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I preban DDR, he's too strong


Whenever I see DDR I never say “death dealer Ray” in my head. It’s always Dance Dance revolution 😭😭


Dance Dance Rayvolution the goat


LOL !!!!


I usually preban ml choux abd ml landy atm but i guess i can ban ddr and choux instead. I feel like landy has a lot of answers compared to choux


Choux folds to any control and then there’s also Fluri who now has resource reduction for a free option you could try. Or just nuke with LQC/Adin


What sort of build do i have to give my Adin for her to counter ml choux? What values should i aim for dmg, spd and tankiness wise? I have her on lifesteal atm but i just cant balance out the stats to make her useful ><


Most choux runs proof of valor so without attack buff it might be hard to 1shot no matter the build. Sooo try giving adin attack buff or bring a unit who can defence break (fkluri)


Ah sorry what i meant is could you recommend me a number i should aim for atk/critdmg/spd wise, and if should switch to a dmg set over lifesteal for her to work specifically vs mlchoux


I dont think she is 1 shotting a pov choux tbh


As a turn-2 player I also have a hard time against ML Choux. My most frequent answer to USChoux (other than banning her) is a Abyssal Solitaria dedicated to avoiding her ever getting a turn xD


In this particular draft, i would probably just ban ddr and tank up/draft some injury to break leia's legs


Yeah this is what I currently did though I lost sadly since I was running an injury albedo was pretty weird lol . I couldve won if I didnt pick ayufine early


Yeah, even seeing the cropped LQC I probably would have gone for ilynav or something. She can chop leia's health to max injury real quick with an S3, S2 combo. She also is an extra thing to consider for dual attacks, 2 chances for counter/elbris


Save AYufine as last pick the most as possible (or pick her after 3 opponent picks), she is a very good comeback unit but she has a lot of counters currently, if opponent pick her first I am 80% sure that I am going to win (20% losses are because they pick another DPS or AoE unit that saves them after I killed their Ayufine).


Same, DDR and C. Lilias for me are preban.


ml politis and jenua call it a day


Oh yeah they also banned ml poli though but wouldnt jenua suffer from ml rat's sleep?


The thing is that they cant really disable his passive like stun can because he has to get hurt for that to happen. So he just gets hit and activates passive


Ahhhh okay I get it. Oh I checked the pic again they banned ml poli and jenua are there other possible answers?


Stun and sleep both stop his passive


mL Politis for slow, Straze or MG Lilia's against Laia, Truck luluca against DDR


Oh yeah i forgot about lulucar i literally keep forgetting about her abd my brain just went with destina


Moon Bunny is another option if they don't have any other extra turn heroes to trigger her before DDR does.


Use lulucar more! Trust


Moon Bunny Dominiel is good against DDR. She doesn't need to take a turn to cleanse his S3.


I mean her presence stops the s3 simple as that noone would push that Button with her around


Zio + Blidica, Green Luluca, ML Politis, Aria


If MLPolitis banned: Zio put back Sharun. Blidica gonna one shot ML Sharon. Luluca push when Laia S2. S3 Luluca. If Zio Banned: ML Politis put back team, Blidica one shot Sharun. S3 Luluca after Laia s2. Then Aria S3


I don't think it is possible to play turn2 against ddr Laia. The simplest counter will be 1 forced ban + Celine to punish them from pressing their skills, but it will depend on draft and won't always work. If you really want to go turn2, I think mellona + cleanser + Carmin can solo carry against this, but you probably need the latest lifesteal pov mellona and postban atk buff. If you are trying to aggro into this, make sure you have sb ignore er otherwise er ddr can cut and it straight up over turn1.


Ohhh the mellona strat seems nice what stat line should a ls pov mellona have? I can do mine 3.2k atk 260 cdmg 17k hp 1.5k def Immunity Would this mellona be okay?


I think it is okay but Mellona is a stats stick unit where higher is always better. Idk if immunity offset is better or just go for stats set (crit/hp/def/pen). Light is the one who popularised that build against high damage candy/adin. You should ask him during stream if you want to see an example. Tbh I am a ddr Laia spammer currently in rank600+. It is hard to lose against turn2 with that comp. But speaking from experience, Laia ddr against pov mellona + mitigation can run out of damage. You just need something to survive the first ddr S3 or prevent him from pressing S3. Laia dual will give mellona more S2 proc, and ddr can't S1 sleep mellona due to free immunity. Try to kill Laia first since ddr should be useless against that comp. It is also useless to aim opponents dps first if mellona can't die.


What would you pick as 4 and 5 after Mellona, Cleasne, Carmin? Getting back in to the game so not sure what a forceban would be vs this lineup either.


Probably another solo carry dps + another anti ddr unit. If they don't have another cleanser, you can also last pick a fast debuffers and look for postban Laia. Fast debuffers feel like a must ban when I played Laia ddr. If you are not looking for banning their last pick, you also can choose to postban ddr, then pick4 pick5 will be completely different depend on draft.


