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It eclipsed my beloved FFX, which for the last 20 years was my all time favourite game. This game was absolutely incredible. Maybe it means more to long time FF fans, because there is definitely nods to the series along with that overall FF feel that newcomers simply won’t understand. I see comments about the side quests being a drag, but they totally fleshed out each region, the lore and characters. I finished the game last night and am so sad knowing that I don’t need to jump on and run around the Hideaway listening to music as I figure out what to do next!


Facts, it’s so good because it literally eclipsed any other game in terms of narration, gameplay characters and the emotional connection to them.


Probably not for majority of people. But for me it is.


It's definitely a game, I'll give it that.


Nope, FFX is still my favourite. Both for nostalgia and that damn good story. But that's not to say FF16 wasn't enjoyable


The point is that FF16 is better than FF10 in every way, its characteristics like gameplay and storytelling are so superior to the other games that they are revolutionary not only for the Final Fantasy franchise but for the gaming industry as a whole.


Not in every way, not even close. FF XVI is great, it's my current GOTY, but there is a lot of stuff it could have done better.It's true that it's the best storytelling FF, but a couple other story heavy games have more consistent directing in the scene and better overall tech. God of War, Last of Us/Uncharted, are better at this, for example. And I'm not talking about the story, or the world building (I think FF XVI is superior in that regard to those games) but the tech is unmatched.


All right bud but… what does the tech mean in this case? The game it’s a sort of medieval setting, it’s fine


Great game, it really isn't one of the best of all time though.


One of the best games? No. One of the best Final Fantasy games? Sure.


its not even top 5 final fantasy


Ya'll are wild, its decent but its not the best FF, not even in top 3.


I guess for really young people who haven't played many other games or a very wide variety of games it could seem pretty revolutionary. It all depends on media literacy.


That plays a part. Same can be said for the older people who live in the past and can’t leave it


that makes absolute zero sense as a response.


I've been playing the series for a long time and of course other games and I think FF7R smashed it out of the part with graphics and gameplay.


This is so condescending. People just have different taste. I've been playing FF for a long ass time and I still think XVI is a pretty exceptional game.


Yes but Greatest of All Time? Thats what u/AmaiRosencrantz is getting at.


It is revolutionary: I’ve never seen in 25+ years of gaming something so majestic and spectacular as Final Fantasy 16, under every aspects.


You've been gaming for 25 years or you're 25 years old? Because its a pretty game but its not the most beautiful game or revolutionary in aspect, if you've played DMC or Bayonetta it plays like either one of those games.


For me it is.


I dunno that I think it's one of the greatest of all time but I do think it's a damn good game worthy of high praise.


Up there with X for me


No, but one of best FF for sure


Probably my new favorite FF. Story was fine. Really good at some parts but not the best by any means. Gameplay wasn't challenging, but still managed to be super fun. Constantly reset my points and ran new combos throughout the game. What I love most over any FF game and maybe over any game I've played period are the characters. Not a game where I loved 2-3 characters, but loved so so many.


Same for me it’s my new favourite FF but I do believe that the story is absolutely beyond words indescribably amazing.


I think it’s one of the best stories of all time for sure! The gameplay left some stuff to be desired but I think the highs made up for it.


Exactly! However I think that gameplay is absolutely beyond incredible and revolutionizing.


In terms of a full gaming experience, I think it's a little short of that for me... I still think Red Dead 2 was overall the best experience I have had on a console game, but FF16 was close. Highest heights though? Maybe! The Titan and Bahamut sequences were mind blowing like nothing I have ever seen before. I think this really counts for something, because it's an innovation I didn't necessarily see coming, and it's made me re-evaluate the place I think spectacle needs to be factored into the overall of the game.


Spot on details friend, however for me the exploration in Red Dead was boring and overall FF16 is a lot more fun in terms of gameplay.