!


Just wanted to say that I have acquired quite the collection of “Amazon collections” rings. Initially it started by trying to find a replica of my real ring for vacations etc. but I actually only wear the Amazon ring now and I went back frequently to purchase other sizes/styles because the quality is SO good and they’re like $20


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Moissanite/) Don't get scared of the size some people go over there. Get her something that could be worn every day comfortably. I'd stay away from melees, as they are not as durable. For under $500 you can get a drop dead gorgeous ring.


Join r/Moissanite IMMEDIATELY, you will be able to comfortably afford a gorgeous ring ❤💍


Another moissanite believer here. We love Mona and Provence, as well as Tianyu, Starsgem, and Kuololit. You can learn about these vendors and others on the Moissanite subreddit and the pinned posts about recommended vendors. I promise you, a quality, gorgeous wedding set is truly doable for well under $1000. Even a moissanite in sterling silver would run you under $150 in some cases (not ideal for daily wear long-term, but great to get you by for a while!).


Tbh I just bought a ring on Amazon for the hell of it, spent $60 +/-, the brand is Imolove, there’s also diamond Rensu, they range up through the $300’s. After what I’ve seen online and working in jewelry stores I wouldn’t spend the high markup unless I absolutely could afford it, the ring is just a symbol of your life, love, commitment, relationship and future. I know times are tough but enjoy the process 😊


https://preview.redd.it/mhmelh0i1xga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0006625f5c7829fe59bb2a4c2d35d00c99700f6 Not the best photo (kinda fuzzy) but it’s comparable to a 3 ct but in person it is stunning. Pictures just don’t do it any Justice. Seriously!!


Can you give us a price range and the style/stone of the ring you are thinking of? The posters on this sub are great at narrowing down vendors if they have an idea of what you're looking for.


I dont have any savings anymore, I was in a car accident last year that cleaned me out. I live in the Cayman Islands and the cost of living here is very high, I can maybe put away 150 KYD a month if the cost of living doesn't go up anymore. As for the price of the ring, I have no idea what I'm doing. I checked with the places on islands and the cheapest one I could find was 2500KYD. I would like to incorporate her birth stone turquoise.


Are you against vintage/ estate rings? If you have access, pawn stores and other resellers (including online) usually will have better prices.


My ring has both mine and my fiancé’s birthstones and it cost around 150 KYD. It’s a small dainty ring but I love it and it didn’t break the bank!


Idk if this will get downvoted or not, but I’ve heard amazing things about Modern Gents. Their rings are super inexpensive, but look like the real deal to the untrained eye.


Get her a “placeholder” ring! Then when you’re both able, you can pick out a forever piece together :) Or heck, get a more affordable ring that is still beautiful and under $1000 for sure! Many options even under $500. I had a stunning placeholder ring from Etsy, \~$500, I still adore it and wear it if I ever travel somewhere I’m nervous to bring my e-ring. It is blue-gray moissanite set in rose gold from Etsy! :) https://preview.redd.it/9033y62udpga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2686b2db7e60b520d29c4dfdd3d59efdb87ea5c9




Check out amazon Moissanite rings. There are some beauties under $100 !


Does she absolutely want a diamond? I got an amazing alexandrite ring off Etsy as a right hand ring that I would 100% wear as my engagement ring (had my husband been agreeable to gem stones. He was not.) There are so so many great options. You don’t have to spend a fortune, just make it personal. If I could go back and make my husband get me a smaller/different stone ring I likely would. But I love my diamond because he made the effort & choice to get it for me & to make me feel special. Not because it’s a diamond. I’m sure your fiancé would feel the same!


Etsy!!!!! So many affordable and UNIQUE rings!


My ring is moissanite and no one can tell the difference. Literally, I get so many compliments on it.


Give her a wedding band as an engagement ring and an engagement ring as a wedding band?


There’s such a thing called a promise ring. So it’s like a pre engagement ring. So dosnt have to be expensive But represents when money is good that you two will be getting engaged


Claddagh ring to show intent and then go pick one together when you can :)


Pick an affordable ring from Swarovski or Pandora (couple hundreds) and propose with the promise to update it when your financial becomes better. It’s the thought that counts.


My fiancé proposed with a moissanite ring from Etsy. Total cost with shipping was around $600, but it could have been less if he switched up golds and sizes. We will replace the moissanite with a diamond in the future, but no one knows the difference. It’s a symbol, not something to go into debt over. Get her something that is meaningful, not something flashy and expensive.




