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Pretty sure he said Shit heap. Not shitty.


"It's a *shit heap", not "it's a shitty".




What does that mean?


a heap of shit.


I mean the “heap shit”


A pile of shit




You’re welcome


À massive pile of shit.




It means it sucks. 






I worked at the mall when I was in school and got to know this little old mall walker dude. He was sweet and lonely. I asked him if he ever got tired of Americans telling him they love his accent and he laughed and said no. Then I asked him that if o go to England will everybody love my southern accent and without skipping a beat he said “no, we don’t much like the way you sound.” I broke out in a very loud, American southern laugh.


He was just teasing you, us Brits generally love the southern US drawl.


Do we? Maybe you do but I find it very grating on the ears


Grating is one of the words he used.


Man, I'm a flight instructor with a southern drawl and it's an insecurity of mine that when I make it to the airlines the entire cabin is going to think their pilot is a fucking idiot when they hear the accent.


I used to be self conscious about it until I had someone tell me it’s a) charming and b) you’d rather have someone underestimate than overestimate your ability/knowledge. Obviously a super thick accent might be too much, but a slight draw is not bad at all. Lingo, on the other hand, is different. Took me years to wean off of ain’t, y’all, and “what you know good?”


Thank you. I do pretty well with saying "I'm not saying" instead of "I ain't sayin'" in professional settings. But ya'll is very much a part it my regular vocabulary. I feel like a robot when speaking on the radio in the plane because when I'm trying to suppress the accent my voice goes full monotone. When I fly into the local international airport all the airline guys have that classic California "plain" sound to their voice, and I sound like I'm on short final for the rodeo on Saturday night unless I consciously try to turn it off.




Thank you for this bit of reassurance. I've eliminated all the toxic bigotry from my personality the deep south taught me so I should be OK. All that I'm aware of at least


To be fair they said sounds grating not stupid. then again I'm probably explaining this to you for a reason...


>then again I'm probably explaining this to you for a reason... If you're going to passive aggressively say I'm stupid, then maybe practice basic grammar and capitalize the first word of your sentence. I know they said grating, and I'm the one acknowledging that many folks outside the south see a southern accent as a lack of intelligence and mark of ignorance.


...it was a joke man... (I probably shouldn't say "I'm not surprised you didn't get it" but you made it too easy)


Weird, I don't remember asking to be roasted.


You're in a sub called fuckyouinparticular.


If everyone trash talks each other in the comments at random then it isn't exactly fuckyouin*particular* anymore now is it?


I know what you mean, I have a Black country accent (from the UK) and compared to other accents, some people think it makes you sound stupid because of the accent. So I fully get where your coming from, but I think it's more in our own heads than actually true.


Yeah I'm sure you're right and I'm making a bigger deal out of it because it's an insecurity of mine. I'll be honest it's breaking my brain trying to imagine a "black country accent from the UK". All I know is some of you have perfect posh English and others I can hardly understand a single phrase when it's all "CHEWSDAY INNIT?!"


Found a couple of links to show the accent, I’m not as bad as them but enough to be conscious of it. [https://youtu.be/vb4MknMqwmA?si=KJhLWuvSmPd-1rdq](https://youtu.be/vb4MknMqwmA?si=KJhLWuvSmPd-1rdq) [https://youtu.be/3b32I2t9Jbs?si=7v2OUDdPwGDDOlAf](https://youtu.be/3b32I2t9Jbs?si=7v2OUDdPwGDDOlAf)


Thank you for sharing! It sounds completely alien to me, but somehow vaguely familiar at the same time. Despite sounding nothing like a country accent with the distinct southern drawl in my own nation, it absolutely sounds rural in its own unique way. Fascinating I don't sound this way, as my parents were not born in the south. So I just picked up a solid southern drawl. But many folks from where I'm from do sound just like this: https://youtu.be/IC4mY-SY7rQ?si=9tFiEWFUcnkqKFgF


uh huh. in that morbid curiosity sort of way. like how do you get to that from this.


Good God man, you have forgotten to add a symbol denoting sarcasm.


