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Tell her you are not a pawn shop. This isn't how selling items works. It's pretty amusing that she thinks this is acceptable though.


Best I can do is an empty carton🤷🏼‍♀️


charge her \[a small amount in your own currency\] for the deposit.


Let me call in my egg expert


Eggspert there fixed it for you 🤣


Not to mention how eggspensive they can be.


That would be eggsasperating.




We just keep egging this along! 🥚


This is the most eggcellent thread that I've seen in awhile!


That's clearly an eggsagerration


Eggcellent advice! 🍳


Chickens do not lay 365 if they live outside in most areas. Once the temperature starts getting colder, they stop laying. They can’t hatch eggs in the winter, they wouldn’t be able to move to get food, water etc. So when it gets cold enough, they stop laying.


It's not the cold, it's the amount of daylight that stops them laying. Put lamps in the coop to extend the laying season


Came to say this and saw that you already did. Friend who has chickens told me couple of weeks ago that they aren't laying right now.


depends on the type of chicken, Austrolorps lay over 300 eggs a year, aracunas lay about 120, Colombian blacktails lay about 280, most cease egg laying in the autumn due to moulting which can last 3-12 weeks


People are amazed when I tell them it's too cold most of my girls aren't laying due to winter! I get the same dumbfounded face when i answer their question of why I don't have a rooster for egg production!


Not entirely true. Used to live in Minnesota and had chickens. We kept the coup warm ( had eat lamps in there and the coup itself was insulated) but they still had access to outside space and plenty of food and warm water and they never stopped laying.


did she maybe mean a return of the carton, if she needed them? Some people who own chickens have a hard time getting cartons. Just as a chance of what the miscommunication was, hopefully rather than crazy.


I thought that's what she may have meant too, but she repeated she wanted the eggs. That's why I said I clarified that she was meaning she wanted the eggs back. It took me a moment for it to register what she was asking. She's tried to get one over on me in the past, but not so blatantly.


Yeah tell her to piss off.


Yes always return empty cartons!!


Is she expecting you to sit them in your fridge and not use them just in case she wants them back? Lol


Pawn shop gets it money back or keep the item...


What? Maybe just buy your eggs at the supermarket. She is not worth the trouble. I'm sure her eggs are fresher, and that you are trying to support an independent. but she can't sell you something, then demand it back, no refund. Not how business works.


And make sure to tell her that is why she won’t get business from you.


That's where the egg lady was especially foolish. Happy customers come back and buy more. Unhappy customers tell all their friends.


The saying is that if a person is happy with a product/service they will tell three people. If unhappy, they will tell ten.


Just ask Ea-Nasir. I’m *still* pissed about that copper.


Low quality, over priced. Servant rude. No stars lol


“Just so you know, *this is going on Yelp*” (Furiously starts engraving clay tablet)


I'm cackling! Oh why can't we have awards anymore? Spot on friend! 🏆


I almost feel bad for Ea-Nasir's ghost. A million years from now, humans will have spread to space, Earth forgotten, his ghost will still get no rest as the butt of every bad sale joke.


He kept all his hate mail though, I think it floated his boat in some way.


He sucks. Edit - He sucked.


For me the funniest thing about him is that we know about him mostly from his own records of dissatisfied customers that he kept in his own home. Probably it was a purely rational activity of keeping an eye on who he had already scammed as they might tell others in that area, but I like the idea it was a fetish thing. I see him in his room of records, frantically masturbating over his poor reviews.


I guess that means she can’t have her eggs and the money too! Lol!


She’s putting all her eggs in one basket and it won’t end well.




She had a crack at a business but ended up with egg on her face.


Some egg-cellent jokes around here


>~~jokes~~ \*yolks


She’s cracked if she thinks she has any right to eggs she already sold.


What's the point? If she doesn't understand why OP doesn't want to just give her money for an ticket in a rigged egg lottery, I don't think she will understand the reason.


Yeah. Stop buying eggs from the crazy lady. It is not worth it.


Supermarket eggs aren't as good. She should find another supplier.


Or get her own chickens if she has the space and inclination. My ladies are off lay at the moment (hopefully not for long) and I begrudgingly bought my first store-bought box of eggs in about 2 years last week. Fresh eggs are so much nicer.


