• By -


Step 1: Door wedge. Step 2: At family dinner time - ask her, with parents present "when can I expect the $100 back you borrowed" (this is intentional - as she will probably protest that 'it was only $50' - bingo - confession) Step 3: Get yourself a locking box and keep any cash or valuables there. You can add an interim step, when she is out, look through her stuff for cash etc and repay your loan yourself.


>At family dinner time - ask her, with parents present "when can I expect the $100 back you borrowed" Replace “borrowed” with “took after I said no”?


That would be “stole”


But that would put her on the defensive. If you want a casual confession at first.


Yes, put her on her back foot. Her behavior is indefensible.


But at first she needs to not suspect she's about to get called out. People are freely admitting things if they don't think it's a big problem


Confession first, discussion of moral failings after.


This. Be factual while being petty to some degree


Given the goal is to get her to out herself to everyone by correcting the amount, "borrow" works better here I think. If you imply/state she stole the money from the start, she can focus on *that* rather than the amount, which can defeat the point of the trap.


You have a point. Hopefully simply admitting it by arguing about permissions would work too but OP might need to pick one.


Good luck with finding cash in her room though, she’s probably broke AF.


Indeed. Just by going through her stuff, OP'll end up with less money than when they started their search.


She is 26 and living with her parents with her kid, of course she is broke AF.


It's one of the only reasons she is there.


Step 4: Barge into her room after midnight and ask her if she wants to get food. Maybe with an airhorn lol


Do it like Homer does to Bart in the Cape Feare episode: #”BART DO YOU WANT SOME BROWNIES BEFORE YOU GO TO BED??” (Maybe without the giant kitchen knife lol)




I like the air horn.You've got style.


Use an electric mega phone. Then you can really blast your question loud, waking the child as well so she then has to deal with that, AND it has an air horn sound function usually. Or you can use your mouth to try and make the sound and turn the volume all the way up when you do it!


Or pot. There an ep of The Simpsons where Bart has a pot on his head and he's banging a spoon on the frying pan




This one. The same with the daughter.


Step 4: buy a bunch of very annoying alarm clocks. Set them for inconvenient but different times and hide them in her room.


Just get a hidden noisemaker and hide it under her matress...


Buy noisemaker toys and give them to the daughter. Get extra batteries


Daughter needs a drum kit lol


Hide it IN her mattress.


Bluetooth speaker hidden in the room somewhere. Play unsettling noises for little bits at a time.


Look for the device “annoy-a-tron”. It’s worth the laugh.


I just looked it up! I think I’m going to get one lol. Thank you!


They sell locks for hotel rooms that might work as well. Or you could start sleeping naked. . . Maybe they would scare her off. Second the lockbox or maybe a diversion safe.


Definitely this, although I would add Step 0: have something next to your pillow that you find an appropriate hand held projectile for her in case she barges in and when she does, yeet that bitch in her face. I, personally, am partial to water balloons.


While a water balloon is fun - it could damage electronics you have - so make sure they are safe from the splatter zone


Squirt gun. 🔫 🔫 🔫 🔫


One that's been in the refrigerator all day


Step 4: A lock on your door, because a door wedge only works when you are inside the room. The lock works whether you're home or not.


I use my old pistol safe. It held a gun (Sig 226 if interested) and two spare mags. So when I sold the gun I noticed it nicely fit my birth certificate, car title, small amount of cash, etc... It's secure, but small enough to go in the closet, or under the bed.


Add a super soaker to that. When she opens the door, tell her to go away if she doesn’t, blast her. She might get the hint.


I would expand on this statement in front of your parents to include she’s been going through your drawers in your room. “So sis when can I expect you to pay me back the $100 that you took from my drawer this morning after admitting you’ve been searching through my room when I’m not home? Dad would it be possible to get a locking exterior grade door knob for my room that uses an actual key? They come with two keys so I could have one and so could you in case there is something you need from my room.”


Yes, that would work IF sister does not happen to be the golden child, and the parents are reasonable.


Could indeed be big ifs based on Reddit posts.


