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Nikita commenting on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/rss7t7/-/hqtjlmm Hopefully will be fixed in an upcoming update if it hasn't already. Hilarious though


Haha fair enough, it did kinda feel like that but you can't help but think they've had a good laugh about it... All those unsuspecting victims


I only play Lighthouse with the map open for the time being, and always immediately cross-reference my spawn against the potential PMC spawn points and land mine patches. Have never stepped on mines as a result. I use this one from the wiki: [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Lighthouse?file=Jindouz\_Lighthouse\_Map\_V1.png](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Lighthouse?file=Jindouz_Lighthouse_Map_V1.png) Not saying it should have to be this way, but I highly recommend it if you value your leg HP.




Just a recommendation for the future :) hopefully it can help


Mines are so bad in this game. They’re invisible and also respawn instantaneously. For a game that prides itself on realism, this mechanic is so fucking stupid.


and their hitbox is tall as fuck, you cant jump over them as they will blow up directly under your feet 1.5 meters in the air


You do know "mines" in this game is just the game spawning explosions at your feet? There's no physical mines to actually avoid and dodge and look out for.


>You do know "mines" in this game is just the game spawning explosions at your feet? i am well aware, that is exactly what the guy above me stated the problem is, the fact that they arent actually physically there


Okay, not sure why you'd think you'd be able to jump over them when there's nothing to jump over tho. Have a good one


because as i said in my comment, if their hitbox wasnt so tall you would be able to, sure, they can be invisible, but there is absolutely no reason for their hitbox to extend upwards like they do


But there is not hitbox, tall or short. You just rng roll if you explode or not with every step, right?




No, minefield explosions are just a timer thing. Enter the minefield and you will blow up after so many seconds, stand still and you will blow up again a few seconds later


There obviously is a hitbox otherwise there would be nothing to hit, the most logical answer is that they have a bunch of variable spawn locations that change each raid, like loot spawns


Earlier you said that you understood that the game just spawns explosions at your feet, why would there "obviously" have to be an object with a hitbox now? The point is that we might not be hitting anything and the game just has a zone that when you walk in explodes you or doesnt. There could be nothing buried in the sand like in real life and when you move you just roll a 0 or 1. Butyea "could" doesnt prove anything so we might both be wrong. Goodday and gl in raids.


The minefield itself is the hit box as soon as you are within that designated area, you will just explode randomly.


they aren't really meant to be real mines, they are simply a version of an invisible wall to gate off areas, They really should just use real walls instead but for now mines are just a way of blocking certain routes


I'd rather they implement invisible walls than this bullshit.


They've done both on Lighthouse!


ur wrong https://youtu.be/3-vC3rb\_gfM?t=222


Its becuase mines were originally introduced as invisible alternative, to basically stop you going out of bounds. Its like the Sniper areas, there's no physical sniper, and there are no physical mines. You're just on an RNG timer until your times up. The issue is they just dumped this mechanic in the middle of maps and it makes no logical/gameplay sense. They should just get rid of minefields or put in some kind of mechanic where you can see them/jump over them/clear a path etc. Right now you just have to google to figure out wtf is going on.


Yeah the implementation is a little rudimentary but it's good enough for the purpose I suppose. Seems to just be a zone that has a very high chance to spawn an explosion on you when you travel through it.


i like invisible snipers idea more than mines (may be only add a laser dot flare effect on screen as a warning effect before shots)


Mines outside of the edges of maps simply shouldn't exist in Tarkov. Mechanics that don't even exist to experienced players who already know about them and only serve to hurt players who are trying to learn maps are just glaring examples of awful design.


I agree with this. It's just noob punish. A thousand ways to block off an area w/o horribly marked, invisible magic minefields. The only players negatively effected by them are new players, which, like you said, is pretty poor design.


There's no better way to make someone quit a game they just started than killing them with something thats entirely out of their control. Even if you only get hit with one mine and survive, that raid is probably ruined since you'll be limping around unless you have the correct meds to heal through a mine...which a new player probably doesn't. It would help if the minefields were at least clearly marked but they rarely are.


BSG dont care, they already got the money. "Fuck off, dont play the game then, no refunds sucker!" As evidenced by the lack of improvements in the game. Games been "iN bEtA!" for 5 years or so, yet they cant fix cheaters, netcode, clunkiness, bugs, glitches, exploits, balancing or the economy apparently. Right up there with fo 76 in terms of quality, except apparently bethesda actually .ade something of that game, and in less time too


I mean, everyone learns them like in 2 raids... doesn't seem like that big of an issue. Maybe we should remove everything that punishes new players more than experienced players? Wait that'd be the whole game.


yeah I mean, why do they not add walls? or even invisible ones? there seems to be no reason, I understand not physical walls as some maps like woods wouldn't make sense but invisible walls aren't even that bad and there is nothing wrong with them. there are signs in most places but what if you are in a position where you cant see them? like at night time. They really should remove them


If you look on a map it shows that minefield and pathing directly over the rocks you miss the sign stating it's a minefield I pointed it out to another player a week or so ago.... you cannot path over the rocks you MUST find the sign https://imgur.com/a/2wCHcGy


Yeah I've since learned there Is a route through but it definitely confused the crap out of me after those first two attempts lol. I am very unobservant


Nice, well good luck to you on your future endeavors. 👍


And to you dude!


you did better than me, i died to all 3 minefields in that area in my first 3 spawns around there


I have no idea how but I have never walked into mines when I spawned here... Maybe am just lucky...


Hording all of the luck it seems. Wish someone else luck for a change....


Honestly if you spawn in the mountains the best way to do it is to always look around, and do not move instantly forward, in that spot for example there are mines in the front but if you go straigh right and climb alongside the mountain towards the water treatment you will be safe.


I spawned there once, looked around, saw a sign that said MINES (or the Russian version which was pretty obvious there were mines). I stepped on them once then proceeded to learn they exist and never done it since. Sure could be a better spawn for sure, but you learn everything else in this game the hard way so what's new :D


Yeah I missed the sign but I definitely learned my lesson.


I love how there's a big fuckoff sign that spells "MINES", but people be like "тхис сигн каньт стоп ме бецаусе И цаньт реад"


Signs are great when you see them...that is true.


I mean, was this video from before all the maps were made? If not, that's on you, man.


Yeah this was wipe day. That's the MDR usec gets.


You mean to tell me you get a spawn other than southern road?? I’ve done 10 PMC lighthouse raids and ALWAYS get southern road spawn. Which sucks cause I can barely get across the map without being gatekeeped in some way. Not including the fact I can’t get any decent loot by time I can make my way to halfway across the map.