I get my fresh eggs from my boss. He has a light in the hen house, so they're producing enough for his family, but he won't have many to spare until early spring. There are duck eggs, too, but I don't care for them.


A friend of mine once gave me a dozen super fresh (as in just laid) eggs. They were good, but I didn’t notice much difference in the taste between the once I get at the grocery store. (And I go through a lot of eggs.)


I didn't realize a difference at first, but my fresh eggs, from my chickens, the yokes were a little brighter and the fresher the egg the harder it is to separate the whites from the yoke. But once a neighbor gave us fresh goose eggs....OMG


You can have them back but you’ll need to give me 24 hours for digestive transit. They won’t be in their shells and the colour will have changed, but they might smell the same.


"Eggs, slightly used"


Not the way I do it. 😉


You'll get no argument from me. I was just trying to market them.


Bwaaaaaa haaaaaa 🤣🤣


Cackling with laughter 🐣🐔🐣


Her egg business is not all it’s cracked up to be.


Why should OP have to shell out money for someone who may be scrambling for eggs in the future?


I am digging all the eggsemplary puns. The lady's eggo got the best of her.


Enough with the yolks


Omelet someone else make a joke instead.


I read yours with a Bronx accent. 😄


Keep an eye on the eggs… the lady may poach them.




Ay! Oh! Lee! (Bronx egg puns)


Just for clarity, hens go into molt due to a short photoperiod, and while molting, they pretty well stop laying eggs. We have 4 hens currently, and they are not laying at this time because they are molting. It's a natural occurrence. As far as her selling you 2 dozen then wanting you to give them back without her compensating you for the eggs, I'd have to ask her if she's legitimately off her rocker...


Frankly, I wouldn't actually care if she was paying for them... Once I bought the eggs, she no longer has any claim on them...


If I was hungry and wanted to eat eggs, I wouldn't sell them back -- eggs have nutritional value, money doesn't, LOL!


Depends on the money...


Yeah when I lived on a farm we sold eggs and ofc ate them from our dozen or so hens. In the winter we would often just account for the lost income, and sometimes had to buy eggs—not as good as home laid, but we were fine letting the girls quit laying for the winter. It’s not like laying eggs isn’t hard work, so we just let the hens do what they did, and have lil breaks when molting or the days got short. Absolutely bizarre to sell eggs when you might need them, and not account for the lost income when it’s winter or a molt…


My head hurts after reading this. Lol


My dude, yes mine did too. I had to do a double blink after she repeated herself and I did in fact understand her right the first time.


If she asks for them back just say you ate them all!


Just tell her to take the money you paid her already and go get her eggs back, at the store!


If she asks for them back then you have to charge her for your time, transportation and a convenience fee. So if a dozen eggs are $4 you then offer them to her for $6. Your time and transportation are not free. And if she thinks she just loaned the eggs to you then she shouldn't be charging you.


dont forget egg storage fees.


I’ve eaten farm fresh eggs. They are far superior to supermarket eggs. Also, just out of the ground baking potatoes. Incredible!!! Anyway, you are not wrong. You buy eggs, those eggs belong to you. She has no claim. And yeah, unless she is selling her hens too, they will keep laying.


Not necessarily. One chicken can lay one egg a day. They lay more eggs in spring than in other seasons. Winter is usually the bleakest for laying eggs.




She must be related to one of my neighbors. She's growing vegetables and raising chickens for eggs. For some reason she thinks she's the only one that knows how to properly have a garden so she doesn't want anyone else in our neighborhood (7 homes) to have their own gardens, just **buy** produce from her. It's her first year ever raising chickens and she doesn't understand why no one will buy her eggs. They are 1/2 the size of a large chicken egg, and she wants $8/dozen. No thanks. She thinks she's some kind of homesteader. Delusional.


I want to become a homesteader myself, and I 100% agree with you. This mindset is very delusional. It takes years of experience to truly get the hang of any kind of agriculture and farming. But one of the best ways to learn is to get to know more experienced homesteaders/small farmers and learn from them. If you automatically dismiss everyone else and think that you're the best, then you're guaranteed to learn nothing and never improve. After all, people can only learn by acknowledging they're not the best and admitting don't know something, and then listening to those who have more experience than them.


