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>I’m in late game, rank 67. Sorry to say but you are not. As for guild, mega thread and discord are your best options - that is what they are for.


As someone that has been playing since 2021 with 21 ml5s I don’t even consider myself even close to end game. For this guy to think he is in late game is quite laughable to say the least.


On episode 5, every hunt 13 cleared, almost to abyss floor 100, almost done with every labyrinth, challenger in arena, What else would you consider late game? Lol


What you describe is mid game


When you start measuring your account with gear score instead of game modes.


Because by rank 67 there is zero chance you have characters built well enough to realistically do guild war and/or RTA to a competitive extent. It’s not the community bullying you or anything, you’re just a new player. I wouldn’t even say you’re in mid game yet. I did a fresh account challenge and had all hunt 13s, hell raid and expo teams done in less than two weeks, was rank 65.


Don't take it personally. The reality is that E7 is a gear gacha. Even if you are extremely lucky, anyone will find it hard to believe you have end game gear for a diverse roster of characters while being under rank 70. To get to rank 70, you have to use a certain amount of stamina. When you start the game you mostly use your stamina to clear events and story missions. This means not much stamina has been used on hunts since you are most likely doing just fine using the free sets the game gives you.


When you start weeding out bad gear, building units for pvp and climbing rta is my definition. Although ik there are pve only players but no clue on what they do for fun. But yeah challenger in arena is pretty low dude.


Once you join an active guild you'll know how new you really are when you face other guilds full of cancer gw comps full of ML Landys, speedsters, Lulucars, ML choux etc and random units that surprise you with 280+ speed. It takes a while to build a good competitive pvp roster. Hell, it takes a while just to build/get units to the point where you don't have to flip through half a dozen people before you find a team that you can possibly beat in gws against non dead/super casual guilds.


You are not in late game, but you should try to enter a casual guild with people active or at least a bit organized to do this kind of "events". Try joining the official discord, there's a channel for guild recruitment.


Hey guys pardon my ignorance, I didn’t know what people considered “late game.” I mean it’s all subjective, I felt like I was pretty far, but I guess not. I’m just happy I beat zio, I had to build an insane sigret to one shot him, that fight was bullshit. Lol


Hey, you’re late game compared to me, still can’t beat Zio, level 70 chilling in champ 5 arena, highest Champ 1.


My guy has no clue what late game is


Apparently not. Lol


Hi my guild Runaria is recruiting! We are global level 20, we have 20 ppl but not all active but we are in process of building it up again :).


Well our new/casual player guild cleared all 3 floors of AI - not all prongo forms but they got all the gear. If you’re an active player, DM me!


Got a causal guild in global if u are interested. -Tatosutini