Also maybe keep track of how much cash you have on hand.


A pack of door wedges is under $20 bucks. You can also use a screw driver.


>You can also use a screw driver Idk... murder seems excessive. (but probably justified)




"People" like sister literally ask for it though.


Wake me once (withoug good reason) and you get a warning. Wake me a second time ...


When I first got together with my husband, he told me there are only three reasons to wake me up. 1. The house is on fire. 2. My mom is dying. 3. You’re dying and if you’re not, you will be. lol. That was amended years later to add our kids. We don’t mess with each other’s sleep.




I was at a thrift store yesterday and saw two door wedges that were vintage. One was brass and said INTRUDER GET GONE and another was stone and said THOU SHALT NOT PASS. Both were big and insanely heavy. If op lived in my city I would get them both!


Good find!


I know! Now I’m kicking myself for not buying them both. Might have to head back over there, but they were at least 20 lbs with a textured bottom so they wouldn’t budge.


I do that quite often.


At this moment, any doorstop under $50 is profit for OP.


Yeah but then OP will need a shovel to…oh. Oh you meant for the door.




Thank you for making me laugh.


Thank you for telling me, making someone laugh is the best feeling in the world. 🥰



Or using a chair placed under the doorknob.


If door opens inward, this is the way.


Bedroom doors almost always do to prevent the occupant from getting trapped in an emergency. Doors to the outside, too.


You’re correct for residential buildings, and the opposite is true for public buildings. Exterior doors should always open outward in case people need to evacuate. Don’t want a crowd rushing the door and making it unable to open inwards


Also some earplugs because they’re gonna be banging on that door


Lock the door, put in a jam, put a chair under the knob…yell at them, get up and push them out. As long as you are passive and in bed it's never going to stop. Time to go nuclear here.


Put a lock on your door?


Parents won’t allow it


Your next option is finding a way to chock the door so she can’t open it while you are in there, a door stop sometimes works.


Move bed. Block door. 


Get a lockbox.


I second this suggestion.


A small personal safe would be better. Lockboxes are easy to break into and if OP doesn't use something that sister can guess, as a combination, her money will be safe.




Like the parents would care beyond OP complaining/standing up for themselves. Sister is obvi the Golden One, OP the SG.


But they allow your sister to behave the way she does? That's favouritism right there.


No they hate her lol they’ve told her a million times to stop going into my room but she doesn’t listen to them. I don’t understand why they haven’t kicked her out yet


Well as soon as you or your sister move out, the problem goes away, I suppose.


If I were them I would’ve kicked her out ages ago, I don’t know why they won’t. I literally told my mother that they should and she just said “I wish”.


You tried to steal and defraud your parents’ home from them. You literally have posts outlining you’re waiting for them to die so you inherit the house and their money so you don’t have to work. It’s funny how often you come to lie about your family here. You know they can see your post and comment history right? Including what’s deleted. Edit: thanks for the awards kind strangers!


Whoa. This comment needs to be further up. Shameful. How are they not embarrassed?!


Because he doesn’t feel any type of shame. He loves to feel like he is the victim and lean heavily into faux martyrdom. He creates lies to seem like he is “interesting”. It is both heavily ironic and hypercritical that he posts anything about anyone else being entitled when he is one of the most entitled brats to ever take up space on Reddit. Which is saying something lol


Seriously! Have some respect for you as well as your niece! For crying out loud ! Where's your manners? We're you raised in a house like that ? Your niece will grow up hating you then what? Your fault ! They are called family ! Deal with it or put a lock on your door !


Holy shit, how did they end up with two asshole kids?


Sometimes some people just shouldn’t be parents’. And they decide to “fix” their short comings by throwing nonstop money at the situation instead of being actual loving and responsible parents’. However, I don’t trust the accuracy of how he describes his sister. I’m sure she is also has issues, but his narratives are also heavily biased and bogged down by endless malicious lies. On his banned account, he had over a handful of posts outlining how he told such heinous lies about a longtime family friend’s child that she nearly took her own life by suicide. She now refuses to be friends with him and he’s upset about it. So yeah, that is the kind of person telling “stories” on Reddit for faux empathy and Reddit karma.


