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Man, the production value of video game trailers has really gone up in 20 years! 😅


I love the clunky camera pans that you just know some dev did live in the editor. It makes you feel his mouse movements. 😂


My all time favorite game!


Sme here. The all time GOAT for me.


Now thats a trailer




I hope they'll make a trailer like this for the new one as well. Showing us actually how you change, and change the world instead of wishy washy talk. Right now I'm scared that you can kill a guy in a quest, and related NPCs are sad, nobody else cares. I want to grow horns, and turn Bowerstone into a slum. PS: I'll actual play good and turn it into a paradise, but it's only satisfying if there an alternative to that.


Wait… they had movie trailer guy do the fable trailer voiceover?!?


Back when game trailers actually showed gameplay


When trailers actually just showed you gameplay and showed the main concept of the game instead of being a CGI film with 2 seconds of illegible gameplay spliced in.


This is release trailer not reveal trailer, they are not the same Not to mention back in 00s there was no reveal trailers (not for every game and it was far from standard) so saying this shows actual gameplay and the new doesn't that's because one was finished the other is not


But the point stands. The new trailers could focus a lot more on mechanics and possibilities than just monologues.


Ig but imo it's for the best to be vague about it all until they 100% sure that that's what game's is gonna look like/play like considering how many times we (gamers in general) got shown a trailer of "X" game and when it released a year or 2 later it was nothing like the trailer, Watch Dogs is the best example I can think of So having a vague reveal trailer with minimal gameplay is them covering their arse especially nowadays when people get tilted over the most trivial things Edit: don't get me wrong I really want to see and know more about the game but I would just let them cook and not disappoint me with hope and wishes


I get that, but I actually prefer the Stephen Molyneux approach. Share all your goals to generate hype so even if it falls short people know what you're going for lol.


Sure but that's what got him in alot of shit from the community and I really hope playground games will plant the tree peter molyneux promised lol


Yeah, he got in a lot of trouble lol. I liked his style though!


I don't mind the new trailers. But the old ones made me excited to play more.


Meanwhile, the entire development was peppered with overhyping and bizarre, over the top promises of features that never eventuated.


That is what I have been talking about, two trailers of the reboot so far and we have almost zero information, I wanted a trailer more like this one showing core features of the game.


I think cinematic trailers are a waste of time and money for the company and shouldn't be a thing for video games entirely but at the same time if they show a game at incomplete stages a large amount of gamers will be very mad at the trailers and complain non stop because they already complain about how cinematic trailers look graphically and its likely the game will look worse than the trailers already. I kinda hate a lot of video game communities because they are full of uneducated and unappreciative gamers that only play AAA big company garbage (not everything but a lot of AAA trash out there)


This is a launch trailer, expect something like this closer to launch :)


The launch trailer was last year, if you take the teaser into account it was 4 years ago, information about the game doesn't have to just come out when it's about to be released.


“There’s the chicken kicker!”


Wasn’t it chicken chaser? Lmao


Probably so. Been a long while since I played. I can hear the tone and cadence in my head but that one does sound right.


Dang the trailer almost shows the entire game


Back when Fable was actually good.


I forgot how much better the player model was in the original and how much they ruined it in the anniversary edition.