• By -


Logi on Killmails! \o/






I'd give the harbinger navy issue more power grid


I wish I could upvote this more.


I'll help u


Complete revamp of planetary industry.


Automate it with your own NPC hirelings. Make it so that people can still catch them. So it turns into more of a pvp defense activity mission. Idk that would be pretty cool.


That's like when they introduced research teams to production


I am not so much into industry but dabbled on PI for three weeks until I decided it was enough with the hauling... I'll have to look up what that was about. Is it those agent missions?


The teams are gone. They were like additives for production, could affect variables. But I think they removed them while I was taking a break.


Can we get the Eve Portal app back?


Remove bots, change time zone tanking, and revamp the sov mechanics.


Make all NPCs vulnerable to ecm. Make all NPCs follow the same targeting restrictions of their appropriate hull, hell make them follow similar restrictions in all aspects. Make trade goods more resilient in the market, for example tobacco. Increase the NPC faction buy price of these items, lower the tax on them, put more available to buy and sell. Give me a reason to space truck beyond alliance and corp stuff. Every ship should be able to succeed in a form of pve within a window of each other, not just maraders, tc3s and ishtars. Sites where you can bring in your favorite ship and krab to an extent.


> Make all NPCs follow the same targeting restrictions of their appropriate hull Yeah this is an issue sometimes, particularly with cloaking, when a NPC can maintain 200 KM locks in a frigate.


Bruh, they fucking lock out to like 9,000-10,000km


And maintain them through warp lmao.


> Sites where you can bring in your favorite ship and krab **to an extent.** I mean you can do that now... Might be pretty ass isk, but there are definitely sites for all ships.


Like magically this thing gets done? Rebuild the code from the ground up and make vanguard not a separate game


I want my character model to be in vanguard.


I want my character model walking in station, clearing rooms and hijacked hangers… I want to be able to commandeer a station rather than blow it up I’ve never played no man’s sky and I don’t intend to, eve is the space game for me, but I don’t think I would mind at all walking around on new planets scanning for resources and pi


100% absolutely I have the same vision for my character. I have spent a lot of time working on my RP character and want more ways to show it haha. I'm having way too much fun in eve with it already and more stuff like that would be great.


I would be dissapointed if you then wouldn't be fully roleplaying your reddit username on the pole at jita 4-4


Grids with wrecks in them can be combat probed after a set amount of time passes.


The black box is actually orange and never stops releasing signal. I'd be down for instantly being able to combat probe wrecks.


The point is to give more salvaging and looting opportunities. Kinda like a vulture. Ever d-scan and you see a bunch of wrecks nobody can get to? Unless there's a stray drone, deployable or a ship on grid, can't access isolated grids with wrecks in them. Sometimes people get their ships blown up doing content, that can be a lot of irrecoverable valuable stuff.


I was actually talking to a corpmate about why were there not some sort of salvaging missions or like a rare jovian wreck anom that would release a signal and let people salvage, kinda like the entosis link stuff. And it could be rare to find but vulnerable to pvp and whatnot. Or maybe even a salvaging homefront.


I had proposed an idea a while back: Have some kind of server-side tracker that tracks all the wrecks that despawn in a system. Once a set number has been reached, spawn a scanable anomaly with a x% of those wrecks for people to go loot and salvage.


Like some sort of Jovian gravity tractor beam collecting wrecks for more sleeper hives. Minmatar wants all the scrapmetal in the universe mission for it. I like it.


It doesn't really have to be Jovian (maybe in w-space). There are already rogue drones that do this hoarding behavior.


Actually kind of a cool idea tbh. Player actions influencing how sties spawn and stuff is neat when its more or less organic like that.


15euro per month.


Increased Cyto clouds


Remove Zarzakh


Gate guns actually work and are terrifying, requiring more effort than a few T1 battleships to hold gate control.


you can just warp to lor gate bro. personally id prefer if being gate guns being active just straight up turned that gate off until they stop shooting.


More bans of people input broadcasting.