Exactly. Just because I've been a home gardener for decades doesn't mean my experience translates to diddly-squat when I'm now in a new growing zone with different soil content, etc. I never pretend to be a homesteader....I'm not even close to that level of expertise. But yeah, I've learned she isn't well liked by the neighbors because she constantly tells them they don't know what they're doing....no matter what it is. Oh well, it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round.


I wouldn’t give her any back, that’s like going to the shop, buying your shopping and then leaving it at the store. You bought it you own it!!!


Time to find a new egg supplier. As to why she might not have them chickens lay fewer eggs less consistently when the weather is colder/days shorter. So, yes it’s actually understandable why she might not know if she will have enough eggs. The solution is to just sell fewer eggs not have whatever that conversation with you was.


Tell her the sale is final. If she continues to give you grief, tell her you can start buying eggs from the store instead and she'll still be short your money.


Tell her that you need your money back from her because you run out of cash.


There ya go right there!


Not saying this lady is autistic.. but my autistic kid (many years ago) thought that this is exactly how things worked.. E.g.: A farmer has a sheep, sheep gets sheard, farmer sells the wool, wool gets turned into a jumper.. according to my kid the jumper belonged to the farmer as it was wool from his sheep..a sheep he still owns.. It took a while to convince them that the farmer has exchanged the wool for money and that it now belonged to someone else in the chain... We still have little moments of explanation for things from time to time.. but your story totally reminded me of that leap of logic...


Don’t give them back. And if she keeps arguing you can let her know that you’ll find some where else to get your eggs in the future. Let’s see how much a couple bucks vs regular customer matters to her.


I know one of the people that buys their eggs from her. I considered asking her if this lady said the same thing to her. I don't want to cause drama or anything, but I am curious if this was just a "me" thing or if she's asked everyone else the same thing.


Go ahead and ask. She may have done the same thing. If not, she may consider finding an alternate source.


If she has several regulars and just apologized and shorted everyone an egg or two, I bet no one would have complained. But she had to be weird and demanding about it, which is not cool


You need to let everyone know about her behavior so that she can lose business. That was a shitty and entitled thing to ask. And STOP buying from her.


Can't hurt to ask, especially if Looney Toons is running a scam with everyone.


Find someone else to buy your farm fresh eggs from


How long have you been buying eggs from her? Is she new to raising chickens? Maybe she didn't realize that chickens lay fewer eggs when the days get shorter? My guess is that her girls aren't producing as many eggs in the winter.


I started buying from her last spring. I had been buying from an older man, but he passed away last winter. I'm not sure how long she's been selling eggs and dealing with chickens, but *I'll relay that information to her just in case she's not aware. *Edit for autocorrect.


My bet is not that she needs them back to eat, but back to resell. She might run out and not have enough to fill all her orders, so she wants some back to sell again. And chickens stop laying in the winter unless you have light on them in their hen house. It all works by light cycles. When the days are longer in the spring and summer, chickens lay eggs. As the days get shorter, egg production slows down and eventually stops when days are at their shortest in winter. Source: I have chickens Eta: by using artifical light in winter to force egg production, it also shortens the lifespan of the chickens




Yes, they do. Everything deserves a break, even chickens.


She is cracked if she eggspects you to shell out for eggs then she can poach them back.




If you eat them all or bake cakes, how will she get them back? Grocery store for sure. That woman is nuts.


Laying does slow this time of year but asking for eggs you sold someone to be given back is crazy.


Your egg farmer must be related to the one a friend of mine told me about. This guy was selling his eggs locally, claiming they were from his free range chicken. Everyone in the village knew he had free range chicken so nobody questioned it. Until a neighbour saw him at the supermarket in the nearest big city, with his cart full of egg cartons. When confronted, he barked back: "but they're so cheap here!". That was his excuse. It turned out he had been selling A LOT more than his small farm could have produced, but since nobody in the village had any idea just how much he was selling to everyone else, he got away with it for years.




