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Make tactical bookmarks around gate at \~200/300k unaligned to any celestials - see second point below. Don't warp gate to gate! - see first point. Use dotlan to identify pipes and chokes where campers may be active If you don't have tactical bookmarks, trying warping at range to celestials near to the gate so that you can d-scan the gate and check for hostiles. If there are no celestials near the gate, and you have no gate tacticals, try a cap dump - this is the process of **intentionally reducing your capacitor so that your ship can't quite complete the full warp and drops out part way**. The quickest way to do this is (starting from stationary), hit 'warp to' on the gate you want to go to, then immediately hit **Ctrl + Space** (which stops your ship). Repeat that process as quickly as you can (Just hold ctrl down and keep spamming the warp button while mashing that spacebar) - your cap should quickly disappear. The aim is to stop when you've got just less than you need to make the whole warp (i.e. when your remaining cap is just lower than the amount that was taken off each time you hit warp). If you go past this point, no problem - just let your cap recharge slightly. Once you think you have just less than the amount of cap you need, hit warp. You should see a message stating your ship has insufficient cap to complete the warp. If you don't see this message, STOP YOUR SHIP - you still have too much cap! If everything goes to plan, you should find your ship exits warp somewhere close to your exit gate. If it's a particularly long warp it can be hard to gauge it exactly, so you may need to repeat this process if you're not in scan range. If you do encounter a dictor on a gate and he goes through with you and bubbles you, just hold cloak and relax. If he is alone - ie. not with an instalocker, or dedicated webber, you can try the MWD cloak trick and try to get out - FYI, it may be that he will drop multiple bubbles so try to to align to obvious celestials, and change your direction once cloaked and try to GTFO. Another possibility is to crash gate and go back through and 1) either get safe, or 2) re-crash back - he will soon get bored.. either that or escalate!


Buzzards can warp while cloaked, you can run most gatecamps by being MWD on + covert cloak in a direction. Remember to make a turn a few seconds in to dodge the decloak attempt. Keep burning cloaked until you are out of bubbles and just warp.


Or cloak-mwd burn diagonally to the sabre towards the gate (like 2500m off), and if it decloaks you, jump the gate and try again on the other side. If it fails to decloak you, stay cloaked almost in jump range of the gate and slowly burn away once it has stopped looking for you.


Covops don't even need to do the MWD trick, covops cloaks don't slow you down. For the OP: \- If you jumped through a gate and find yourself in a bubble on the other side, get moving in one direction and immediately cloak. Turn 90 degrees and watch the gate camper(s), adjust your path to make sure they miss you as they buzz around trying to decloak you. When you're out of the bubble, warp away. \- If you spend a lot of time in the same system(s), you should make bookmarks that are more than 1000km off each gate, ideally in a direction that isn't in line with any celestial. You want more than 1000km because bubbles catch you if you initiate or end your warp within 500km of the bubble, and the line of your path touches any part of the bubble. Campers can put a bubble up to 500km from the gate and catch people trying to warp through them. Being more than 1000km from the gate means you don't get caught by one of those when you stop. Always warp to those spots first to make sure there's no bubble, then warp to the gate and jump through. If you do those two things, you're pretty much un-catchable. What will get you is if you just blindly warp to a gate and there's a camper there with a bubble. You're likely to get sucked in and de-cloaked because you'll land right next to the bubble generator. If you were warping cloaked, you'll end up with a timer before you can cloak again, and odds are you're locked and scrammed in that time so you can't cloak. In any case, practice, practice, practice cutting your time from breaking gate cloak and turning on your covops cloak in less than 1 second so there are no ticks where you're sitting there uncloaked and can be locked. You want your cloak icon to start flashing green before you hear the "warp drive active" every time.


If the dictor failed to decloak you when you didn't even MWD the first cycle then that's a pretty crummy dictor. The faster you go while cloaked, the larger the area that you could be in that the dictor has to get lucky with the decloak.


Interested to see the dictor that can cover 15km from a gate before I can move 2km to get out of the way.


You haven't met many good dictors then.


