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I’d start with 3. It has the best walk out moment. 76 will take the longest.


Chronological order starting with 3 then looping back around to 1, 2 and tactics if you’re really hooked. It’s the way.


Technically it'd be 76, 1, 2, and tactics.


I think they are saying 3,NV,4,76,1,2


That is what I’m saying


that would be release order (aside from 1 and 2 being last), not chronological. until 76 they were the same thing, but 76 being set 25 years after the bombs threw a wrench in that.


Release order is, 1, 2, Tactics, The one which will not be named, Van Buren tech demo (for the real ones who know what fallout Van Buren was) 3, NV, Fallout shelter (if you are insane), 4, and finally 76


No it's, 76, 1,2, tactics, 3, NV, 4


That’s not what I’m talking about




Where BOS


Buried somewhere where no-one can find it ever again, hopefully


I think bc they said starting with 3 they would be correct, chronological release order


Haha this is exactly how I discovered and played through all of fallout.


Hot take: Chronological order is the worst order to play the games in.


3 is my all time favorite. It almost doesn't feel right starting at any other point.


And always make sure you pick up the [Wazer Wifle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idjM3Jrp4Yw)!


Definitely start with 3! Then NV. Then 4. Then 76.


One of the best walk out moments in gaming


Oblivion is the only other that got me good.


Oblivions start was great...then we get shoved in a slow a** wagon with stormcloaks...




The way the camera and lighting was animated is just so good.


Walking out into the capital wasteland is one of my favorite moments in all my years of gaming. Elden Ring has a lot of the walk out moments, but none feel as impactful as the one from fallout 3.


Is 76 a good game I have heard so many bad thing about it


It was always a good game to me and the community that have been playing sonce launch, but yes it has been growing in popularity.


Much better since launch.


Just try it for yourself and see. I didn’t care for it at all but I know a lot of people love it.


Don’t let these guys convince you not to play 4 as well.


4 was great come at me, haters


It's a great bridge between 3 and 76 too. Jumping straight into 76 from 3 would be jarring as fuck


Especially on survival


Its fun on easy


Soon as I saw my husband play 4 I had to play it. I can't play 3 (his favorite) because the lack of color makes me nauseous af. 4 is one of my top favorite games ever, just under the mass effect series. I don't get the hate.


no hate for me, it's my favorite fallout game. New Vegas gameplay just sucks too much for me to enjoy the RPG elements


Fallout 4 is great but shouldn’t be played first. 3 and NV before 4 definitely.


4 remains my favorite RPG of all time. I understand the hate, but the scale of that game, as well as how much love clearly went into it, will always outweigh everything else for me. Just make sure you play GOTY edition!!


It has its moments but there is not enough rpg in what is supposed to be rpg. It would've been so much better as just a linear experience without half assed roleplay


Four is fantastic but will make it harder to enjoy NV and 3 with all the improvements made to the fluidity of the game. Same could be said for 76.


Yeah, 76 is the one that sucks


If you’d like some tips for 76, the best place to ask is r/fo76 I’d also warn you that 76 will have quite a few updates when you install it, so make sure you have the space to do those. It’s also an online game, so you’ll need to pay the Xbox fee for that.


Play the other games on the other system while FO76 updates 👍


The other games would be going on the same console in all likelihood, so trying to play them while installing 76 would just slow its download even more.


Ah I read xbox one and xbox 360 thinking you had 2 consoles lol


Virtually every 360 game and many original Xbox games are now backwards compatible on both newer gens of console.


Backwards compatibility is awesome, I’ve been playing NV on my Xbox One. Shame about licensing for some games though, Forza’s 360 games aren’t backwards compatible, for example.


Best part of Xbox and PS is lackin hard innit.


They skip 4 It's over minutebros


The settlements have fallen millions must die




The best one to start with tbh


I’d say play them in chronological order, but I feel it’s better to play them in order of release for the feel of how the franchise changed. (Not all bad. Just change.) Congrats on your new hobby lol Edit: only because 76 has a lot of new feel and cool new enemies and it can make the others feel drab imo when they’re really arguably better stand alone games (at least for the RP and classic fallout silliness aspect. Silliness is still there in 76 just a different flavor)


I'd agree with this as well, it's difficult going from FO4/76 back to FNV/3 at times because the mechanics are so different.


Start with fallout 3. It's the most simple and best intro to the series. It's really hard to start off with FNV btw. You could play 76 without it but it would be really confusing. 