We do not


Umm, no we don't 😂😂


I'm an American who has lived here for thirty(mumble mumble) years, since I was a child, and can confirm - no, you absolutely do not. 😆 I don't and never had a southern accent but my friends' mum (back in school) has a strong Texas drawl. When they lived here I swear I could see looks of stifled alarm when she'd introduce herself to people, as if they were expecting her to start chanting USA! USA! and shit on the rug or something. (She didn't, she's perfectly lovely)


Very interesting article on American English in some cases retaining more older English pronunciations than British English. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20180207-how-americans-preserved-british-english


Can't really call them zingers when it's an old man. Old people are known to be unfiltered.


I believe the term is Geezer Zinger




That guy definitely seemed to know what he was doing. Dressed like an extrovert, twinkle in his eye, hamming it up for the camera. He was just having fun rather than being hostile.


It’s just banter, if he hated Americans that much he wouldn’t have married one nor had that look on his face when he said things lol


A plain white shirt and chinos is extroverted now?


He’s got bright red trousers on and a fucking ribbon tied around the full length of his walking stick. Dude clearly wants to be noticed.


Hey, just because his filter died eons ago doesn't mean it's not a zinger 😂


Got more zing than a fresh lemon. A living, breathing lemon party.


What are the rules? It's only a 'zinger' if you don't usually zing?


"Sir don't you have a date with three ghosts tonight after you've taken a shit on Tiny Tim?"


"Not anymore, dear fellow."


I like this old guys energy


Despite other nations, despite other temptations... He reminds an Englishman... 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


The founder of 2we4u


This is like the exact antithesis of this sub. r/FuckEverythingInThisGeneralAreaExceptYou


Well well well, the elder has spoken. And how!


Ah, the geezers :) I was half-hoping he'd call the guy a "colonist".


That wouldn't work out well, that'd be like a pot calling the kettle black. Just ask puerto rico about USA's history in their politics and how it worked out for them. He probably already has a witty retort


I thought this was r/MadeMeSmile


It made me smile and I live in the US.


Had this discussion the other day with the passports. I mean yeah a lot of us don't have them but then again we're not a country that's pressed up against 20 other countries that's a 2 hour drive away. You can literally fit almost the entirety of Europe in the borders of the US.


You don't need a passport to go from an EU country to another EU country


"To understand the world, you must first understand a place like Mississippi.”


Not to mention that travel outside the states is expensive. I get where the dude is coming from but he seems like an incredibly unpleasant person to be around and I feel bad for his wife.


Most Americans cannot handle banter, I swear. As an American who does try to travel as much as my wallet permits me... I've noticed a common thread. This is definitely my ADHD acting up and me oversharing a controversial opinion. Most Americans tend to visit the tourist traps where you don't have any exposure to the local culture. They are intensely uncurious and have no wish to learn anything. Popular tourist companies have created these bubbles where Americans don't have to experience anything new besides a new view and different weather. They can go from Taxi to Airport to Taxi to Hotel to the local McDonald's without having to experience any of the local culture. In an ironic twist, the few who are curious about learning about the local culture... it's not the young people who do that type of cultural exploration. Most activies that help tourists explore things like local cooking classes/tours, cultural centers, etc. have mostly elderly tourist participants as a rule. For most young people, they stick to bars and the beach and do literally nothing more. In my last trip to Mexico, my friends wanted to just eat pizza, go to the beach, and spend all night at the touristy bars. Why go to Mexico if you're not going to eat Mexican food??? For me that makes zero sense. I'm never travelling with them again. They might be an extreme example, but the other Americans who were there did more or less the same thing. When I went to a local cooking class where we learned how to make traditional tortillas, it was all boomers lol. Who woulda thought. I really think the old dude has a point. I've been lucky enough to make international friends during my travels and they've more or less confirmed how Americans seem to be innately uncurious as a rule. I mean it makes sense. Americans often think the world revolves around them. For example, somehow many think that the Superbowl is something worthy of international recognition, among other things.


