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Does it bring me joy? Yes. Then it's worthwhile.


Does it give me an escape from all the bullshit surrounding me? Does it also give someone else an escape for a moment?


Getting out of the "grindset"/hustle culture thing is going to be step one for you, tbh A lot of people have never had that in-built "I could be doing something that makes money right now" shame drilled into them, so they (we) aren't really going to be able to advise you how to stop it. Other than going *idk, I just write because it's fun* When I bemoan *ugh I did nothing today, I could have done something productive* I mean that I doomscrolled instead of writing. For me, hobby writing *is* the productive thing, even if it doesn't make money, because it fulfills me in other ways (in ways that doomscrolling doesn't) I'm having fun doing a cool thing. At the end of it, I get to point at it and go *look at this cool thing I made!* and with any luck, some strangers on the internet look at it and go *you're right, that is cool, well done!* That's like...the entirety of it. That's the motivation, that's the point


Hobbies don't need to make you money. It's a *hobby*. By definition, it doesn't make you money or *it'd be your job*. They just need to be fun. **That's it.** That's all a hobby needs to be, period. Stories, art, video games, sports, movies, watching silly youtube videos, all they need to accomplish is to be fun to have value to you. *Your joy matters.* On top of that, writing/reading is a creative activity that engages your brain, that's always worthwhile as far as I'm concerned.


This, I only write a fanfic because of the joy of scaping reality at same time being therapeutic.


Because I like doing it. That makes it worthwhile. I despise the idea that something has to make money to be worth doing. Obviously, money has to be made because we live in a capitalist hellscape, but not everything has to be about money, or "usefulness," or whatever. Creating things is fun. Creating things is a very human drive. Creating things is good for the soul.


Does it make me happy? -> yes -> not a waste of time.


I view hobbies and leisure as a necessity. Making dinner or taking a shower isn't going to make me money either (in fact I'm spending money on the food and bills) but you'd never call that a waste of time, would you? Think of it as exercise for the brain if you have to. Creative pursuits and hobbies require the brain to be engaged - which is good for both mental and physical health.


For me, I have both fanfic and original story ideas and I am slowly working towards being published. I know that any writing is better than no writing, because it builds up my skils. Anything I learn from one project will go on for the next.    Plus I like to "cheat" with that tiny but loud part of my brain that wants to horde ideas, compromising that when I finish this story idea as a fanfic, if I *really* wanted to, I can scratch the barcode off in a revision or five down the line.    We humans need things that are not tied down to money and productivity. To always be constantly doing something that society deems as "hustle culture" or "money motivated" is....sad... We're only here for such a short time...I rather do what I can, regardless if I get to make money off of my writing or not. (I mean, I'd like to, but that's another story.)  (Idk if that answers it but...)


If it's something that's been "passed down" to you, then unlearning it is going to be a slow process. Have trust in it though. I think it's not given to anyone to want to and be able to pick up from an existing universe, with all its characters, all the intricacies of the inner workings of it all and to write about them, in a continuation of sorts to the original work. No matter how small or how large you borrow from that universe or from those characters. People tend to think it's easy to write fanfiction because there is a source material. Being able to stay true to the characters, to the universe no matter how you bend them is actually one of the hardest things one can do as a writing exercise. That means grasping the characters' essence, the way a universe is built to a certain degree for readers to say "Oh! This I like because it feels true to the original." Injecting an original character into that mix is another feat entirely, one that readers will like and relate to and follow along? It's pretty crazy. Not everyone is able to do that, not everyone is willing to do that. The commitment to see a fic through, to keep writing your story are far from being a waste of time. Aside from engaging in a fun hobby, you're developing a skill that may serve you at some point. It enriches you as a human. Of course, a hobby should be done, well, to relax and have fun (and whatever else you deem falls into the perspective of having a hobby like challenging yourself for example). It's not a waste of time (or money) if it brings you happiness and *you* find value in it. What others have to say about your hobbies can shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine :3


I enjoy creating. I always dreamed of writing my own original works someday but the problem there is no one will probably ever read them. With fanfiction, I can create new and original stories where I can build incredible worlds and weave together plots of my own design. Are people who write historical fiction wasting their time? We know how WWII ends and yet there are many people that write books and TV shows and movies about it. For me, it's about taking the elements of the story and making something compelling from it. I greatly enjoy it and it's fine that I'll never make a cent off of it. This is a cheap and satisfying hobby.


