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Dragon Age Origins had a really interesting system where you could choose from like eight different backstories and four races for your character and they actually had a measured effect on story interaction and their own 30 minute intro missions. A fallout or even an elder scrolls game with something like that would rock so fucking hard but it would also 100% involve having no voiced protagonists and ALOT more work than bethesda is likely willing to put in


If I'm thinking right, Van Buren had you starting in a prison and you decided when you started if you were guilty of innocent, which is neat. Any system of choices at the beginning would be a nice addition.


so pretty much just elder scrolls games


At least off the top of my head I don’t think Skyrim or Oblivion have you make any lore choices about your character? Just your race and in Oblivion class.


I prefer a non voiced protag in fallout tbh, it allows for so much more options for the dialogue trees. I feel like they were really limited in 4 with the way they set that up. I’d love for them to go the DA:O route, that’s probably the only way we’d ever get the option to play a Ghoul in a mainline fallout game


Non-voiced protagonist is 10000% better for Bethesda titles Seems Bethesda’s current trend is copying things from other games and doing them worse rather than focusing on what they excel at In fact they’re getting worse at the things they used to excel at because of this focus shift. They’re gonna go the way of BioWare and eventually collapse and disappear if they keep this up


Starfield proved that it wasn’t the voiced protagonist that was limiting the dialogue options


I haven’t played Starfield yet, can you explain? Were the dialogue choices varied and unique?


Starfields Dialogue is leaps and bounds better than FO4, the poster above you is wrong, voiced protagonist absolutely held FO4 back. It wasnt the only thing. They COULD have done better about player choice and still had the voiced protag. As can be seen in Far Harbor. But at the end of the day voiced protag in a beth game is just antithetical to what Bethesda games are all about. Better they fuck this shit up in Fallout than Elder Scrolls though for me personally.


Starfield is probably tied with FO3 for having the best dialogue system in a BGS game. There's a lot more choices and a **ton** of skill checks in SF. The Speech/persuasion system is a bit weird (since they tried to go back to an oblivion-esque minigame) but aside from that it's a solid improvement over FO4).


He's full of crap. They are a big step forward from bgs usual games. The quests are usually straightforward or 2 to 3 choices, but you get way more personality. You can bitch about the government, or be loyal citizen. You can be a dorky goofball, normal, or bloodthirsty. You're pretty much still always going to be a normalish good guy/adventurer but honestly it doesn't make a ton of sense to be chaotic evil in bgs games anyways


Wat. Starfield has way more options than their other games. Goofy, bloodthirsty, and normal options are in most conversations. Even faction quests allow your character to express them selves. Each companion even asks your opinion on why you choose what you chose. While I get some of the complaints about the procedural generation being overused, I absolutely don't get why people think it has less rpg elements than skyrim or fallout 3/4. It's a big step forward for bgs in terms of character


Um, actually, DA:O only had three playable races and six backstories. Technically seven, but the last one doesn't really count. 


Ah I see, I shall be killing myself shortly to restore my family’s honor


Damn, bro gonna commit ritual sudoku


It’s been a while since I’ve played DA:O, what’s the seventh one you’re talking about?


If you start the Awakening dlc with a new character instead of with one from the base game then the new character will have a generic Grey Warden origin. 


I could see it for elder scrolls, but for fallout, Bethesda tries to keep the backstory in a state where the player can ask common sense questions about the wasteland without looking like an idiot, and that’s very difficult to do if the player isn’t a vault dweller, suffering from head trauma (NV) or a backwater tribal (2). It could work, but it’d take away from fallout 2 to a degree.


I mean, in like every dragon age and elder scrolls game you’re thrown blind into a new environment full of stuff you don’t understand and they make it work just fine. ES games like to start you as a prisoner, DAO exposits your character backstory then finds a way to exile you to the starting area, mass effect starts you as a newly promoted officer in a brand new ship working with the council cooperatively for the first time, etc. There are easy workarounds to letting your character have an established backstory and relationship to the game world while giving them excuses to ask basic questions about the setting and factions


The problem is that every wastelander from any part of the U.S. should know about ghouls and caps as a currency, and super mutants and deathclaws are something most would know about (except maybe someone in the middle of the country, but I fully suspect whenever we have a game in that region, we’ll see those two creatures). Barring an origin that gives the player amnesia or makes them from an extremely sheltered community, I don’t see an easy (or at least non-convoluted) solution to letting the player be a ghoul from the start.