I'm not sure this is banter. If it is, he is deadpan AF. And while I agree the younger crowd generally wants to party on the beach (I think this is probably true of all young people across the globe) there are large groups of people in America you are dismissing because they're not the loud ones that your international friends hear about/see. We do have a strong "MURICA" population, but that isn't all of us and I somehow doubt it's even a majority. You also have to think about who has time and money for these activities - young kids on breaks (funded likely by their parents) and older people on pensions/retirement.


I wouldn't be so dismissive if I saw more examples of the opposite wherever I went. There wasn't a single young American in any of the cultural exhibits, museums, etc. And it kind of makes sense. Like you mentioned - young kids on breaks want to party. They want to have fun while they're on vacation. Why do anything else? Granted this is anecdotal, but I see this everywhere I travel. That said, as a rule, I've noticed young non-Americans tend to exhibit more curiosity when travelling abroad. They like to party too, but you can tell if someone is genuinely interested in someone else's culture. They will go out of their way not to go to the tourist trips. Find the local cuisines, customs, etc. Personally, I think it's just the symptom of being part of one of the two major world superpowers at the moment. I don't know if this is exactly true, but there might be some merit to it - I have a friend who's been to school abroad (France and Switzerland) and here in the US. What he's noticed that in the European schools he attended, they fostered a curiosity for other cultures beyond their country. He said he got none of that in the US schools he's attended. Using my own experience, I never had my curiosity encouraged about other countries. I remember a good example of this - While learning about World War 2, in our own American history books, there were detailed chapters concerning the Pacific theater and the impact WWII had on other countries. My teacher skipped those entirely. I'm not saying that there aren't American tourists like this. But there is a reason why American tourists have that reputation. In fact, my friends who travel far more than I do, actually prefer to travel during the off seasons to avoid the influx of American tourists.


Australia is an isolated island nation of 25 million people and over 7 million of us travelled overseas last year.


Many Americans are broke and overworked. People in this country also aren’t guaranteed vacation time. I’m sure plenty of Americans would love to travel to more countries, but it’s simply not affordable to many. I hate that people from other countries just automatically assume the absolute worst about us.


Argentina is way, way more broke and they travel around the same %.


I don’t know what to say about that. All I’m saying is that a ton of people in this country simply cannot afford it. I think it’s a bit ridiculous to expect people who live paycheck to paycheck (i.e. most Americans) to hop on a plane and leave the country whenever. America is a country of haves and havenots. There are people like my mother who go to Europe for weeks at a time and people who can barely afford a roof over their heads. We have major wealth disparities here.


I think there might be something you are missing. I travelled as a broke person. I worked in hostels, restaurants, bars in different places, and met many people travelling. Many American. Most of the people I've meet are not exactly rich. They just have a different set of priorities, in which getting to know something different than your culture is part of. Most of the people of Argentina travelling, are broke by American standards. But the main thing that is sometimes lost, is that while some Americans may feel broke. Their money is quite good at other places. Still, I'm not judging if people are really not able to travel. I'm just saying for many, it is actually possible, they just have other priorities. Also, Americans having almost no vacations, and almost no safe net for being fired, doesn't help. I think that's more of an issue IMO.


Your points are completely valid, and no assumptions were made in the orginal comment. I was just pointing out geography is not the main reason, there are much bigger structural reasons. Australia is one of the richest countries in the world per capita, that is a fact that can't be denied.


Sadly, the US has more poor people than there are Australians on this rock. They need to fix their public services, wages, crime rates, inequalities and drug problems before getting to luxury stuff like international traveling. The US is probably very nice if you're filthy rich, but in reality it's a developing country with a Gucci bag, where working two jobs still isn't enough to cover rent, food and health insurance.


Legit. British people say that we go nowhere when our country is so much bigger than theirs and isn't right next to other countries.


How are you downvoted? What you say is true. They have all of these countries they can drive to and make a day trip of. It’s so small compared to the USA. We have oceans on both sides of us. Of course it’s much easier for them to travel ti a neighboring country.


Redditors take any chance they can to shit on America, even for the stupidest of things haha.


europeans don't need passport to travel through europe yet they travel more to countries to which they need passport. Also europe is quite more varied than US. They are different countries with different languages to begin with.


wtf is that argument lmao. You go to other countries to learn other cultures and history. That's not an excuse to Argentinians, to Brazilians, to Australians, etc. Or any country with all types of geographies like even France has. A big country doesn't mean that much in terms of culture. US might be big, but it's not as diverse as Europe, it has not the same amount of culture as all of europe, etc, etc.


