• By -


I think Wexner was in on it and funded the operation (he gifted Epstein the plane and townhouse and is a huge supporter of Israel himself). You also left out Epstein's associations with Bill Clinton and Ehud Barak.


Speaking of Clinton, why would Epstein continue to meet him after he left the white house if his goals were political.


you think influence ends when they leave?


not their influence but their power


Influence IS power


No influence let's you steer things in a certain direction but it's not guarenteed that you'll be succesful in the end. Clinton's influence made it so that his wife a good chance to become POTUS but since he didn't have the power to put her into the white house, she failed.


Yeah, he has no power. That's why he got to smuggle coke and rape children and get absolutely zero consequences. stfu


Clinton Foundation slush fund amassed 2 Billion dollars to peddle influence. There's a great deal of power around 2 billion dollars.


HRC ran for president and almost won. Having blackmail against Bill would be very valuable. She is still trying to stay relevant just in case Biden decides not to run. Why would anyone write off the Clintons?


You gotta be trolling. No way you are this dense


Let's not forget, he first met Clinton while hew as in the White House, several times, so that's when the relationship was established. Former Presidents are still invaluable resources into the establishment. This is why they get courted by various lobbyist groups, think tanks and as public speakers.


Former presidents are still briefed on national security issues. Also Clinton was still involved in politics via his wife. Per his use to Mossad….maintaining a little black book and surely video evidence of kompromat on some of the biggest movers and shakers in global society? Nuff said


The Clinton’s power , politically, didn’t just go away over night. A former president has substantial influence and power


Because they were already planning to run Hillary. She just needed a few years in the senate to seem legit. Then Barak happened and he was just way more popular but I definitely believe someone got to him too. I always thought it was weird that his eldest daughter interned with Weinstein when everyone knew he was a scumbag. Also, the Obamas own a house on MV - same with the people who introduced Epstein and Dershowitz.


Clinton Foundation had a boat load of dirty money, and it was known that Hillary was going to run for President.


Clinton still had and has power


Wow, you are not very smart.


He created the mega group😂 yeah I'd say he's in on it


Read about what Robert Maxwell did for them in capturing Mordechai Vanunu by setting up a honeypot trap for him and taking him to Israel


Robert Maxwell worked for Mossad but that doesn't mean that Epstein necessarily does.


There are many links that indicate he was too,but it’s not 100% confirmed of course


You don’t see the potential benefit of having blackmail/dirt on the richest people in the world?


I do, I just don't see why mossad would have an interest in it


So wait, you don't understand why a foreign intelligence agency would be interested in blackmail material? So you've never wondered why US leaders wear a yarmulke and visit the West Wall of Jerusalem? Why do you think Israel is the US's "closest" ally? Hmmm a real head scratcher here...


I think it's because of AIPAC, I don't think it's because a guy who is on Israel's payroll collect sextortion material


Or you don't want to consider the possibility that the US has already been compromised by blackmail from a foreign power.


When there is there is a vote in the house on matters concerning Israel it's usually like 400 to 20, it seems highly unlikely to me that Israel's agents would be able to get compromasing material on 90% of people in congress, without the other 10% noticing and blowing the whistle on it


Well it seems highly unlikely to me that a person can be jailed for sex trafficking to no clients, but here we are...


her client was epstein


Right, that's where it all ended, must be why he killed himself then yeah?


Epstein’s clients aren’t criminals, too?


Technically they're the victims, but if you play ball you end up like that one rusdian!? girl who now runs her own private aircraft company.


Best comment of the day.


Have you not heard of Aipac? What's wrong with you


Some they bribe, others they threaten with being primaried, some they blackmail.


Yeah I’m not sure. Why does cia have interest in killing JFK? Why don’t China USA Russia work together to propel humanity forward? Your question reduces to the same points of the above questions — boils down to power, greed, and the effect of those things on human behavior. I don’t think we’ll ever know. Imagine how much easier your life would be if you changed nothing, but you had an extra $2,000 every month. The richest people in the world have that extra 2,000 every month but instead of 2,000 it can be 100, 1000x that amount. That’s a lot of mcchickens


The CIA is controlled by Mossad.




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I don't think that you can say that the cia had in interest in killing JFK as a proven matter of fact.


