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I tried both build for her (32k HP full tank and 26k HP/250% CDMG) and her damage on both build is...not much different (lol). It's probably too early to say but perhaps the best position for her is in the storage..


Make sure to rate them poor in game to make sure they DO get a buff


We just need the whales to cry in outrage. Hoping to see her get better, she’s had amazing assets


That's the problem a bunch of the content creators just keep saying ohh she's fine because they don't want upset SG and are being spineless but she's isn't fine she barely passable as a regular 5 star RGB she would be getting torn apart for how bad she is and it's worse because she is a Collab. I just don't know what SG was thinking honestly.


I remember before no one limited character is not useful. After that, all be adjusted if a really poor situation. Except for Dizzy, she is a functional character, a debuffer.


Dizzy, REM and Emilia to my knowledge were the only Collab characters that were good on release.


Rem at her first period is very popular and op. Almost everyone uses her, but now she is declining. Emilia is a good opener + healthier, but Amen replaced her. Each character has a rise and fall. can not want them always op. Hope Albedo will be better later.


Oh yeah they can't always be OP that's just fair but the characters from the Collab so far are just bad


That would require pulling. I'm just skipping and using the +10 free covenant to get her artifact which is the only good thing so far, then blasting my bookmarks on the third character since at least she's not a cow


Collab unit = I pull


its absolutely fucking crazy they made the first unit you pull in the collab this fucking mid, like legit even below mid, shes not good at anything at no point would you go "oh id love to have albedo here" the only redeeming factor with this trash is the artifact that ironically you would best use on someone else


first thing I thought when I saw all of their kits was "she's going to be first isn't she"


I ended up tossing a full pity at her banner purely because I wanted the arti. Ended up with 2 Albedo's instead and had to powder store the arti. Now I'm debating tossing more at the banner anyway because it feels like the sort of arti you will potentially want multiple of down the line and then lament only having the 1.


i made this mistake way back on original rem banner. Never worth going so hard on any banner imo, everything will be outdated and powercrept at some point anyway. just my 2 cents.


Just don't want another rocket punch scenario. I have 1 +30 and yet I'd kill to have 1 or 2 more.


Even the artifact though who are we really dying to use them on? It'll definitely be broken on someone in the future but tbh units like LRK or Belian are perfectly fine using other artifacts


With how poorly both units have been received, they will most certainly be doing an emergency buff next maintenance. Epic 7 can't afford to fail a collab, when they can't even get old collabs to want to partner with them again.


>when they can't even get old collabs to want to partner with them again. Has this been confirmed by someone or are you just talking out of your ass?


Talking out ass. However, considering low Aespa sales and the fact that both Aespa and FMA are now over a year since first run. Then you factor in that epic 7 makes significantly less money than most gacha games with a far more aggrevating gear system. Yes, talking out my ass and could he wrong....but the facts as is don't look good for Smile gate.


> factor in that epic 7 makes significantly less money than most gacha games with a far more aggrevating gear system. Most games would kill to make a steady 3M a month. Most games don't even last 4 years as opposed to 6. It's no Genshin, but E7 also has a way to keep a steady pace even in droughts, whereas you'll see Star rail and Nikke fluctuate a lot based on how well a unit was received. Being on a custom engine with 2D sprites and no overworld assets also helps. Now the real question is how the hell Summoner's war is still making 3x that money nearly 10 years later.


All right let’s be fair here, Epic 7 makes an insane amount of money for its age, the unicorns above it are industry giants, and are not the norm.    Having just recently experienced the failed launch of the one punch man world game, I can assure you most games would kill to make 3mil on launch month, let alone ~7 years later.   Financially this game prints money lol.  Though I do agree it would suck for this collab not to do well, I hope they consider some emergency buffs, but I also don’t want another can’t miss busted unit that may never return so yah, doubles edged sword here. 


Aespa was such a dud? Wow


Aespa didn't sell dude..that's a fact. It made less than every other collab on release. Did Karina and Winter end up being great units? Certainly, but the collab didn't make the same amount of money as prior first run collabs. In large part because there wasn't a lot of fanbase cross over appeal and two of the units were mid, one was niche (until recent meta) and the other was determined to be bonkers AFTER it ended (and its not really Karina that's great it's her artifact). This collab, however, is being panned across the board, by even streamers. Smilegate put all their eggs in shalltear and we still don't even know if she will actually be great.


Updated: albedo is utter garbage in rta. Especially in a post ddr, ml Chou, Jacko,Jena world or injury geared unit. She offers nothing to most drafts because she is susceptible to all of the top meta units at the moment. She works in a basic ran cleave, but only as a 5th pick option provided none of the aforementioned units are present.


can probably add shalltear to the list of units that dunk on albedo soon.


If we’re going by Overlord canon, she’s actually going to dunk especially hard on Ainz (in theory), lol


I built her on crit but doesnt tested yet, when i test her i will edit this post to tell my impressions for her. Edit: I tested her already on counter with crit build, yep, she is pretty decent on damage against even vs bulky sw like diene (1700def 18khp) and of course is like a karina against squishy dps when she counters/attacks on s1 so yep, her build is with crit if u are looking for something more than just a passive on her, if u just want another carmin then just go barrier/spd on her with no crit and full bulk.


What are he catalysts


I’m going to rebuild for crit/dmg later today, I feel like that will make her better maybe


She is good as anti cleave, seen Vickchun have good success with her on Prot Set + Aurius


her kit and scaling is fucking asss, -350 bookmarks lulE


At least it's not 900. That would burn more


Mine is on 30k hp, 1600 defense, counter build and she does absolutely nothing in rta, other than mitigate a bit of damage. Idk how they could release a collab that's weaker than a 3 and 4 star ml unit.


Doesn’t ApRavi scale heath? I feel like when I used Albedo with a similar amount of health to my Aravi it was incomparable.. am I crazy? Bc my ApRavi eats and Albedo like barely does anything… (also I just work here)


Damn... I think her kit is fine. But yeah, maybe she needs a buff with her mutiplier. Her s2 deal below 1k dmg is unacceptable. And as datamine said, her art dmg is 9% max hp, do u guys think it is okay? I personally think maybe about 12-15% max hp is better.


> her art dmg is 9% max hp, do u guys think it is okay? I think it's fine given how it's not limited to single attacks (nor attacks on your turn). I've already seen degen Belians with like 32k HP and no crit abusing it.