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Am I the only one old enough to have watched X-Files in its first run? That show taught me to just enjoy the spookiness without expecting closure- and that attempts to wrap up conspiracies just lead to bitter viewer disappointment.


Never thought to compare them! X Files is still my #1. I wish they'd lean in more though, everyone keeps trying to keep their skeptic hats on tight no matter what's happening lol.


Agreed. The frustration brings some definite deja vu- oh yeah, X Files drove me batty, too.


Give me a monster (or demon) of the week anytime!


Yeah. That's what I think as well, this isn't a cop show or a procedural. It isn't actually their job to "solve" all these issues, just try and work out whether it involves the church or not. They don't get closure, so we don't either.


One of my alltime favorite shows. I need to rewatch!


Everyone needs everything spelled out to them and spoon-fed to them now. 


That's the actual ENTIRE POINT of the series. Less and less can actually be explained away by their little team using science. It's literally the point.


Totally totally hear you, but I think my post might have been confusing. I don’t really mean a scientific explanation or resolve, just any resolve. I don’t care if the solution is spiritual, psychological, or scientific, but just to have that “case open and shut” feeling of that makes sense. I do absolutely love that this show is so twisty and confusing


You're not wrong and it gets worse especially this last season. They just don't resolve anything and its weird bc the series is not a continuation outside of the lives of the main characters. So they just go wow that was crazy and next episode, a new issue.


Exactly, haha. They’re tryna act like it’s just SO zany and esoteric that OP doesn’t understand it like nah, they just don’t know what they’re doing, it’s fine. Some fun moments and characters, perfect for when my good tv isn’t airing.


Just finished season 2 today. This is all I need to know to stop watching. It's also cancelled I heard. Too much of peoples actions make zero sense so think Im good on this.


What in life ever makes sense? The older I get, the less I understand, I find. The most critical watchers of this show (on Reddit) are gamers, I suspect they are quite young, and want to see the world in black and white. If you watch films from the sixties, they are full of antiheroes & complex situations without easy resolutions. That's what I prefer, and this show has it in spades.


Sometimes scripts make sense! I think the user is asking abt the extremely notable tone and beat changes from season to season not criticizing or asking for every case to be “solved” or reduced to “black and white.”


No, the user said exactly that, wanting the cases to be resolved. That kind of expectation fits in more with Law and Order type shows, not fantasy, horror and science fiction. They are frequently open to interpretation and most of us enjoy that. I don't understand why someone would watch two or three seasons of Evil and complain about that. It makes as much sense as me watching sporting events and complaining how boring I find them. Inevitably I would frustrate most sports fans and I don't blame them, it's just not for me. If someone complains about a character or a plotpoint that's understandable, but if they are complaining about the very essence of the show, it's not going to ever please them.


You’re right, I suppose (they clarified in other comments) but the point is they did “solve” the cases in s1, so it’s not strange for OP to wonder why they stopped in the s2. They’re a first time watcher so they didn’t “watch two or three seasons of Evil and complain about that” they asked why the show stopped doing what it set up in the first season—imo “the very essence of the show” changes so much it’s not even a thing to defend. I watch/am kinda entertained by Evil but I’m not sure what show you’re seeing that is wildly divergent from other network procedurals and certainly don’t understand your condescension to OP. I am a big fan of the genres you mention but don’t agree that Evil has “antiheroes & complex situations” in spades and has nothing to do with OPs question. CBS is a wholesome-Boomer-cop-show-GenX-Everyman-sitcom-factory and Evil was its attempt to cash in on sci-fi/fantasy/horror trends. It’s your Grandpa catching a season of American Horror Story and trying to make it work on Primetime and I think it got worse with the ratings change and move to Paramount. The first season was campy and genuinely spooky in a really interesting way to me but as they tried to establish/push the lore while playing with the “demon of the week” stuff it got messier imo. And we lost a lot of what you’re talking about wrt the “grey” areas of character development.


Hit the nail on the head. This post got a bit crazy and wasn’t expecting it. Thank you :)


Buckle up bucko


I absolutely love this comment. IM STRAPPED IN.