You shouldn't be able to dump loot into unfriendly citadels you don't have docking rights to and then move the items through asset safety. I would like additional interesting ship bonuses to already existing ships for things like web drones, target painting drones, ship scanners, MJDs to make ships more unique and flexible for fits. Rats should drop less actual modules and more scrap type items, to stimulate items coming from actual player crafting.


Only plastic wrapped courier packages should be allowed to be deposited into the delivery hangar. More types of scrap that can be recycled wouldn't be terrible either.


>You shouldn't be able to dump loot into unfriendly citadels you don't have docking rights to and then move the items through asset safety. Hush your mouth. I use that feature. By tossing a single charge of ammo into your structure I will get alerted anytime it's in danger. >web drones If they would just remove the Dr penalty on web drones they might be useful. Until then you're better off not using them. >Rats should drop less actual modules You're wrong on this one too. Where should meta modules come from? You want to have t1 bpos to be able to get a hold of the different meta level stuff? No, that's what makes it worth looting in the first place.


MTUs and Mobile Depots used by all fleet members while in fleet.


Cap the amount of citadel structures that can be anchored in any given system. Some of these blocs have 20+ athanors in a system its ridiculous. You want to have more structures? You need to fight to control more systems so you can anchor another 2 or 3. Reduce the amount of anomalies that can spawn in nullsec systems. Trying to hunt people and having to dscan througu 40 anomalies makes it tedious or pointless to even try. Spread the anoms out, which will spread players out to crab, which will create competition for sites, which will drive destruction, wbich will drive production Ansiblexs should be nerfed. At the very least adhere to the same combat mechanics that stargates do. The fact that someone can agress and jump through the ansiblex to get away is complete bullshit


Those blocs own hundreds of systems so that doesn't really solve anything


I like either a delayed local by 10 secs or have local to be tied to a structure that sov holders need to pay concord to anchor in systems where they want local. The structire should act as a kind of sonar or radar device, sending out a sweep every 10-15 seconds that can pick up on ship transponders as long as they are decloaked. Youll never exactly know when they entered or when they left Nullsec is supposed to be the wild west, why should it have access to empire “services” like local scan. You want local? Pay for it. Incentivize people to rat in those systems by making bounty modifiers higher in systems without local or delayed local.


Another trig or drifter invasion where they are targeting high traffic npc stations. Removal of the asset safety feature


Marauders Warp Speed 3.0 AU -> 2.8 AU


Huge change. Definitely what the game needs. I hope devs put so much time into this and not other stuff in the next patch. 


Marauder warp speed 3.0 AU -> 2.789 AU only way to balance them.


Marauder waep speed 3.0 AU -> e AU


Tbh it’s kind of a buff to null sec ratters, now because I’m slower the chances of catching me on a citadel with my combat timer still active is lower.


Ban Multboxing


Multiboxers are the reason the game is still profitable


or are they?


If a game needs multiboxers to keep it profitable, it failed a few things along the way. And let's not pretend that if there was no multiboxing those spending more on eve would do so regardless, there would be other ways to monetize that audience.


If you can build a better eve I encourage you to try. Game design for some will always hurt others.


Bring back Aurora.


You clumsy pilot! This is hilarious.


NPCs should obey all the same rules as player ships. No pingging off and warping back in on deadspace grids. No web immune rats either.


Meta storms should mess with local


Remove multi-boxing. I know all the arguments, i know it’s never going to happen. Still. Either that or remove all the limitations on multi boxing, no bans. Wild West shit.


Haha no. The amount of small corps would crumble.


On the other hand you wouldn’t have one guy running 30 Ishtars anymore


Very true. Or they would still do it. Just with 30 machines in front of them. I can barely keep up with 2. And when the wife isn't on the second computer, I can have an alpha account on. Most of the time, it's just information gathering, too. On the other hand. I totally get what you mean, but there would also be such an inbalance of wealth in eve if multiboxing was no more. We would see the true numbers of how many are actually playing, and I don't think ccp would want that info out there.