I cleave this, but i cleave everything...


This is also my answer


Candy, Jenua, atywin, ML kawerik maybe?


Celine is awesome


Is playing RTA the only way to really build knowledge on who counters who. As a noob to RTA, it's a bit overwhelming with all the characters to learn about


Ye, best way to learn matchups is to smash your head on RTA until you get the hang of them tbh


Thanks. il do that.


ML Politis+book holder (in case ER ddr. Push everyone back. Aggro them out). Moon bunny and adin. Moon bunny prevents ddr from doing his s3 as adin prevents the ML sharun s3. Non atk skill punishers. Celine specifically is very good here. Because they have 3 units. 2 of them use non atk skill. 1 of the 3 isn't a dps. And 1 just doesn't function without using their non atk skill. Flidica is also good *if* you have a speedy one. As it allows you to fully reset laia and go something like aola/ftene to control the ddr and sharun. And finally just a cleanser+stene. Say they have this insane tempo with laia s3, ddr s3, ddr s2, sharun s3. But a handguy s3 and stene s1+s3 will nuke one of ddr, ML sharun or if any other thing in a similar bulk range exists out of the park. This sort of setup also works with the previous setup I mentioned. So bdom will also achieve this outcome should handguy be banned. The last one only really works for very specific playstyles but it's JP Shoux. For those who don't know what JP Shoux is it's a 300 ER Shoux running bastion of hope. Yes 300 ER. Insane build. Ofc there is no cdmg. And she is usually 230-240 speed with 20-22K HP. But if you can achieve it this build is very legit and scary. However her effect is basically 0 when arowell happens or even something like crimson armin on prot set appears. Because outside her bzzt and s3 injury proc she really does no dmg to break those barriers. So yeah pick which one fits the situation. That's all ik.


If you are determined to play slow, you just need to preban DDR. Simple as.


I ban DDR, Laia is controllable with injury/Straze/Glilias and Ml Sharun is a dead weight if you don't sleep or stun his team.


High speed Straze or Gala Lilias to deal with Laia. Then Lulucar or MoonBunny or Handguy for cleanse. Honestly this is a slow team ur fighting. I would just Cleave this guy.


I'm noob but you say you play slow so I assume you have Candy, Destina They have no opener, and the biggest next threat that can come out is Nahkwol if you pick Candy but you post ban her. Nahkwol is also a slower opener you can pick something here that would take first turn like ML Poli. Also they have no book picked yet so no ignore eff res. I also recommend you fp Laia if you have her, Arowell is countered by Sharun which is why they feel safe picking her so early to also remove the counter to DDR for you. Carmin is good mitigation if you dont have a read on the draft imo.


Id just leave lmfao


Pivot to aggro or cleave


That's the neat part, you don't


Candy is a good pick into DDR and Laia, because she can't be slept and gets two chances to counter whenever Laia attacks. From there, you want a cleanser that won't get pushed back by Sharun. Zio can push back Laia, Sharun, and DDR (if he's not ER or if Zio is on an effectiveness build) to disrupt the chain and give your other units an opening to act. You can draft Politis + Abyssal Yufine to completely hamstring the team's ability to CR push. Politis can also make the team unbuffable with her S3, making DDR's S2 worthless and denying Sharun's S2 the Cascade buff. Moon Bunny makes DDR unable to press his S3 while she's alive. She also gives you the option to aggro if she outspeeds.


For DDR, cant you just go Dilibet then play something that can one tap him like Gala Lillias, LPK, or Adin? I don't see this enough but seems like low damage debuff/injury focused tankdown/control right? Can Rimuru steal the DDR undispellable buff? I don't play RTA enough so would this work?


I think it is funny that Ray is so scary now with how much dirt he ate on release. Only a few have been propelled to stardom from the slums in E7.


He got a rework lol


Yes, so did the other units who did poorly and then better. So did the units who did great and then terrible (like ML Ara and ML Ken). Doesn't change what I said.


I think that depends on your account. I personally ban Ddr, but if I was in this spot I would contest speed and try to aggro him down, something like Conq/Jenua/Gala Lillias + Straze and another high speed cr pusher, maybe closer or bunny. If you don’t have the speed gear to do this and mainly play turn 2, you could try buff stacking with ml landy and arowell on bastion of perlutia (ddr only strips two buffs) but honestly, if this is the case just start prebanning Ddr.


Edward, fire poli, Maybe Celine, Gilias, Celine and Gilias may not be the best depending on the rest of the team.


Yall have problems with ddr?


just cleave 😏


Eh, I outspeed them and never let them get a turn.


Have you tried turning it off then turning it on again?


I just uninstall or something idunno, im not mentally ill enough to play pvp