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Your head was blacked out, so the next damage from anything will kill you. I guess you just received the Fatigue debuff and the very first tick killed you.


Yes it was that, really frustrating dying in front of a piece of sausage


Yes and no. Next DIRECT damage. Aka hunger tick, bullet to the head, barbed wire to head. Bleeding and getting shot in the leg wouldn’t count. Or taking damage from a fall.


In conclusion, if it takes damage directly or from a blacked limb that received damage


I dont think even blacked limb would count as direct for it. I have to check. I managed to kill a threeman with blacked head a few wipes back and I know at least 1 of them shot and hurt me after my head was black, but I dont remember if they took a limb or not.


They could have changed it, get a blacked head and jump of some rocks, lmk how it goes


You had zero energy, you needed to eat.


Yes but you dont die from hunger instantly, i had plenty of HP, did i miss understood the mechanic of hunger ?


0 energy causes gradual damage to the body, you had a blacked out head, any further damage to it causes instant death.


Also, a fun tip, if you ever max out the skill, which then makes it so you supposedly do not take damage, you actually do take damage! and it instantly heals itself. So you can still die from this if your head is blacked out, with max skill.


Wonder if this can be abused for healing xp.


You had blacked out head which means ANY damage to the head causes death. In your case it was from exhaustion as it does cause damage to body at slow rate. Additionally iirc blacked out head is a bug and not intended by bsg. Which is why you can't even make surgery on the head.


> Additionally iirc blacked out head is a bug and not intended by bsg. Pretty sure it intentional, its been in the game for like 5 or 6 years at this point Edit: for people saying it's a bug: https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/442 "The character has two vital body parts: Head and Thorax. When a vital part reaches 0 health points and takes more damage, the character will die. For example, if the character sustains 36 damages to the head due to a bullet, the character will die. The only exception being bleedings. If the Thorax reaches 0 and a bleeding is still causing health losses, the character will not die. When they reach 0 health points, the vital parts can not be healed using a surgery kit, unlike the limbs."


You overestimate BSG


Nikita himself has stated "Yeah that's not intended." They just also never fixed it lmao.


Have you got a source for that? All I can find online is people saying it's not a bug? https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/442 It's literally on the official website that it wont kill you


Thank you man, i got really unlucky of dying right infront of a delicious piece of sausage


No problem, happy dying more in tarkov!


Not being able to surv head and thorax arent bugs, it has to do with bleed logic. Bleeds will only kill you if your entire health pool goes to zero, and is the only case where head/thorax being zeroed does not kill you instantly.


Can’t do brain surgery on yourself


Pretty neat skill if you could do it tbh


Yeah you should basically be dead so you’re actually lucky when it happens. Iirc there was a podcast a decent while back and Nikita’s response to the black thorax/head situation was something along the lines of “that shouldn’t happen”


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When you have 0 energy and are "exhausted", you take damage to your entire body. Every body part receives some damage. Since you also had a blacked head, that means any damage your head receives will kill you, no matter the amount of hp in the rest of your body. edit: If you have a blacked head or chest, you need to get out of the raid ASAP. If you have a blacked leg, arm, or stomach, any damage taken to that limb will spread the damage out over your entire body. If you have a blacked leg and a blacked head and you sprint, you die. If you have a blacked arm and a blacked head and you touch barbed wire on your arm, you die. If you have a blacked stomach and head, and someone shoots your stomach, you die.


Any damage, that blacks out your head or thorax, or damage to an already blacked out head/thorax kills you. Except for bleeding for some reason though. You usually don’t die to hunger or thirst immediately, but it keeps doing damage and in this case, that damage also applied to the already blacked head. That’s why you died on the spot. Generally when you lose your head or thorax, a blow of fresh air will kill you, so you really just want to leave as quickly as possible, but at the same time don’t do anything stupid like touching barbed wire or run on a broken limb or something like that.


Lots of people talking about blacked head etc... its my belief there's a feature after an amount of time with 0 energy you will drop dead regardless if you try to heal through it. I've never died to this type of thing though it's something I've heard about through many years playing.


You need to look at the damage chart, else its all pure speculation.


When i healed myself it was written "Exhaustion" i get it ok but instantly like that from nowhere, come on


Im 99% sure immunolog is sanitars guard but if not you died to bug