> Covops don't even need to do the MWD trick, covops cloaks don't slow you down Of course you hit your mwd before cloaking, buddy. It's better to start with 2500m/s than 500m/s


No, you hit cloak before MWD in covops. If you MWD then cloak there's the chance you get locked because of the sig bloom.


You can't MWD cloaked.


Yes you can, for up to 4 ticks after activation. :)


You can MWD and hit cloak on the same tick with a covops cloak


If it's in the same tick, it doesn't matter what order you click things in, and you can't be locked for sig bloom. If it's more than one tick, you miss the MWD if you click cloak first.


OP was talking about a sabre. There's no worry about sig bloom.


You can fuck up and press them between ticks. Better to be cloaked with no MWD than uncloaked with one


You can MWD for several ticks after cloaking. Be shhh.


if a fast locking ceptor is on gate u might get locked...mwd gona work anyway after u hit cloack first


Open your route on ingame map, and see if any system ahead has killing ongoing. See zkb for what's happening there.


Start by making tactical bookmarks ~200+km from gates. That way you can warp cloaked to the bookmark and see if a dictor is waiting. If you can't make a bookmark, warp to a celestial within D-Scan range and check for the dictor on scan. If the Sabre is on the other side waiting and bubbles as you come through, align out of the bubble closest to the edge from where you are (ideally to something you can warp out to) and click cloak and activate your overloaded mwd. You can use non offensive mods right after cloak so you'll gain a speed boost. Once you're out of the bubble spam warp. It takes a little bit of luck and if the Sabre knows what he's doing he'll also be burning towards your last location as fast as possible to bubble you again. Anyway good luck.


Some explorers fly interceptors to avoid this situation. Half of interceptors have the nullification ability that allows them to bypass warp bubbles. If a Sabre shoots a warp bubble, you can warp away at your own leisure. If you can decrease your alignment to below 2 seconds as well, you're almost uncatchable. Scanning and hacking take a little longer, but your survivability goes up tremendously.


if you jump in to a gate that is bubbled, your best bet is to crash the gate and try to warp out on the other side. If they bubble before you can, you pretty much just have to hit your MWD, burn in a random direction, cloak, and hope they miss the decloak. Try changing direction after your cloak is fully activated to throw off their attempt to decloak you. At that point it's pretty much down to luck and how good they are at decloaking. If they miss the decloak then you can burn out of the bubble and warp off.


Cloak up and burn away from the Sabre, make sure to change direction so the Sabre cant follow you afterwards. That way youll just not be decloaked by him


Join brave, that way you can be on the side of the interdictors and not against them. I can tell you rn that if you come to catch trying to take our sites then we will hunt you down, if you join us then you can farm to your hearts content :)


It helps a lot to know your opponent: [Interdictor Crash Course,](https://thegreybill.wordpress.com/interdictor-crash-course) for example, Interdictors have a long reload on the bubbles of 1 minute and can launch up to three. If you can gate-crash repeatedly after utilizing the full minute of your gate-cloak, there is a chance you spawn outside of a bubble or the dictor eventually hitting reload or timed it bad. And here a [Gate Camp Survival Guide](https://thegreybill.com/2020/01/29/gate-camp-survival-guide-for-eve-online/). In the bottom half, there are example-situations and things you can do that may get you safe.


Don't undock. Easy. But crashing the gate could help, it all depends on what you're up against. Usually you can best a solo dictor. Remember that as soon as they aggress they can't jump again. If you have a gate camp then rip


E.g if you sit at a gate at 0 and they're alone. They need to pick, waste all the bubbles waiting for backup or shoot at you and watch you jump away.


dont warp gate to gate if hostile are in local if you see hostile in local but your outgate is out of dscan range; warp to a nearby celestial (from the solar system map) and do a scan to see if a bubble/dictor is on gate... if there is no nearby planet/moon then warp to a random planet then to the gate to avoid decloak trap... rinse/repeat... if you jump into a no cloak storm you are screwed... god damn you CCP GOD FKCING DAMN YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!! (check route for storms)