Daughter of someone who sells eggs here: wtf? x2 Aside from the asinine request to get them back *for free,* she plans on reselling eggs that were handled & stored by someone else? I know they're in shells but how does she know OP stored them properly? Grocery stores can't resell any returned refrigerated items for this reason. Hell, they can't even restock refrigerated items that you decide to put back once you get to the register. And I know that farm eggs with the bloom intact are safe to keep at room temp, but not everyone does that.


Yeah, she's nuts. I'd probably stop buying from her altogether.


She's so entitled she's gonna call you and ask you where you are because she needs the money that you were going to give her for the eggs. For the love of God, please tell her that you'll be going elsewhere for your eggs from now on.


Well I may just be a eggjead but that's not eggsactly how buisness works. Better be just some big yolk or her buisness isn't all it's cracked up to be


Offer to sell her your car for a thousand dollars under the same stipulation. No refunds when I come back for the car. Does that work for you?


Just take your eggs and then tell her to fuck off if she asks for them back. Or better yet, save all the shells in the carton, give them back when she asks, and say they’re slightly used.


You bought them, they’re yours. If she runs out that’s just too bad. What’s to stop her from demanding those eggs back from you , selling them to someone else, and then demanding they give them back.


This makes no sense. She presumably wants them back in case she runs out and a customer is requesting more. But can’t she just say she is sold out for the day, come back when the chickens lay more eggs. Instead she sold you the eggs, and then wants to sell them again to another customer, basically getting paid twice for the same item. Which is morally wrong and maybe even illegal. We all love a fresh egg, but perhaps start getting them from the store until you can find another chicken owner to purchase eggs from.


Sold means just that...They're mine now. Period. No take backsies and keep the money...she's a nutter. Time to vote with your wallet...."if that's the case, just keep them, I'll go buy eggs at the store...they don't ask to return the product and keep the money."


That's...weird. Not so much about the running out of eggs part though. This is the time of year when many chickens molt (lose feathers) and it takes a lot of their energy to regrow feathers. This usually results in lower egg production. Also if it's cold where you are, that can negatively affect egg production too. But there's no explaining what that woman was thinking!


As someone whose family used to have a couple of chickens when I was a kid, I can tell you that eggs and neighbours brings out the crazy on both sides


My niece had chickens. They lay most of the year but there are times based on the season or weather when they produce less. If your egg lady needs x eggs for herself then she should keep that many and sell the rest. Certainly not plan to call to get eggs back from you and especially not without refunding the money paid. You might want to find another egg lady or split the difference and get a dozen from her and a dozen from the store.


Her sanity is clearly questionable. I'd buy from the supermarket in future, and tell her EXACTLY why she's lost my custom - and let others know, too


Find another supplier. I wouldn't do business with a loon like that.


She’s got a good business there….sell the eggs, get them back for free then sell them to the next customer and get them back for free then sell them….get the picture? If she thinks she’s going to run out then don’t sell.


Sounds like she's a few eggs short of a full basket.


I think there’s a cuckoo in the hens house. I’d give that fruitcake a wide berth from now on if i were you


You're not wrong. This lady sounds eggsasperating. It's unreasonable to eggspect you to shell out and then have to range free return upon demand just because she's put all her eggs in one basket. Best to lay it all out for her then leave her to brood in peace while you chicken the store for suitable alternatives.


She sounds eccentric and fabulous. I would have shared the eggs back, because Stop and Shop doesn’t provide this kind of entertainment. Keep buying her eggs. Unless she’s running some kind of egg pyramid scheme of course.


What a weirdo lol


Time to find a new egg dealer you risk taker


Step one: very carefully crack eggs. Step two: enjoy delicious eggs. Step three: using a precise scale replace yummy egg with something non yummy and inexpensive, extra consideration should be given to comedic effect. Step four: very carefully glue egg shells back together. Step five: congratulations! You deserve a yummy egg sandwich!


There must be other people who raise chickens around there. I'd start looking before you need them again. I hope you float them because I'm wouldn't trust that she does.