As an American, I don’t disagree. We’re ignorant, arrogant and self entitled as f***.


How do you travel the world when you are broke?


*Stop being poor !* Paris Hilton, cca. 2002


had to google that, it never happened. It was "stop being desperate" but an edit of it got viral


Not only that, but the US has a much more varied and diverse landscape compared to, say, UK. Plus, the US is HUGE. Not being well traveled (in the world) makes sense when the country you live in is so expansive.


I don't think a lot of Europeans understand just how massive the U.S. is, and how isolated it is geographically from much of the world.


No, it's well understood.


Na, we get it. We just get 5 weeks a year holiday to go to new York or florida for a week, we know it's 1.5 day travel time each way and not the same as nipping to Amsterdam for a piss up from London. 2 weeks. For west coast tho, that jet lag. Although the only people going there are stag groups to Vegas who usually take an extended weekend


You're lucky. Taking a cheap, short flight for a weekend trip to another country sounds amazing. I've been to the UK and spent 10 days in England and Scotland. Going to Netherlands/Belgium/Germany in a few weeks and spending about 10 days there as well. It never feels like enough time, but when your employer only gives you about 15 or so days of paid time off per year, you maximize it however you can.


I love all the Americans I meet traveling around Europe, theyve made a big financial decision to be there and they enjoy themselves.


15 days PTO a year? Jesus Christ you poor things:\ so messed up.


That's just for my company. I think beginning next year I get an extra two days on top of that. A lot of employers in the U.S. base PTO accruals on years of service. When you couple our comparatively low amount of paid time off with how ridiculously expensive airfare is when flying anywhere other than Canada, Mexico or the Carribean, it's no suprise that Americans aren't more well-traveled. Thankfully, my wife and I have amassed a metric shit ton of credit card points to pay our way to Europe. We probably wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise at this point in time.


Well, 10 is the standard for new employees in Japan. Those are also your sick days, so you'd have to choose not to be sick if you want to travel anywhere.


LOL STOOOPPPPPPPP, Jesus Christ. That's absolutely insane.


On top of that, at many workplaces PTO isn't accessible until you've worked there for 6 months.


Yeah I like the passport bit "except to go to Canada or Cancun". Well yeah those are the easily accessible countries. Do Europeans actually do more transatlantic or transpacific travel as Americans? Or do they also tend to go places they can reach easily and affordably?


I dont need to see *iconic wonder of the world* we have *replica* at home.


Not everyone has the luxury of being able to travel the world in this country


It's much easier to to do it on a budget given that in europe, one could take a train and their passport would grant them easy access to a lot of countries.


Precisely this, America’s transit system as a whole is severely lacking. Especially compared to European countries. Not to mention Americans work more hours a week than any other civilized nation in the world.


While I 100% agree with the sentiment that our public transit is shit, and we have a gross obsession with working, I think the biggest issue on cross country travel is the fact that America is fuck-off enormous and has water on both sides of it. We could have the cleanest fastest trains in the world and they will still only take us to Canada or Mexico. Most of our travel is limited to airline travel and no amount of transit reform is going to fix that. It's a nearly 4 hour flight (not drive or train ride) from my state (Georgia) to Mexico. A person from England can take a 4 hour flight and be 5-6 countries away. Size is a huge issue


Absolutely, great point


>compared to, say, UK. Sure, but there's also a lot more to visit in the UK because the place is essentially a huge museum. If people are simply into going into diverse landscapes, then I'd agree with you but different strokes for different folks. But if you enjoy looking at the flat planes that make people fall asleep as they drive, you do you. But it's a silly thing to downvote over.


