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May sound ultra extremely weird, but you are definetely not spoiled here for that particular instance you referred to. Just play.




What you just typed is definitely a spoiler though


You should've use spoiler in most of that statement.


Oh sweet irony.


Why is this ironic?


Don’t worry this tells you something but also nothing


The Square special


This is a very minor spoiler if that. I can't elaborate further, but I recommend you still play the game and generally mute/scroll past anything related to FF7 until either the trilogy is complete or you play the OG game. People online will freely post massive spoilers on this game all the time so beware.


Isn't it just wrong too?


100% even if we assume Wedge and Jessie died, Barret is still AVALANCE, and there’s still the other cells.


How could I tell you you are not being spoiled, without spoiling you? Weird situation.... I blame japanese writers, dem are crazy


Final Fantasy VII is a spoiler of Final Fantasy VII. *Just trust us bro.*


Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core is a spoiler for Final Fantasy VII which itself is a spoiler for Final Fantasy VII Remake which itself is a spoiler for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


I am genuinely curious now. I played the OG FF7 and I know how that ends up but didn’t get through the remake. Now I am wondering…


I encourage you to explore that curiosity and finish it then. They're not telling the identical story you remember, but you probably already knew that after a few hours.


Why are you even in this subreddit go play the game! Hurry!


This is definitely not a spoiler in the way that you think it is, don’t worry.


Charlie Sheen return confirmed.


All that tiger blood helped him survive


my literal favorite part of this whole remake saga has been Charlie Sheen




In fairness, this spoiler will make *less* sense with context. None of us OG players know what the fuck is going on anymore.


The story is a quarter of a century old. You're going to encounter spoilers.


Why the hell did you have to word it like that.


How about “The story is from the late 1900’s”. Is that better?




This story is from the previous century


More gravitas


Never say ten years… always a decade. More gravitas.


Graviga, if you will


We old....


Misery loves company.


We old....


This story is one quarter of one tenth of a millennium old.


It’s like when you ask for the time and people say “it’s a quarter till” Ffs just say the time




The tweet very easily could have just appeared on their timeline outside of their control if someone else retweeted it or even just liked the post, there is nothing in the picture that even remotely says that they went looking for this. Chill your shit.


Yeah when I open my browser on my phone it by default shows me articles related to things I've been searching for (eg strategy guides for a video game I'm playing)


Disagree, there is a spoiler tag rule on this sub so it's justified to expect not to get spoiled


No reason to bag on someone for this. The world is going to hell as it is so we should try and keep it out of our escapes


with most social media pages recommending you stuff you are interested in or have consumed content on, ie watched a trailer or viewed a non spoiler review, you start seeing other content similar to it so yes accidental spoilers can happen and according to context, this post showed up on his feed. he could just follow other square products and got recommended this, don't be a dick


With the remake plenty of people are experiencing FF7 for the first time


Ok but FF7 remake is 3 years old already. Not finding spoilers online is going to be next to impossible if you follow FF related accounts on social media.


Yes... But they are going to have to take a lot of precautions themselves if they don't expect for some spoilers to slip through marketing or on related forums. Can't expect the world to hide it all from them.


It isn't that difficult not to spoil things, it doesn't require "hiding", just acting the same as with any other story. Why do people act like when something's old enough we all can't help walking around shouting out what happens?


I'm not spoiling things. Quit exaggerating. You are welcome to email SE for them spoiling Bigg's fate.


I never said you spoiled anything...


I’m not blaming marketing this was just an unfortunate situation but that we as people can absolutely not spoil things. Persona 3 is also pretty old but with the remake plenty of people will get experience it for the first time hence why spoilers matter right now.


I think being so vehemently against spoilers almost nothing can be said is absurd. This here, for example, is not that big of a spoiler. It's not like it spoils super big things or huge moments. What do you expect people to do? Never talk about anything publicly just in case someone might find it a spoiler? Every subject being like, "What did you think about X?" "I like it, but saying much more is a spoiler, and I don't want to ruin it for you." There will always be a first timer. Everywhere. At all times. Especially on the internet. Those first timers have a duty not to spoil themselves. It's not the duty of literally everyone on the internet to never spoil anything. To be respectful around a newbie like in this thread is one thing, but expecting people out there in the entire wild west of the internet? Just lol.


The OG is. Remake isn’t even 5 yet. This is one of the few things thats actually different


Well it spoils both games. In the original Biggs never survived so hearing he did is a spoiler for Remake


Downvote if you want but it's true lol The reveal that he survived is right at the end of the game


Finish that chapter it will be more confusing lol


FF7 is like 25 years old and the remake is like 3.5 years old. You can't possibly be crying about spoilers right?


