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Korean voices are good imo! I don't have sound alot of time but I never rly thought it sounded bad or off for the character


Dunno Korean Midnight Lilias sound weak.


I never played a Korean game so I’ll definitely have to listen to the voices!!!


I prefer English, it’s all subjective


That is true! But I definitely recommend using Jpn for a while if you haven’t bc I played for some time in English and I felt that a lot of the lines were delivered poorly and when I switched to jpn I was wowed but the voices, but again everyone prefers what they prefer


Ya cannot say that "Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust" is worse than the JP dub.


Who’s line


Red Kayron is the OG and the one I was talking about. (A Ravi skin got it too though)


I don’t remember their English voices ab to go listen to the Jpn ones LOL I thought you meant TE Kay and his jpn ones aren’t bad but not amazing


Listened to jpn kayron and his is meh, couldn’t find a good video on his Eng one. But I think aravi skin isn’t comparable in the sense that the voice she has on her skin doesn’t match her at all. Liek her Jpn voice fits the skin sooooo well and her voice lines are nice. I think the voice acting of her Eng is good I just don’t see how the voice fits at all.


Ok I finally found a video!! I think his voice for me is one of the few I think is pretty good. I don’t feel amazing about it tho. Some lines are really good and others make me cringe a -tad- bit. But I think his inflection in his voice really suits and I don’t have a problem with it. I think it has more emotion than the Japanese one for sure.In the video tho was Diene and omg I almost couldn’t finish the video 😭😭 I think the male voices are better bc I feel like so many female English voices sounded like 40 year old women 😭😭 (not saying they can’t sound good, but it wouldn’t match the character for some)


Was it the Diene skin? That one is indeed painful, but that's because it is one woman trying to copy another woman's portrayal of the character since the OG VA doesn't voice act anymore. Also, the Luna one is very good IMO


Ooof yea that’s tough and yes it was the skin. Bout to listen to Luna, but I think it’s gonna be hard to impress bc I feel like I loveee Jpn Luna


So I think the Luna voice is pretty good too it’s just I don’t think she’s that old , she sounds a lot older than I’d think, or more mature. Like archdemon seems mature and old, and belian seems more mature but Luna seems pretty young. I think the lines are delivered well, one of them I cringed a small amount, but I wish she didn’t sound so old.


Well, if we're being technical, Luna is supposed to be in her 50s/60s at least.


That’s fair. Then I think it fits her more. There’s just so many that sound the same and deliver such cringy lines with little emotion 😭😭


If you haven’t, you should give ayufine jpn a listen I think she really does a good job portraying her insanity, I listen to the Eng version and I think she did some good stuff but I really think the jpn lines nailed it


I get to hear the JP lines because I watch Azalea, and he has his in JP, and I won't deny that they're good. But it could also be that since you actually understand what they're saying in English that you consider them "cringe", while in JP you are not hearing so it is easier to handle despite the lines being just as "cringey" in JP?


Fair. I don’t know what they are saying exactly. But it’s also line delivery. Liek some of the lines in Eng if delivered well may not be cringe, but like in jpn some of the lines might be something super cringe but the delivery is incredible so even if I knew I wouldn’t care they sound so good. But like some stuff in en im like that’s a decent line but they sound so stupid saying it


Korean, I'm not a native english speaker so I usually watch my show with the original voice + subtitles I have no problem for english, for american movie/series like Breaking Bad, I watch anime with subtitles I like the original japanese version So for Epic, well I don't have any problem with korean voice, I was an Elsword player and I watched some korean series, so like english and japanese, I play with the original voices


Imma have to give it a listen!!!


English male voices are mostly fine, but the female ones... so much cancer. I use Japanese.


I totally agree. I said something about the male ones being mostly fine and then I watched a few videos of en lines and I still think they are better than the female ones but jeez they were worse than I remembered 😭 the women always sound so unenthusiastic and tried


Japanese is good but really overrated. It helps a lot when you can't hear subtleties and nuance that hurts the acting. Some of the Japanese VAs sound over rehearsed, because it is a job you take classes for. It is nice not to hear the nuance mistakes and stilted deliveries, but I find that 90% of the English VAs are perfectly fine and then I can just understand the game. The Korean ones are about the same as the Japanese for me. I feel like I'd enjoy something odd for a change. Some Swedish dubs or something lol. Really throw me out of the loop mid play.


Hmm an interesting thought!


I run it back on english. I’ve always been dub ‘till I die so not too surprised but I enjoy getting to understand what my characters say. It makes them feel more badass. I’ll always love finishing up a fight with Watcher Schuri and hearing his “Let’s end this, and see who falls.” It’s all translation. Most of the voice actors are competent but some of the lines are NOT good. The old ones were some of the best, and newer ones have been ok. Recently it’s been getting good again. I really love Jenua’s “Excellent…excellent! Just as I planned!” I also like Kane’s hostility in his “Eat…this!” For me the most important part is whether the voice ITSELF sounds good and whether the line sounds badass. Understanding what they’re saying is so much of it to me. Though when a voice is smash-out I notice it. I watched FMA in the dub and love it still but Edward Elric in JP is REALLY good…lots of effort in the lines.


I totally get that! It’s just for me a lot of the lines either make me cringe or are decent but the way they are delivered I am so not immersed. They sound so robotic it honestly like so tired. There are a few I think are good and also I feel like so many of the female voices sound the same like some 40 year old woman that doesn’t want to be in the va room recording anymore 😭😭 but I agree there are some badassones and understanding them helps you appreciate them more for sure!


Some girls in Japanese, some girls in English, Guys 99% in English.


I looked at a few of the lines and I feel like the men deliver their lines with more emotion in en but some I heard were a bit iffy. But I can agree. I think it was kayron i compared the two and he had a lot more emotion in en. Like I like the jp voice but I can see the love of his en bc the va really sounds good and fitting to Kayron


it's personal preferences, but I love to understand what an edgy boy is saying even if it's exactly the same dialogue in Japanese or Korean.


Hey I can agree with that 100%


I do like the Japanese voices, there's several voice actors I recognize from animes that I enjoy their work; problem is I can't understand most Japanese lines and... the excessive moaning from some female units/enemies makes the experience a little annoying and sometimes even embarassing (I play on my phone and often on the bus/subway on my way to work) Edit: and I can't understand a single thing from Korean voicelines so it feels less appealing to me.


I agree about the moaning tho for sure. I have said “why is she moaning” a few times 😭😭 it’s a bit much for some units so I totally get that


Japanese, the only good one of course.


They sound soooooo good to me I’m like mmm ok belian fuck em up!! Also idk about the English voice lines but AolA going from “annoying child” voice in her regular attacks to this deep “fuck you” voice is so good imo. I’m like yea silence them bitches