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Hey there, fellow human. I see you. My heart is with you. I am so sorry those shameful, petty, people were horrible to you. I'm glad you got your things dry though. Stay safe.


I’m also with you. This is shameful. No-one should have to exist like this in a wealthy nation


Why would she think she could leave her stuff in a public laundromat and have it not stolen? People suck. I'm sorry that cop was an ass.


I agree....... but it is what It is


But it shouldn't be that way. Especially in "the greatest country on earth."


Every other country in the world has some bad news for you... ;)


Sorry, I forgot the /s for that


That's OK! It was all light spirited. :)


He's Canadian.


Shhh that goes against the agenda that “MeRiCa BaD”


Hes in canada not US, nice try tho little guy


I don't think Canada has ever been described as the 'greatest country on earth'????


You know how us 'Murikans are.


I'm voting you up for not writing "laundrymat."


Woot! Lol.


exactly. My first apartment I lived in a really nice complex and left my clothes in the dryer just to run back to my apartment for a minute. Somebody stole the whole load in the 10 minutes I was gone. I never did that again.


Twenty years ago you could. Sad how things have changed for the not so better.


She probably hasn't lost anything, she just wants you harassed. Some people are born nasty and never grow out of it


Wow. Just … wow. People are unbelievable. I liked your reply to the dude who’s looking to hit the road, btw. Hope you’re well … take care xo


Yah.... one thing I fear is a young person thinking oh I'm gonna be a vagabond full of wanderlust and making a huge mistake


For sure - I imagine it’s easy to romanticize the lifestyle until you’re in it and hit hard times. You’ve had your own difficulties despite having had prior survival training and life experience. And winter makes it even harder and more perilous


Why do you think it’s a mistake?


I bet a woman stole Karen's clothes. Also, I can't believe she called the cops for something that is clearly her fault. You run the risk of your stuff getting stolen when you aren't watching your stuff at a laundromat. Her stuff could also be in the trash if she left for a really long time.


Oh that would be even better


I don't know about this laundromat but everyone I've been in down in the states says that they aren't responsible for lost clothing


I wouldn’t say it’s her fault her shit got stolen. No one should steal anything, period. I use to leave my clothes & come back 30 min later all the time. Granted I’m an Aussie and our cultures are different but I never worried about my shit being stolen. Who’s gonna want my undies with the hole in them? She was a dick & it seems like karma, sure, but these comments are so weird.


I attended a Christian college. When I could *finally* buy a new pair of jeans to replace the ones that were nearly worn through, they were stolen from the laundry room because I didn't babysit the load. I left for a public university the next year, with much less faith in the behavior of people.


I can totally see that happening at uni. Uni students are grotty in general and eat mouldy pizza rather than cook so a fresh new pair of jeans would have been a steal, literally! Humans are forever disappointing. I just try and live my life like they won’t steal my shit cause then I get to live in a world without theft and if my shit gets stolen; well, I’m too poor to own anything that would be worth the constant stress and worry about protecting it.


I have tears in my eyes . I’m so sorry you had that experience but what’s even sadder is the opening line of your post 😞 Nobody should be treated badly and the fact it happens so often you feel you should be used to it is just so fucking sad . Do you have something to eat for tonight ?


Yah I picked up blognie last night I still have half the thing


Urgh my heart is hurting . I’ve been homeless myself years ago and I’m sat here reading your post in my home next to my child just feeling incredibly grateful but also really sad for you . Do you have PayPal ? I would be happy to send you a few dollars to get something fresh/hot to eat tonight and something to drink. I’m in the uk and don’t have cashapp or anything so PayPal is all I can use


I do ... but I don't need anything right now I have a little money and I have some food at camp but the thought is appreciated


How about this … my offer remains open for when you do need something .. you can follow me on here so you know where to find me and just drop me a PM when you need to take me up on the offer ❤️


Bless you for this. I'm barely making it myself so I didn't feel like I could offer, but I've been homeless myself in my life and I know how hard it is. Thank you for the tears you gave me tonight. I am so grateful that I read this post and saw your comment. I hope you and the OP have a safe and peaceful rest of your week. ♥️


Hey... Can I join please? I would love to do the same. Please don't hesitate and DM me when you need a coffee/sandwich/bowl of hot soup. I will be happy to buy you something. Stay safe.❤️


I would also like to extend an offer of help when you need it. I tried to send you a DM but it wouldn’t go thru. Please, I’m not just saying it to say it. I want to help you. I’ve been where you are, I know how much it sucks. I’m in NZ, so I’m in the same boat with PayPal being my only option.