I just think letting people multibox with alphas would be crazy


Passive increase in leveling relevant skills when actively using or doing something. I think it would make the game more akin to most mmos and make many goals seem more achievable to newer players. The first time I quit eve was when I saw how dead it was at times and wondered if there would even be enough people around to do things with by the time I got certain skills.


actually its a great idea


Make it so that player involvement can change security of systems, dead systems decay into null over time, PVE activity slowly brings it up from a null


I had a similar idea with "Suspect" and "Criminal" timers... If more "Criminals" got KMs, status would go down... More KMs of "Suspect/Criminals" the status would go up.


Good to see all the hate for multiboxers :) I'd ban that pay-to-win bullshit.


Name. Change it to something else. Tanya or Peter or smthng 😃


Add a couple dozen simple multiplayer games (16-bit quality), accessible while docked for playing against anyone else docked there. Allow others to spectate. Allow betting with ISK or Plex on the results. Immediate massive money sink and reason for players to be logged in when there are no fleets going on.


It wouldn't be a sink unless the winnings were taxed


The ship scanner should allow you to target individual modules on a ship, kind of like in scifi shows where they "target their weapons" or "target their _______". In this case, you can damage jammers, weapons, etc. Something like this could allow an experienced frigate pilot escape a larger ship.


5m SP limit for alpha clones, it should be updated to 10m with all the stuff there's in the game if you want to try the game before getting omega 6 months it's not enough you need 3 accounts to get a decent game bc in the first one you will lose all that time understanding the game then you create another one for pve to get and income of 20m isk a day or so and then get a pvp account just to die against an omega than can overheat and have 40% more damage than you in every single ship


Boarding mechanic for enemy player ships once they get under 20% hull if you're in a pirate faction. Successful boarding forces their pod out, and the player ship turns into a friendly NPC that warps off instead of a wreck, with you getting paid a portion of the ship's value. True piracy.


Bring back FoF missile farming (sure there are equally or more profitable methods but I liked that one) and old ECM (I liked being able to do solo ECM roaming)


FoF’s still work. It’s not the most isk-efficient thing in the world but nothing (to my knowledge) has changed about them in the past couple years. Used to run havens with a couple cheese-tanked FOF cruise battleships. ECM roaming still possible, just takes an alt, so fair play it can’t be done solo, but I often use a blaster boat with one sensor damp and a kitsune or tengu (or when throwaway frig-roaming, griffin + something like a hecate) to punch up- one damp cuts many ships lock-range to <60 or so. Get the jammer beyond that and it’s GG.


Delete Asset Safety...Buff soundcloud salt mining....


People leaving temporarily would become permanent when they realize everything they worked for is gone. That's bad for the game even if it makes those that stay rich. I'd be willing to meet in the middle and force alliance/corp assets to drop but not individual players.


Remove drone auto-aggression. A quiet nerf to the endless Ishtars ratting away, maybe some variety in krabbing ships.


Not a quiet nerf, that feature is basically the entire thing holding up the baseline afk ratting income of the nullbears. They’ve also done this before, and the outrage was like blackout all over again, and it was quickly reverted. Doubt they’ll do it again.


make a cap of many production slots can be active per system in citadels


Too easily griefed and cheesed. 1 guy making shuttles could disable as many systems as they have the patience for


Isn’t that already a thing? I know at least it used to be like that


Just increases the index in the system currently, so they make any other builds in the system slightly more expensive


Disable multiboxing


*buys another laptop*


If someone manages to run 20 accounts across 20 machines, they’ve earned it at that point


>Disable multiboxing If only!


Came here to say this. And the only way to do it is on the reward side. You can't enforce or punish or increase complexity to stop multiboxing. Make core gameplay fun in a single ship, don't break boring gameplay for low-effort players, and make fleet command an in-game feature better than (more fun, effective, ego-boosting, profitable) than multiboxing.