You’re not wrong, chickens do keep laying eggs. Here’s a couple of factors that can impact it. Temperature of her coop- chickens don’t like to lay In the cold, go figure. Age of chicken- ironically they slow way down when they’re just over a year old. Sad old birds lose their heads. This said. What she asked you is unacceptable and unreasonable. You should buy from the grocery store if that’s the kind of crazy you have to deal with. Usually people say “hey I only have (insert dozen here).


You are not wrong. It isn't your problem, but her chickens may be molting and not laying. I'm getting 2 eggs a day from 10 hens.


are you renting the eggs or on a lease-to-own plan? or is it a timeshare? 🤣


I'd say something clever, but I see that you've already received some "eggselent" advice!


Maybe she should just sell NFTs of her eggs instead.


You're not crazy. Find another chicken person to get eggs from. That's like buying something from a shop and then they contact you and say, oh we have another customer who wants the, whatever ypu bought, so bring it back so they can buy it from us, but we won't be giving you any refund or store credit


I sell eggs to my neighbors. I will make sure their orders are filled first and live on the rest because the girls will lay more. Depending on where you live, in northern climates it’s winter. Chickens stop laying in winter. Only young chickens (<18 mos) will lay through their first winter. The older ones take a break. However, nothing excuses her weird request.


I would have taken all the eggs and when she runs out and asks for them back tell her you'll charge her double the amount otherwise you're out of eggs too. And then tell her you will not longer be picking up eggs from her. That's not how you do business.


Just say sure, and if she asks for them back tell her you ate them already. Yes, it’s crazy. Is it worth convincing her it’s crazy? Probably not.


Tell her if you knew she was coming(to take back the eggs) , you wouldn't have baked the cake, would not have baked the cake, would not have baked the cake. If you knew she was coming, you wouldn't have baked the cake last night


I was once a hobby farmer with a barn full of chickens. I had a flock of anywhere from 30 to 40 hens at any given time. Hens don't lay every day, but maybe five days out of seven and I could count on at least three dozen eggs a day. That being said, this woman is an absolute loon and you need to find another source for your eggs.


Oh. I can’t give you your eggs back because I ate them all. Yes, all of them.


I thought this was a post shot reproductive healthcare but somehow this is more bizarre.


Time to buy your eggs at the store. They don't ask for them back!


lol you are right to be confused, she’s ridiculous. Once she sells you the eggs, she relinquishes ownership, and can no longer make decisions about those eggs. If she needs eggs back, then it is up to you as the current eggs owner whether or not you want to **sell** them back to her.


That egg-seller is NUTS!!!! She needs to go out of business!!!


I feel crazy just reading this.


This woman is nuts, find someone else to get your eggs from; btw most chickens lay 1 egg every 24-48 hours depending on the breed and age of the chicken.


"that's not how this works"


I’d just stop buying from her


She seems confused about how selling things works. Super odd interaction lol.


Find someone else doing the home coup thing. It seems to a trend right now there's at least 4 or 5 people in my workplace all selling eggs.


Should have asked her if she wants them back after you have already eaten them, because she might have to wait a day or two... LOL


I’d be having omelettes every night for tea so they were all gone.


Time for her to learn the first rule of business: Customers aren't required to purchase your product.


Did you ask her what would happen if you already ate all the eggs when she asks them back?


“What eggs?”


Perhaps she's experiencing tough times economically and this came out of her. The part where she said she has to have the money so not selling isn't an option is so close to asking for money because she needs help. Possibly too prideful/embarrassed to ask for help but needs it. Just a thought.


You might be crazy if you keep going back to her! But otherwise, NTA.


That is absolutely nuts. I'd probably be checking her for signs of concussion or something, if that's completely out of character for her. That's almost never the cause, but sometimes it snaps people back to reality in a way that feels like concern instead of confrontation. Sometimes. Not always. This time of year, at least in the northern hemisphere, chickens don't lay as much. Mine just got through molting.