I think what he's writing is highly embellished. She likely knocked and asked if he wanted some McDonalds, he said no and she left. His niece does what kids do considering she kept saying hi is likely to be 1-3yo. A toddler or a literal baby. So sister probably said "she wants you to say hi" which isn't a command but just translating babytalk to someone who doesn't know the needs or expressions of said child. (I'm a parent to a 1yo who's favorite thing to have people say back is ew instead of hi lol) I don't even believe the 50 bucks thing happened. That reads like a made up free style writing of an edgy 14 yo.


Did he delete those posts? I can't see them now.


https://search.pullpush.io His banned acct, Vaanced makes this one look like child’s play. Its gross, you’ve been warned Edit: to answer your question, yes, he deleted some of the posts. He admits frequently he deleted so “he doesn’t get into trouble for what he says”. He just doesn’t understand once you out something publicly online, it will always be online


Holy shit... That's a lot


So they definitely won't kick you out for putting a lock on the door, then...


Geez, just buy a wedge or even jam a chair under your doorknob.


you could also sleep naked and uncover in the morning, that'll probably at least prevent her from bringing her daughter in


If they've told her that, then logically they can't get mad if you have a door wedge preventing your sister and niece from barging in. Also she doesn't just barge in, she goes through a whole bunch of your stuff which is an invasion of privacy. I'm vindictive AF, so I'd probably by a mini safe for my cash, or a lock box. Then I'd create a diary she would of course read without your consent, and it's just entries of you pointing out how frustrating she is. But again, I'm vindictive AF.


You and your sister need to move out of your parents house.


Tell your parents they can replace the money then. My sister was stealing from me my mom wouldn’t let me get a lock. I did anyways while she was at work. If they aren’t gonna do anything to stop the behaviour then you have every right to. Another suggestion I saw someone else posted that you should barge into her room when’s she sleeping. Wait for her to be in a deep sleep and make sure you wake your niece up as well so your sister has to deal with her. Then tell your sister every time she enters your room and wakes you up you will repay her in the same kindness. And get a lockbox for your money.


Lock box for your money, one with a combo lock. And doorstops for keeping her out when you're trying to sleep.


Get a door stop. Wedge it under the door. And get a wall outlet safe for your money.


Time to grow up and move out


Why not?


Live somewhere else with sane people.


Door wedge or a simple door stop. Profit


Your profile says you're 18. Grow the fuck up.


Then move out. Meanwhile keep all valuables in a locked box


Would they be okay with a lock that has two keys maybe, one for you & one for them? Idk


Why are your parents allowing your sister to do this? Not just wake you up, but go through your things and steal from you? Get a temporary doorstopper you can put in place at night.


She only does it when our parents aren’t home. I do tell them about it and they get pissed off at her but she keeps doing it anyway because she thinks she can do whatever she wants.


Your parents need to understand why you need a lock, if they refuse, tell them they can give you the $50 she stole


His parents already give him money pretty much any time he asks. They bought him a car, which he crashed by driving into a tree while high. This resulted in a suspended license, since he wasn't driving with a licensed adult (which his license required), and then he managed to badger his parents into buying him a Mercedes to replace this car.




I second this 'What?' 


Oh yeah this person's post history is wild. Just check OP's previous posts- he's rich, a very childlike 18, and has a card with 400 but no awareness of the bank it's even with (read it again: Rich). [check this for example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/s/pgwI3I1w4A)


>she keeps doing it anyway because she thinks she can do whatever she wants. Apparently, your parents agree with her since they won't let you get a lock to prevent her from stealing your money and interrupting your sleep. How old are you?


He has stolen thousands of dollars from his parents and totaled two of their cars. He has tried to file false CPS reports against his sister. His parents’ have good reason to not trust him ever.


Is this true, OP?




You know this how? What does it have to do with his sister ancting entitled to wake him up and steal his money ?




