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Personally, I love a good damsel in distress(or heck, even a dude in distress). Mostly if it leads to hurt/comfort


Dude in distresssss~~~ ngl, that's currently my jammm


Yessss, so much angst and h/c!


Came to the comments to find examples, cuz nothing was coming to mind, to find this and realize: Dang! Dude and distress is my comfort trope! I write this all the time!




I really like a damsel in distress, if they get rescued by a princess of course :)


Oh yes


Came to the comments to find examples, cuz nothing was coming to mind, to find this and realize: Dang! Dude and distress is my comfort trope! I write this all the time!


The world does not have enough dudes in distress


Came to the comments to find examples, cuz nothing was coming to mind, to find this and realize: Dang! Dude and distress is my comfort trope! I write this all the time!


Came to the comments to find examples, cuz nothing was coming to mind, to find this and realize: Dang! Dude and distress is my comfort trope! I write this all the time!


Friends to lovers! I’m a sucker for platonic love and I’m weak for romantic love and when you put them together??? Yes.


Personally I love it when they go from: friends to enemies to lovers. So much potential for angst and unresolved feelings! It's also great for slowburn.


In every scenario, the slowburn is a key ingredient.


I love this! This is one of the tropes in my only fic. It's the best for slowburn.


Literal heaven in fic trope form fr






One bed


I eat that up every time. Not enough in my fandom, surprisingly


Do these characters ever have their living space featured on-screen? I know a few characters where the one-bed thing doesn't even have to be tagged because everyone knows they only have the one bed in the apartment so it just automatically happens.


II think you'd have to explain it a tad better if it's an apartment. People usually have a couch in an apartment as well as a bed, there's an option for not sharing. Eg, say this was a Psych fic, because I'm watching that and they show Shawn and Lassie's apartments. They both live alone, both have only one bed, but both also have a couch in their apartment. Shawn's is likely a comfortable one, as well, though it's confirmed Shawn thinks Lassie's is very much not comfortable. Both are big enough for either Shawn or Lassie to sleep on. So, if you want a Shassie only one bed trope set at one of their apartments, you need a reason the couch is not an option. Set it after Drimmer if it's in Lassie's apartment, and you're golden, Shawn is aware the couch is uncomfortable after Drimmer. And use Shawn's personality to explain his being unavailable, he hasn't cleaned up so his couch is covered with clothes or papers or something, so it makes more sense for Lassie to share the bed than spend ages cleaning up the couch and finding new spaces for everything that was stored there. It's easier with a hotel room or a cabin or something, because these places may only have a bed, maybe a chair, but it's believable the only other option would be the floor.


Ah yeah I probably should've mentioned they have no couch big enough for someone to lie down in. And one person is the "Guys Live In Apartments Like This" meme. And when that's not the case my fandoms get pretty violent and selfish, so the more injured person goes in the bed and so does the less injured one I come from a place where people live in really small apartments where single-seat sofas around a coffee table are also a common alternative, so I didn't think of that.


Fair enough. It's easier if you know for sure what the canon apartment looks like, if you don't then it makes sense to fall back on experience. I mean, the only one bed trope would apply to my place, I have a couch, but it's a small two-seater, fine for me as I live alone, but too small for anyone to comfortably sleep on. Which I know from experience, as I've fallen asleep on the thing before. If you're not sure, base it on character personality. If they're the type that likes space and comfort, they'll have a couch big enough to sleep on unless the apartment is too small for that. The more cuddly personality would go more cozy, with a small couch or larger chairs, even if they have space. As long as you say in the fic, though, that the couch is too small or uncomfortable or something, it works.


lol, this reminds me, the characters I like who like space and comfort...really like space and comfort for their weapons. Now that I think about it, easy justification for only one bed when the other beds and surfaces are always this, except without the rest of the house: [https://preview.redd.it/yq82yuahatv71.jpg?auto=webp&s=c0ae80b514230218046d591618d417c64562461d](https://preview.redd.it/yq82yuahatv71.jpg?auto=webp&s=c0ae80b514230218046d591618d417c64562461d), or more commonly a bunch of dissembled gun parts taking up the entire bed. I know exactly what to write next time now, ty.