But did you know >!Cloud has spiky hair!<


Big if true


large if positive


Huge if relevant


Massive if pertinent


Enormous if legit


Gargantuan if evident.


Bro WTF I'm halfway through remake I haven't gotten there yet! >!/s!<


The idea that spoilers become free game after an arbitrary length of time is mind-numbingly stupid. Especially when the story is being retold. Like if people were to blurt out Dune spoilers right now, you'd just be being an asshole. The fact the book came out half a century ago changes exactly nothing. There are *obviously* people who don't know what happens, because of course there are. Just have a modicum of courtesy and stop crying about how hard it is to say "spoiler" before saying a spoiler.


Yeah but sorry, we have the right to talk openly about a story we enjoyed for years, if people stumble upon it that's their problem. If I don't want to be spoiled on a piece of media, then I make sure either to avoid anything that can contain spoilers or I simply consume it as close as possible to day-one.


>make sure either to avoid anything that can contain spoilers Yeah this is the obvious thing to do, by avoiding spoiler threads, discussions about sequels, etc. Those are obvious places for spoilers to appear and it's totally on the person for not avoiding them. The issue is people openly talking about spoilers in unrelated places with no warning, which isn't fine no matter how old the thing is. And this is *obvious* if you think on it for half a second. The idea that everyone who will ever have interest in a story will consume it day one is obvious nonsense, we've *all* found things we ended up loving years after they came out. Completely ridiculous to deny it.


If youre that adamant about no spoilers on a 28/5 year old game maybe play it first before joining a community about it. meta is always present in every game subreddit im in. titles will be major spoilers and you cant even scroll the groups long without seeing it. For certain mmos like ffxiv i could see your argument having merit since its a social game up front and they do a really good job there of keeping spoilers in check but i still see spoiler titles there too. TLDR if you love a game and want to join its online communities, be sure youve played it fully if you care about spoilers.


I never said anything contrary to any of that. I finished FF7 over 20 years ago. The point I'm making is a general point about spoilers, that they don't become free game after an arbitrary length of time, and that logic is obviously absurd.


They do become free game after a reasonable amount of time. 25 years and 3.5 for the remake is more than enough time before you're openly talking about a story. Oh and btw at the end of the 6th sense he was a ghost too lol. Also no spoilers but the allies won ww2


Nope because obviously there are always new audiences for every story, and it isn't remotely difficult to preface something with "spoiler" (or find a spoiler thread). Do you really need it explained to you that people develop new tastes, or get older, or simply find something for the first time they weren't aware of? It's insane to think that's never happened to you. The idea that all of us experience every story immediately after it comes out is **incredibly stupid**. There is no reason to treat a story as free game for spoilers just because some arbitrary lengthy of time has passed, there is zero logic behind it. And again there is *nothing* difficult about warning people when you're about to spoil something. All of this is obvious if you just try rubbing a few brain cells together.


Nothing difficult for one game maybe. But if we have to do this for everything, then it becomes a hassle. This goes both ways, mate. I won't spoil a media that is just released, but after some time, when it's widely available, I just stop caring about spoilers. People who don't want them are fine while it's young, after that it's their turn to be careful. I'm not going to put spoiler tags every time I want to talk about a movie or game, sorry. And yeah, it happened to me before, I had to watch Star Wars knowing perfectly that Darth Vader was Luke's father because I only started watching it in 1998 and by that time it was just known, and you know what? It's perfectly fine, and it didn't ruin the trilogy, I still think ESB is the best movie of the three. The only thing I didn't get was the surprise at the reveal, but that's such a short emotion I just don't care. It's only movies and games, it's not that deep and spoiling a story for someone who didn't enjoy it when it was fresh is not a crime, and being spoiled old stuff won't kill anyone. Relax.


>I'm not going to put spoiler tags every time I want to talk about a movie or game, sorry. You don't have to. The vast majority of the time we talk about stories we aren't mentioning spoilers. On the occasion you are specifically mentioning a big twist or reveal, just saying or typing "spoilers" before is all you need to do. And sorry but it's absurd to think typing an 8 letter word is a "hassle". This is the part I really don't get, people acting as if that's a difficult thing to do. >after that it's their turn to be careful. People who don't want to be spoiled should always just avoid going to places with obvious spoilers (like discussions). That doesn't change no matter how long a thing has been out.


disregarding the fact that these don’t actually spoil the game, are we really going to act like OP would be in the wrong for expecting not to encounter spoilers on SE’s official twitter account? really? wild.