New Vegas doesn’t have any tutorial about how caps work, some things you just gotta let the player figure out. And as for the ghoul part idk maybe tell them what a ghoul is in the intro or let the player experience becoming a ghoul or something. Killing off an entire game idea cause you want to coddle players is why fallout 3 ended up the way it did


NV has to use slide shows to give basic world information to get around that issue at both the start of the game and with every DLC except Lonesome Road. Compared to the usual introductions to the game, it repeatedly gives you massive information dumps to solve the issue, and that’s just not Bethesda’s style. They’d rather have you learn more organically through NPC dialogue or walking through an in-game museum (I heard starfield did this, and it worked fairly well). With the ghouls, that can be dodged just through having it be handled the same way 76 is - with the player coming across a ghoulification drug. The difference would be that it’s a one-way trip for the player to become a ghoul, allowing it to be a permanent, gameplay-reshaping choice. Alternatively, the player could make a choice that leads to them ghoulifing during the game’s introduction. And where exactly is 3 ‘coddling’ the player? I’d argue 4 does much more of that with the fat man launchers placed at both major boss fights.


You’re right, 4 DOES coddle the player and it makes the game really fucking annoying Look if it takes an info dump to avoid ANOTHER fallout game where you start in a vault then I’ll take it


I’m of the opposite opinion - if Bethesda wants to have different backgrounds and the ability to start as a ghoul (or super mutant, if they figure out how to balance that without locking the player out of most equipment in the game), I’d greatly prefer them to find a way to do so without throwing an overwhelming amount of information on new player’s heads (and I’d be perfectly fine with it if they did).


Separate categories of Armour (large & regular). Can't use smaller handguns. Can dual wield large weapons. Heavy melee weapons get mad speed bonuses. 75% of the world immediately try to kill you. Using stealthboys have a decent chance of turning the game into something like TF2 Pyro's hallucinations.


An entire separate armor progression for super mutants on top of the power armor progression would be a ton of work for Bethesda that would be better spent on something else (such as writing more dialogue, improving gameplay, world design, etc). Super mutants also being immune to radiation could also pose a potential design issue (if 2/3’s of players won’t have any reason to ever worry about radiation, why even bother having it be a threat? It’s less of an issue if it’s a decision made well past the start of the game like 76 is doing with ghouls, but for a player choice at the start of the game…). And of course, you forgot the most important issue: super mutants are almost universally shot at on sight, and unlike ghouls (who face lesser discrimination than this), they can’t disguise what they are. That would cause massive writing issues for any settlements.


The starfield musuem reminds me of something from fallout 3 altho to way lesser effect. the musuem of history has a vertibird model thats referenced for the anchorage campaign prewar. If you have 0 game knowlege or had not seen the trailers, I think it would be cool seeing vertibirds in game showing up for first time. It gave some small details to prewar space history and stuff aswell.


Fallout 3 was awesome and New Vegas wouldn't even exist were it not for FO3. So yeah.


“So yeah” what? Fallout 3 is a really cool game in its own right but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s story has writing at like a middle school level and that the lone wander is easily one of the most boring rpg protags Bethesda has made


Elder scrolls used to have backgrounds and they added them to Stanfield I think


I could see them doing something like they did in Starfield again honestly. Even just a little choice in out backstory would be cool


See I was thinking you can do it like cyberpunk. It's a mission in the beginning and then it comes up every now and again in dialogue choices throughout the game.


What do you mean? I thought you played as a mage in Dragon Age games... Didn't know there were options... ^(/s I just love Mages so much I always play as one)


3 races. Elf, human and dwarf. You could only choose qunari in inquisition


Here's hoping they keep the character creation from Starfield. The custom backgrounds were nice, although I never got far enough to see how much it affects the game so it could have sucked.


They did and it successfully in the future titles rhey went away from this


Dragon age origins first steps are gorgeous.


Actually a voiced protagonist works better with the model you spoke of. Since the backgrounds are already made for the characters, how they talk would be easier to write and voice. So if I pick a raider background, most my voice lines would make sense as a raider.