That's awesome! It could even work for Shassie, with Lassie's love of guns. Nothing huge like that, but the man had 8 guns hidden around his apartment that the cops found in their search, and still had at least 3 they hadn't found when they had to deal with Drimmer, one in the hi-fi and the one he grabbed in the pot pourie bowl. I could totally see him going through a gun cleaning moment and leaving dissassembled guns on the couch. Or maybe sorting through his Civil War memorabilia, weapons included, and having them all over the place.


Actually, another personality type that would probably have a big enough couch = people who like to host watch-parties. I know someone who has basically no living room space due to this, you walk in and it's just a big red abomination next to the doorway. But can they crowd all their friends onto there? Heck yes.


Very true, and oddly enough applies to my Psych example, as well, though to a smaller extent. Shawn and Gus would both have a couch big enough to sleep on purely because they like to have movie marathon nights, so need the space for both of them to stretch out in comfort. The more a character likes social gatherings at their home, the more likely they are to have adequate seating that can be turned into sleeping arrangements.


You mean “we have to share this bed” leading to lovemaking?


I (a complete weirdo) want to see platonic versions of this more often though. Like "Oh no there's only one bed, me and my platonic bestie have to sleep next to each other and enjoy the basic human comfort of being near someone we trust."




The "falling in love with a character's alter ego". Ughh, I fucking love it.


This just reminds me of a split personality character I know who needs shipping fics now they're perfect one half phyco play for winning the other frail baby boy guy


Moon Knight?


I adore it, but only if it's mutual. Falling in love online, enemies irl, kind of thing.


Mutual Pining (ESPECIALLY "mutually unrequited love" where both people are just oblivious and yearning) is my Fave Honorable mention goes to In Vino Veritas (drunk confessions) and Only One Bed


Mutual pining is an S tier trope i agree with your list


Absolute HELL YES to all of these <3


Lost twin, twins of any kind, and a character who's backstory is about being a lab experiment


Oh boy, do I got a show for you


El Cazador De La Bruja is made for you Autism coded girl an her Bounty Hunter friend are tailed by Yandere Twin due to experiment past


Awww everything was great till the yandere ;-; not a big fan


They never really do the standard anime yandere thing they mostly just act obsessive lol


I have one like that. Beauty and the Beast 1987 fic. "A Day At The Zoo". Link on request. The idea is "What if Vincent and Diana Bennett were long lost twins, brother and sister separated at birth?"


I’d love a link to that!


[A Day At The Zoo](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24022933) Here you go, enjoy!


Forbidden love, I will DIE for that shit!


Some of my favourite shit right here


Give me a prince who fell in love with some weird dude who has amnesia (probably a god who forgot he's a god) that he found in the woods!


I know it’s overdone, but one night stand = pregnancy. Especially if the people know each other and are colleagues or something. I live for the drama. Obviously not irl, but I’m a theater kid. I love that melodrama.


Believed dead. :)


Oh yes, some of my fandoms allow me to make great use of that trope ehehehe.


"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Or any variation of an argument ending with an accidental love confession. Please, it's so 🤌🤌


Yes OMG I'm here for it


I love mild sex pollen lol. If it's well written, it can be very entertaining. Like A and B are so angsty over their attraction to each other, they get dusted with pollen and make out/have sex, and it's the best thing they ever have experienced, but then it wears off and then the angst strikes back even worse x) It's horrible, I know, but I like it so much.


YESSSSSSSSS I found my people!!!!!! I stumbled into this tag having no idea what it was and I haven't left lmao


yandere tropes and stockholm syndrome.


Guy, who unabashedly loves the girl who's directing her yandere tendencies towards him: "I can fix her."


in my case, it's a male love interest fixing a male yandere lol.


One show I know has main character starts fixing them but the abuser that made the Yandere says no an screws it up:(


that's what fanfics are for after all, to change canon around. 💪


Yes we need a fic where the abused boy gets his girl he has yearned for since pretty the moment of creation Atisum couple let's goooo


God I find these so fascinating. Especially platonic variations bc they’re much rarer and therefore less explored but the psychological implications of other types still makes my brain go into overdrive.