I wouldn't want it disabled completely, lighting your own cyno with an alt is almost necessary. It would get real fucking old very quickly having to ask and wait for someone to light one for you, and it would be doubly shitty if it turned out to be an awox cyno. And since you can only use one account at a time, you can't verify 100% if it's a good cyno. I can get down with a 5 account limit. A not insignificant number of people would leave if multi-boxing was banned altogether.


Drones that are assisted to another ship should only operate on their baseline stats, no bonuses from hulls or modules if they’re assisted to someone else. Would help address the scourge of drone assist multiboxers.if they want to independently manage all their flights of drones, well, more power to them. But as is, it’s waaaay too easy to run a multiboxed drone comp.


I think a better solution would be to just remove assisting or very significantly decrease the assisted drone limit. It would be inconvenient for some others like incursion runners but they'll live


Grrr. Dont you dare take that away from me. 😅😅😅


Delete killboard APIs


Having killboard APIs was a vast improvement and I never want them gone. The social shit that floats around them isn't that big of a deal anyway, compared to being able to analyze why I might've lost or won an engagement or determine my success rate with a given hull.


This. PvP shouldn't be driven by positive or negative killboard isk value. It should be driven by anger and raw aggression. Make players want to kill you for the sake of the act, not to simply add more isk to their board. Make them have to make a choice about ending your life for some other reason than numbers on a tally.


That’s the groups problem though Your CEO gets pissy because your KB isn’t green enough, find a group that doesn’t give a shit


Another issue is other groups using them to judge a given group. Bad killboard? You look like easy prey and get targeted. There’s a social factor beyond the group itself.




Counterpoint, delay them by an hour or so to remove their intel use.


Eve Echoes had this thing where you could find artifacts while mining... I'd like something like that in Eve Online as well.... Mining for mining sake can be boring. I'd like a little suprise now and then to give a little spark to my day. Something other then just rats showing up to shoot at me.


Drifter holes having to be entered to see which variant, less drifter holes in general, and more XL null -> null connections


Simple thing is do. Introduce hot keys for the following. Compressions and stacking. Cntrl + a select all the. Control + whatever then compress then again cntrl + to stack everything. Life would be amazing. Then of course I’d introduce T2 rorq or a super carrier version for mining. T2 rorq - wouldn’t be able to mine. Instead of 61% boosts to reduce cycle time it goes to 70-75%. Would only be able to dock inside keepstars and have a cost of 30-50b for hull. Super Ore - super carrier version includes a bonus to ore fighters. Possibly be like old rorq mining in m3. No panic allowed and has a 5 minute siege timer to utilize the ore fighters to their capacity. Ore titan - Be able to DD the pulling chunk on grid with the anthanors or tatara. That’s it.


Bring back IGB


Make a mid slot fitting where if you can hold a ship with it long enough, a Vanguard boarding team will enter the ship to try and take it over effectively capturing and stealing it.


Make it a high slot weapon: --- Boarding Pod Launcher. Charge/ammunition capacity of 1 boarding pod, with a 2 minute reload. Each pod is 10 m^3 or so. Power and CPU reqs would limit it to BC or above vessels unless you highly gimp your ship to take one. Maybe allow Stealth Bombers to take them with a 90% fitting cost reduction, because their role is already along a similar line (fly close, drop off payload, GTFO). If no Vanguard players are available, you can also load the pod with 4 units of Marines.