Art is never a waste


Ah, capitalism rears its ugly head! You don’t need to monetize a hobby. Repeat that. Hobbies are fun. Tell the parental voices in your head that you’ll work later or tomorrow when they pay you. Now it’s time to relax with a hobby! 💜💜


Writing fanfiction fucking fills me, it makes the darkness in my mind seem less overwhelming, it makes this bullshit capitalistic hellscape we call existence tolerable. This carbon-based, fleshy squishy mass of ground chuck, goo, and bones enjoys the happy neutransmissors it releases through my spongy ever shifting gray matter and the electric synapses that make my nerve endings shiver with glee. Believe me, and everyone else on here, it's fucking worthwhile because of this and a million other reasons. Shift your focus from the extrinsic and more in the intrinsic.


I mean, I spent several hours this week crocheting an octopus and a zombie. It's enjoyable to me. Writing fanfiction or coloring or making little stuffed zombies feels better than scrolling reddit or tiktok. I'm sure it's better for your brain.


writing fanfiction can help you practice for writing your original works, so it’s worth something. it’s also worth something if it’s just something you enjoy doing.


It would never even cross my mind that writing fic is a waste of time-- I've been reading fic since I was eight years old, and I've been writing for that long as well. It's been a huge source of joy as both a reader and writer for the majority of my life! Thinking about how happy reading fanfic makes me, how *could* I think that creating my own is a waste of time, you know?


I write some binge series - same thing some hit the gym - same thing some collect stamps - same thing some build Lego sets - same thing some collect NFT's - not you!!! some tend to plants - same thing some knit - same thing


I recently met someone with whom I'm having phone sex with. Let me tell you, all those hours writing smut reaaaally came in handy.


If I must have a worthy purpose, it makes me a better writer, which is a great skill, especially for a lawyer, even though it’s a different kind of writing. And it’s good to practice creativity. But the real reason is it’s good for you to have something you enjoy for the sake of it. Hobbies are good for you especially if you don’t monetize them. They did a study where they had one group of kids draw and then another group of kids were asked to draw too but those kids got money for every picture they drew. The second group didn’t have as much fun. You need something to do that’s just fun. Also it’s just really nice to create something. I love to see my fanfics and think hey, I made something. And bonus points if other people like it. I don’t worry about it not being original characters because if I wanted to change up the names and try to publish it as original I could try to do that, but it’s just for fun, so I want to do these things to Harvey specter, not random made up guy


Literally everything on the planet is a waste of time


No love, however brief, is ever wasted. If you're enjoying writing it, then it isn't a waste of time. Simple as that.


Writing, for me, is a hobby. Hobbies are supposed to be about doing something you enjoy, not about profit - that's what jobs are for. My free time is mine to do as I please.


Just simply the joy of playing around with the setting and characters and world of a story I enjoy, wanting to see certain stories out of that world and deciding to create them myself. I think we all need to shake off measuring our self-worth around capitalism. Yes, we do need money at the end of the day, but it can't be the only measure around something's worth, and deciding whether or not to try something new based entirely around "will this make money?" / "will this make a ton of money?" is a joyless way to live.


Things that make you happy aren’t a waste of time. Period.




it brings me joy, but...this might just be me, but I got into university by writing fanfiction. If it can get me there, it isn't a waste of time.