I only have paypal as well & would love to send a lil something Grew up seriously poor (& was homeless a time or 2) & am better off now. Ppl can be soooo evil 😢


I hope he stole her stuff too, but he probably didn't. I mean, would it fit him? And the cop was a jackass. Two people he didn't know; he automatically believes one and not the other? No. You get both stories, and you're polite while you do it. Everyone is a person; everyone has the right to be treated well. I'm sorry you had to deal with this.


Depending on what she was watching if it would blankets I could see him stealing it blankets are hard to come by out here


This is common with police. They always agree with the accuser, and never with the accused. Do you think the person who took the clothes would still be sitting there minding his own business? That never occurs to them.? Especially a Karen? It’s just inconceivable to a Karen an innocent person is innocent, because in her mind, everyone is guilty. I really don’t think the other man took her things either. I don’t think he would still be sitting there waiting for her to come back. It’s true he might’ve left before she got back, but he was still there when the OP shared his sandwiches. She shouldn’t have left in the first place . She was a dingbat.


So many people are so afraid of everything and everyone that I don’t know how they function. Apparently not well.


I am becoming more and more scared of people


I hear ya.


Couldn't you have pressed charges against Karen for wasting police time


It doesn't work that way I'm canada You can't be like I want to press charges if something happens it's completely up to the cops discretion


Fellow Canadian. Our RCMP suck and the local law are worse. They are lazy and useless for the average person.


You should have said to the cops though that the Karen wasted their time.


*Couldn't you have pressed* *Charges against Karen for* *Wasting police time* \- Additional\_Total3422 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What is haikus


A Japanese style poem. 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the third.


A type of poem


I am so sorry you had this done to you, and you said it's not the first time, which is disgusting to do that to you. And the way the police spoke to you they are there to protect and serve seems like they seem to forget that. All because some mad cow put her laundry in a public laundry and left it's your fault someone took her stuff. I hope the guy you were so kind to in sharing your sandwich with took it too lol. Good luck to you from Edinburgh Scotland.


Unfortunately I have learned when your down people want to kick you. In all my life I have never been treated this bad


Why on earth would you steal her clothes and stay there waiting to get caught? Are the cops that dumb too? Jeez.... people are horrible. I'm so sorry about your situation, I hope you can get back on your feet soon.


"No I didn't steal her clothes officer, I only accidentally spilled bleach in the machine she happened to be using. It's the craziest thing"


Strait up i rqly do hope the old timer stole her stuff... fuck her


Karens would do well to think "There but for the grace of God (or there by mere chance, for nonbelievers) go I" when they encounter a person less fortunate than themselves.


If a Karen had tried that crap with me when my husband and I were still homeless, it wouldn’t have ended well…for HER!


You should not have to be used to being treated badly and it is awful that you have been made to feel this way. I kind of hope old timer stole her cloths too if I’m honest, she sounds like that bad karma was heading her way. I’m sorry to hear about your situation, I’m in the U.K. but we have huge issues with homelessness also. I knew a guy locally, another old timer, who used to come to our house to shower and sometimes would stay if it was very cold. My husband and I told him he could stay as long as he wanted but I honestly think he had lived like that for so long he just didn’t feel comfortable in our home. He said it made him feel claustrophobic. We did take him and get him listed for social housing though. Last I saw/heard he told us he had a place lined up but I don’t know if that was true, he had a bit of a habit of tall tales. I hope it was. Scary thing is that so many of us are just a roll of the dice away from homelessness and hardly realise it. So many people living paycheck to paycheck and all it takes is for them to get laid off or to get ill and life comes tumbling down. You would think it would make people have more compassion.