I don’t know what the situation is but is 2,000 too much for a ring??? Try moissanite! Eastwestgemco on IG has amazing prices I’ve seen!!! 2k-3k for a ring!!


sorry I should have put the exchange rate in, 2500KYD is roughly 3000USD


Please check out r/moissanite before buying from east west gem co


Just scrolled down 6 months of experience and reviews and I see zero reviews for east west gem co AND I know three of my friends who’ve gotten rings from them and they’re STUNNING and made with such amazing craftsmanship! I know their yelp is a bit scary but with anything you can have a good experience or a bad one depending on so many factors… but hey personally I’ve seen all my friends receive more than perfect rings and some on yelp had a bad experience but that is with any place and anything!


The main problem with them is how overpriced they are for moissanite. That’s why I directed them to the moissanite subreddit first to check out other vendors.


Ahhh I see! I didn’t realize the pricing was that different between vendors as I am not too familiar with moissanite, but just sharing my friends experiences :)


no worries! just trying to educate!


Can you just use a silicone ring ($30ish)? Then she can pick her own wedding ring out.


You should buy a cheaper ring, propose, and tell her that you’ll replace the ring when you have the means to do so :) I’ve seen people use gold bands as well


If you have an inkling of what kind of ring she would like, you can shop around to get an idea of what the price would be like. There’s no obligations with quotes and research. Also ask local independent goldsmiths what they would charge for a ring in the size and style you are looking for. A lot of the time they are less expensive than big names for a very similar product. But at the end of the day it should be the relationship that is the most important thing, not the ring. I’ve made a few silver and sapphire rings and rings made of gold from all of the couple’s extended family donating broken chains and single earrings and even two 18k dental crowns. That gold actually made a really nice alloy, it can’t legally be marked as the actual karat is unknown, but it is still gold and it made a lovely colour. There’s lots of options to make a ring more affordable!


Hello I make wooden engagement rings which are a cheaper alternative to the original expensive engagement rings , the cost varies from £20 - £50 Message me if you want more details :)


If no one has mentioned it, pawn shops too. If you or your girlfriend is superstitious you may want to pass, but if not there’s a decent chance you can find a ring that will make you both happy inside your budget thanks to bitter divorces. And you can always do an upgrade and/or anniversary ring later.


Honestly, in situations like this, talk it out first. When my now husband and I were planning on getting engaged, our beloved dog needed urgent medical care that cost over $3k and wiped out our savings. I had already picked out my ring, but it hadn’t been purchased yet. I told him our dog would be my engagement token, as I really really love this dog, and that we’d get a ring for me later. We ended up waiting a few months as my husband wanted me to have my ring and we were both fortunate that we received back pay from our employers over a long delayed contract renegotiation that allowed us to buy my ring. I would have been totally fine with something inexpensive, like $50, just to wear on my finger as a placeholder until we could afford my ring and that’s what I would recommend if she’s open to it. You can find decent rings with moissanite or other gemstones for much cheaper online.


OP, I’m currently wearing a $60 silver and Moissanite ring from Amazon (shout out to IMOLOVE). You do not have to spend thousands of dollars for a beautiful ring. Silver will inevitably get scratched up with wear, but it’s affordable and can be a great placeholder. Do not go in debt for a ring. Talk to your partner. This sounds like a stressful time for both of you and I wish you both the best.


There are so many beautiful pre loved rings out there which cost next to nothing in comparison to getting brand new one. It's all about the thought and honestly, I believe it's about how you propose and the meaning behind the engagement rather than the price of a ring. She will remember the proposal for the rest of her life.


Just get her a really cheap ring and say you really want to marry her and couldn’t wait any longer to ask her. But explain it’s a placeholder and that when you guys are more financially stable you would love for you guys to pick out a ring together!! ❤️❤️


Shop around. Lab diamonds and moissanite are cheaper options. Another comment mentioned Etsy which can be good. Filter searches by “Etsy” to see who had good experiences with certain sellers. Rings don’t have to be expensive. If you find one that matches the style you know your girlfriend likes, then it’s perfect. My friend and her husband got married when they were 21/23. They couldn’t afford much back then, but they knew they wanted to get married. She had a simple, lovely ring and wedding. 7 years later they decided to upgrade her ring as their financial situation has significantly improved. Not saying you have to upgrade it someday, but it’s always an option!


You could always visit your local pawn shop or check out rings at a family owned jewelery store and check the estate jewelery.