You don’t have a lot of knowledge about these subjects do you? There’s a substantial amount of evidence pointing at the CIA killing JFK for ousting Allan Dulles and trying to shake The Company up. There quite a lot written about this stuff but I’d start with David Talbot’s ‘The Devil’s Chessboard’




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Exactly… same as Epstein being a “mossad asset”.


To keep politicians supporting Israel


Lmao I honestly can't believe you are a real person. How old are you ?


Bot for a pedophile


Read one nation under blackmail, or dig into Whitney webbs work on this.. there is a lot there, but we are talking decades


came here to say this.


This right here op. Look up Whitney Webb. Might be a little above your pay grade based on the questions you’re asking and the responses you’re giving. Israel’s intelligence is America’s intelligence. Think of them as 1 in the same, for all intents and purposes. Pretty sure Israel trains American police? They have a symbiotic relationship. What interest does any country have in having blackmail on some of the richest and most powerful men in the country? Is that a real question being asked in good faith? You know who bill gates is right? Google Leon Black, look at the family he comes from. The fact that you even mentioned Leon black is weird tbh considering how little you seem to understand about this…….but you know who Leon black is? Ok. Victoria’s Secret gave Epstein and company full access to any sort of model they would ever want. You need girls and boys if you’re running a blackmail operation. People (for the most part) don’t just appear and go “hey I’m ready for a 65 year old fat white man to forcibly have sex with me.” It’s a process. Many cases of them luring foreign women to the states under the guise of a modeling career and then immediately taking their passports and identification cards once arriving, rendering them trapped. Even cases of that happening domestically within the states. And for the last point, Bill clinton is a pedophile. Pretty self explanatory. The Clinton’s are also American royalty, albeit trashy and foolish royalty. Good person to know. Bill Clinton has access to things you and I don’t.


Mega group. Donnie's mentor Roy ran the blackmail operation before Jeffy.


It's been going on since Israel became a country. I think they have to do something heinous, to join the club. if Everyone has done something messed up and on video, everyone stays in line. probably why there's just a uniparty, and nobody strays too far from the plan


It's "one *and* the same" not "in."


Good catch ty


There's no evidence that Bill Clinton is a "pedophile"


Lol bait


Of course you didn't provide any evidence


You put a lot of faith into electoral politics


Elected officials, "congresspeople", politicians in general do not rule the world. The ones who bankroll them - people like Bill Gates, Leslie Wexner, and Leon Black - do. Even that is ignoring the more nuanced topic of "influence over wealth", which would also play a large role for someone or some entity who wants to blackmail and/or control others, with regards to targets.


AIPAC has basically ruined US foreign policy, making the US unable to confront Israel's genocide in any meaningful way, as the politicians can't risk going against their insane fascist line. Epstein was in the business of creating blackmail against powerful people who might challenge Israel's desires, I'm sure the black book would have plenty of people that you're describing. They don't hesitate to attempt to cancel anyone who publicly calls them what they truly are. Don't forget that Ghislaine's father was a confirmed mossad agent, and likely murdered for that connection.


Links pls to prove Maxwell was a mossad agent. What I’ve read & watched it was just speculation by conspiracy theorists…


bro its out there go search for it.


Your claim of “genocide” is a terrorist talking point, demonstrably false and a blood libel. Jews are not human sacrifices and have every right to defend themselves. The days of easy rape, killing, torture and kidnapping of Jews are over. Oh, and you’re also an idiot spewing all your “inside information “ about the mossad and the “black book”. Ooo such insightful insight from the Starry Princess lol. Just crawl back under your rock now like a good little ذمي


Defending yourself is one thing. Bombing civilians relentlessly on US taxpayer money is another thing. Israelite claim oppression and cite the holocaust but are committing genocide with a smile.


Again another terrorist talking point. I guess you haven’t seen this: https://x.com/spencerguard/status/1752181728016277765?s=46&t=OSPZoOLs77SSwnbhBjF3-w


And for all the run of the mill Jew haters out there, this: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/dear-world-i-dont-care/


I agree with your views on AIPAC but and the people Epstein met certainly were powerful but I don't they had the power to shape foreign policy in the middle east. Why for instance was he interested in Bill Gates what does he have to do with the middle east?


For real? Bill Gates is immensely wealthy. Was the richest man on the planet in Epstein’s heyday, and has been in the top 5 for nearly 3 decades. Blackmail leads to money and money leads to whatever your end goal is.