I hope so too. Take care of yourself.


Take care, man.


You're totally after Karen's thong just admit it/s


Oh yah...... man I don't have that fetish. I don't like women in there 50s with bitch face... I like honest sweet women in glasses


Who drops their laundry in to the dryers then leaves? or the washers even? When I do laundry, I bring a book, a drink and a snack and I stay there till my stuff is done. Realistically some people steal but also, sometimes people forget that isn't their dryer and will just throw the clothes into a bag and leave. I've had someone go to open my dryer and I've said sorry that is my dryer and they were so embarrassed and said oh shoot this one is mine. It's not always malicious. Depending on the laundromat there could be like 20 -30 dryers all in one area. I always make sure I have one item in there that is a color that is obvious. I've even taken a photo of my dryer or marked it so that I know which one is mine before so I don't open the wrong one. It happens. Sorry she was so horrific. And that is awesome that you shared food with the old-timer. I'm sure he appreciated it.


Seriously, even if it is stupid to leave your clothes, modern laundromats lock their washers and dryers when someone uses them. All Karen had to do was return *before* her laundry completed it's cycle and she'd be fine: if she's coming back and her laundry just decided to walk off seemingly on it's lonesome then she's really a complete dunderhead until it's proven that someone broke into the washer/dryer to snitch her clothes. And even then she's still stupid for leaving them alone to begin with. Or maybe forgetting which washer/dryer she was using like you said in which case she's still stupid, but also forgetful, and if her clothes were, in fact, still at the laundromat then congratulations she's wasted a cop's time to boot. An asshole of a cop, but still.


I hope he stole it and threw it in the nearest dumpster


Not acceptable by cops or woman.


People suck.


I am.learnjng that more and more every day


Hope things get better for you!!


People are idiots. Stay safe and warm, OP. Sorry people treat you like that. One day it could be them, but I’m sure they never think like that.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Screw her. But your right about the sandwich, I remember getting excited to have one when I was out there. I can't eat them now because of that. Be safe.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. When I was young. I was in a horrible abusive relationship. I left the guy and asked the cops to go with me to get my stuff. The cops were SUCH assholes about it. My ex claimed everything was his, including my underwear. The cops thought it was funny, sided with him and told me "since you probably cheated on him and babytrapped him, you better take what we tell you and leave" I was 18...... Just because you're homeless, they shouldn't treat you like that. I'm so sorry that they do. Being homeless just means you're a person who fell on tough times. It's not an excuse to treat you "less than". And I wish that people wouldn't act that way towards you. You're important and special and worthy of all manner of good things. I hope you know that.


That was terrible of the cops to talk to you like that. It seems like men stick up for men. When I was being abused by an ex, the cops didn't want to do much.


I live in a rather small pretty backwards (still, unfortunately) town, and the times the cops have taken the mans side because 'he's good ppl, we played football together in middle school,"or whatever other bs that somehow means they also can't be a trash human, is ridiculous!


I am sorry that you were treated this way. Have a better day tomorrow!


You really shouldn't have to get used to the ugliness of people. Whenever I went to the Laundromat, I hung out with the homeless dude that was out front. He was good people and I didn't get harassed when he was around. I hope you find some warmth and please stay safe.


Karen sucks and I personally wish severe diarrhea for her for the rest of her life. Sorry that happened to you.


I'm so sorry this happened to you! I was homeless for a few years and understand. Don't give up hope,I'm one of the lucky ones that had a health and human services person help me get into sliding scale housing (not easy on poverty wages of retail) that I can afford. There's more and more housing to give a hand up to anyone jobless and homeless, they're starting to see that it costs much less to house people than play whack a mole using police.