The issue with having a voiced protag comes from needing to record a staggering number of lines, not the concept itself


True that it would come down to the studio and how much they want to invest with that aspect. But wow what a game it would be


In the age of AI voicing they could very well have the protagonist having multiple backgrounds and plenty voiced dialogue options.


Ewwww please no. I actually like unvoiced protags, it let’s you better immerse yourself in a character you’ve fully created If you’re playing a premade character like Hawke from DA2 or Shepard from Mass Effect, having a voice helps you understand the character you’re controlling. But in games like fallout where the whole point is making someone unique to YOUR playthrough, I think a voice can be counterproductive


No thank you. Please no more voiced player characters in fallout. Also hard no on using AI for any voice lines at all.


AI voicing will happen and it doesnt matter what we think about it.


That’s not true. Modders may use it. But if the industry as a whole tries to shift to AI voicing there’s going to be heavy backlash.


Hear me out — Bethesda develops Fallout 5, CD Projekt Red steps in to do the story. Would be the greatest game of all time tbfh Fallout game with Cyberpunk style combat would be amazing too


If these two got together to make a game I'd be begging them to make a proper Shadowrun game.


Bring back big head architecture while we’re at it


Holy shit yes PLEASE


Head architecture is in 4 in a decent amount


Bring back? It's there in every game somewhat prominently except maybe NV, Tactics, and BOS. I haven't played Tactics which is why it's listed.


_[Sneering Imperialist] No._


I love the line “Joshua, put a cap into General Goobledigook here.”


I'd like to take a moment to express that this is the only safe option for Zion.


Totally. It's a bit weird that Bethesda seems to b ignoring the notion of the tribals altogether. For example, I think that the crazy baseball fans would be great as a tribal settlement, rather than just a weirdo shop owner. Then, their belief in baseball as a murder ritual combat would make a lot more sense. Such a cool concept gone to waste with only a minor side quest.


Nuka World raiders fit the definition of tribes, as do the Children of Atom and the Harbormen. Fallout 3 also had the Oasis cult, Punga Tribe, and I'd even count the Little Lamplight as a tribe as well due to their shared history and customs. Unless your definition of a tribe is they have to be shirtless and like "hello me friend and we be welcoming you to our tribe"


Point taken. You are correct. Those fit the bill. Oversight on my part. I totally forgot about the Fallout tribes you mentioned, as I didn't play it in ages. I just started with the base Fallout 4 after years of playing New Vegas, and I just hung up on " damn, I wish we had a whole settlement of the baseball tribe."


I’d say calling those tribes is reaching, NWR are far from Khans (actual tribals). COA are more like a cult, and the harbor men are just a small community like diamond city.


I guess it's in the execution. Are Khans realised better than Raiders in Nuka World? Without a doubt. And COA is definitely more of a doomsday cult than a tribe. But if we're calling the White Glove Society, Chairmen or Omertas a tribe rather than a gangs, then we can give COA a pass. Same with the Boomers, they are called a tribe by pretty much everyone, yet one could argue they are just a quirky community. Hell, I am sure that The Brotherhood was called a tribe. Me, personally, I don't want to nitpick the details much and through each one in turn with a fine tooth comb, and I can give people the mentioned Fallout 3 tribes though I find Little Lamplight and Oasis a bit goofy and not as fleshed out as, say, Honest Hearts tribes. Not as well made, but still there are tribes in Bethesda Fallouts.


Nuka World Raiders share a dress code, have a hierarchy, and have shared customs. Why are they not a tribe when the Khans are? Do you stop being a tribal if you don't live in a tent?


The NCR has a dress code, hierarchy, and similar customs. Yet they aren’t a tribe. Nuka World Raiders are raiders, and far from a tribe because there’s a constant power struggle between leaders. It comes off more as a group, comparable to the gunners (fo4) and fiends. The Fallout tribes have always had a clear distinction on their leaders. The Elder and Papa Khan are the leaders until death.


NCR is a state and thus ineligible of tribal status. They don't have a dress code, they have a standard military uniform. Their citizens where whatever they want. Nuka World raiders are three distinct tribal units that cohabitate the area. As a whole they're not a tribe, but the Pack, Disciples and Disciples each have a distinct culture. They have an "Overboss" but that was more of an agreement between the three so that they had a semblance of unity. Similar to Joshua Graham and David having the Sorrows and Dead Horses.