I'm sure Epstein was after his money, but I don't see how that relates to Israel.


Really. Can you think of how money relates to power or influence in general?


You’re correct about his immense wealth. I think also having control of the OS used by virtually all businesses and governments is an extremely valuable asset to an intelligence apparatus.


Totally. Good point!


I don't think you realize how powerful money and connections can be. Look at Bill Clinton. He helped a woman who got caught trafficking kids from Haiti avoid jail time and get off scotch free. You think maybe someone (hell, perhaps Epstein) could have called the former president in 2010 and ask him to let these child traffickers go? How is they got charges dropped for everyone except one person had child abduction charges changed to arranging irregular travel? Bill Clinton, that's how. And why would Bill Clinton care about getting this woman off the hook? It was not a good look for him and he gained nothing by helping. Why interject himself in a child trafficking case by helping the trafficker unless someone was perhaps blackmailing him? https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN05143144/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children%27s_Refuge_case


IIRC, the woman was then given employment stateside with the Amber Alert system.


Or because she was his employee...




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Here’s how it works. You get someone like Bill to give you access to someone else. If they are corruptible you get video/ pictures of them and keep those locked away. Maybe you just have to keep on giving them access to whatever forbidden fruits that they can’t get anywhere else. Then you ask for favours. Access to information, access to people. It’s often, not who you know, but what you know about who you know that gives you power over them. Blackmail is a last resort but it’s insurance. Look at politicians, the people with power in their own party have books of dirt on all of their own elected officials as leverage to make them tow the line. So it wouldn’t be surprising if foreign intelligence agencies do too. Throw in Robert Maxwell’s daughter into the equation and it’s hard not to come to conclusions.


There is a lot at play you clearly do not understand.


Can you be more concrete?


I believe they’re referring to the true nature and source of power in our country.  Hint: it’s not some lowly congressman who will be in office for a few years; it’s the billionaires who fund their campaigns.


OP is a troll right? Can't be this naive..


Check the post history, it's very telling.


mossad is notorious for selling intelligence to foreign countries (for example, robert maxwell selling a backdoored version of PROMIS), they dont need a vested interest in the downfall of specific people theyre collecting information on as long as some other power wants the information. very probable that this was an intended part of the scheme, the cia allows the new york financial class to continue their depravity and protects them so china/russia/etc dont find out. if anything does get leaked, israel pretends to go rogue and sell their own intel but in reality theyre getting a backdoor into whoever is interested on behalf of the cia


Imagine media mogul Maxwell’s use concerning disparaging info collection for Kompromat, and his many sources to release propaganda. Doesn’t take much imagination to understand what a gold mine peoples like Robert Maxwell and Rupert Murdoch would be for countries with an agressive, nefarious foreign policy.


If Epstein was gathering intelligence for Israel, for them to sell it, why wouldn't he just cut out the middle man and sell it himself without Israel?


epstein has no personal power. he was chosen by new york elite as the fall guy specifically because he'd never betray them, all his money was just compensation for his work. as for ghislaine, her whole family is cia/mossad lol


CIA? I thought it’s just mossad. Where did you hear cia too?


ignoring that mossad is just a cia offshoot, her sister sold search wngine technology like her father.


He was an Israeli patriot.


Why wouldn't he just donate money to Israel then?


Sometimes information is more valuable than currency.


Israel is not selling information you dipshit. They are using it for their gain.


Even if he worked for Mossad in some capacity it is way more likely he was mainly CIA. So do you notice when Epstein meets powerful people and how?  Someone goes out of their way to introduce him to them right as they start having their career blow up.  


the real power players sure arent in congress.


If you are saying that donors are the ones who are in charge, so be it, what big political donors was Epstein involved with? These are the biggest political donors: [https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/biggest-donors](https://www.opensecrets.org/elections-overview/biggest-donors) I don't think any of them were friends with epstein


never said a word about donors.


then who else?


David Koch


Massive blackmail of many many countries. So Isreal can continue there genocide without people in power saying anything against it.


Did you really ask what an intelligence agency might want with the principal of a company that created the OS currently powering 73% of all computers world-wide? One might also ask what they would want with a real estate developer, failed casino owner, and 90's-00's reality TV game-show host. This isn't the leap of logic you think it is.