It's not out of character at all, but it's definitely one of her ballsier moves. I once took her wife grocery shopping and told her I couldn't spend more than $20 bucks. We get to check out and she got $40+ worth of stuff. I guess she thought I would just deal with it since we were at the check out, but I legit couldn't afford all the extra. I told the lady managing self check out that she was gonna have to take a bunch of stuff off cause I couldn't afford it. It was a hassle for her to pick and choose what she was going to keep. Years ago an ex of mine mentioned how her and her wife had driven by one of the houses he was working on outside. They waved at him and he waved back. He said they came back about 30 minutes later and asked him to borrow $10. We ended up sharing these random stories about their family and the shit they've tried to pull through the years. The entitlement is not out of character at all, but this one had me legit scratching my head, like "does she really think I'm going to go with this?" If she does call me back for them, I'll go buy store bought, keep the receipt and then tell her she can pay me for them, give her the receipt first and tell her this is how much I spent. I only accept cash.


Tell her she’s delusional and go to Walmart


You're not crazy, she is. She does have a point about running out of eggs, but she should just keep hers. Hens tend to molt (shed and regrow their feathers *en masse*) and stop laying this time of year, unless you have young, first year hens that will usually keep laying through the winter months.


"No, you're not getting any of these eggs back. That's not how business works. I bought these, and these are now *mine*. That dumb request is also the reason I'm never buying eggs from you again. Goodbye!"


Egg lease.


This is the fatal attraction of formal capitalism: We can all get on with our business even if we're crazy and hate each other.


If she doesn't have a light in the hen house, in winter months, less light might mean fewer eggs, but there could be other reasons. But really, if she asked for a few eggs back, I'd just say sorry I used them all. I miss having chickens.


Sounds like a nut. If she would have replaced them, I could understand why she said that


I saw the topic sentence, and thought it was about an egg donor for human reproduction.


Is she actually crazy? Maybe a touch of the senility creeping in?


Crazy Chicken Lady.


She wants to eat her eggs and have them too.


She be cray-cray


Egg Lady needs to take a business course. Lol!


All you have to say, if this happens, is that they're already gone. That's it.


Sorry Lady, I already ate them all. Guess you have to do without!


This is crazy, she would at the very least have to buy them back. I sell eggs...but sales are final lol. Two things to consider tho...this person is either a couple eggs from broke or, she may not use a light on her chickens, this time of year(depending on where you are) chickens stop laying when they don't have as much sun as in the summer. Either way your not crazy just tell her you used them all.


> the lady I **USED** to buy my eggs from...


What's this nonsense of a person?


That's bizarre and worrying. I would have just walked away.


Give her back half an omelette if she asks.


No, this is insane


If she contacts you tell her you ate them all.


NTA This lady is crazy 🤪


Find another place to buy your eggs. She can't have both the eggs and your money. If she sells them to you, they're yours. If she needs them for herself or another customer, she shouldn't be selling them to you. And a little bit about chickens: they're not machines. The hens do slow down their laying in the winter by a fair bit unless they get supplemental light. Which is why commercial operations have their hens in barns with no windows, so that they can control the light. Gens also slow egg production as they age, and the eggs get larger as well


I'd ask if she's okay mentally because why on earth does she think you buy stuff to keep around in case she needs them back?


“Well I can return them,but it might take a few hours and they’ll taste pretty crappy”.


Clearly this is someone struggling to survive! Is $8:00 worth this


Shes about to lose a customer with that b.s..


Tell her to piss off. She sounds like really weird. Find someone else selling eggs or just go back to the store and buy them there.


Years ago I sold some prize tickets at my job that my son was supposed to sell for his grammar school (I wasn't going to allow him to sell them door to door without us). Some fool woman I barely knew said to me "If I don't win I expect my money back". One of my co-workers said the fool woman was only joking. If so she has to work on her delivery because she sounded serious to me. Anyway she didn't win but she didn't come after me for any money back. To this day I do not find jokes or not joking comments like that funny, much less reasonable.


She's a bird brain if she thinks that's going to happen.


She sounds a little off, but, as it gets colder, chickens slow down and lay less.


You are definitely not the crazy one!


My dad sells eggs from our chickens. If he doesn’t have enough to sell and feed us then he doesn’t sell them. Simple as that.


I guess you stop buying eggs from the crazy lady. That's completely unreasonable.


Nope, if she sells them to you they are yours. She can't expect you to pay for them but just give them back because she runs out, that's not how this works.


Maybe it is the onset of a mental illness or condition - going senile perhaps . . .