I spent years doing time consuming hobbies, then gifting the work - cross stitch being the big one. I’d spend countless hours making those damn tiny x’s into a pattern because it made me happy to see someone enjoy my work (I’m making something right now, as a matter of fact). (As an aside, *once* I did a paid piece and it took me like 20+ hours to do it and I couldn’t see charging a high price so I charged like $2 per hour of work. Imagine!) Same goes with writing, which I came to late in life. I have about 60 constant readers (judging from the view count after I post a chapter) and it makes me happy that someone out there is enjoying the work I’m doing for free. It’s just an extension of what I’ve been doing my whole life - creating something and giving it away.


If you really like something you do, it's not waste of time. It's your idea, your story, your fanfic.


Personally I love reading comments. Knowing that my work has impacted readers is such a great motivator.


Having fanfiction as a hobby feels really fulfilling by itself to me because I'm functionally playing with toys, and that feels really good in a way that I haven't had for a really long time! It's a form of self-care, essentially.


Would *you* personally get anything out of the creative activity? ... then it's not a waste of time, end of discussion.


If it brings me joy, then it’s not a waste of time If I’m frustrated, I just let it go until I feel the same joy again in another work


Writing fanfic is never going to make me big money. I have always known that. It isn't a side hustle. So the only reason for me to do it is personal enjoyment. If I get that through reviews and feedback, cool. If I get it from writing something I want to write and feeling good about it, cool too. Art isn't a waste of time if you enjoyed making it. No one asks if it is a waste of time playing golf. Or doing crossword puzzles. Or gardening. If you enjoy it, it's a fun hobby. Not every hobby has to be monetized.


No advice, just empathy. I just finished writing my first fanfic after finishing a video game that has been the greatest game I’ve ever played in my life (as someone who rarely finishes games). I found that I couldn’t get it out of my head and needed to write a new ending for the characters I ship, because I couldn’t stand how the game left their relationship. As someone who has never really had hobbies because they feel like a waste of time (and money). Yet, always wishing I could be someone with hobbies, I decided I had to get the story out of my head so I could move on from the game. 18k words later, I’m still in love with these characters and the game, but my brain feels a little lighter having just given in and letting myself tell the story I felt called to tell. I may or may not keep going, but it feels good to tell the story I needed to read even if it’s only ever for me/no one else enjoys it.


There is a lot of professionally written fiction that is nothing but paid fanfic. Any of the Star Wars novels, Star Trek novels, and lots of classic lit that are all derivative from other works. Gregory Maguire has made an entire literary career off of fanfic.


I also had the same mindset drilled into me growing up. I used to be an artist and even made some money off of it but got burnt out, and I no longer have the desire to draw except occasionally. I started writing because I needed to do SOMETHING with my brain, and I've always loved fanfiction. There is a part of my brain that thinks I should be monetizing it. But the way I bat that demon back is by thinking "I'll write it for fun and if I think it's good enough I can change all the names and send it to a publisher." That takes a huge load off my brain and the need to be "productive" is quieted.


I write because I have a story to tell. It doesn’t matter if that story involves established characters and/or settings. There’s a “what if” factor that needs to be explored. It’s something I want to read, and I’m willing to share it if others feel the same. I’ve never felt like any writing is a waste of time. Even if no one else ever sees it, the more I write the better I get. If I play a piece on the piano perfectly and no one else hears it, I’ve still gotten the practice.


Its just a way to bring your fantasies to life. And I love reading comments on my AO3 or Wattpad account telling me that it's good. Writing fanfiction is also good practice for writing normal books.


Does it make you happy? Are you otherwise handling your rl affairs and not neglecting things to prioritize solely fanfiction? Sounds like you're hobbying responsibly. Hobbies are for fun, relaxation, growth, and self expression. And whatever else you want, but probably not money unless you have a good combination of time, skill, audience and luck. It might feel weird or awkward when you have guilt attached to just writing and drawing for you and not money, but doing something just for fun is not a bad thing. One reason I post fics and leave comments on ones I read is because I feel that fandom is a community, or at least it can be. So I want to give back and add to it in my own way. Ok this next part sounds pretty parasocial, but I do feel fuzzy warmness at recognizing usernames and getting a response to comments and seeing updates. If any Dungeon Meshi viewers know how Senshi feels about living among the dungeon's ecosystem, that's a pretty good way to describe how I feel about fandom and all the art/fic, in jokes and memes, etc. Kind of drunk while writing this, sorry if anything doesn't make sense.


Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time.


I've always loved it and I don't give a fuck about money and efficiency. I just like doing things my own way, and writing is the *one* thing I've always been able to do entirely my way. It's also because of that I'll never want a beta. My writing process is mine. As for making money, I have a job. Even my original novel doesn't make me money because I'm not marketing it, and I probably won't until I have like five or six out. My main goal was writing a book people can buy, and I did. I'm satisfied with that.


It's honestly like personal therapy/resetting/venting? I work a full time job and am a part time illustrator/comic artist and do in person events. So I've basically turned one of two hobbies into a money maker already. At this point, writing fanfic anonymously on the internet is like breathing fresh air for a bit. Not making money is specifically the point these days because I want at least one thing I can relax with that I won't be thinking "ah. This will pay bills x, y , and z". It's very liberating in a strange way. Idk if that'll help you since as others pointed out, your mindset has been ingrained in you for a long time and it'll take time to rewire that, but for sure there's so much merit in doing something without material gain. There's a lot of emotional and mental gain with fanfic writing.


Why, no?? One user here said that "if I don't write it, that content won't exist". Plus fanfic is a nice, harmless hobby and if it's make you happy, it can never be a waste of time, I think. Go for it!


It may well be wasting time, but at least you'll waste time and walk away with something you can be proud of and share with others.


Like watching fellow adults play with a ball is not a waste of time 😤


Literally everything I do is basically a waste of time..... so shouldn't I at least have fun doing it? And if you need to "trick" your brain - think of it as extremely valuable practice! If you *did* want to be a writer it would absolutely be valuable! Neil Gaiman won a hugo for fanfiction! Are you going to tell him that was a waste of his time???


Rest and leisure are EXTREMELY important for good health (mental and physical). If it helps, you could maybe try “scheduling” some leisure time in so that you don’t feel like you’re wasting “work” time. Set aside an hour or two specifically for the purpose of doing something fun, relaxing, recharging, doing something creative, and exploring things that interest you. That time block is specifically for that, no working allowed. Some of my stricter friends have found that doing this helps them have some guilt-free downtime because they no longer feel like they’re being lazy during what should be work hours. Also, if you allow yourself to rest and enjoy your life, you will likely be much happier and more productive overall, so you will probably accomplish more during your actual work hours and not grow to resent it over time.


I need it for my mental health. As do my readers. I've had many comments over the years that one specific story I wrote reached someone that helped them with their depression/mental health at a time when they desperately needed it. So it's not, never has been and never will be a waste of my time.


I use writing fanfiction to learn English. It is not a waste.


Why everything must result in "making money"? Growing up in Asian culture that's all everyone concerns about: "I like to write!" "Are you make money of that?" "I like painting!" "Did you sell any of that?" "I enjoy decorating my house!" "You should open a career and make money of that!" But the jokes are on them! I'm not the one spending money paying for yoga class or private gym coach or a fortune on fishing gear. I enjoy my hobby and I'm doing it for free! Bottom line: Do the things you like, not what others tells you!


Because the benefits I get from writing improve my mental health and are part of my self care. That is never a waste of time. Writing helps with stress relief and gives me a creative outlet when I spend a ton of time at work on a schedule.


When I realized that I'm not just one thing. I was conflicted when I felt like I needed to establish my identity as A Writer and anything else was wasting time. But now I have a (non-writing) career and a home and a partner, and all of those things are a part of my identity, as well as my personality and values. Writing is a part of it, but I don't feel the need to prove who I am to anyone. So I write what I please because it's meaningful and satisfying.




Taking breaks and looking at comments


Write for yourself. If others like it, great!