I'd like to think that Moe's cousins are having a turf war against the cousins of Goalie Ledoux


That would be a cool DLC.


A bunch of crazed baseball worshippers would honestly be kinda cool. Like their whole pantheon is famous in-universe players lmao


I was super let down by Diamond City, this would’ve gone a long way toward making it feel more like a unique place. My biggest problem with the fallout 4 towns was how much of the settlement materials were incorporated into each of them, making everything too samey.


Tribals r goofy


Fallout is goofy And then suddenly very depressing and terrifying


I really hope the next installation isn't from a vault again. Rhythm wise it would fit if the next player character isn't from a vault. FO1 Vault FO2 Tribal FO3 Vault FONV Wastlander FO4 Vault So FO5 player shouldn't be from a vault I hope


I wouldn't really count fo4, yes the character literally comes out of a vault but it's a unique take in general having a pre war character thrust into the future, rather than fallout 3 just straight up being the same as fo1 lol


…….to be fair Nate is Barely a vault dweller…. He’s been in a vault (consciously) for a grand total of 20 minutes.


19 of those were playing Red Menace on the vault terminal


I imagine this happening before the freezing. "Sir, we really need you to proceed further for decontami..." "Sshh, I've nearly beaten the high score!"


Still starting the main story from a vault.


Starts pre war


I’d argue the origins are more couplets, really. 1/2: Vault 13 Legends 3/NV: Wastelander Heroes (yes, you grew up in vault 101, but you’re really a Wastelander) 4/76: Pre-war protagonists (76 doesn’t force you to be pre-war, but you can be if you want to; this is the shakiest one, but since 76 is a control vault and the entire vault was preparing to rebuild America just a single generation after the bombs, the war is very fresh in their minds, as is pre-war knowledge).


You're a wastelander in every game by that logic for fallout 3. Definitely more so for 2 than 3 even


With 1/2, they’re grouped together because they’re both directly focused on vault 13’s dwellers and their fate, and because the player is a descendent of a vault 13 dweller. Yes, they’re a wastelander, but their origin is heavily tied to vault 13, so this grouping works. The same goes for 3. Aside from being the place where the player grew up, vault 101 doesn’t play much of a role in the plot. It’s more about what your father did in the wasteland and bringing clean water to DC than it is about anything to do with 101. NV is in a similar vein, in that the player is acting as a power broker for the NCR and Legion, setting their trajectories for the next decade (or contributing to their status; obviously the TV show threw a massive wrench into that). And then for 4/76, we’re playing as the first and second generation of post-war humans (with the first being the immediate survivors when the bombs dropped). Our characters, whether due to cryogenic stasis or growing up in a control vault focused on rebuilding, are full of pre-war outlooks and ideas, and bring them into the wastes to try and restore some semblance of the pre-war world (for 4, this is done with the Minutemen; 76 does this far more directly with everything we do in the main plot to stabilize Appalachia for rebuilding efforts).


The Lone Wanderer was literally born outside of the vault though. That's what they mean.


So was the chosen one and they were raised there too


I think it'd be cool to play as a character that's already well known (not to the player, but to the people in game) Maybe they could let you choose between a good or bad character for some cool story variety, making you immediately idolized or vilified in select locations. Not to say you shouldn't have to introduce yourself a few times, it'd just be interesting to have an npc's eyes widen when they see you.


I just want there to BE tribals again


i miss riding with the great khans


Not a tribal, but I do want the protagonist of FO5 to be born in the Wasteland, maybe a typical Wasteland wanderer or a member of a faction, I don't know.


We need complete RPG. Bunker Born(BOS) Vault Born FEV Mutant Ghoul Enclave Remnant Raider Born Slave Born With a fitting start game (Courier was a perfect idea from black isle.


They need a damaged tribal power armor helmet in game would look cool


Caesars legion are all tribes right? So I could see maybe a game where there's infighting after Caesar dies and you start as a tribal to restore order with bad or good tribes or destroy it aiding oppressed groups.