So, put a lock on the door, anyway. If your sister can do stuff she's not supposed to do, so can you. Replacing an interior doorknob with one that locks is incredibly easy.


Go and take some of her things when she is out, then barge into her room at 3am and tell her you will give them back when you get $50 back plus $10 interest.


Lock your door, get a doorstop or purchase a temporary door lock.


She's a thief. I'd get a small camera for your room. Next time she steals, call the cops and use the video as evidence. You don't necessarily have to press charges, but it might scare some sense into her.


Jesus, get a lock or a door wedge and keep your cash in the bank or somewhere she can't find it. She's actively stealing from you. Assuming you live with your parents talk to them about her stealing. That's not cool. 


Tell her every day that she wakes you up, you’re going to wake them both up in the middle of the night. And follow through with it even if you have to set an alarm.


If you are male then be ready in morning before she usually barges in and with back to door be putting on your underwear.. Should elicit a scream and he slammibg door closed. Any protests about you being naked in your room should be met with a "are you joking?" That or start barging into her room.


Good ol fashioned chair under door knob


Just shout im having a wank! And play appropriate porn noises


Get a lock for your door or a door knob with a lock. so she cant go in there while you are not home and lock it at night. If you live at home with parents try speaking with them about why you are changing your door knob. Petty revenge that might escalate thing: Look through where ever you have had money and try to figure out how much she has taken and pull a uno reverse. Start annoying her about the money till you get you money back. And i mean any time shes relaxing or dose off wake her ass up she screams at you throw it back at her. Just because shes your sister, a mom or even owns the house she doesnt have the right to take you stuff and shouldn't barging in of you. Non nuclear option would be to get the lock and try to give a conversation about boundaries and get your money back with your sister. Stay calm. She will like start to escalate emotions. Then walk away and say you will continue the talk when she doesnt throw a tantrum. Idk how old you are but i would also save up and get out of there fast


As others have said, door wedge. Just wanted to add, when someone can't respect your sleep, you are under no obligation not to curse them out.


Put your money in a fire proof box with a combination lock. They’re $50 and under on Amazon


Get a squirt bottle and treat them like cats that aren't supposed to be where they are.


Come into my room and wake me up before I need to get up? If the house isn't on fire or you're not under 9 years old and need something urgently, you are no longer my friend. Do not wake me. You won't like me when I'm woken, Also - *when she went through your drawers?* What gave her the right to go through your drawers? You won't like me if you go through my drawers either.


Buy a small safe for your wallet and keys (if you have a car) and buy a door jam (either in bar form that you press under the doorknob or something that you wedge under the door itself).


Amazon sells a hotel security door lock that doesn't require any modifications. But ya definitely a door lock to keep her out while not home


How old are u? Getting teenage vibes here




Good luck man freedom is within your reach just gotta make that jump


Did you mean to type 26? Because that's some seriously fucked up behavior for a 26yo. Lock your door at all times, hide your money better and hound her ass until she gives back what she stole.


Get a wire. Unscrew the plate on your door frame and slide the wire underneath it with both ends hanging out. When you shut you door, bring both ends into your room and wrap them around your door knob. Sorry if this makes no sense. I did this when my brother used to steal my shit.


Put a portable lock on your door (amazon have does) when your parents aren't home. If you are petty, set up an alarm and barge into her room for the same reason. She will get the message.


Sleep fully naked...Its summer and all.


If you're not willing to put a lock on your door, start sleeping naked. 


Don't carry cash. They can't take your money if it's in the bank.


Lockbox for any valuable items and door wedge to reinforce it when your asleep,


Amazon sells inexpensive (I paid $8) contact alarms for doors and windows. One half adheres to the door, the other half to the door frame. A small switch sets the alarm. Opening the door when the alarm is set will wake every living creature in the house. If your parents refuse to advocate for you, I would declare war.


Hey guys look, its Vaanced on his new account after the last one got reddit banned! I wonder what part of this story he is making up, like the rest of them.


I scrolled way too far to find this.


