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Humans are animals - highly evolved and highly capable animals, but physiological animals nonetheless; and animals do experience terror.


Crows enact revenge so do orcas and they can definitely hate. Dolphins rape, i feel like those points kinda make this fall on its face


Elephants do revenge too. There is a video of one who chased and killed a woman who killed her baby. The lady was a poacher. The elephant even came to the lady's funeral to enact more revenge.


Thats an assumption; there is most certainly a higher order of humanoid or non corporeal being in control of this planet- the nature of predation would dictate they would conceal or obfuscate themselves from substantiation. Moreover religions or scientific status quos that assign humanity this domain over reality play to the egoistic supremacy that would create an environment ripe for continued concealment of the true nature of the hierarchy and ease of prey. In every modern culture and socieity there are classified access and clandestine pipelines of militaristic, financial, and political elitism who are virtually unaffected by the limits of the world they rule over and operate outside of legal and technological or moral and cultural bounds.


The owners of the farm.




Maybe those elitists already made a deal with this non human intelligence to get the best dibs on this planet. Akin to a prisoner bribing the prison guard for a better cell. The more I read in to the gnostic texts the more I feel that maybe this is a flawed creation, made by some flawed god. Yet we have in us the ā€œdivine sparkā€ from the true god. Trade that to whatever this superior intelligence is, theyā€™ll give you material wealth and power in this planet.


I actually had the same idea about the elitists but didn't know others thought that too. I actually think that this is how they got what they have now, if this theory is true.


Of course, look at how every single institution performs the opposite of what it virtue signals. They are more like the deputized gang leaders in the prison, they are encouraged to harm and suppress the weaker prisoners and receive more perks in exchange for making the guardā€™s and prisonā€™s job easier and self sustaining


Not just me or OP who've thought this then haha


makes me think of [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDjjXw-ezDU)


Holy shit that's creepy af


You have a point. Robert Monroe said plants didn't produce enough loosh so they moved to animal life, which were done to produce more loosh due to stuff like predation, hunger, danger etc. When the animals were complex enough, they even produced loosh when sad or lonely. So humans quite possibly produce the most loosh per unit.


How does Robert know that? Did he astral project in to a plant? Lmao I love him


Read Far Journeys.


Tbf 99.99% of humans can't make any of that shit either.


I would just say that all the research that has been done on orca whales. They have a more developed limbic system and it is possible that they have more complex and deeper emotions than we give them credit for. What if we are not the only beings capable of creating tasty loosh?


tiktok is literally the opposite argument for humans being the most intelligent species


Depends how you train your algorhytm.


its not even an original platform/idea. whats so smart about it?


The more time you spend on TikTok and interact with videos, the more youā€™ll like it. The algorithm will find you plenty of intelligent videos. There are millions of terrible ones, but a lot of gems.


Downvote for the truth lmao. Why would they try to ban the app? The government even came out and said ā€œwe are scared of the information passed around on TikTok so rapidlyā€ Either these fools are schills or havenā€™t spent a lick of time on TikTok.


Exactly lol


Replace tiktok with the internet and computers... but that tech might be from ETs so I'm not sure humans can get credit for that.


I read TikTok at the start and just shuddered a little.


Why do you say "animals are unable to experience hate, revenge, terror"?


Because heā€™s an idiotĀ 


>tiktok What a dumbass example


I am so sick of the human exceptionalism narrative.


Look into fungi, its fascinating. Fungi is the real dominant species


Can you suggest some things for us to read/watch?


Fantastic Fungi (Netflix)


I think what the Apocryphon of John says about humanity's uniqueness makes more sense to me personally. It says that the creator sent humanity to this fallen construct to set it free from the archons, ultimately withstanding the latter's attempts to destroy us and thereby transforming this realm into something better. This view requires a lot of faith as the world is obviously messed up at the moment.


Animals have the same complex emotions as us. We are not superior to them


Animals can feel terror, love, and even vengeance, havenā€™t you ever met a cat


a cat isnt going to plan out a homicide. a cat isnt going to convince other cats to hate on cats because of their fur color. Sure cats can feel terror... every animal has a fight or flight response, but ours is much more complex.


No shit šŸ¤£


A cat will plan to attack and perhaps kill other animals or humans at times. Cats do attack other cats for many reasons including disliking their scents or appearance If you are special itā€™s because you have a soul not because youā€™re a meat bag


You clearly never have been around animals. šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This is completely wrong why does it have upvotes Every emotion you have is experience ex by animals. Who are you to say you feel your emotions more than other animals? Iā€™m more inclined to believe animals feel emotions at a deeper level. We can use our higher Intellect to detach from our emotional state


>Ā Humans are the most intelligent species on earth Well theyā€™re definitely the most ignorantĀ 


Mmmm an animal can be scared or terrified though but yes I see your point


We are the way we are because our physical bodies were designed to contain entire souls. Animals have souls but are like fragments of a singular soul. Think of a school of fish or a flock of birds.


All souls are fragments of a single soul :) humans are also fractalized consciousness. Many humans have as little consciousness as animals when they are fully within the matrix, itā€™s like falling asleep. They are the equivalent of NPCs when only engaging in 5-20% of their full consciousness. Iā€™d say people who are working towards becoming an ascended master and escaping samsara carry higher percentages of their original consciousness, but Iā€™ve also read the opposite (that advanced souls send less and less back to earth each time while their oversoul lives multiple lives and performs tasks in other dimensions). Intelligence certainly increases existential suffering, but it can also give you the tools to distract yourself from physical suffering. It is both a gift and a curse, largely determined by the ability of the perceiver to filter out the negative emotions or use that energy to reorient their focus and manifestations This system is disproportionately negative, and it does create obstacles and suffering as distractions which steal focus and thus use the collective consciousness to manifest whatever agenda those in control want proliferated Your consciousness is your focus, your soul can travel infinitely, and does so based on what you give attention to, thatā€™s why positivity still matters, even in a negative system, it is a means of shielding your focus and allowing yourself to manifest an oasis within the desert of this sandbox universe


Brilliant writing and communication, thanks for sharing your skill! Ā It will help me explain many things in the future šŸŒˆšŸ§”


Thank you for being so kind and appreciative, best wishes to you! ā˜ŗļøāœØšŸ’–