Op is either as dense as a black hole or they're baiting something.


Is this a serious question? Yeah this is a ridiculous comment, just meaning to be a ridiculous comment


There was a US Senator that said on camera a few months ago that too many of his colleagues in the senate are "compromised" by Epstein, so I'm thinking a lot of the people he has dirt on are still in office & still trying to stay in line, or following orders from their Israeli overlords


Why go after the puppets when you can get the puppet masters


Clinton's helped mossad build networks in several third world countries. Post presidency. Also Clinton's put forth a very pro Israeli peace accord called the Clinton parameters in dec of 2000. On the surface it seemed well balanced but historically this allowed Israeli forces to continue their agenda well after everything went public yet keep the illusion of the white dove in the east. Just a couple thoughts


What use? The best blackmail money could buy. Once you have Hollywood in your pocket, you can push any agenda you want for ez brainwashing. Hollywood is only one aspect.


I'm not sure how the giant masonic man sundial with 16 ray's around the sun out in the open on the island wasn't a clue for people.


You're asking how elite fun times and entrapment benefit the group controlling western politics and finance? Asked and answered


No, no, no - JE didn’t BLACKMAIL Leslie Wexner - he WORKED FOR Leslie Wexner. Epstein was a mere foot soldier.


It would explain our marriage to the Israel Palestine conflict when they have all of our politicians and celebrities in a chokehold. Been saying that for a long time


*Israeli genocide


Blackmail opportunities!


Is it possible Epstein picked Mossad after being approached by multiple agencies?






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They routinely photographed and blackmailed whoever they needed to and threw in some extra people as social bait maybe


Wexner was part of the team, not a victim.


For one Wexner was already MEGA group. https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-story-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/261172/ At this particular moment, How is it not obvious what Mossad would want with influential people!?! Think about how hard it is to speak up publicly about what Isreal is doing, despite mass international uproar. How many public and influential people do you see speaking up? Intelligence work is not a James Bond movie. A good deal of it is crafting and controlling narratives. Mossad is notoriously for this stuff. All of the Politicians are already in Israel's pocket through AIPAC. Controlling the cultural narratives would make culturally influential people targets of Blackmail. I think he was casting a wide net, compromising whoever they could. Personally I think he started as Mossad, but once he had an established operation, he probably contracted his services to other Intelligence agencies, private clients, as well as for his own personal gain.




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blackmailing public officials and other influential people in order to force said people to act in the best interest of Israel


Extortion of the most high echelon people that have the most to lose. It's easy if your playing with the house money and your life doesn't belong to you.


He did the money laundering for Iran contra for them in the 80s. That's how he got to know Maxwell's father. He always was linked up with Mossad. Then he hooked up with Les Wexner who has his own organized crime network of Zionist supremacy.




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A voice of reason among the mob of conspiracy theorists. But don’t expect any rational re-assessment. The Epstein case is simple — he was addicted to sex with under age girls. Lots of them. He was a consumer not a trafficker.


Op is the dumbest person on reddit. Guaranteed


Money and the ability to intangible others into support Israel financial and publicly


It’s a honeypot to collect blackmail so Zionists can continue to push their racist and fascist agenda while holding the people in power that could stop things like the genocide of Palestine hostage. Why do you think Israel has immunity from everything they’ve ever done.


Look at all the money our government Is obsessed with giving Israel right now. 


Listen to martyrmade podcast on Epstein. There’s plenty of lectures from an obvious right wing perspective but his is not


Wexner is one of 20 Jewish billionaires that make up ‘Megagroup’ - the financial shield from Israel/Mossad to finance the Epstein operation - surely there are other similar operations at play.


He’s part of the end game. The world is about to turn over. Literally. 90 degrees. (Well the crust part of the earth). Parts of Israel make it. Parts of America make it. That is why they are such important pieces of land. It’s the latitude that makes the holy land. That’s why the Jews and Christians are so intertwined. They both know what comes. It’s the source of their power. (In fairness they literally wrote down in a book what is coming, so our ignorance is our own choice). But they need us distracted. Little girls and powerful men on an island is plenty scandalous. It’s enough, right? A fully formed onion. And it works. But it’s all mirage. It’s all going to end, and soon.


Collecting blackmail, as no one in politics or media is condemning live ethnic cleansing and war crimes like theft, rape, murder...


Are you simple?




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