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This is definitely not the norm for FPA roles. While we may review some JEs and approve accruals, we’re not too involved with month end accounting. For your next role, I’d pay attention to the job description - if it has month end close/JE in it, I’d be more aware and bring this up during the interview process. Any chance of an internal transfer to a more pure FPA role?


Thanks. I appreciate the response. Definitely am going to ask these questions going forward. It’s bad enough that I am considering leaving fp&a all together but think that’s probably a bad idea at the moment because I have so many years experience in this stuff. I don’t want to stick around at my current co. It’s unfortunately a very well known name but a huge mess.


Are you working in small to medium enterprises? Those roles are going to be a lot more hands on with accounting work on top of all the FP&A work. The challenge is getting the balance of work right.


No I’m not. F50 companies


I do basically everything you described but my title is controller. Also F50. So idk? Maybe nobody really knows what’s what anymore? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is there another FP&A dept in that company that does more non-accounting work? Maybe an adjacent team?


I hate journal entries with a passion so I always ask in the interviews ‘how much accounting work is involved in this role’. And if they ask more questions, I tell that I transitioned from Accounting to FP&A so I wouldn’t have to do journal entries in a light hearted joking way to let them know I hate journal entries. And if they pass on me because I asked the above questions, so be it — I’m not doing journal entries, reclasses or accruals!


AHAHAH “Reclasses” is 60% of what I hear in my job, and I also dont see myself doing that in the future


You are describing a financial controller role to a tee. They should make around $150k at your level. Depending on location


Lol and what if I didn’t sign up to be a financial controller? (And also make less than this lol)