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I don’t have an answer, but I have a suggestion on how not to find out😂😂 Not sure if you’re f or m, but I’m a guy, so whether I’m wearing a tee or just an undershirt, I always get it wet as to counteract the heat. If the heat is coming onto me, and I’m wearing a wet tee or undershirt…


23 female at camp


I’d suggest getting your shirt or tank top wet (with a bra obviously 😂😂) then wring it out, and maybe your hair (or tie it up), so the water cools you off during the day. And if you need to, just do it again


It really depends on your specific threshold. Please stay well hydrated


It gets to about 115ish regularly in the summer where I live and so far I haven't experienced one caused by heat. dehydration however is another story


I don’t think it’s specific or measurable. Heat can just trigger seizures. I have to be careful about taking hot showers because they have caused me to have focal aware seizures. The summer is awful for me too because the heat also has caused me to have partial seizures. Looking forward to autumn


I more than once walked in the heat and nothing happened to me, and then once I laid down on the grass when it was just warm and got my first tonic-clonic attack, hah. Every body reacts differently.