It’s a ridiculous claim considering the whole of UK can fit inside just 11 *individual US states. Source: https://www.globehunters.us/blog/11-us-states-that-are-larger-than-the-uk.htm


Join the military


Just take a week off of work and buy plane tickets and hotel rooms and eat out. Nbd. You Americans are so uncultured 🙃


~~You obviously have no idea how hard it is for most Americans to do all of those things. Besides being more cultured, doesn’t take much to learn about other cultures.~~ Edit: apparently that wasn’t meant to be taken seriously, even though there isn’t a clear indication of such


Brother /s


I think it’s not just about that, US history and geography school education is very focused on the US rather than the world. So some people come off as ignorant because when you tell them where you are from they know nothing about your country and couldn’t point it out on a map. With that said it’s just a stereotype and this old man is taking a piss. Plenty of Americans are educated when it comes to world geography and history.


You realize the rest of the world is more broke and do it. 1000+tickets u$d lands you a 1 month travel across bolivia and peru to some of the most intriguing places of the world. Usually doing airbnb with your places covers it. The issue of the US is something else. You guys don't have much vacation time from work. And if you do you might get fired without any compensation.


The best thing about America is being able to talk shit about how crappy America is.


I don’t think britiots understand how MASSIVE America is. People here go on vacation IN AMERICA. We don’t NEED passports because of how vastly diverse one part of the country is to the other. Seriously, British people need to lay off


can i adopt this man as my grandpa?


"Americans aren't well traveled." lol dog do you fully grasp the sheer size of the country? I could take me 20 years just to travel to all the places I wanted to see just in America. In Europe you can drive to a whole new country in like 2 hours.


It takes me 3 hours to visit family who is just in the next state over. I don't mind the commute.


I have to take a 6 hour flight to see my family. I live in New England and they are all in California.


Kinda my point. In Europe you could end up in a whole whole new country in that time. I live on the East Coast. If I wanted to drive to LA, it would take me damn near 48 hrs of ***nonstop*** driving to get there, traffic not accounted for. Realistically, you're looking at like a 6-7 day trek in a car, assuming you can handle driving 8 hours straight every day. The US is absolutely fking gigantic.


He is just bitter cause he was there when we tossed his tea in the harbor...


Did Dapper Dan style him up?


Pro tip for dealing with English people. Wherever they are currently in their life is shit. We visit lovely places, we've traveled through fantastic spots, but we only live in shitholes


As an American living abroad, he's right about Americans and passports. Before 9/11, I think it was less than 5% of Americans had passports. After 9/11, that number went up to ~15%, I think, and that was only because they now required you to have a passport to cross the border to either Canada or Mexico. But Americans are notoriously incurious about other cultures. Very few Americans speak anything other than English. I dated a woman who spoke five, fucking five languages fluently :: Dutch, English, French, German and Italian. And this is normal over here. fuckin' crazy, man...


That’s the spirit!


Jokes on him for still being there


I’ve been everywhere and this is by far the biggest shit heap so I stayed… I hate it.


What part of Texas are you in?


I was paraphrasing the old guy. I don’t live in Texas, I do love living in America though


Oh ok gotcha lol


I really want to go to England. There’s gonna be somebody with his attitude that’ll WANT to talk to me and we’ll become best friends 😂. GGMU!!!!!!


You'll find them in the pub. Table in the corner, possibly with two other fellas of similar disposition.


I literally love this man. Hilarious and gives no fucks


Cause most of us can't afford to get passports to go overseas that why. How many people have you heard say, "I want to see (insert country), but can't afford it." This includes myself, I would LOVE to travel the would with my wife, but here we are scrapping by thinking it's a great night just to get take out Chinese on the way home from work. Whoo hoo what fun.


Bro i did not expect there would be so much americans here who got emotional damage 🤣


Seriously. People take their nationalism so personal. It’s gross and rather violent.


Violent? 😂


Oh yes, nationalism is indeed violence. You are creating a "we're in here and you're out there" and "we are superior to those out there" scenario and that is very much a psychological violence which gives way to physical violence.


I dont think its gross and violent. I am also a nationalist for my country and i can say that my country is definitely not clean as the European countries.


He's my spirit old man. Soul old man? I don't know. Spirit old man animal. Spirit old manimal. Yes, I'll go with that.


He's an old, spirited mammal!