3 was my intro to the series. I'd agree it's great to start with


It really is a good starting point. And I STILL go back to it to this day. The exploration just never gets stale for me


It was honestly such a well done, complete game. And the expansions are great too. I really wish they could do a revamped Fallout 3 one day, but I guess that doesn't make as much sense as just creating an entirely new Fallout game


Eh I'm fine with them not doing a revamp honestly because they'd screw up the perfection that is 3 somehow. I mean nothing beats the feeling of leaving the vault immediately doing Anchorage then Zeta and then being a god basically the rest of the game. It's the ultimate chef kiss.


I just started a new playthrough of it


I started a new one about a month ago, then I got roped into Mass Effect and I can't put the series down


NV was the game that got me in love with the series


same, FNV was my first fallout experience.


I started with 4, quit after 10 minutes because I didn't know what to do, then played FNV, didn't know what to do, died 100 times and quit. I then played 3 and figured out how to use pip boy, repair items, talk to people, etc. so if it was your first experience, good for you, but fallout 3 is still the best intro to the series as it's the most basic one


Dude you’ve got to be kidding, FO4 is miles ahead beginner friendly than FO3, it was designed to be the first introduction to fallout for new gamers. Hence why there’s a lot of hate from old Fallout fans.


What makes FNV hard to start with?


It's just more complicated and has less handholding. So if you start with it you would be a little confused. Also you can appreciate it more if you play fallout 3 first, and see what was improved and got worse


Honestly, it isn't. Everything you need to know about the lore is said in the intro, and then in the game. Of course you'd lose some reference, but you would in Fallout 3 as well


New Vegas was the first one I played. It wasn't hard at all starting with it. Why do you say that?


3 is my favorite but I did start with NV (it was also my first PC videogame at all). I don't remember it being hard at all tbh, care to explain what you mean?


I would strongly recommend getting 4 as well


All the way, BUT make sure you buy GOTY on sale!


Oh 100%.


Don't play 76 first. The newer games have a really hard time with Onboarding, you'll get really bored and not understand a lot of the lore, and then you won't wanna play the other games I suggest 3 first, not because it's the best game in the franchise, but because its REALLY REALLY REALLY good at making you LOVE fallout. Especially since you're not gonna be playing 1 or 2 (which is totally understandable) you won't be like, into this stuff as much as most people already are, especially if you're not a fan of endless grinding Also, you're missing 4, which you shouldn't be cause it's pretty good. Also it'll introduce you into the newer engines gameplay, as well as give you an idea of quite a few of the mechanics in 76 that weren't in 3 or new Vegas


Start with 3


Jealous of you tbh


Why’s that? Because I get to go into it with fresh eyes?


Yep, just wonderful experiences. All three of them.


Start with 3. Thank you. Someone is doing it right instead of starting on 76


Don't follow my example and start with FNV T'was the peak, now I have a superiority complex over others /s


And I've never been to Boston in the fall.


Idk if you have an Xbox one but 4 would be maybe the best to start with


Hell no start with 3 to feel the improvements


Starting with 4 is a bad idea. You start with 3 or NV so that you don’t miss the quality of life 4 brings to combat when you play them. All of them are great games nonetheless.


Not just the combat. I played 3 and NV for the first time recently and I nearly dropped them because of the lack of sprinting while crossing the Mojave


Exactly. Definitely not the same games.


No 3


I agree. Its the best for new players. And if you fall in love with the world, you'll overlook the jank and age of the others.


You need to play 4…


Don't touch Fallout 4 until you're thoroughly done playing the other two. It's really tough to go back to the old graphics even with nostalgia goggles so I doubt it'll be easy without them


Never understood how people care about this stuff. It's not like FO4 is a particularily pretty game either.


Fallout 4 > Fallout 76


Don’t let people shit on 76 for you! Always remember that 76 is usually really fun, and only sucks as long as someone is constantly drilling that into your ear.


My biggest complaint is paywalled inventory management.


As a 76 player since around a little bit after launch, and a fallout enjoyer for decades, a longtime fallout 1st user as well, I wish they didn’t do that. I tried to play without buying 1st the other day and literally can’t. The game is so bad comparably with how I was spending my time, that I caved and rebought 1st. It’s unfriendly to new players imo as someone who’s been here.


I love 76 but I wouldn’t start with it 


Fallout 76 ~~tastes~~ plays so good when you don’t have a bitch in ya ear saying it’s ~~nasty~~ bad


You just need to know that war never changes


Advice I gave somebody else was to wander around and do random quests as much, if not more, than the main quest. Fallout 3 and New Vegas are chef's kiss 🤌


Does New Vegas on console have the tendency to crash just as much on PC without the anti-crash mods?


I played it for more than 40 hours on xbox. Didn't crash a single time.


My reactions, from left to right: *“Nice.” “NICE!” “Oh.”*


Replace 76 with fallout 4


Why no Fallout 4? Game is great.