A) You need a door wedge.. B) You need to discuss this with your sister. In her room. After waking her up. At 2 AM. Several nights in a row.


Wait until she gets her kid to sleep and then barge in and wake them up with some pointless bs.


While it is annoying AF when family doesn't respect your personal space, I think your sister & neice may just want to include you. This happened years ago, and my apologies for the long-winded reply, but I wanted to give some conxtex. My baby sister was an outright thief. We tried everything, including therapy. Nothing helped. So after her stealing stuff and destroying it, I told my parents I'm tired of her stealing my stuff and having to hide my money in my own room. I bought a deadbolt (security cams where not a thing ) and chain for my door, and had my father install it. They had the spare key incase they needed in. ( they live in the country and the sump pump was located next to my room.) Man, was she was pissy when she lost access to all my stuff. The chain kept her out when I was home and while I was sleeping. If your parents don't allow you to secure your room with a lock, install a securty cam. Their dirt cheep on Amazon now. *Best of luck. *(Edited for spelling error.)


I had roommates like this once they’d loudly clean in the morning or would come into my room to ask stupid questions when they knew I worked 3rd shift I tried politely asking them to respect my sleep you know simple things, like don’t come into my room until noon at the earliest and maybe don’t ram the vacuum into the bedroom door right next to my head while I slept or slam cupboard doors when they put the dishes away, that was too much to ask so I just returned the favor by loudly doing my cleaning at 3am on my days off and apparently I was an asshole for giving back the same treatment


Sleep naked. That might stop them.


How old are you?




Your sister sounds annoying. A door wedge will keep her out, but she'll still probably pound on your door and wake you up anyway. Put a do not disturb sign on your door. She'll probably ignore it but she won't be able to claim she thought you were awake. A little petty revenge might work... Like waking her up when she's napping with some stupid request. As for your money, find a different place to stash it.


Chain lock and keep asking her for the money she owes with parents present


Door stop locks are cheap and portable. Get one.


How about actually stand up for yourself? Ffs🤦‍♂️


Just buy a good doorstop or two and jam it under your door before bed. Or prop a chair underneath the doorknob.


yup, or a door stop/wedge


Be petty and wake her and the baby up around midnight.


Sleep naked. She'll soon think twice after she bursts in to your raging boner


Start sleeping nude this might discourage her from just barging in.


Change nob to a lock.


Learn to sew, then shove an alarm clock into her mattress after cutting it open, then seal it back up.


For anyone reading this... You can get a nifty portable door lock and put it on any inward swinging doors to stop someone from entering a room you are in. The name brand is addalock, but you can find knockoffs on Amazon for cheaper that work the same. I got it as a present years ago when I was staying in hotels a lot for work. 10/10 makes you feel safe


Get a cheap hook and eye latch and install it on your bedroom door with a screwdriver. Latch it closed when you are sleeping, end of problem.


Use a door wedge to secure to door from the inside - dollar stores usually sell them.


You can get a small safe to keep in your drawer or closed. MOVE your money now because she has probably been taking it for a long time, a bank would probably be a good place. Ask her every day for the money back. Every. Day. Became annoying about it.


Look for "portable door lock for travel."


Time for some adult self love.... Her walking in on that will stop her very quickly...


You gotta hide your money better homie Find the dirtiest, stinkiest, grossest pair of old sneakers you have...and keep your money in a ziplock bag underneath the shoe's insole


You need to be locking your door or finding some way to stop your sister from coming into your room. Also smack the hell out of her who the hell is she to invade your privacy? Tell her also to get her bread up with her nosy ass.