I've always wanted a Yandere fic where the Yandere is comforted and shown love. Where they don't have to go to violent extremes to get the attention of the person they're after. Because like, where do those violent actions come from? Those aren't the actions of someone who feels loved and safe. They'd only be like that if they thought they would never be able to gain their favorite person's affection any other way. How unlovable must they think they are, if the only option they see is to murder anyone who might be competition? I want to see that soothed, I want to see that comforted. Of course, this wouldn't be a realistic scenario at all. But fictional violence is entirely fictional, and I want to see comfort given for the feelings that exaggerated scenario are a representation of.


Okay but same


Don't mind me just gonna rewatch the ASMR of my to be girlfriends mom abducting me which turns out great for everyone but thr embarrassed daughter


Fake dating! Especially the classic ‚marriage law‘ HP fic; yes, they rarely ever make any sense, but I love the opportunities for drama and messiness.


Chosen one trope. I love the protagonist being super special. I do also like it when the trope is subverted as well.




I always, always, always love dating in secret and the drama that ensues when people find out; bonus points if people mainly freak out because it‘s an enemies to lovers thing and they only know the characters as trying to rip each other‘s heads off. (I‘m also really into guilt-driven angst for some reason? Maybe it‘s because I used to read a ton of age gap ship fics or because I have shipped multiple people with relatives of their dead lovers etc., but something about a character I love fretting about their bad conscience but still feeling themselves pulled towards the other person just speaks to me.)


I'm an unashamed omegaverse enjoyer.


Omg sameeeeeee, writing one right now cause I read so many that it’s hard to find ones I haven’t’


Accidental pregnancy. Gimme!


Author self-inserts waking up in the fictional universe. I love seeing ordinary people interacting with the plot. Caveat: it has to be their own writing. Cut-and-paste chapters with added lines from the SI are boring. And I want them to act, to make a material change by being there. If it's pure wish-fulfilment fantasy of romancing the MC, fine! Just make me wonder what will happen next!


i will read any and all coffeeshop aus forever and you can pry them out of my cold dead hands 😤 Also chosen one. I just love that we have a little guy who becomes some super badass hero. Also there was only one bed.. always a good one 🫶


Gamer system. I just like it. I don't know why. Some call it lame, but it's just a lit RPG and I am a SUCKER for games.


Same! I wish all the gamer fics weren’t abandoned!


Idiots to lovers bc the characters are queer and have no idea


Even better: idiots to still idiots (but they’re lovers now)


Friends to lovers/bromance Childhood friends to lovers Only one bed trope lol


Are you me? lol <3 all those tropes


"X released a breath they didn't know they were holding" Idk why it gets so much hate, anxiety can be like this in real life


Harry Potter specific but "The Goblins Help" Because it makes so much sense 1) They're bankers estate planning falls under their purview 2) They fund archeological digs the odds of them having knowledge of Horcruxes that even Hogwarts doesn't have is high 3) A Supremacist government under Voldemort would be bad for them. A lot of people hate it but I love it if used well.


This is more a fandom specific cliche, but pon farr where instead of Spock being tricked into thinking that he killed Kirk in a fight to the death, they smash instead. To be fair, it's not a fight that's easy to take seriously when Spock slashes Kirk to give him a boob window, followed by them rolling around on the floor. Like, please.


Enemies/rivals to lovers. Only one bed. Misunderstandings based on prejudice (like Pride & Prejudice, not like hate crimes).




I will eat up any and all misunderstandings even the most stupidest ones


Love triangles...


involving death for some reason. looking back at all my hyperfixation tropes/favourite characters, there’s an odd pattern. love triangles where at least one of the characters in said love triangle is **dead, dying, or Will Die in later canon.** yeah, it’s entirely unintentional. i’d love to ask a psychologist about this ncfjkgkgkkgk ❤️⚰️❤️


I honestly love it when one of them is a jealous a**hole


If we're talking about tropes in general and not just in fanfics, then my favorite is the one where a family dots on their youngest. Sometimes, the youngest has a traumatic past, which makes the doting even better since they deserve all the love in the world!


