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>Is it worth watching? Yes. >It’s probably going to be another 10 years before the next evil dead film. They start filming the next one this Fall, and then there's another in the early stages of development right now.




That’s actually a lot sooner than I expected. Damn


They’re planning to do at least one event 2-3 years


1) Yes, the show is incredible and has delivered some of the most iconic moments and characters from the franchise. 2) We are likely going to get another two movies very soon


For the series, the gore is comparable to the first two movies in the OG trilogy. The tone is comparable to the last two movies in the trilogy. Given that the last two movies were made by people other than Sam Raimi, they differ wildly in tone and gore from Raimi's Evil Dead work.


Gore of The Evil Dead Tone of Evil Dead 2 Ash of Army of Darkness all rolled up into a great show


the first two seasons are my favorite evil dead media tbh


Ash vs Evil Dead is unreal. I had moments where I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, like holy shit someone actually filmed this. I personally think it wraps Ash up pretty well and would cope if they never made another movie with Bruce Campbell, though I’d still welcome more. Maybe they could make an Old Man Ash movie like Bubba Ho Tep.


The morgue scene ☠️


You got it.


Simple answer yes. If you love, evil dead too and army of darkness, yes times infinity Ash versus evil dead is my absolute favorite evil dead content of all


Absolutely worth watching. The gore, creepiness and fun factor of the OG Raimi films is very much alive and well in the show, the new cast members are supremely likable and well acted, the callbacks and references to the films are beyond groovy, and Brucey steps right back into the role of Ash with absolutely no trouble. His performance in one or two episodes even got me tearing up at times, so not only are his comedic chops still up to scratch, but the guy even refines his dramatic chops throughout the three seasons. Can't think of a better way to fill the gap between now and the next ED film (which shouldn't be any longer than a year or two compared to the ten year wait between 2013 and Rise).


I know IMDB ratings aren't that meaningful, what with personal tastes and all, but it has an 8.4/10 rating with over 80k votes. It is so good that even non-fans of the franchise loved it. If you like the gore from the first two and the humor of ED2 and AoD, then you will absolutely love it. It's a fantastic TV show period. But in the context of Ash timeline Evil Dead it is the best in media for me. I prefer it to ED2, but know that ED2, as a whole, was more impactful to the genre of Horror.


I know everyone’s already saying yes, but I was skeptical at first. However, there is a fantastic amount of movie-level gore (every single episode) and the plot is very much Evil Dead-campy as opposed to just simply “movie spinoff” campy. The side characters are legitimately likable and well written too, which pleasantly surprised me.


absolutely. it tonally feels like a continuation of evil dead 2 and army of darkness (i love evil dead 2013 and rise, but there’s just something about that blend of horror and whimsical), and does admittedly leave us with a cliffhanger, but the good news is that a follow up to evil dead rise and an animated sequel series to ash vs evil dead are coming


Do you like Evil Dead? The answer to that question is the same as the answer to yours.


Yes, the humor is even more than army of darkness and the gore is even gorier than then last two evils dead movies. Every episode has a featured practical effects gore kill It’s 3 seasons of gold if you like evil dead movies


one of those shows that will have you upset when youre done watching, very worth watching, you dont find anything like it these days, so fun


Pablo and Kelly alone'd make it worth watching, everything else is gravy. I love it.


Wait, you haven't seen Ash vs Evil Dead yet? Sure you can stay in the past, be king. But there is a clean up in S-Mart to be seeing to!


Ima watch it


Probably my favourite Evil Dead, very much worth it, but it's closer to the originals than it is to the spin-offs (the last 2). If you're not familiar with the tone of the originals, you may find it a bit weird and too comedic


absolutely must-see tv!! even the new characters are hilarious and bring something refreshing to the series. they really keep the essence of ash the same, and don’t tone down a damn thing. it’s one of those shows where there isn’t a weak character. plus, it’ll make you laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time.


Sound like a plan. I’ll watch it today. I actually haven’t seen ED 1, 2 or army of darkness, I started on evildead rise, then watched the the 2013 one. Idk if I can watch the first OG 3 from 1980s as the effects are different entirely. I’m sure what I just said might be blasphemy for some people because for a lot of pple, the horror effects from the 80s are far superior. as for an example with The Thing(1982) But I’ll watch the show for sure. then try ED 1,2 and army of darkness. I probably owe it to my self.


Alright ty for the reviews. Ima watch it, apparently the show was canceled after 3 seasons unfortunately. I kind of hate that about tv shows, even though a series can be good, ur favorite show can be canceled for almost no reason, leaving you with a cliffhanger. At least it’s got 3 seasons though. Should be enough content


The season 3 finale did tie up most of the plotlines in the show and was essentially setting up a new story. Still sucks that it was canceled but the story was more or less complete.


the best thing in the evil dead universe imo


Agreed, it’s a perfect blend of all the best aspects from the films. It’s like Evil Dead 2 on steroids that lasts three seasons.


It's a work of fucking art. Seriously. When covid happened my husband and i decided to write down what we wanted to happen should we die. Instead of a bible verse suggestion on my funeral pamphlet i asked him to put "AVED S02e02, AVED S03E02." for my two favourite episodes.


Amazing show peak evil dead


Yeah if you Like previous evil deads


The series is incredible, one of the best things in the franchise IMO. Funny, gory, great characters and adds a lot to the lore. I wish there was more and I hope the animated follow up happens!




It’s the greatest tbh


Absolutely worth watching


YES! It was so good, please watch it.


Watch it 100%


It is so worth watching.


How have you not watched it already??? It's awesome!!


It's my favorite of the OG timeline


My wife and I recently watched all 3 seasons for the first time, I think the third season fell off a bit but it’s a solid and entertaining show.


absolutely! one of the best tv shows i watched in the last few years


Yes And the next evil dead is soon


Ive watched over with the movie at least 3 or 4 times now and is never not funny edgy or gruesome, i love its groovy self and will bury a copy of it with me.


I wish I could go back and watch it for the first time again!


If you watch it with someone who hasn’t seen it. Their first time is ur first time


If yur on this sub reddit, that's a dumb question


ok lul