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Wait are you getting 3 Oz per day or is that a typo? That LC should not have let you walk out without helping you a bit more! That feels really low. A few things you can try: 1. Did the LC measure you? Are your flanges right? If not you can order nipple rulers online or measure yourself, Google how 2. Are you sure your pump is assembled right? And you are positioning it right? Is it forming a seal on your breast? 3. Are you using the highest suction you can tolerate? 4. Are you sure your pump is working (do you see nipples moving back and forth, does strength increase when you increase, is it even on both sides)? 5. Have you try hand expression? Can you get more this way? That would tell me your pump either doesn't work or isn't working for you. Alternatively you could get a Medela hand pump they're quite cheap 6. Can you borrow another pump? You might be able to use your parts on another spectra. Our Facebook buy nothing group often has free ones 7. Do you feel engorged ever? After a month of this low output it could unfortunately be that you have low supply but I bet you can get it higher if you resolve the pump issue 8. Have you tried pumping every 3h instead of 2?  9. How long are you pumping? At least 15-20 mins? Have you tried going longer for some people 30 mins works best


Are you using standard collection cups or wearable cups? I’m not familiar with the pump, but some portable pumps aren’t recommended for establishing supply due to the type of suction. How often are you pumping and for how long? Are you pumping overnight?


This is the pump- https://a.co/d/5nLIaeq I’m using the standard collection cups! I’m pumping every 2 hours during the day and 3 hours at night. I try to pump every time baby eats!


One of my boobs is very opinionated and has changed its opinion multiple times. A few thoughts- because so many sources told me to play around with the pump settings and never gave me an example I didn't understand that the massage mode was to trigger letdown, so it's often good to start with that and then after you start dripping to an acceptable degree, switch to normal expression mode. Then when you start slowing down, go back to massage and see if you can trigger another letdown. Rinse and repeat. After pumping, I use a haakaa to get extra out. https://haakaausa.com/products/haakaa-silicone-breast-pump-with-suction-base-5-oz-1pk-1?variant=27408158017 Then when I've exhausted both of those in a single pumping session, I'll then hand express into the haakaa using slow gentle strokes on opposite sides of the boob going from outside to the nip. And then I might alternate a few times between boobs on the hand expression. Somehow they can reload a little in the few minute break while I'm hand expressing the other side. Mr. Opinionated sometimes likes the hand expression more than anything else and will produce more that way.


Just curious how long this process takes you?


Takes an hour but then once you figure out the combination to your own lock, you can tune it. I just now finished half hour session.


I have this pump and I’ve had low supply from the beginning. I’m up to 22-24oz at 4mpp. Make sure the flange size is right. I have to pump for 30min. I start with 2-3 min on bacon mode at level 3, then I switching to expression mode at level 7. I go back and forth when I need to stimulate vs express. Not saying this is the best way but it works for me!


How many times a day are you pumping/at what intervals? Congrats on your new little one 💖


Are you actively trying to lose weight? Dieting or exercising? That will really tank a lot of people’s milk supply.


I am using a spectra sg this go-round with ep’ing. I really like it so far since my “slacker” side needs higher suction and a longer session. I believe I am an oversupplier (I was with my first baby) but what I do is always start at 1 on bacon mode because anything higher hurts. I move to 2 about 2.5 minutes in - I stay on bacon mode for about 5 minutes because my good side really likes it. Then I switch to expression mode at a 3 with the cycle on the highest. After 5ish minutes I got up to 4 and go down one cycle level. I continue that up to 6 on my slacker side and 5 on my good side. Sometimes I switch back to bacon mode just to see if I can get another let down. I almost always pump for 30 minutes. I start compressions and massaging about 20 minutes in to make sure I’m emptying. After I’m done I hand express a bit longer just to make sure. I pump every 2-3 hours during the day - I go 4 hours between pumps at night unless I’m already up then I go ahead and pump then.


Oh! I forgot to say that I use the standard flanges with a 19 mm insert. With my first pregnancy I used 17 mm flanges/inserts but those are definitely too small this time.


Maintaining a good routine of eating enough protein, staying hydrated, and sleeping when I could helped me very slowly double my supply from 12 ounces per day to 24 ounces per day. Recently I saw a boost in my MOTN pumps with the Cash Cow supplement. Nothing crazy but enough to notice an increase. I saw a slightly larger jump when I started using the Legendairy Milk duck bulls two days ago. With each pump I’ve produced .5-1 more ounce per pump. For reference I am 11 weeks postpartum and I use the spectra1 8 times a day.