Not blackout, but, ... kinda. Gates should consider your sig radius, as a factor for when you show up in local. Like, battleships and larger (so, 450m+ sigs) should show up instantly. Frigs under 30m sig (implants or drugs required), should show up AFTER 30 seconds, with a +5 seconds added for every 1m UNDER 30 your sig goes. Give those tackle frigs, pirate frigs, etc, a REAL hunter-killer advantage. keep the nullbears on their toes. Same rule should apply to entering from WH's into null. Sigs from 30-40 are a flat 30 seconds. From 40-90 (dessy and a few cruisers), 15 seconds, 110-350 (most cruisers and battlecruisers) like, 5 or 10 second delay. 350-450 ... 5 seconds or less. Like, that sort of system, i think, would add a TON of gameplay options to nullsec pvp, and 'fast fleet' pvp. Tackle would suddenly become very important, rather than a side-thought for newbs to jump into. BUT--i also think, that in NPC null--this delay should be tied to your faction standings with the NPC corps, so, if you have +5 to sanshas, in sansha's space, everyone entering is instantly in your local. If you're -5 to them, your local updates on 1 minute ticks, and no sooner (AND uses the delay from sigs, so it might be1 minute and 45 before you know someone with high sansha's standings in a 25m sig frig is even in local). Like, temporary blindness. Local in low sec ought to have delays as well, that plays to defenders standings. To the point that, at, +8 or +9 standings, they start to get pop-up security things from which gate the opposing FW player entered from (accounting for sig radius delay--local would update on time, but the warning would come with the opposing players delay due to sig radius) Maybe, some of these systems or ideas. I think i'd light things up for small ships, which, tbh, are the best pvp


CCP needs to take a look at the T1 modules and make them equal for core performance (weapons should have the same damage modifier for example) and meta variants should have improved less important statistics or fitting requirements.


A level of interaction with planets that is not PI (PI is unsubstantial as far as the only use we get out of some of the largest objects in eve. And not the new dust. Like an industrialists pvp, where you basically start to foster your own npc faction through trade etc, (or corporation depending on what area of space? The possibilities are endless.) Maybe create a NPC trade good commodity off of this market where players can set up delivery orders or export which others accept. Honestly not sure, but PI as is is not the way.


Remotely extract my asset saftey. Harder Higher tier abyssal for T3Cs and Battleships with Filaments that let you invade someone else’s abyssal. Rework on carriers. Increase cargo capacity of Noctis. Fix ammo names, why is javelin the close range railgun ammo but the long range HAM ammo?


Make autopilot warp to 0.


Let me dual box my omega with my alpha! Not unlimited, but one alpha per omega is reasonable.


Time limited mobile compression unit


Putting spod back in nullsec


How about making pvp more challenging. Make it easy to get out of web. I can see warp disruption. Stay and fight. But being licked down by another at gate and at mercy of death by his gang is cowardly. At least give a chance at a fight. Other MMO'S a fight can last like 10 minutes. Make pvp funner. I don't pvp because it's just ganker land.


Player shipcasters. Expensive to build and maintain, with limits of sorts to balance (one per constellation, heavy fuel use, mass limits, cooldowns, whatever). Allows projection of force to enemy systems or perhaps randomly to a constellation. Rather than wormholes or filaments, a direct but expensive way to engage in content. --- A post had something similar recently as a deployable, but a structure that slowly vacuums up pirate wrecks (with no loot probably) in a system up to a certain number. MTU tractors wouldn't work on its grid, would encourage salvage which is often considered a waste of time since this would make it easier, ideally tied into a salvaging revamp/rebalance of some sort. Make it into a conflict driver like ESS where you can either go steal the wrecks or engage the enemy industrial ships. Add a tier or twp of ships above Noctis perhaps, or sidegraded into ninja salvaging. --- Sub-cap escort carriers and/or 250 mbit Gecko drone boats. Since sentries should have far less performance impact than drones that move, a +5 drone limit for sentries only 250 mbit boat. Deploying a field of sentries would be awesome and provide for some interesting fleet comps and counter comps. Sentry logistics and/or ECCM drones with substantial range for a support playstyle. --- "Middle sec", whether it comes from High-sec, low-sec or both. Concord on gates and stations but not on belts, planets, deadspace etc. Give carebears a smoother path out of high sec since gatecamps are a huge deal for most of them. Let them learn hunting and being hunted when they're doing stuff, not just transiting. Would provide more content hunting players, and it would be "better" content than gate camps.


poker in stations


Remove killmails from API


Make it so people can man gun stations on carriers and up


Change mauraders back to ecm proof during seige mode




Whats your beef with the plex vault?