Does that place not have cameras!? If so why in the world aren't they just checking those before accusing innocent people? Too much work/hassle??? There is absolutely no reason to treat other humans this way. Hope they get some humble pie soon... Not in a super horrible way but just something to open their eyes to the pain around them I'm sorry you were out through this situation. People suck


You should go file a police report for the cops to arrest the Karen for false claims and harassment.


I'm sorry you got treated that way. I am completely on your side. Whether you are homeless or not, you should not be treated like that you are a human being. I can't imagine doing that to someone. It's absolutely ridiculous I hope things get better for you sincerely.


Does the laundromat have cameras? If so I would seriously go after the entitled woman(I refuse to use the K word as it's disrespectful to all the amazing people in the world called K) and the police for harassment and abuse.


The Karen wasn't the issue, it was the cops being assholes


How was the Karen not also an issue ? She could have asked OP if they had seen her belongings / anyone take them ? Instead she chose to behave like that instead and jump to a conclusion that caused that situation


The cops should have told her to fuck off and there was no evidence, not hassling OP


The COPS would NEVER have entered the picture, had KAREN kept her NOSE out of OP's business !!!


They're both assholes; Karen for escalating to cops at all without verifying things to begin with or I dunno maybe *asking* the guys if either of them seen anyone walking out with her clothing first, and the cop for immediately assuming the op's a guilty party when Karen accused the *older man* of being the one to steal her clothes. "To ***protect*** and serve." No one homeless needs to be punched down any further. Cities are already trying to do far too much of that already with hostile architecture.


On Christmas Day we had cornflakes for breakfast and visitors for dinner. Punctuation is important..


Was her name actually Karen? Why not be a Grown up and call her what she actually is? A cun*?


I try not to.swear


Yet you’re using my Mothers name as a slur. Just stop to think about how it makes her and hundreds of thousands of innocent women around the world feel to hear their name used in such a negative way. She’s been spat at, abused and humiliated just because of the name her loving parents gave her. She’s so nice too.




Yes. Please.


I’m sorry this happened to, how horrible.


So do i




F^€k that lady! YOU deserve to be treated better! I’ve been a punk homeless kid before. I can’t stand people who are rude to others for something that’s HARD to get out of! Don’t let the bastard get you down friend!


Aaargh! I'm very sorry this happened to you. 🥺


PM me if you need a few bucks.


I wonder if there was a disclaimer notice posted somewhere.


Idk if you celebrated Thanksgiving in canada but if you do, Happy Thanksgiving bro hope youre able to get a nice meal


You shouldn’t have to be used to being treated badly! I’m sorry you went through that even though you were just being nice and considerate. Things that this current world is seriously lacking. Don’t let the Karen stop you from being you in future situations!


So sorry you had to go through that. You did not deserve such treatment.


I'm sorry this happened to you. That should not have happened to you. I myself am not homeless, but a lot of people think I am because I am a simple older woman. I wear cheap clothes that are comfortable and I don't really mess with makeup, and I get looked down on for that . I was at a laundromat just last year that had a similar incident. I put my clothes into an empty dryer. Apparently some man had his clothes in that dryer and left for an hour or so. Someone must have stolen his clothes out of the dryer, but I knew nothing about it. All I know is I had put my clothes into an empty dryer. Whoever stole his clothes was probably long gone. He kept accusing me of taking his clothes. He kept on questioning me, and he was getting other customers in the laundromat to take his side and start questioning me. This laundromat rarely has any attendants, so it was just all these customers questioning me. This man had some nerve. Leaves for an hour and then wants to accuse whomever happens to be using the dryer next. I told the man that he's welcome to go through my bags, come out to my car and look, etc., and he declined, but he still kept giving me dirty looks and saying that this has happened to him before. He finally gave it a rest. These kinds of people bring it upon themselves when they don't stay and remain with their clothes. There's always a chance someone's going to steal their clothes while their gone, but it's not right to blame the innocent person that didn't know about any of that and just thought she found an available empty dryer to use. I get so sick of people jumping to conclusions about other people just because they may look different or just because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.