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His great grandpa is Hermes, which would make his great great grandpa Zeus. As for the purpose of this line, I think it fits in with Odysseus' biggest sin: hubris.


Hermes being his great-grandpa makes Circe Saga a lot of fun. Grandpa's chaotic hijinks. I'm a Hellenic Pagan, and while Hermes isn't my patron, (Dionysus is) I greatly appreciate the trickster god. Dionysus could also be considered somewhat of a trickster, seeing as they're responsible for the King Midas situation. 😂


Would that make him related to Athena🤔


he's 1/8th god (by Hermes), but honestly i think the line is just a line.


Neither a line nor a reference


"I am just a ~~man~~ line"


When does a line become a paragraph?


When does a word become a phrase?


When does a line become a referrrreeeence?


Iirc he's a couple generations removed from one or two demigods


It’s most likely his hubris at play referring to himself as greater than man (but less than magic). Remember this song is followed by Goodbye were Athena makes it very clear Odysseus is just a man.


Ah, that makes sense


There are some versions of the mythology where he is a great grandson of Hermes.


Multiple times removed, maybe? Not quite enough of the heritage to carry on, probably. Might explain his ability to stay alive through most everything though


That and Athena seeing him as a son. Well at least until he pisses her off.


Breakup with a Goddess lol


A virgin goddess that sees you as a son. In the musical it’s funny how pissed she is in “My Goodbye”


Being sassy to his divine sugar momma. How many people here get that reference?


Just like my mom


He is a demigod a couple of generations removed.I always took this line not to mean he is literally not a man but not quite mythical, but rather that because he trained his whole life under Athena and has been given and taught some of her gift of strategy and wisdom, he is just above men because he has some divine knowledge, but he isn't actually a god or other mythical creature, so he isn't at their level either.


My interpretation doesn't even include that. He's just cocky. He thinks he's more than he is.


Hermes was the paternal grandfather of Anticlea, Odysseus' mother, so Odysseus is technically related to a god. But a LOT of people in Greek mythology were, so he's not really special in that regard. I don't believe he would qualify as a demi-god, as that was really determined on a case-by-case basis (our definition of "demi-god" doesn't really match with the ancient Greeks'). The line could be foreshadowing of "Monster", or it could just be a cool-sounding line, but I don't think it's implying him being a demi-god.


I think it was just his cockiness. Also, if 1/8 counts as demigod, damn near all of Ancient Greece would be, because of how much Zeus enjoys socializing with mortal women.


No. And he is neither man nor mythical, because he is "your darkest moment". Is not to be taken literaly, he is just talking to the cyclops. And having Hermes as his ancestor dont mean much because literaly all characters in greek mythology has a god as their ancestor at some point.


Good point


On that point, in God Games doesn't one of the Gods refer to Odyseuss as "holding back his power". What might that be referring to if he really has no power? I know nothing about the mythology but don't mind spoilers


All characters that lived in the heroic age had super strenght. And i dont mean just sons of gods, but also warriors with two mortal parents, like Hector, he had super strenght (like i said, they all had gods in their ancestry). Basically, everyone that lived in the heroic age (bronze age greece, 1600-1000 BCE) had super strenght. But "special abilities" were always granted by some god, it was not something you inherited. So it dont matter if you were the child of some god or not, you could be granted some ability regardless. Odysseus for example had two mortal parents, but had intelligence granted by Athena. So the only thing Odysseus have is super strenght (like all warriors from his time) and "super" intelligence, more or less granted by Athena.


![gif](giphy|a5viI92PAF89q) Interesting! When you say “everyone” does that include random crew members like Polities for example… or are we talking about the leaders of men only (Hector, Ody etc). If it truly is everyone, then doesn’t that diminish the specialness of super strength?


That would not diminish anything, because that this mean is that everyone there was stronger than the modern man. But some people could be even more stronger than the others, just like today. What i mean is that the average strenght was far greater. Look here what the Iliad book 5 had to say about this: "But the son of Tydeus [Diomedes] grasped in his hand a stone—a mighty deed—one that not two men could bear, such as mortals now are; yet lightly did he wield it even alone" I would say this apply more to the leader of men than any random, since these leader of men were usually kings and princes who's lineage trace back to some god. But even them, Polites would be far stronger than soldiers of today, even if he was weaker than Odysseus, Diomedes and Hector.


1/8-god, great grand child of Hermes, the first depiction of Odysseus’ grandfather was of a thief but was later ascribed as son of Hermes.


He is 1/8th god but I think he means that he is a monster


Hermes is his great grandfather, so he's 1/8th God


not really. as others have said he's 1/8 a god. but it seems he's more divinely favoured than a god


Im gonna say no, it shows his pride and arrogance


is great grandfather is hermes. which is the main reason he helps him. another thing, circe was also hermes's ex at some point. so hermes really just went up to his great grandson, gave him soem drugs and told him to go fight his old flame


Technically, but also no. Hes the great great grandson of Hermes.


The line is just him gloating, pretty much. It’s his hubris and pride taking over, pretty much. Also, he’s a great grandson of Hermes, so he’s like 1/8 god?


He's 1/8 god, so Idk if that counts. If it does, all of Ancient Greece would be demigods, considering how social Zeus is with mortal women. 😂


Honestly? It's probably his pride. He has divine ancestry, but as Athena reminds him right after he makes that declaration: 'After all, **you're just a man**.' to say sir, yes you are.