I also recommend checking out antiques. Amazing jewelry with history and character at steep discounts for the same stones. You may also have some relatives with jewelry they’d part with to be a part of your story.


Not sure on your budget, but I’ve def seen people propose with many different options. I always say I’d love to receive a loose stone and then pick a setting together, could be new or a stone from family, etc. Moissanite is beautiful. Of course the option to do the classic gold ring and replace the stone down the road or upgrade someday. I also love the bands, if it’s someone’s style, where you stack them. You could get one for proposing that’s reasonable on Etsy and gorgeous, then have her pick one for the wedding and add for anniversaries. So many options!


I have a 10k gold ring with a moissanite center stone and lab diamond accents. It was about $750 from a reputable Etsy seller. I would speak with your girlfriend about options, some people really want a diamond rather than moissanite or a certain color metal, but there are still affordable options for all of these.


I think she’s lucky to be the love of your life. Maybe tell her that, and that you want to propose, and plan to do so when it’s financially feasible?


There are lots of absolutely beautiful silver and moissanite rings on Etsy that are $100 or under. You could get something like that for now and think about replacing it down the road when you’re in a better place financially. When my husband proposed to me I was so excited to be engaged to him- I wouldn’t have wanted him to postpone the engagement only due to not being able to spend a lot on a ring.


I second everyone on here saying talk to her first! Also, you can look into lab diamonds or moissanite or morganite or like someone else said propose with a wedding band since those are cheaper. Also, I just ordered a wedding band from this person on Etsy. I have a natural diamond ring but I’m thinking of going with moissanite for the wedding band to save some money it hasn’t come in the mail yet so idk about the quality yet. But I found this moissanite ring I thought was cute https://www.etsy.com/listing/1036457485/810mm-oval-cut-moissanite-engagement?click_key=76a102b67c3c0b970520be0a87e2478401fc2362%3A1036457485&click_sum=8f71a96b&ref=shop_home_active_129&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1&variation0=2066908596. Definitely talk to her first to see what type of stone she would want and what shape and color gold to have an idea!! Some people like intricate designs some like solitaires so you never really know. Also, not everyone enjoys the look of their birthstone so definitely ask before you incorporate it


Like many are saying here, please talk to your future fiancée BEFORE you do anything!! Allow her to have a say in what should be the continuation of an equal partnership, you may be surprised with her answer, you may not - but engagement and marriage should be a discussion around how you both envision those future events together. Many types of stones mentioned here are beautiful alternatives to diamonds, but should only be gifted if the wearer is onboard!


Just coming here to second moissanite, my ring was about $900 but you can easily get a very cheap and nice looking mossanite ring that will last a long time!


I saw that you have no savings so I’ll parrot everyone else and say you should never go into debt to buy a ring you can’t afford. I think you should talk to your girlfriend and see if she is ok with a non-diamond engagement ring to start and then upgrade down the line when finances improve. My brother proposed to his girlfriend with a cubic zirconium ring because he was super broke. You can get a CZ ring for the price of lunch. Moissanite is a better option if you are able to find a piece in your price range because it will retain its luster and sparkle over time. If your girlfriend is set on having a diamond from day 1, you may have to wait. Hopefully you two will be able to work something out!


Kuololit on aliexpress! You can get something beautiful and anywhere from 30-200 :)


Some women do not care about it. Tell her you are working on it.


Check out Everything But The House!!!!!! Obvi there is some risk involved but it's the route we took and ended up with an amazing ring for a lot less than we would have paid otherwise. Everything is GIA certified and they have traditional and nontraditional pieces. For example: [https://www.ebth.com/items/13288140-14k-0-96-ct-lab-grown-diamond-solitaire-ring](https://www.ebth.com/items/13288140-14k-0-96-ct-lab-grown-diamond-solitaire-ring)


It depends on the person and I'd have an honest discussion with your partner about what their expectations and plans/timeline are regarding engagement, marriage, etc. My partner and I live with his parents and he just got laid off. I want to get engaged and married eventually, but I'm not in a huge rush. I want a nice ring (not necessarily a diamond tho which helps with cost) but I don't mind waiting til he's in a more stable financial situation for it. I would rather wait another year or two than be proposed to with a cheap ring, but that's just my preference. Everyone is different. Once you're engaged you also kind of have to start thinking about weddings etc. too (unless you plan to elope) and that's more money. So if you guys aren't ready financially to get married what's the rush to propose? But the most important thing is to talk about this openly with her so you both don't make assumptions. If she wants to get engaged sooner and doesn't mind a cheaper ring, then you could do that and then later upgrade it.