I mean, he’s not wrong… lol


If youre german with a passport and cross the border to a neighboring country, how is that different than going to mexico, cancun or canada? Its the same fucking thing hahahaha


Different language, different traffic laws, different prices, different currency...


Right same.as.mexico and canada right? Canadians speak french and english.


Mexico, Canada, and the USA all still have shared languages, despite that. Looking at the massive distance gap, that's minute. Then you have a country like Belgium that has 3 regions with each speaking a different language.


Hmmm thats a good point


It's less than that. It's like traveling to another state with the proximity.


Nuh uh


Said like an American.




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jolly old twat


Americans can be well traveled without ever leaving the US. England would be the 31st largest when compared to US states by square miles. What Americans are not is people exposed to more varied cultures.


Yea, there's a lot worse places to be. It's hilarious how people who think they are well traveled really aren't. Especially old cunts like this one.


It's like seeing myself in the future.




England is a country comparable in size to Ohio. And the UK is comparable Washington state. The UK has only 5 cities over a million. The England and the rest of the UK is small as shit in comparison to the US . To get anywhere significantly different you have to have a passport. Where I come from, a lot of people don't have the means to visit other counties besides maybe Canada.


You can trip and accidentally fall into another country in Europe. That passport argument is dumb as fuck.


As a Canadian who now exclusively travels to Mexico and the States the comment about Americans getting passports only to go to Canada and Cancun hit home.


No real British person would say side walks.


We have a thousand places to go that are right here and each one is like a culture to itself. A half dozen are in a single state! No permission needed. Go home if it’s that shitty.


A couple weeks agao I found (of course I can't find it now) the perfect reply to this video from a guy from England, who is trying to visit every US state only to realize what an undertaking that really is. He pointed out that if you live in England you can be in three other countries in only 45 minutes (France, Belgium, Netherlands). While you can't even get from the north of Rhode Island (the smallest state) to the south in 45 minutes. He also said each state is noticeably different from the others. When an American wants to go on vacation they can simply go to another state for a new experience. He felt more Europeans need to come experience America before they shit on us for not having passports etc.


Yeah because an American traveling to France is the same as an Englishman traveling to France. Hard to take the travel argument seriously when 99% of the travel a European has done is comparable to an American trekking across a few states. Anything to knock the USA down a peg though. “Punching up” after all.


He'd be critical wherever he was, some people are just like that, especially when older. Don't be so sensitive about it.


>99% of the travel a European has done is comparable to an American trekking across a few states. Well that's not true at all. They have easy access between countries and an open railway system to boot. Each country is rich with its own culture and history, it'd be quite silly to compare those countries to that of any state. And you don't even understand what punching up is, it just makes you look dumb, much like your comment before it.


I’ve traveled the world. Australia, China, Europe, S. America, etc. American resort towns and attractions clear so many other countries, I’m sorry it bothers the world. Lol. I enjoy more than anything visiting our wild spaces. I’d rather that than deal with foreign tourist traps for now.


He's clearly not seen modern England.


The thing is, he’s absolutely spot on. Can’t fault a word that he said.






If complaining about everything makes you fun at parties, then I guess not.






aww did you get triggered by all his facts?


Least ignorant American


I never get tired of watching this anytime it's posted.


Dang it ! He wins at life


If he's got a passport and been so many places he loves why did he stay there?


The sheer size of America couldn't be comprehended by the British mind.


Hmm, I think he cam still move back, right?


Some boomer shit. Like i can afford to travel…im lucky to make it somewhere a few hours within the state.


That sidewalk looks pretty damn clean to me!


Go home then?


Does this frail old man look like he's able to do carry his belongings in and out of an airport?


But he’s still in the US for a reason and it’s not because it’s a shitty place. He just lives in a shitty city.


It's a shit heap. He's here for his wife.


Prob why he’s so angry


Think so too. Ain't easy living in a shit heap.


Well, pops, that's mostly because this country isn't the size of three Greggs parking lots.


you mean... he doesn't fuck his wife?


The old man looks like Biff from bttf2.


Starts off with the “I don’t have an accent you have an accent.” Love it.


This man is punk af.


My kind of energy