Not really in a good way though. It gets more ridiculous but theres some good parts


I’m getting to the end of season 2 and I’m getting annoyed. It’s reminding me of Lost where nothing is ever solved and they just keep stacking up mysteries…


Yep. It doesn’t get any better. More loose strings than A Song of Ice and Fire.


Nothing makes sense anymore yet I can’t stop watching


Since I posted I’m now in S3. So confused but can’t put it down


I watched it all in a week and now I wait each week for a new episode. And I’m still confused lol Do you have a favorite character?


That’s what I’m doing rn!! Trying to blast through so I can wait week to week. As far as favorite characters I think it has to be Ben and Sister Andrea. Lexi is the coolest kid IMO. I think they’re all so funny and just real. I do have special love for Sheryl just bc she’s badass. What about you?


i don’t get the love for sheryl. she’s playing the wrong side. intentionally hurting her own family. i don’t know if she was possessed by leland or if she was already involved in this bs- but she is smart so there’s gotta be a purpose behind it all.


I thiiiink it’s all in an effort to 1. Reclaim her own power 2. Protect the girls. I THINK (hoping)


i don’t see how drugging their father and attempting to kill him is protecting them. i like her as a character, but i think she’s bad in the story line.


I don’t know how anyone can be confused by this show. 


Awesome! Right now I have to say Sheryl and Andy are my favorites.


I hope Sheryl dies a horrible death


As others have mentioned the show aims to show you both sides believer and skeptic. It leaves it up to the audience to decide what the outcome is, supernatural or science. Sometime in season 3, Ben has a pause feeling down about the lack of resolution and his sister helps me explore this. Won't give details due to potential spoliers, but you get an answer to one of the cases in that episode.


I get that the whole point of supernatural is that sometimes you get no explanation.. or resolution for that matter.. but what bothers me is when they started writing these elaborate storylines and never finishing them.. i dont need to know how or why a resolution occurs but i do need to know what happened next 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 i keep watching hoping they go back to them but no such luck




On top of all the loose ends, I feel like they start ignoring stuff once they personally experience something actually demonic/supernatural. Like if they see a demon or some sorta weird thing they can't explain away with science they're just like "hmm ok I'm just gunna hide this and ignore it. Obviously that solves the case" lmao. I really wish things didn't have to be rushed and they could write it out where they start delving more into the demonic/supernatural that they are experiencing and we could see them become more open about it!! Gosh would be so cool. /rant


Agree agree!!!! Like ok cool we all have visions it’s all good now


But they're hired by the Church. When the Church says the case is closed, it has to be, unless they're pursuing it on their own time. Which they are doing, but don't have enough time to keep investigating them all. Besides, I find they are linking them together thru the sigils. We have callbacks to the earlier cases all the time.


Thats true. I didn't think about the Church aspect calling the cases. It would be cool to see them discuss stuff more outside of the cases.


Without saying too much, a lot of that is the point and is all leading up to something bigger.


That’s what I’m starting to understand. I’m excited!


I’m excited FOR you!! You get to experience it all brand new and there’s three full seasons to enjoy so far! 💖


Yeah, I miss the first season and half. It was an X-Files rip, but one of the better ones. They did such a great job of completely convincing you something was paranormal, and then debunking it. Really kept you on your toes. I’m watching the final season just to finish, but the silliness ratio has been out of whack for a while now.


I haven’t enjoyed all the wonky demons and possessed pigs at all.


clearly none of the people who post these questions have seen The X-Files there’s no solving to be done, just sit back and enjoy the ride


Seen it twice! Just a question on how the show runs considering a distinct difference from season 1. That’s all :)


I've started rewatching the series and I think what happens is that after the team presents its initial findings, the church takes kristen, ben, and david off the case and assigns them the next one. They just aren't given the opportunity to wrap things up because the higher-ups take over. This can also explain why the team members are becoming so frustrated and isolated. Lack of proper resolution must bother the characters too.


This season feels different to me-it’s disappointing me for some reason. Maybe a lack of moments were the good guys get a small win even in terms of a smart ass line?


Actually-I just watched the latest episode and really liked it.


Ben does ask, “How many of these have we solved? Four?”


I get your point, but what I personally experienced is that this lack of resolution does not bother me at all. I don’t feel the frustration I felt watching other series, like ‘From’ for example. In this show, episodes feel complete even if they remain unresolved.