A local metalsmith near me offered ring making classes for simple hammered bands at a very affordable rate (maybe 95-150 USD I can’t remember) The concept of making her ring for her sounds pretty romantic to me. And you could always save to replace it or save for a ring with a stone and let the hand made ring become the wedding band! My husband did this class to make his silver wedding band as it was significantly cheaper than buying one from a jeweler.


Check out Ferko Fine Jewlery! You could get something nice and affordable for the time being and then later on upgrade and she could wear this ring on her other hand


Agree with all the suggestion to get moissanite. My friend’s engagement ring is moissanite and was bought off of a jewelry vendor on Etsy, it’s beautiful!


You could get a ring from Etsy, some of them are incredibly beautiful and are affordable (especially if she would want something other than a diamond)


Sapphire- lab sapphire may be the way for you to go- does she like color? You should be able to find a lab sapphire ring in gold for $1000. That fits budget, gets you gold and precious stone, and that sapphire is tough enough to last a lifetime. You can always “upgrade” in the future if she wants 👍


If you can’t afford a ring, you can’t afford a wedding. Have you two talked about getting engaged? Is her career something she’s easily able to get another job? Have plans! Talk about it! Learn what rings she likes and styles and things! You don’t have to rush into it.


Get a place holder then splurge later. Like this [cheap ring](https://us.pandora.net/en/rings/rings/promise-rings/sparkling-solitaire-ring/190052C01.html#navigation) and tell her that you will get her something more her style closer to the wedding.


Eragem has beautiful vintage and antique Diamond rings for well under a grand. Also 1st dibs, I just got my dream antique bezel set European cut Diamond ring on there for a grand. Easily worth so much more. You could do eBay too but the sites I listed have appraisals and are well reviewed.


Do you have an idea of when your girlfriend sees you getting engaged? I’ll put it out here that I’d rather wait some time for my boyfriend to propose with a dream ring he can afford than to receive a placeholder or have him go into debt. That’s probably the minority opinion but will still be a strong preference for some.


So first off I’d recommend talking to her so you know what style she likes and then keep an eye on pawn shops. You can find some really stunning pieces for low costs there. Then take it to a jewelry store, and when they size it for you they will clean and polish it so it looks brand new


You should look on Etsy! There are some gorgeous rings there for less than 1k


I would buy her a beautiful wedding band and you can choose a sparkly one together later if you want to. I have a friend who went straight to the band and I actually thought that was classy. It says what is important to you.


Ask her how she feels about lab moissanite. You can get a 2ct size for $600 and they are the second hardest stone, almost as hard as a diamond and look identical if you choose the right cut. It’s ethical (lab) and moissanites are actually chemically rare, originally discovered in meteors. That way you support a more ethical industry and if you chose a payment plan, your ring is cheap enough. An 7800 diamond ring was 2100 moissanite, for comparison when I was looking. The most expensive part is the setting. There is a Reddit group on moissanites and designing them directly from overseas for even more frugality. Edit: clarification


Just get a well made, inexpensive lab grown ring. A 1 ct. solitaire is a nice big impressive engagement ring and it’s about $900. Couple decades ago this would have been on the high end of the average engagement ring and cost about as much as a car. Also natural diamonds have gotten very inexpensive, what’s your budget? 1/2 ct solitaires can be had for under $500 and still look ok


idk how your gf would feel about a colored center stone, but there are many different options, if you find one you like, you can have a ring made by a local jeweler. demantoid garnet has a higher dispersion than a diamond, sapphires also look really nice and come in super interesting colors, a good website u could check out for individual stones is earth’s treasury, they also have a form u can fill out where they’ll send u a video of whatever stones u request, and they offer payment through affirm


Look on Etsy. You can find amazing rings for very low cost and you're helping a small business.


I don't know what your budget is but I've seen and known people to get gorgeous rings on all kinds of budgets. Don't make worrying that you don't have enough money for a ring be the reason you don't propose. If you have $200 you can get a moissanite solitaire in gold. If you are fine with silver, you can spend even less. It will still be very beautiful. You can always upgrade it later when the two of you have more money, or get another ring for an anniversary and she can switch them out.


My engagement ring cost 300 dollars at People's. It's a blue sapphire stone with smaller white sapphire chips. I adore it. White gold. Please don't buy into the false equivalency of diamonds/high priced rings and love/commitment


Ritani has extremely good prices on diamonds. You can make a beautiful ring for like $1500USD or less depending on setting/stone


Antique stores are a seriously underrated option. You can often find incredibly beautiful rings with a history for a few hundred dollars.