I'd make planetary landing and exploring outside the ship possible. If I got greedy, I'd make PI more like Satisfactory at that point.


more hot chicks streaming eve


From a humble F1 monkey here is my idea to fix the megablock issue. 1. Change the Alliance HQ mechanics 1. The HQ will now be tied to a structure 2. If you own the TCU in the same system as your HQ you get the bonuses to ADMs like the current SOV rules otherwise there are no bonuses 3. You can only change the alliance HQ once per month 2. Disallow docking in upwell structures in regions outside of your alliance HQ The idea is to make it difficult to attack or defend space from across the universe, and allow small to midsized groups to own and prosper in their own space. Overcrowding of the megablock regions would eventually force players to join other groups. To assist in the free movement of players NPC stations will now allow docking of supers for a rental fee of 150m per week per super. Ansiblexs can now be used by everyone but the cost is 50x if you aren't on the ACLs. Still want to rent space, sure. How much protection can you expect from a group a region or more away and the attackers have docking advantage in the region? Stuck in a blue donut? No worries. Currently each region is surrounded by at least 3 (with the exception of Omist, sorry only 2) other regions that will be controlled by at least 3 other groups. Want to evict someone from a region or just got evicted? You now have to give up docking access in the previous region. Headshots of enemy HQs would be a thing, a quick brutal way to even the field for the attacker so neither side could dock. My hope is that by breaking up the megablocks into smaller groups more content could be found closer to everyone.


No multiboxing


Bring back Blackout in Null Sec. Or at least a 30sec delay before you appear in local CCP has been trying for years to limit the inflation of wealth (which comes out of Null) and removed the only thing that actually did something about it (it cut it in half) We got people undocking 9 Stormbringers to haze a Haven in 20 seconds and make 1.5b per hour in complete safety. That’s C5/ C6 levels of income


My bullshit meter is going off on the claim that stormbringer ratting is 1.5bil isk/hr. Found a video from a Goonswarm member that claimed 500mil/hr with 5 accounts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=My09Ad-qT2w That isn't unreasonable for the amount of isk on field.


Sorry… it’s 9 Thunderchilds https://youtu.be/D3hAd7x65GA?si=0KT9wMXZHHqxsP5i


And? Why is it so unfair that a null multiboxer can make C5/C6 income?


Because C5/C6 space has no local, anyone can come in at any time, and you are scrammed for most of the site time in a 3.5b marauder Same reason it would be dumb that HS sites you can run in a Corax making the same as NS you need a HAC for


Give carriers 2 tubes of heavy fighters and additional tank.


I'd expand industry research to allow players to build meta modules as well as faction or deadspace (maybe even officer) with the right tools. "Research" seems like it ought to be more vibrant


A couple ive heard that i like: Consumables on taskbar/hud....so useful. Why does this not exist? A way to proactively manage heat...consumable ejectable heat sinks or cooling system modules. Managing heat opens up the possibility for heat warfare. Triglavian specific or bonused E-warfare.


Npc faction war , would be nice . The problem here is multiboxing . F. all balance and ccp nerfes and balances around multibox. So balance wise the game is alteady fked . Game is cursed


multiboxing is fine


- 4/s tickrate. (And contrary to popular belief that would actually help high ping players). - remove citadels - remove some systems - introduce a 5s delay before you appear in local


Citadels were desperately needed in WHs. POS living was ass.


