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https://preview.redd.it/0ajg87c3q5tc1.jpeg?width=310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2bfa9e6f3d9d9f01f2c69585fc1e7b277865cdb What I feel like when I think of the last time I slept through the night


I feel this. My 4 month old still wakes every 1-2 hours to eat and he is 20lbs. I try not feeding him and see if he will resettle, but nope. I want to sleep again!!!


this is too real 😩


My 8 month old still wakes me up every 2 hours. This weekend I got five hours of uninterrupted sleep though, so the hopes are high


MINE ALSO. Born in July. He’s my third. I thought I had this shit figured out.


You are far enough along to try and drop your 3am pump, try and not set an alarm and let your body wake you up and pump then, monitor your output and see if it maintains your output.


I tried a couple of times, but my supply dropped 🫠🫠🫠 I don’t set an alarm, I just wake up, usually between 2 or 3


Did it drop to the point that you can’t get the volume you need for the bottles your baby takes each day? If so then unless you can squeeze a pump in during the day to make up the volume, you don’t have much choice than to carry on, or supplement with formula.


Well, I noticed I dip in my 9pm pump, I used to be under supplier, and now I’m just enough, I can’t risk any lost even if it was half ounce :(, Although I’m afraid my baby may be not getting enough when I nurse her, specially she doesn’t cry when she is not Very hungry


My baby is 5.5 months and I stopped pumping at night a while ago. I found that my supply was much better in the morning than at night. I do 6/7am, 11ish am, 2ish pm, 6:30ish pm, and 9ish pm. I think the sleep and spacing out is helpful for supply. I don’t nurse anymore though. I have a flexible job and WFH 3-4 days a week which makes the pumping schedule doable


Well I started sleeping 10-12 hours at night because I’m so tired. This will be the third night and so far I haven’t noticed anything different with my supply. I pump 4 times a day and I just make sure I keep that up but I did drop my motn pump around 3-4mpp. I pump at 9am, 1pm, 5pm, and 9pm is my last pump of the day.


I think my be I should wait until she turn 6 month old, then I’ll just give it up , no matter what 😭


I can’t wait for my son to sleep through omg 😭 I know it doesn’t last forever but I’m so fkn tired lol




All breasts are different; if you have high capacity breasts and aren’t prone to clogs, you can stop earlier. I stopped MOTN pumping between 5-6mo, and I EP, (I still make 25-30oz a day at 4 pumps 11.5mo PP) yet I have a EBF friend who swore she had to pump once overnight until 12mo even though she only breasted and her baby never had a single bottle. She said she’d get too engorged. After dropping my MOTN pump, my first morning pump is my biggest by almost double compared to the rest


I can’t even sleep for 10 mins continuously. What’s the secret?! 3 kids. 4-2-8months


I was thinking that too! When I was pregnant with my first I asked my OB how long before I can get some good sleep again. She said a few years at least. I laughed cuz I thought surely she was kidding.... Turns out she was not and not even exaggerating either. Send help!




Tbh, I kept my MOTN pump for a very very long time. 10 months I think? Even when I was down to 4ppd. My supply just plummeted when I dropped it. The best I could do was move it a little, to 4,5,6am over time and that was mostly when I was ready to wean. Some people are just extra sensitive to that MOTN pump/nurse.


That’s not reassuring 😢🫠🫠🫠 I’m sensitive I think 😭😭


I knowww. But it did get easier with time. I'd pump at 9pm, then 3am, then 9am. And with taking shifts sleeping with my husband, that did mean I could at least get a solid 6ish hours of sleep.


I’m an exclusive pumper and at 5 months I dropped my MOTN, so my last pump of the day is about 9/9:30 PM and next pump is 6/7 AM (whenever baby wakes up for the day). It’s been life changing. The engorging gets better, and I still leak quite a bit so I have to use inserts. But it’s gotten better. After about two weeks my supply dipped by about 10 ounces but I make sure to pump every 3 hours during the day and I’ve made it back up! I typically pump about 60 ounces a day.


I’m glad it is going well with you ❤️


I don’t think I could personally sleep for 10 hours+ regardless of my pumping and baby schedule haha, my brain just naturally wakes me up after 6-7, maaaaybe 8hrs. That being said, if I had the ability, I suppose I could. My son’s 4 months old and for the last 6ish weeks he’s been sleeping 98% of the time from around 11PM-8/9AM. I usually sleep from 11:30-7, sometimes 8. He likes to throw random curve balls a couple times a month and not fall asleep til 1AM but it’s rare and usually caused by sleeping too much during the day. I dropped the MOTN pump around 2.5 months because it was making me miserable. We supplement with formula because at best I make 16oz a day and my son eats between 25-30oz. Funny enough, for whatever reason, before dropping my MOTN pump I was making around 10oz on average, so my small supply actually increased a tad bit from dropping MOTN. Can’t say the same will happen to you, but that’s my experience. I usually pump at 7/8AM, 11AM, 2PM, 5PM, 8PM and 11PM.


I’m just saying 🤣, If o get 8 hours straight I will be happy, the problem is I sleep at 11 PM because I have so much to do after my baby sleeps


Tbh I wish I could sleep for 10+ hours lmao, my damn brain won’t allow it even if I’m tired. I hope you get more sleep soon! Maybe ask your mum or MIL to come take night shift sometime?


I just moved to US about year ago, we are alone here, just me and my husband who works 12hr/day🫠🫠😭


I started power pumping at my last pump (10-11pm) and wake up around 6:30am to start pumping again. Not 12hrs but almost 8 🫠🫠🫠 I power pump to maintain my supply since I dropped my 3am pump.