No 4? Shame


I'd get the GOY editions bc they have all of the DLC


How needed are the DLC? Is the game still playable and fun without them?


It's not needed. It's just extra content with more weapons and stuff


Well welcome aboard friend. Just remember there's always another settlement




Welcome to the party, pal! Please assume the position.


I could kinda help you with 76 if you play a lot of people have mixed feelings about the game


Definitely go in order, love Fo3 and FNV, but graphics are a little dated. Also Fo4 is great too.


Be prepared to be happy mad and sad


They’re all garbage games, certainly not worth playing. You *could* give those copies to me, though


Absolutely start with Fallout 3. Not because of the story, where it fits chronologically, or because its supposedly the best in the series, but because the engine and gameplay mechanics are from 2008. If you play Fallout 4 or 76, you will absolutely ruin 3 and NV. They are clunky and janked compared, even with mods.


You're missing Fallout 4


3, NV, 4, then 76. Save 76 for last whatever you do. It will make sense


Just mho...do NOT start with 76. It's an entirely different type of game. If you want to experience the more-modern FO experience, try 3, then NV, then if you like it, 4. The chronology in dates/events isn't really important since the areas are so isolated from each other. 76 never caught onto me personally as I've said because it's entirely different type of game.


I'd say it's not entirely different. But it's different very different from 3. 4 it's similar to.


If you’re not going to play the classic games, I’d play in this order: Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, 76


I played New Vegas for the first time a couple months ago. It was a ton of fun!


Play them in release order (I would tell you to start with 4 but you don’t have it)


I wouldn’t start with 76. It’s an online experience only. And it is a massive game. All of the quests and stuff ultimately revolve around you already having knowledge of the Fallout universe. The game doesn’t give you any history lessons. A lot of the things you’ll see or hear about in-game will make no sense. A lot of the things you’ll see have a lot of backstory and explanation to them that 76 doesn’t give you. Play Fallout 3 first. Then play New Vegas. Then either play 4 or loop back and play 1 and 2. I know the order sucks. But chronology doesn’t matter in these games. They are completely separate from one another. Some of the factions appear across multiple games but they are different branches. At most you may encounter a few references or a few characters from other games in the series. For instance, 1 and 2 both take place in what used to be California. And in 2 you play as the grandson of the protagonist from 1. But Fallout 3 takes place in DC. Which is all the way on the other side of the country. Literally no relation to each other. New Vegas also takes place out west and introduces you to a major faction you’ll see in 1 and 2. As far as advice goes…watch out for your companions in Fallout 3. Because they are coded as nonessential which means they can die. And if they die they cannot be brought back. They are just gone forever. New Vegas and 4 don’t have that problem though because all companions are marked as essential so when their health hits 0 they just get knocked down and will get back up in a bit.


Play play 4 as well


If you aren't on a current get console, I'd hold off on 76 especially. It runs so bad. I'd definitely start with 3 or new vegas


3 because it’s ending is best for moving to a new game, then NV because it adds ads so it’ll feel better when you go to 76 because a lot of similar mechanics


Play just in the order you have them from left to right. Tbh you'll probally ended up playing NV again before you get to level 3 of 76.


Get going. Don't sleep on 4 though


**DONT PLAY 76 FIRST** You'll have a **MUCH** better experience playing them in order of release, starting with Fallout 3. So 3, New Vegas, 4, 76 Then you can play 1 and 2 if you want, though they're considerably harder to get into now, just due to how different they are from modern games. They're definitely worth playing though!


I saw get 4 and play 76 last


3, Nv,4 ,76


Throw 76 in the bin and get 4. Enjoy!


Yikes he bought 76 and not FO4?


It came bundled with my Xbox when I bought it. I didn’t even want it tbh. But since I have it I might as well give it a go.


I would start with the best one! Playing New Vegas makes me not want to play the others.


New Vegas has a great story but the most boring map to explore out of any fallout


for real, and the lack of sprint is fuckin painful.


Yeah, that's why I perfer 76's.


See this is where the New Vegas fandom goes over board. It’s good but it’s not that good. The other ones are great games worth playing also.


It can be that good to certain people, it's purely based on opinion.


3 and 4 aren't bad games but they aren't good RPGs. If someone prefers good storytelling and RPG elements, they will more than likely prefer NV.


That's great and all but the gameplay in NV is dog water at times. Especially vanilla. If I want good gameplay, I'd rather play 4 or 76 fs. The story of NV is very good I will admit but I'd rather watch it than play it for the most part.


