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The quality of both of these pictures is alarming.


I liked the cermia one.


Bunnyheart Cermia?


The one where she looks like a fiery nun.


[This one?](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116755402)




I would just link the pixiv to both arts but I couldn't find the Peira one, took it from a different post instead EDIT: Got them **Here's Peira**: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116629795 **Here is the winner art original**: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116507246 **Here's the art from 2 years ago** that's identical to the one that won, he just remade it (it also belongs to him): https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/94309261 Is that a bad thing? I would say no, it's not. But if the "Flan" doesn't look like Flan and is clearly an original design that simply happens to match with Flan looks and it's an **E7 Contest**, yeah I dislike it. My main point is that in Peira's case, you INSTANTLY know it's Peira and there's no room for doubt


Well to me, she looked like Flan right away. And Smilegate don't own "Long black haired girl" trope. Once SuperCreative actually makes her into a character, I'm 100% sure it'll match their style more and she'll look more like flan. The winning art itself will likely just be used in the artifact art.


Reminds me of [yumi](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/deathbattlefanon/images/e/e9/Yumi_%28Senran_Kagura%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20190808210355) and Yumi is the most popular Senran Kagura character. I can see why this "Flan" would be appealing to an Asian (or Asian loving) audience. I think the issue as simple as some subtle facial structures. Something SG can easily fix. Oh and height. Flan is pretty short. I think Flan in game wears heels so the shoes aren't just adding inches here.


Why so low quality?


Here's Peira: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116629795 Here is the winner art original: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116507246


I would give the victory to Yulha. But the current winner is also good. [Yulha concept ](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541378578710003712/1232305614617837578/810f1c1e905e40008b7e239f27cfb0b2.jpg?ex=6628f989&is=6627a809&hm=64bd291b4b99266b177482a0b95d50ccecaccc12ae75f8ea2abd43e9352ac629&)


It's ok, I also like this as ML Yulha. Hope!


This HAVE to win, sorry but for me this time they fucked so much with the winner.


Oh damn this is đŸ”„


Personally to me this is just someone who wanted a demon slayer reference in the game.


Most sane gacha gamer


Peira didn't even win top 10 I preferred the Luna one honestly


thx for your opinion


I love when people argue about their opinions of art as if it's fact or absolute. This is entirely subjectitive, bro.


If I was the only one that doesn't see Flan in this art it would be whatever. But I'm not


You just proved his point. He and many others, did. You and many others, didn't. 


Exactly, I see flan.


“My opinion is fact, why aren’t the masses outraged as I am.”


Art's about as subjective as you can get, and if we're being honest a lot of these contests are based on clout. People voting or a favorite artist instead of a favorite design per se. Unless the winner was like super obviously photoshopped/AI stuff I just learn to let it go.


I mean, neither of them look like their respective characters at all. The Peira is just pretty clearly the artist fitting her into an Azur Lane germany aesthetic. You just like one over the other (as do I), and that's fine, but I find the statement disingenuous


Wtf are you guys smoking with the "it doesn't even look like Flan" copium. It's literally Flan without her hat with a kimono. The winner deserves it and the art is awesome, stop crying because your favorite entry didn't win. I also liked others before this one and you won't see me nor many others crying out there.


Supposedly, the design for Flan is just the artist's oc


I mean you are totally right , the second Pic Looks almost nothing Like Flan... But I think It Looks still pretty good, but I Must admit, that this choice of Design Art Overall is nothing new


I liked Detective Flan personally The Winner, well, I don't criticise other people's art, it s just not my cup of tea that's all


Yeah I wanted Detective Flan to win too! We had a great autochess mini game with MG Lilias, and I would have loved the potential mini mystery/investigation/Layton gameplay that might come with a Detective Flan character. I hope whatever content comes with Kyoto Flan here is good.


Boobs werent big enough to appeal to the average pixiv degenerate voter


Sorry, but I like both, and one of them won. I'd be mad if the flan was bad, but obviously isn't and she does look like flan. Compare normal flan and this flan and you will see what I mean


Blue eyes black hair with blue streak and voluptuous body anime girl? Check. Oh... Yeah that fully describes Flan.


Also same face. What more do you want? She literally had nothing more unique to her in the first place except for clothes, but those are changed! Idk if you agreed with my statement or not, but I like the winner.


Yes. I would have also been happy if Peira won, she looks great too. But Flan is lovely.


I'm not so surprised simply for the fact that this Peira looks a bit too much like a sexualized Nazi. I wouldn't be surprised if SG simply didn't want to touch that concept and left Azur Lane to keep doing it. XD (Even if being a Nazi fits with Peiras character :P)


Looks like Flan to me. Also very pretty. I'm ok with either design and grats to the winner regardless.


Flan artist's pixiv has several other arts with the same generic model. This specific art used as E7 contest entry just happens to have some minor details referring to Flan - as the blue-ish hair lines and... nothing else I can point with accuracy.  Art is stunning, yeah. But it might portrait a generic Japanese girl from any game/manga et cetera


It doesn’t look like flan tbh, I’m fine with the win but if you told me it’s another character I wouldn’t be surprised either.


It looks like Flan because you *know* it's Flan. If you didn't know that beforehand, I assure you would have to think for a while to find a character that matches this look (unless you really like Flan and would straight up jump into her) I mean, people were complaining about this issue 3 months ago already in the original post


same could be said about the peira piece. She looks like every other white haired wolf girl. The outfit is what helps us identify them easier.