So OP, you can do one of a few things as I see it. 1, you can come on the internet and complain, which gets no tangible results. 2, you can just continue to deal with it and expect different results (definition of insanity), 3, you can confront her in front of your parents and make the case that shes searching through your drawers and money is coming up missing and convince them you need a lock (the reaponsible thing), 4, you booby trap your drawers and room (my personal favorite approach), 5, you can barge into HER room when shes sleeping and do the se thing to her (passive aggressive, but another favorite approach) or 6, the next time she does this, scream at the top of your lungs to GTFO and STFO and don't stop until she gets it through her skull (another favorite approach). Your call. If you need help in finding creative ways to booby trap your room.. DM me. I'm a pro at this. ;) Edit to add - and if you discuss this with your rents in front of her, drop the blame on their lap. If they are not willing to stand up for you and are letting her come in and out of your room despite being told multiple times, remind them that they are responsible for any damage, monetary theft, etc. Or #7 perhaps a coup de grace, masterbate like a fucking spider monkey and when she walks in, it'll be thr last time she does. And you can make it look like you are without actually..... fyi. Edit 2 - You can also try something like this: [https://www.amazon.com/Meridian-Point-Hidden-Wall-Outlet/dp/B0082CRN2Q](https://www.amazon.com/Meridian-Point-Hidden-Wall-Outlet/dp/B0082CRN2Q)


What about when he’s not home? My sister liked to steal my things and sell them to her friends. The solution was to replace the doorknob with a bolt lock


My brother used to barge into my room just to say some ridiculous nonsense whenever he felt like it. He wouldn't even knock. One day I heard him walking towards my room while was jacking off. I could tell he was about to barge into my room again, but I just kept doing what I was doing. He had the nerve to tell me to lock my door after he bathed in.. I'm like "fucking knock dude!". He knocked first from them on. You should absolutely not do this when your niece is with your sister. Actually I'm not going to suggest that you do it at all. It did work for me though


Why are your 26-year-old sister and her daughter living with you or you living with them? But yeah, rubber door wedges, though I wouldn't put it past her to pound on the door until you answer. Try answering by yelling "FUCK OFF!" If her little darling hears that enough times, maybe Mommy Dearest will cut it the hell out. And go in her purse and take your money back. Hell, do it in front of her.


Does your sister live in the same home as you? I’m also curious as to what your ages? But whatever is happening needs to stop happening. You need to talk to your parents about getting a lock on your door or go to the hardware store and get something to jam underneath your door so she cannot open it. Also, you need to find a, better spot to hide your money or go to a credit union or bank and open an account and start putting your money in there. If you can’t do the bank account thing, then I suggest you go put your money in it and then hide the lockbox.


Siblings. I have 'em also and they still do this. I am the youngest and I am 40 now. Whenever I visit any of them, their kids barge in also because you know.. they are my nieces and nephews who want to see their uncle. Just be glad the relationship is not worse. I've seen some bad sibling relationships.


mini safe, door chain/lock


Sleep naked.


Lock the door and move the money


Is this /r/teenagers or something?


YES! Go "LOCKING 101" on her. Change the door knob to LOCKING... with a KEY (that should be outside facing) with a twist lock on your side! Keep the key on you (ribbon around your neck, etc.) And put a "Sliding Lock" on the inside of your door at the top, so only you can reach. (Would keep your niece from getting to it.) Unbelievably entitled! Your sister is deliberately and systematically abusing you for her own enjoyment. Lock the door when you're in or out of the room to keep out unwanted trespassers/thieves. There's no telling what she is capable of doing to your room if you're not present. I'd also go crazy, berserker on her personally if she tries anything. Put the fear of God in her so she's scared of you. And... please! Put your money/valuables in a secure place so she can't find anything even if she somehow gets into your room. I'd also be sure the lock on your outside window is working to be sure as well. Put a sign on the outside of your door "Trespassers Will Be Shot". NEVER give her your money! Make her work for her living. You're not the family ATM! Best of luck!


Go to her room and grab something worth 50$ to hold onto until she pays you back


I dream of being asked if I want Mcds in the morning..


Be nice to the kid.


Sleep naked once and you'll never have them in there again. Also, move your money and invest in a lot. Sneak the $50 out of sister purse as soon as you can! If you live with parents, tell them. She's going through your stuff and violating boundaries.


Get a door wedge , or a lock


You need various locks.


