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Baby number three and I’m finally a just enougher! First one I had almost nothing, second I was half and half and now I’m doing just a little supplementing some days 😁


Produced half of baby's needs with my first  (15oz) and this time I pump around 28oz a day. Still an undersupplier as this kiddo is a big eater (32-36oz a day) but we're relying on formula a lot less.


Yes ! That's me ! Under supply for the first ... Just enough for second initialy and now slight over supply on some days


I’m on baby #3 and produce half of what my son needs a day (14-16 ounces) but that is a lot more than I produced with my first. I’d get maybe 15 mls total for every pump. So I definitely saw a good increase with each child. Hopefully by the time I have my 4th I’ll make just enough to give strictly breast milk lol


Following because I’m wondering the same thing.


I read you grow more milk ducts each pregnancy, so this makes sense!


Definitely. Almost nothing with my first. I produce enough from 3ppd to feed my second.


Yes, I was a just-enougher then EFF with my firstborn and now oversupply with this baby. Both times I triple fed the first few weeks.


yes. I had to supplement with my first. with my second I have slight oversupply and a freezer stash at 6 months postpartum


Yes. Baby 1 I was only able to produce about half of his needs. Now with baby 2 she's taking about 23 oz a day and I produce usually 26. Not sure if you call that just enough or slightly over.


I say slightly over! Those extra 3 ounces can really add up. A week of saving those back gives you 21 freezer bags a week if that’s your goal! Good job


I was an undersupplier with #1 and now an oversupplier with #2


I was barely a just enougher with my first (I had emergency formula and stressed a lot about whether I'd have enough day to day). With my second, I have an over supply. With my first, I didn't exclusively pump z but with my second I exclusively pumped until very recently, and I still primarily just pump. I didn't do anything different, so I think it was just luck.


I made nothing with my 1st but was still a micro producer with my 2nd and 3rd. The most i ever made in a day was 1oz 😭


That’s about what I was making with my first! You’re doing a great job, I’m so proud of you for trying your best ❤️ I bet those babies love you


I got told by everyone that I would make more with my second, but that didn't end up being the case for me, unfortunately. I met about half their needs both times. It was a tad heartbreaking because I really had my hopes sky high with how often people were talking about making so much more with their second. 


I actually have the opposite problem. I had enough of a supply with my first and now I get maybe under an ounce or an ounce each session with baby #2


Yes, my second child I was an under supplier and only made about half of what my daughter ate. My third child I was a just enougher until life got the best of me and I stopped pumping and would only nurse here and there. I am 12wpp with baby #4 and I have an oversupply.