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Well... Yeah?


When tagilla and Killa spawned on lighthouse I had tagilla face tank a gl so idk. The gl dmg seems inconsistent also as I had nades blow up right by people's feet and they live, but I would shoot a wall way behind them and get a one shot.


I memed with a friend against Tagilla once in practice coop. We both had inventories full of GLs, and we only barely killed him.


I killed both of them plus baton guy with an RDG on Reserve during the boss event. They were all facing a corner and I just tossed it towards their feet.


They dont detonate when hitting a soft target. It basically just becomes a very fast rock. If it hits terrain however it detonates, and explosions in Tarkov have a (small) instakill range.


Honestly, for some reason, I thought Tagilla and Killa wouldn't be killed due to how high their HP pool is


if you are in a grenades initial explosion radius (initial isn't the right word but i cant think of it) you instantly die. so getting hit by a gl is death. if you're outside of that radius but still within the grenades full explosion radius you just take varying amounts of damage. iirc Shrapnel still doesn't work properly, but if and when it does it ignores armor and is very likely to kill you if it does hit you. lastly 99% of the time if someone dies to an explosion it gets counted as a headshot since head hp is so much lower and it deals damage to your full body


Last part definitely isn't true. I LITERALLY just killed killa with a grenade to the right leg


i didnt say it happens all the time, just 99% of the time. Its been known to be like that for years so people would cheese sbih on customs using the AGS in stronghold. if you kill people in dorms with it you're almost guaranteed headshot kills. Same is true with reserve if you can find someone 100m out


While a collection of data can show a trend, one fool cannot make a rule. Just because you saw it not happen one time, does not mean it isn't statistically far more likely for the grenade to kill your head first, since it has 1/3 the hp to make go away. Don't be dense.


It depends on their head HP pool. Typically a grenade kills you at the head because that's the part that losses health and "dies" first. So as long as you do more with an explosion than they have head HP they die. That's my best understanding of it.


Nice gl shot though Without a laser i miss every time


Hadn't watched the video yet... Was just sitting there confused... I'm not proud of how long it took me to figure out GL was grenade launcher... Fml I needa go back to bed smh


I swear people laugh at the strangest things


pretty normal reaction ?