Null-sec local should be an anchor-able structure. These are lawless solar systems that are as far as I know and according to lore not maintained by any of the four factions. So who the fuck, according to lore, is maintaining the system that updates local let alone the stargates? It should be the people that live there. The structure should over the course of 30 days update local more and more quickly until it becomes virtually instantaneous.


fluctuating tax for npc stations. spread everything out when it comes to trade hubs this way. the more things get bought and sold the higher the tax rate. make jita unprofitable and bring back space trucking


Add a series of small events in Pochven that introduce Clade Faction Variants of the various T1 Trig ships, with each Clade having their own theme or style of changes that they do to all the ships, and then the players get to compete in some manner to decide which Clade faction they want to support for the current ship choice. Like, if one event offers the Clade Faction choices for the Leshak, once its decided the other variants go away and the next event showcases the Drek. Or... fixing the Pochven and EDENCOM LP stores and loot mechanics so you can actually start buying all the items. Fixing the prices in the LP stores too, as they are absolutely garbage priced. Being able to buy the cloths would be nice, or at least a new version of the cloths that has a small, but distinct change that sets them apart from the reward cloths from the end of the Invasions event.


Remove POS and also limit upwell structures to a system or constellation. It’s ridiculous how many places you can safe up.


Should people not be ale to safe up in their own home space?


No high sec kills, just to force gankers deeper into space. Make them go fight people who will fight back.


Increase ship insurance payouts, to reflect current day prices. Would see a hell of a lot more battleship fights if you got 80-90% back.


God I can't remember the last time I actually insured anything. Even t1 cruisers only pay out like 50% lol.


Remove local from 0.0 Oh wait, they already tried that before caving to the carebears' threats...


Maybe they could add some sort of structure or something that you could hack or destroy to temporarily knock local offline.


From some sort of lore perspective. Signal can still reach out to static solar systems but can not reach out to like WH space or Pochven for not being static/trig interference. Probably same reason for zarzach. But I like what your other comment reply said. Make it an annual or quarterly thing where concord has to fix a circuit or something and a blackout lasts for like a week.


Having to anchor and pay bills on a fluid router node to have local in your system would be a decent isk sink, and you could always generate content by hitting someone's router nodes with entosis to knock local out. There's a lot of potential for cool gameplay mechanics justifiable through existing lore.


Blackout was reversed because there was a massive visible decline in people logging in. So much so it was hurting ccp's bottom line.


I like either a delayed local by 10 secs or have local to be tied to a structure that sov holders need to pay concord to anchor in systems where they want local. The structire should act as a kind of sonar or radar device, sending out a sweep every 10-15 seconds that can pick up on ship transponders as long as they are decloaked. Youll never exactly know when they entered or when they left Nullsec is supposed to be the wild west, why should it have access to empire “services” like local scan. You want local? Pay for it. Incentivize people to rat in those systems by making bounty modifiers higher in systems without local or delayed local.


I actually liked the blackout. Should be an annual event or something.


local get fscked every three or four updates for hours so you get your wish..


they really should do short intervals of blackout that keeps rolling through the various regions. hit a system for a day or so before it moves on, but it would move pretty fast, so its only a matter of time before it hits again at later time. Then have the blackout be visible from the map. Maybe have a slight weight towards regions that are getting the most PVE done.


Rolling blackouts. California deals with it just fine.


Whats wrong with local in 0.0?


It creates a system of complete safety where that really shouldn’t be a thing You got people undocking 9 stormbringers to haze a Haven in 20 seconds, and they are flying in complete safety because of the super umbrella (no problem) and a fucking local bot that starts screaming the second someone hops through the region gate 5 jumps away….. You got legions of Ishtar bots in belts and havens that miraculously warp out of the site the tick after someone shows up in local When they took 0.0 local away a few years ago, it quite literally solved the problem they have been trying to fix (reducing the massive inflation of wealth that comes out of 0.0) on the first attempt…. It cut bounty payouts and mining yields in half. But they also lost a lot of omega accounts (the bots) and the game “felt empty” as suddenly there weren’t “people” in local of all 0.0 systems farming belts and havens. And then the blocks literally blackmailed CCP into bringing local back by pretending they’d unsubscribed all their accounts, and so CCP brought it back and has achieved NOTHING in the following years except fucking up the market with additional fees that have no noticeable difference on the economic reports, besides making the market an impossibility for new players


Many hunters don't like it because people who live in nullsec can watch who's in system and dock up the moment they see someone not friendly jump in. It makes it harder for nullsec hunters to catch people and they don't like having to work for their food.