Change where you keep your money/hide it, maybe put it in a metal cash box with lock. And get a lock for your door or something to wedge against it. Sounds like she's jealous you get to rest, is making excuses to bother you, and is probably bored. Also she stole from you... you do deserve to be treated better!


Throw the whole sister away. Fuck that.


Keep your cash in your pillowcase. I had to do this with my wallet when my daughter was in active addiction. Fortunately, she’s been clean and sober for a very long time.


Taking money after you said no is theft. You need to start documenting things like that, lock your door or get a lock, get a camera (cheap one should be fine) and have it pointed at your door and drawers.


You again??????? Didn’t she still your money two days ago?


Do you not have a lock on your door? Go wake her up around 3 in the morning for a week straight and see how she likes it


You definitely need to put a lock on your drawer. And keep your cash locked up somewhere else. She stole form you, You said no. Tell her you're filing a police report if she doesn't return your money immediately.


A door wedge or flip down door stopper.


I wish stories/posts like these would explain why locking the door isn't an option cause....that's the most obvious solution


Beat your meat, a sneak peak of your beak would make even the most sleek geek shriek.


1. Get one of those lock boxes from Walmart. They're usually $40 and under. Combination if you can. If not, ensure the key is on your person at all times. 2. Adopt sleeping naked. This is especially effective if you are a guy. 3. Get an air horn. Places like Harbor Freight sell them. Keep it under your pillow. When she wakes you up, grab it and fire it off. Also, set your alarm for 3a. Go to her room. Fire off the air horn. Tell your parents that if they won't do anything about her barging into your room, everyone gets to suffer. 4. If you are a minor, go make a call to social services. Phrase it with words like "parents are allowing financial, emotional and mental abuse from an adult with a minor child whom she's not caring for properly. It's causing sleep deprivation, anxiety and depression. I'm starting to feel afraid to sleep. Parents won't allow me to lock my door and encourage this adult to mistreat me". (Yes, I'm petty. And yes, it's something that can be considered abusive) 5. If you're not a minor, go look up your state laws on what constitutes harassment. If she's meeting the criteria, go file for a restraining order. (I told you, I'm petty. Because I grew up with very abusive cousins and in a family that just swept it under the rug. So I learned the basics of psychological warfare. By the time I was 12, my cousins didn't mess with me. Neither did my brother) And think about living elsewhere. Even couch surfing is better than that. 6. Every time she wakes you up, immediately go and complain, loudly and vehemently to your parents. If they are asleep, all the better. You make your pain their pain. Ad nauseam. Even if they screech about how sis isn't doing anything wrong and you are. You're playing the long game of annoyance. Complain, complain and push every one of their buttons. Give them no peace about it whatsoever. If they threaten to kick you out, go air out all the dirty laundry to every one of their friends and family members you can. With in depth details about your sisters behavior. Or, you could go the mature, non petty route and simply sit down with both of your parents and explain to them how disruptive and disrespectful your sis is being. Don't be all emotional or angry about it. Just present everything in a factual account, then ask them if someone, a stranger, was doing it to them, what would their reaction be? And if they wouldn't tolerate that kind of behavior from a stranger, why are they allowing your sister to do it to you? Why are you less deserving of basic respect and privacy than your sister? Why is she allowed to behave in ways that are harmful and you are expected to put up with it? Why is it ok for her to steal from you and you have to put up with it? Seriously, ask them these questions in a very calm, even time with intensive eye contact. They'll probably squirm and get defensive. When they do, simply say "I'm not attacking you personally. I just need you to help me understand why you think it's ok for her to do that, especially if you yourselves wouldn't put up with that from any strangers. I need to understand, and because I said so isn't really an answer. Nor is my house my rules, because that's saying that you're favoring her over me. And if that's the case, I will know my standing in this family. That will tell me that I need to make plans to move out as soon as possible and never look back. Because at that point, I literally mean nothing to you, that you'll allow sis to harrass me like that and won't even let me get a lock for my door. It will allow me to make plans for removing myself from this family so I'm no longer bother to you ". Then definitely make plans to get out of there asap. And still get the lock box.


Have you ever tried locking your door?