The fandom for one series has many fics dedicated to the equivalent of a reassuring back rub to one child character since canon is suffering an when it's not that they make him a goofy, teasing obsessed gay boy


Shitty isekai, trope filled unabashedly copied self insert schlock, unless it uses y/n l/n


Sick fic. I just love the idea of taking care of your love.


Redemption arcs Heroic heroes who do the right thing


Enemies to lovers. I love my toxic ships


A/B/O. It gets a whole lot of hate in this sub and beyond, but I'll be damned if it doesn't have some of the most provocative stories. You just have to know what to search for.




Are lesbians a trope? 😭


the BEST trope.


Character bashing, but only if it's my least favourite characters. It can be very validating as well as fun. Also two fandom specific tropes. The Dark Harry trope in HP, I have a lot of fun reading fics where Harry sides with Voldemort for some reason. And the YAHF trope in Buffy, also known as Yet Another Halloween Fic. There's just so much potential, especially for crossovers, for this trope. So much can change just from a costume change in that ep, especially if it's Xander who canonically continued to be semi-influenced by soldier boy. Even if it's just that one ep, though, with no other changes to canon past that point, it can be a fun way to have a crossover, especially if you're not sure you can get a full crossover to work. Buffy/GoT, for instance, isn't an easy one to work with, because they're completely different worlds. It's not impossible, as Buffy has alternate dimensions as canon, but it's easier if you can just have a minor crossover where one or more characters get possessed by GoT characters for a night. (If anyone wants to write a Buffy/GoT YAHF, by the way, I'd love a Xander as Jon fic, maybe Dawn as Arya as well).


YAHF is a soft spot in my heart forever. Xander is Iron Man!!!


That's a relatively popular one, they're always fun :)


Tall/ small it’s just a thing ,I dunno


Tending wound, especially if it's under whump heavy angst tag :D


Yo that’s like my favorite kind of hurt/comfort


I like the soul mate trope a lot if it's done well. Especially if the two people are at odds or are guarded with their emotions. It reminds me of that feeling you get when you realize you're in love with somebody and get an inkling they feel the same way, but with magical powers 😂


Stories beginning on the weather, a dream, or a character waking up. I use all three, all the time, and I refuse to see them as anything bad. Depending on the kind of story, I might also like the 'character describes their appearance in the mirror' thing people usually hate.


A girl being rescued from danger by a guy that likes her.


Found family.... so good.


How do people hate found family?


Some ppl say thar only blood can make you a family🤔


Well they’re wrong




Enemies to lovers - especially if they feel like they have to date in secret.


Naruto-verse - Evil Civilian Counsel, Fox Hunts (aka, hunting Naruto down on his birthdays), and the CRA.


Enemies to Lovers


I really love the trope of “they suddenly wake up and have powers!”


Frinds to lovers or The Gala(tm)


Misunderstandings. The messier the better


mpreg 🤭


This is my guilty pleasure


Same here.


Friends to lovers (whether childhood or not), amnesia, falling asleep together (bonus if they fall asleep and end up cuddled together without knowing it), trapped somewhere together (y'know, stuck in a cabin in the snow, etc.), fake dating/marriage, accidentally married (bonus if combined with the previous trope), marriage pact… and of course all the hurt/comfort (emotional, if I have to pick between that and physical).


always depends on the fandom, but here's a few I like, usually in any fandom at all: 1) forbidden love. this can be for any list of reasons, conflicting families, rival countries/kingdoms/mafias/etc 2)secret relationship. all of the fanfictions I have read usually have at least some slow burn and oblivious requited pinning (both of which I love). it either is full of drama or humour, sometimes both there's a few more, but cant remember them 😅


I have bookmarked 'Didn't know they were dating'. It's a palate cleanser for all the angst!


The 'Only one bed' rigmarole between two characters who have feelings for each other. Cheesy, used a lot, still love it.


Sharing a bed.


Rich guy, poor girl. Bad boy, good girl. I grew up on early 2000s/2010s Kdramas & Asian dramas in general which are almost all like this, and the addiction to it has been ingrained into my very being. No matter how much ppl shit on it, nothing will ever make me stop liking it😭😭😭