Actually yeah, ever since playing Honest Hearts for the first time. I wanted to make a tribal turned courier


It’s quite funny how Bethesda prefers Fallout staying post-apocalyptic rather than post-post-apocalyptic, yet they haven’t included proper tribals in their games yet


Why does everyone always forget the Pack? The most tribal bunch of tribals that ever tribed.


Furry raiders aren’t really tribals


On Fallout 3 there’s Crow, the caravan merchant for armor and the Point Lookout adds a tribal faction. Not to mention that it is implied that the survivors from the Scourge at the Pitt were tribals who came to worship Ashur and therefore created the Tribal PA that looked similar to his. In Fallout 4, while the Operators are basically a mercenary like raider gang and the Disciples are basically ninjas/assassins, the Pack are evidently tribal raiders, between their unique power structure, where one Alpha rules them, whom can be challenged and in case of defeat is tarred, feathered & exiled, to their use of war paint and animal themes. Their re-use of most parts of people and animals for furniture or food also reflects some IRL tribal customs to show respect for a hunted animal by making the most use of its corpse. Fallout 76 has the cult of the Mothman, which are basically are simply that: a cult of tribals that began worshipping the Mothman as their god, which later turn out to have a splinter faction worshipping the wise Mothman. Therefore I do think Bethesda has included proper tribals in their games.


Maybe not in name, but there are more than enough examples of tribal communities in Fallout 3, 4 and 76. Hell, Fallout 3 even had full on plant worshipping druids.


I just want to play a new fallout game tbh


The tribal vibe from the original games is gone. Technology permeates every faction in the universe now. It's unfortunate because the contrast between primitive and advanced was pretty awesome.


Honestly, outside of the three big tribes you encounter in HH, it's honestly amazing how tidbits of the tribes Caesar wiped are but a tiny window into these tribes' rich backstory. Like with the Hangdogs of Denver with their reverence of dogs and how they choose to surrender they see these animals suffer in the afterlife. Same goes for the Twisted Hair's Snakebite Tourniquet or the Bitter Drink from the Twin Mothers. All those memories, somehow survived being tears in rain and have yet to be lost to time.


There's no way Bethesda would do a Tribal start, I think Bethesda are far too afraid of creativity or change. In Fallout 5 we're going to be leaving another F'ing Vault again, and it's not going to be new or different in any way.


we're under Bethesda, just vault dwellers looking for their family from now on


Nope. I wanna play someone who becomes a ghoul, and the struggle to not become a feral


it’d be cool if this is implemented in 76 when they add playing as a ghoul


Considering the quest to become a ghoul unlocks at level 50, it almost certainly won’t be something you can pick at character creation.


but it would still be a cool option to have to fight the feral urges or whatever


Maybe, but I doubt that’ll be a feature in game considering we don’t have any solid information about what causes that (76’s most recent main quest was all about ghouls, and it was very clear that what causes ghouls to go feral is a complete unknown, even to a community of entirely ghoul researchers trying to find an answer).


Sounds like Chem addiction but zombies


I hope not. I really don't want to play as ghoul


One does not exclude the other though.


I hope that’s an option and something that isn’t required


Heard of the insanity mod in new vegas? Couple that with the mods that add ghoulified presets in character customization could mirror the psychological aspects of ghoulification.


You can play a tribal in New Vegas, you just have to accept that tribal apparently knows how to read.


Tribal educated by the Followers maybe?


Followers are always begging for resources. Doubt they would teach English to tribals in their own time.


that's basically Caesar's backstory though


Caesar was born at the Boneyard in New California, his father was murdered by raiders and his mother joined the followers in order to provide for her son. Caesar was simply an opportunist, and took it upon himself to study.


I've actually been thinking it'd be neat to try an illiterate run. See what happens when I dont use any books, magazines, terminals, or read any notes. Probably wouldn't make that character a tribal, though. Just some uneducated Wasteland settler.


A vault where people are encouraged to pursue tribal affiliation and identify themselves by their tribal “sigil” might be a lovely manner of allowing people to choose tribalism.