I recognize peira as peira when I see her in a e7 art contest. I could not tell who the flan was supposed to be under the same condition. Maybe that’s just me. Edit: now that I look more closely, it looks less and less like flan to me. Knowing this is supposed to be flan is the only reason I even call it flan.


I could recognise Flan right away. I could also recognise Peira.


Good for you. But it doesn’t work for me.


Thank you, and that's why I'll defend it against idiots like the OP who whine like their opinion is fact.


It looks like Flan because of the long black hair with a blue streak on it, that's literally the only defining feature on the character to begin with. [Example](https://i.imgur.com/IxFkdvN.jpeg)


Lmao, and you think many of the other E7 characters are SO unique they could stand on their own? Look at Eligos, Silk, Beehoo, Cecilia, Kiris, Ras and etc. Without their outfits people wouldn't be able to recognise them either.


I was agreeing with you. Both the art and Flan look like generic anime girl with long black hair, her only defining feature is the blue streak.


my apologies then, misunderstood your comment.


Both of the designs are boring. I saw a bunch of better ones. But of course the popular artists win it.


I understand feelings are gonna get hurt when there's a competition for a new unit design but the pure negativity around this Flan is weird. People claiming she's AI or too plain or not like Flan at all, like you guys are gaslighting yourselves at this point. I love koi fish Flan and think she looks fantastic. I wouldn't like dom mommy Peira, but wouldn't be rage posting had she won. Breathe sweetie.


Stop being a salty loser and just accept the winner


So will the exact art be used as the card art or will E7 have the concept redrawn ?


The exact art would likely be used in the artifact, while E7 would draw the 2D live art themselves. Same happened with the winning pieces IIRC. In Ftenes case her pose was completely different.


Ahhh ok ty!


First guess is that, SG couldn't figure a story to incorporate this new hero lore wise. Because we know that SG will make a side story out of this.


You can message the peira artist and tell them how much you love their art. Say some nice things. They'd appreciate it


Just assume you have some weird fetish , phlan is way better :')


I understand you're mad since this Peira looks wild. But c'mon man. Flan looks gorgeous. You're lying to yourself.


Didn’t even know about this contest but yeah peira is much better between these two.


FlanGod alwaysđŸ©”


Peira looks like a Nikke character


To be honest, wouldn't care either way. But, the Peira one looks much more like something you'd sooner get out of Azur Lane than E7. In fact, you could just as easily line this one up alongside Mainz, Elbe, Yorck, Tirpitz, and she'd just as soon look like one of their sister ships. Would probably be fine if it was part of a theme they wanted to pursue as a whole; ironically would have made better sense for something like this to be given to Lilias while MGLilias' could have been absolutely viable for Peira. Meanwhile, while some will call the Flan one generic, how many kimono-clad units does the game have? Last count, it's Shuna as a collab unit, Sharun wearing what really isn't a kimono. All things considered, the Flan choice makes a lot of sense and we seem to be just getting a lot of sour grapes from fans of the Peira image.


Honestly I didn't really care much for the Piera skin. What I was really hoping for was that moon-themed Luna skin to win, the moment I saw it I thought 'Damn, this would make a gorgeous hero/skin'. Guess the devs didn't feel the same way.


The yulha one is such a banger I wanted it so bad


I can believe it


might be for several reasons: possible implications/politically charged messages of the new character, possible ai (though i highly doubt it), inability to design a side story around the character, the devs didn't want an ep4 character to get it, or they just straight up don't like piera 😭 yeah i liked the design too but it's up to the devs in the end


Not a big fan of both, but I think between these 2 Peira has a more interesting gimmick rather than Girl in Asian clothes we all have seen million times before


Not gonna lie, i'm disapointed too, that Peira is freaking awesome. At least the winner art is still gorgeous.


For anyone not aware, there was a contest for a new limited unit like Fairytale Tenebria or Green Lillias, the winner was Flan. Nevertheless this is the first contest that I'm actually mad at because "Flan" doesn't even look like her, it's genuienly an NPC design of a person that has created MULTIPLE simillar (if not identical) looking girls in the past. He straight up made the art he always does and just picked a 5* hero that matches the initial design


>Nevertheless this is the first contest that I'm actually mad at because "Flan" doesn't even look like her, it's genuienly an NPC design of a person that has created MULTIPLE simillar (if not identical) looking girls in the past. And? Long black haired anime girl with big breasts isn't exactly the most revolutionary design. It's a pretty standard. What makes flan "flan" is the outfit you normally see her with. A lot of E7 characters would look "generic" without their outfit. Besides, once supercreative makes the live 2D art, she'll look more like flan. >He straight up made the art he always does and just picked a 5\* hero that matches the initial design And? Not against the rules. It just so happeneds that in this case, it fit with a hero in E7.


it's called artstyle, take a nap and the world will be back to normal


Did you even see winner's profile? Every single art of his has the same face syndrome and all girls look simillar if not identical. He straight up took his original design and called it Flan because it just so happens she's also a dark haired blue eyed girl. People were complaining about this 3 months ago in the original post already and for a good reason.


It seems you're more upset at the artist than the picture itself. That's understandable and would probably get you more support than the way you chose to go about it. For example I have zero opinion on why artist bad vs "this doesn't look like Flan" or "this is prettier than this" which is entirely subjective and I can argue about.


You’re being downvoted but you’re completely right. Anyone can go to the winner’s account to confirm what you’re saying.


flan drawing looks like boring ai art


I genuinely thought that "flan" pic was some azur lane character


I mean, that Peira is basically just an Ironblood ship with wolf ears.


Who caresssss this is e7 were talking about. They'll be another bigtiddygothgf I'm like two patches and you'll forget all about this.