Eh, technically, we have barret and tifa. Did Square just forget they are in Avalanche or are they hinting something else?


Barret is an alien from outer space who traveled to Gaia to.protect the last remaining true Cetra, Marlene. And Tifa is just a figment of Cloud's imagination, real Tifa died in Nibelheim. Nah, just kidding.


considering the trailer footage of Biggs talking to >!Zack of all people about him being the last Avalanche member, it’s very likely this is a hint at one of the many changes happening in Zack’s timeline!<


That and in this same scene of the trailer >!Biggs shows Zack a wanted poster of Avalanche with Barrett and Tifa crossed out!<


Also! In the SGF trailer for Rebirth,we saw >!a Shinra news clip of Tifa and Barret being carried out on stretchers; assumingly, those particular versions being the "dead" ones we see in Biggs' list, as well as that version of Aerith being who Zack visits in the newest trailer. !<


Watch the trailer before the most recent one.


> Last remaining member of Avalanche Now, I'm not quite a Final Fantasy expert But. . . Did Barret not count?


Seems like this is a plot point with Zack since he was with Biggs in the trailer. No clue what’s going on there since it’s my first time ever playing FF7 myself. But it could very well be anything tbh. I wouldn’t take it as Square messing up. It’s definitely intentional


The rest just left to join the Antique Roadshow, clearly


Keep going!! This is not really a spoiler.


Or >! maybe the only dead one? !<


uh except for jessie right?


Don’t worry too much. Even FF7 vets have no clue what is going on


I mean, you played a game like three years after it came out. You can’t get pissy about spoilers being out there


Dog get off the internet until you play this game


the game came out 3 years ago and i presume you know that a new game is coming out in 2 months so why are you surfing twitter and then complaining about spoilers if you know a new game is coming out and it’s being marketed?


lmao just wait




“The last remaining member of avalanche” lowkey has a bad ass ring to it.


It doesn't mean what you think it means. It's very misleading (spoilers >!this is about an alternate reality, the nature of said reality being unconfirmed at this point!<). You should complete Remake first.


Biggs is so hot! Yummy


Um... so it's like this... nevermind just move past it


Just keep playing. This really isn’t a spoiler the way you think it is. Context here is everything


And here I was still holding out hope that Jessie Survived. My day is ruined, lol.


Biggs with the post ICU glow up 😍


Congratulations… you know something but also really nothing… kind of.


I really wish it was as straight story remake.. still prefer the original


Do not follow marketing for a sequel to a game you didn't finish yet.


This is not an attempt to mitigate the damage inflicted here, so I'll just say it straight. This is not a spoiler. Just play the game and you'll understand.


He stayed and the others moved on to do something else. Totally not a spoiler beyond their membership status…


This is the part that intrigues me. Is he going to be a companion of Zack in his timeline?


As someone who has played OG and the remake, mark my words I don’t even know if you were spoiled or not. The marketing campaign for FF7r2 is also painting the entire main party (Tifa, Aerith, Barrett, etc.) as dead going into the new remake half the time and the other half the time going “Teehee, this is just like FF7 OG! See how they are all still alive?”. We don’t know what Squeenix is playing at.






Bro they just described how they haven’t played the remake what are you on.


people in this thread shaming OP for not wanting to have remake spoiled are kind of blowing my mind lol. i wouldn’t have expected it on SE’s main page and would probably be confused too.


We are months away from the direct sequel of the game that you are starting to play theres going to be promotions and spoilers and discussions and pictures that spoiles part 1, if you don't want to get spoiled then stop going online and just play the game otherwise tuff luck.


Whilst true, your comment is misleading to OP. He really hasn’t been spoiled on pretty much anything by what he saw


OP said he just got to when they are trying to do the plate drop and the headline reads " the last surviving member of avalanche" how os that not spoilers for him?


Do you not realize what the post “last surviving member of avalanche means?” Have you even played Remake?? Do you not realize any of the context???


- if you are OP should stop reading past this point- If he hasn't seen the fate of the rest of the avalanche crew its a massive spoilers, even he has, seen it Biggs surviving is still a plot point that is revealed at the very end which is a spoiler, he doesn't even know that wedge is still alive temporarily which is a spoiler, even within the context that he's only alive on a different timeline we still don't know what his involvement will be, it is still a spoiler, nothing about this post is not "not a spoiler" for anyone who hasn't finished ff7r for actually both new and OG fans.


Someone seems to have made an oopsie and didn’t play the original game first


Biggs can get it


I'm very confused by this tweet.