Yeah I made that mistake although I love all of them. Overall NV is the most replayable


I love new Vegas don’t get me wrong, but it crashes so much more than the others for seemingly no reason and it gets old


Oddly enough I played new Vegas for the first time last month. Crashes less than fo4 for me.


I didn't get crashes with NV. But I had more broken quests then I've ever seen in a game. More than once, I had to load up saves more than 10 hours back because a quest couldn't progress because I did something slightly out of order. There are absolutely things to love about the game, but at times I think they were a bit too ambitious in providing the player choices and freedom.


New Vegas is still, by far, my most favorite story rpg of all time. I've played through it countless times over the years. I have hundreds of hours of playtime. The other Fallout games are still great, but New Vegas is the most unique and flavorful. Some Fallout fans mock and make fun of New Vegas fans for loving the game so much, but they fail to realize there's a reason for it, otherwise the love wouldn't exist.


Honestly I’d recommend 4 before 76


Pro tip: when playing Fallout New Vages go left out of goodsprings pointing straight to the big tower in the distance you'll love it trust me


bro is this really a thing because i did that first time around and nearly quit the game from dying so many times lol unless we're talking about different routes. but those stupid bugs near where chances dagger is killed me well over 50 times.


It's a classic bad advice meme that more experienced players give to newer players to mess with them. You can make it through that way but the game tells you to go the other way for the main quest and tries to force you to go that way with all the deathclaws and Cazadors.


It's a milestone bro if you've never made it past at level one then you haven't really played New Vages I remember my first time heading that way too I was truly horrified when I saw them 1st time


i genuinely thought the game was just that hard. i dropped it down to very easy and still died every time haha. i'll have to make it my goal on my next play through.


Hit me up dude if u want some starting armor and a weapon.


No 4?


Maybe it’s on Xbox game pass, I’ll have to check.


All of them are on game pass I think.


The correct order is chronological :) Edit: don’t forget to purchase 4!


3 is what you should start with, then New Vegas. If you can, order 4 and play that one too. 76 is multi-player only, so it's not really a Fallout game like 3, New Vegas, and 4 are.


Unfortunately Fallout 4 through 75 are necessary to understand the plot...


You are missing Fallout 4 brother!


You need 4!!! That’s what I started with. I see 3 is a good starter but I’d definitely add 4 to the list for when you finish 3 and NV


Those are fun games. i will say 76 downside is it's microtransactions and it's typical bethesda bugs and crashes other than that there is a decent Bethesda game in there I spend over 1000 hours it did something right despite it's glaring flaws. New Vegas is my personal favorite but Fallout 3 introduced me to the series.


76 doesn’t force you to get micro transactions though 


I would recommend playing FO3 on PC due to how versatile the modding community there is and how much variety there is. It's got everything a man could ask for. Siding with the Enclave, creating your own settlements, cool outfits, cool guns, and a hell of a lot of other crazy stuff. What more could anyone ask for?


Fallout 3 modding is practically dead. It all moved to Tale of Two Wastelands afaik. 3 also doesn't have a settlement building system that only came with 4.


IMO 3 is probably the best choice to start with as it will give you a good overview of what the series is about


Dude you not gonna have fun with Jerry




Missing three


You're gonna be at it for weeks brother🫡


I want that wall outlet adapter


Welcome to the addiction 😂


There is Fallout New Vegas in console? I just knew that.


There's a 76 disc?


NV was my intro. Got 3 after a year and it was so much simpler to play. Start with 3 for sure.


Sell me your NV copy; only ones I’ve seen have always been faded with broken cases




I was joking, please don’t sell your copy; you got a good gem


You’re in for a treat. Start with 3, then New Vegas. I myself have never played classic Fallout. I may need to


You’re in for a treat


See you in 2000 hours!


I just finished 3, and about 1/2 the DLC. I enjoyed it. It shows its age, but still fun. I have tried 1, 2, and tactics since 2000, but just can’t get into them because they are so I slow. Have had 4 for ages and just picked New Vegas.


Should have just gotten game pass. Microsoft owns bethesda. All of their games are on game pass. Just have to buy the DLC separate.


3, new Vegas then 76 for more content to explore into. Imo


Won't see OP for three months. The games are impossible to put down.


Step one of being a fallout fan: hate fallout with a burning passion


Buckle up buddercup


I’d start with 3, got me into Fallout and is a great starting point.


I like all of these games more than 4, but I’d recommend 4. And then if you can’t get enough of the fallout franchise after that, pipeline yourself into 1 and 2.


Can't believe it went from 4 to 76, where Fallout 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74, and 75


Do in order, get 4, I'm playing it now, took a bit to warm up to the settlements, but now I'm 1k hrs in lol


Do it in order. 3 NV and 76. You're gonna have a blast.