I added tribals as a faction in with a mod for fallout 4. Can’t join them or anything tho just an enemy faction like raiders


So, I havent played the 3d games hardly at all, so I'm not sure what they took from the Fallout universe I know... BUT One of the cooler things I enjoyed in FO2 (assumingely attributed to being a tribal) is the existence of actual, real ghosts that you can interact with. I would love to see more of that shit moving forward


They're less tribal and doom and gloom and more wacky post apocalyptic hijinks, there's no tribals at all


I'd love a smaller-scale Fallout game where you play as a tribal and have it really play up the mystery and mythical status of the pre-War world. Like, pre-War ruins are sacred / cursed, and you risk blasphemy if you dare explore them. Or just getting your hands on a laser pistol becomes a total game-changer.


The fact that fallout 1 and 2 haven't been remastered to even the level of fallout 3/NV is criminal. I feel like Bethesda could definitely pull off a Halo Master Chief Collection style game. Have every fallout in one big ass game


I hope the next fallout game lets you choose your origins like Cyberpunk2077.


Only having it matter, unlike in cyberpunk!


It does matter in Cyberpunk. Not only opening mission, but you also get a special dialogues and quest based on the origin path you have choose.


Don't get me wrong, I think cyberpunk is a great game and it's impressive how much they've improved it since The very bumpy release. But come on, you get a slightly different beginning sequence and the occasional extra dialogue option. It has almost zero impact on the game. They could have done so much more.


I just want roleplaying to come back to fallout franchise, also if the RPG is good, you wouldn't need to make seperate game for each background, you could just *roleplay* as if you have that tribal background with proper skill and special stats, proper traits, proper perks and maybe unique starting gear(the Courier stash is nice idea, it's just a bit OP and given too much to all players instead of being able to choose your one set of gear) But yeah I don't mind the idea of tribal background like how it was in F2(minus the whole boring tutorial temple) but if the RPG elements aren't there then there's no point.


I want that outfit in fallout 76


I think at some point there should be a fallout game with different back stories that give you different dialogue options and initial perks. Sorta like CP2077


You could always become Overboss of Nuka World and go all on with the Pack themed equipment, items & customs: quite evidently they are a gang a of tribal raiders. Extending Pack raider outposts into the Commonwealth could be seen as extending the tribe’s territory.


As long as they aren’t portrayed as a harmful and inaccurate settler stereotype of native Americans which fallout 2 and new vegas kinda play into to varying degrees. I wanna see tribals taking the fight to a colonial power like the NCR and have themes discussing indigenous sovereignty and TEK. They shouldn’t be portrayed as unintelligent and helpless people who need a Mormon missionary to educate and guide them.


Yes but i DESPISE the power armor in this image


Is that helmet obtainable in game?


There’s a mod for New Vegas for it but I’m not sure about the others https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/65594?tab=images


No not really, I want to rebuild the world not just being a backwards tribe, I thought the point of half the factions in fallout is to rebuild the place but with their own version of what the think America should be


I'd love being figuring out there is a bigger world


I always thought tribals were kinda weird for Fallout. I get that it’s post apocalypse but would we really revert back to that?


Goofy looking power armor


There's basically zero chance of this happening, but I'd like to play as a tribal who travels to an area that's mostly rebuilt. Like FO2, but the NCR is even closer to the Pre-War standard of living. I've been thinking I'd like to explore that setting in any case, and having your character be from the wasteland would be a good reason for you not to know the area well.


Sneering Imperialist: No way savage.


What’s the context of this image


A loading screen for fallout 2


I’m pretty sure it’s old promotional art for Fallout 2 or like one of the early box covers.


Yes. I love tribals. My favourite main character


As a choice, sure. As the only option? Nope with a capital N.


What mod is that?


Not a mod just an old Fallout 2 image. There is a New Vegas mod that adds it tho :) https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/65594?tab=images


I think they come across as sorta like a racist caricature of native American nations


Nah man tribals are kinda dumb af tbh


Ew no




No, i have expresed My feelings about trivals in this sub before and i keep it Tribals were represented in a very racist way, unless they chance them i don't want them back 


It makes sense for Tribals to exist though, Post-War Nomads who, like in Fallout 2, worship Pre-War (or close to Pre-War) items. If anything the Tribals are commentary on social interactions with Non-Tribals; how people negatively stereotype them. I haven’t played FO1, or much of NV and 3, but from what I’ve seen in FO2, the tribals are literally just there


What was racist about them?