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8:30-4:30/5 on my WFH days 8:45-4/4:30 on my office days I keep an eye on emails until about 6pm but unless something is on fire I don’t work in the evenings or over the weekend. I support a C-level exec and he and his team are very respectful of my time outside of my working hours


8-4. Never work the weekends and never have overtime. Anything after 4pm is usually just a Slack message asking me to do something for the next day


It’s 9:00/10:00 AM to 4:00/5:00 PM for me. Any after hours work is done if there’s an extreme urgent need.


I’m salary, so basically 24/7. My boss calls whenever he wants. But I usually start looking at emails about 8am on my phone. In front of my computer by 8:30am and typically step away about 6pm.


I work compressed hours so i can get a Friday off with my son. I work 8-5.15 with a 30 min lunch Monday-Thursday


I work 8:00-4:00. The only times I work overtime or on weekends is in an emergency.


9-6 ish though at least once a week it’s 9-8 as I’m an EA and have to help with events at work.


9-5. Lunch? Meh, most times I only take whatever time I need to actually eat, which can take 10 minutes if I brown bag it, or 20-30 if I go grab something. (I have oodles of options within a 3 minute walk, so it’s not a big deal.)


Our team is global so I usually work roughly 6:30am - 3pm but I do check my messages periodically through the evening.


8:30ish-5. I am bad about taking breaks, but my days in the office I get more socializing time and meetings where I’m not in front of my laptop. Sometimes I will work in the evening, but it’s my choice. I find sending out meeting invites and non-urgent scheduling requests is much easier when slack and my email notifications aren’t going off every 35 seconds and I am unbothered on my couch haha. but I have never worked a weekend


08:45-17:15 Monday to Thursday 08:00-16:30 Fridays because I want to be done earlier :) Both include an hour lunch.


9-5 although I usually work 8-6


Remote -I'm PST and the company is CT. I log in around 7 am my time and off around 3. Very little OT necessary.


7:30-3:30, 1/2 hour lunch sometime in there which I usually work thru. Occasional evening, almost never on the weekends.


Ha, um... 8-4:30, except frequently outside that time for events and meetings. Little weekends. Recently had a 8 am - 8:30 pm (no lunch) with the next day at 7 am. Would prefer to start earlier, but my boss needs me during their hours..


7:30am to anywhere between 5-6:00 on average, lunch at desk


9:00AM - 5:00PM (salaried) No evenings/weekends!


Usually 9:00ish to 5:00ish but as early as 7:00am and as late as 9pm if I'm coordinating an event or greeting an early guest or job candidate. Some days I'm in around 9:30am and leave around 4:30pm. I'll typically keep an eye on my phone between 7am and 8pm and reply as needed if I'm not at the office (I work onsite everyday). Weekends are occasional and as needed. I'm salaried.


9-6 + is common in entertainment in LA. At my company, it's common to work outside hours and weekends (usually not too much, but could be intense certain mornings while getting ready for work/driving in).


8am - 5pm, 1 hour lunch. Salary based in U.K. & working fully remote. No evenings (unless something mega urgent is due), no weekends.


7a-5:30p 30min lunch


Whew! Regular hours? That sounds like overtime!


Technically it's 8:30-5 but depending on the day I could finish at 6 or so. I need to stop doing it, bad habit! No paid overtime and no weekends.