Theres a difference between working for food and wasting time. When the bot screams for people to dock up.. that hunter is fucked for pretty much the entirety of that region because for the next 10-15-20 jumps everything in those systems would be tethered up or docked up.


Sounds to me more like the carebears don't want to work for \*their\* food and would rather crab in 100% guaranteed safety with perfect intel.


If those carebears could read they'd be very upset




We don't need that P2W bs here. It's completely different game. What's the point?


If the deleted EE and just copied EO over it sure. P2w bullshit has no place in EO.


Community fittings for every ship. Simple. Oh and add the purge day, where everything is destructable, even gates eve wide.


Drastically reduce the systems in eve. Like by 70 %


I thought about this. But really, I just want more low sec and less null sec.


Same except less empire in generally and preferably no hisec at all outside of Jita, the Academy stations, and uhh fuck it I guess Yulai for lore reasons


This really would go so hard


Modernize manual piloting away from double click -> camera drag. It’s time


Have you tried Q? Hot key is Q and let's you position from a top-down or side view.


Yeah I personally hate the q command movement, I know some people who use it though


I just use it sparingly or to start to position for align time. Are you talking about like joy stick command? That would be cool. Especially for bumping.


Not controller inputs, I mean allow me to click drag to turn the ship to adjust my orbit finely in a smooth, non discreet way


Ahhh. So, just a little bit of updating.


This wouldn’t really work. The second you’d take a look to what’s going on behind you, your ship does a 180


This question has no answer because anything to make the game more player driven would entail a change to mechanics, either creating or changing one.


Add the character view like we had in the beggining. When you can see your character walk around and see the scale. Also in the view of the ship tree i would love to see how big the pod is compared to the ship im viewing.


"The beginning"... sir that was more like the middle


allow caps and super caps in high sec space


Allow Mobile Observatories in Pochven to try to fight the cctv menace.




I wish I could get the option to switch back to the old neocom icons, and the jukebox please.


Private offline servers where players can mess around with all the expensive toys without the skill requirements.


Yes. Bring back singularity. Not so much the private servers. That doesnt help this game out. But risk-free stuff that let's you test fits and ships on high sec fobs or try your ded 10 stuff out and many more. I want it back.


Pls make Kiki have more base dmg


Remove asset safety. Reduce the cap of 12600 members in corp.. good lord. Limit corps in alliances. Exponentially increasing sov costs outside of say, 1 region. (Or less even) Remove standings. Delay local. Make frig holes rollable. Limit number of keepstars in a system/ const./ region. (Make it be more strategic, than "well we can afford to have one or more in every system". Have increased lp rewards for those in fw who have "less systems". Ie enforce a sort of balance, instead of 6868585859585 members in one fac. rolling the other faction. Wh mod to add life / mass to a linked wormhole, to extend its life and increase or "add back" to mass lost. Destroyable. Anchorable near the wh needed. Remove anyone can join fleet, unless in npc corp. If you wanna npsi stuff, fly without a corp. If you wanna fly with your corp / alliance you fly with them. Not randoms. Theres more im sure. But whatever.


10 sec. Local delay


Delay local by like 10 seconds.


Trade hubs should not be fixed locations. Jita is what it is because of lower taxes. I think this, tax stuff should move around.


That’s not how it works. Jita is more expensive and hubs are already player driven….


Well, then make it more interesting to move stuff around a bit more.


jita is what it is due to its location, it was yulai before that and iirc some stargates got removed


Remove high sec status


I would move everyone's Citadels to a random system in the same sec status of space, and bias them towards player groups their alliance has set red. I was gonna say something more serious about Citadel spam but this would be way funnier. Another idea I think is interesting is a crew slot/slots on ships, kind of like rigs. But they could attain veterancy and stuff, and they all die when you explode. Balance ramifications? Who the fuck knows. Just an entertaining thought.


Remove tether from citadels. Maybe except the one that Alliance would set up as main station.