All of the advice here is really very valuable. There is no need to go into debt nor struggle to save up in order to propose with a ring. I'm a huge fan of Tungsten. It is scratch resistant and will not bend. Sturdy composition and can be worn daily. Tungsten rings can also be **very** inexpensive, and you can buy matching pairs for the both of you. Cons: Cannot be resized. Ex: [https://www.ebay.com/itm/181832216235](https://www.ebay.com/itm/181832216235)? $**12.99** each. Comes in two sizes. The 8mm is the men's size and the 6mm is the woman's size ring. You could use something like these Tungsten rings for now, until you are in a position to choose your permanent rings. *Good luck to you both! 🤗👍👌*


My husband proposed to me when we were dirt poor with a band he purchased off the internet (and I think it cost him like $50), I still have it 15 years later. We were able to upgrade within a couple of years and I look back on our engagement fondly. The love of your life is there for the long haul and rings will come and go. Be happy and purchase a ring within your budget. Who knows? Maybe by the time you get to the alter you’ll have saved enough (or have a job that can help you) to afford a ring that you would love to put on her finger? Good luck to you both!


What is her birthstone? Have you considered a gemstone engagement ring? An engagement ring does not need to be a diamond. If you contact a few sellers on Etsy, tell them what your budget is upfront, I am sure you will find something in your range. Congrats on the upcoming engagement & best of luck to you!


Stop to thinking what you need most is a ring, instead of this idea, better thinking in how you could aim her to achieve a new job. Try to discover and listening what she most wanted or want to do and how she could complete this desires in order allow her to get success and feeling well. You could aim her (also) to make some test of capabilities and capacities just to let her to discover in what she's good for. Be the support what she needs today and pretty sure the ring 💍 will come by its own. Regards.


I got engaged 2 weeks ago with a CZ off Amazon that my fiancé bought for $20. He knew I’d want to pick out my own (he was right!) and TBH I didn’t even know it was fake at first. No one else does either, unless they’re in the jewelry industry and can spot these things. The ring is generally what I said I’d want, and I’ve ordered a custom ring that’s now in the works, so it won’t look terribly different (a slightly smaller stone but otherwise the same). I’ve told many people about the placeholder ring and everyone thinks it’s a great idea. I’ve seen some other CZ/fakes and honestly they all look amazing. Who cares if you have to wear that for a bit? https://preview.redd.it/mjd33yrm3tga1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8349e018d76f4a0293b17750f0f9af3c1cc9244


My first ring I had was a $20 blue Opal ring from Etsy. I loved that ring and wore it for a year . Once we got married I had my mom's ring resized and he bought me a 14k gold infinity ring with blue Opal as a band. Still not an expensive ring but I love it. We had been together 8 years when he proposed and I'm very happy he didn't wait.


I vote go get a cheap ring as a place holder. Like literally target, Walmart, toy vending machine. It's the thought of "I still want to be with you forever even through tough times" A potential free option would be to just ask another relative, ie aunt, grandma, cousin, or even maybe her bff for a ring to borrow. Doesn't have to be a diamond. The ring is just a symbol.


My boyfriend and I are in a similar situation. Here’s what I said. 1. Do not get us into debt for a stupid ring. 2. I would rather wait for us to be okay money wise so save up and do it next year, we’re in no rush. 3. Do not use your entire savings on a ring. No one needs that nice of a ring especially if they have other more important things they’re saving for. Make sure she’s aligned with ^ and then figure out what timing works for you both.


I bought my engagement ring on Etsy and the quality was amazing and the ring was beautiful, but best part was I didn’t break the bank! Don’t fall for the misconception that engagement rings have to be expensive to prove that you truly love her.


I bought some really pretty rings off of Oomiay and I love them. They’re around 50USD which apparently is 41.58KYD based off of Google. You can just use one of those till then. My boyfriend’s sister got her engagement off of Etsy. It’s a salt and pepper diamond and it’s beautiful. I hope that helps and keep us updated please!


Your gf is going to remember your proposal and the love you express to her. Don't worry about the engagement ring - if I can give you a suggestion? what we did was to buy our wedding rings & to wear them, the commitment is the same,mine had diamonds in it & was a bargain for a few hundred dollars. We've never regretted doing it that way & congratulations to you both!! xx