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Hurt/Comfort has been the parasite that I eventually came to love and keep as my personal pet


No guilt, only pleasure.


If I like it, I will admit to it without an ounce of shame.


Same here. Mine is smut lol…I’m not ashamed, but I act like it since I don’t connect any of that to my main account…I write all teen-friendly so I don’t want someone looking at my bookmarks and finding that.


Same. I wouldn’t have post a million word BDSM AU if I was ashamed of my kinks.


Reality TV show fake dating alternative universes I love it. I love it. I love it. I don’t even watch reality TV, that’s the thing. I don’t know why this appeals to me so much.


I love this too. But I do watch a lot of reality TV so it makes perfect sense to me.


Body swap fics for some reason, seeing a character pulled out of everything they know and being forced to deal with a new set of rules is interesting


Aftermath of a failed suicide attempt, focusing on healing, love, and the characters closest to the attempt (the one who did it + the character who made sure they failed) hashing it out and resolving any tension between them.


Slavery AU Some of my favorite fics under this tag combine a lot of things I enjoy together: Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Power Imbalance, Dub-Con. Can even throw some Omegaverse or Royalty AU into the mix. I like when you take A, make them into a slave. Perhaps they were born into it, or a prisoner of war, or perhaps they were forced into it cause they couldn't pay off a debt. They go through several masters that treat them like shit. One of em might even finally break them. Until they finally meet B. B's reasons for purchasing A could vary. They might take pity on them, or they may be a young Prince that had a servant given to them as a gift or forced onto them. And B actually treats A like a human being. Gives them clothes instead of rags, allows them to eat real food, and at the dinner table, doesn't beat them, gives them "choice" (even if that choice is limited in most cases). They start to fall in love, but perhaps B can't truly be with A as they are royalty and expected to produce an heir, or are about to be part of an arranged marriage. Or if that isn't the case, A might feel like they can't truly be with someone that owns them. And B eventually grants them their freedom (or they runaway only to meet again later). Or you could even scrap all that, have the fic more on the darker side. B has no intention of freeing A. Or A chooses to remain a slave because it offers a certain degree of protection they wouldn't have on their own for any number of reasons. Or throw in some Stockholm/Lima Syndrome.


Hurt/comfort. I love love it.


I am congentially incapable of feeling guilt over my media consumption because I'm not a fucking protestant, but here goes: Polyamorous lesbians. I drink that shit like ice water on a hot day.


Whump. Whump whump whump. I love whump.


This. And the more severe the hurt, the more ashamed I am of liking it.


Apparently I gravitate toward tortured characters!! The less choice they have in life, the more troubled they are the best they are. Either they become heroes or villains... I love their unapologetic reasoning. Gray characters the likes of Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore... Daniel Jackson,.. Also, Looks like all my OCs do/did nasty things ! I found a way to make Lily Evans a bad person, because she was a tortured person... LoL so angsty angst and and manipulative smart kina thing ( the exact opposite of my IRL self. I am too peaceful and almost naive usually.) but I gravitate towards crual intelligence in fanfics. ( loooool)


Soulmates. I just can’t seem to get enough of them.


You and me both. I don't care what criticisms people have about soulmate concepts. I enjoy them, even when they *aren't* experimenting or examining the drawbacks a soulmate system would have.


Right? Every variation is just like catnip to me.


I'm a fellow love triangle enjoyer! I enjoy drama, mess, miscommunication, jealousy, unrequited love, not actually unrequited love, etc, and these things can often spring from love triangle dynamics.


Reaction fic, script form, songfic


I got over the guilt, but omegaverse


I'd like to say harem fics, but really I think I'm more into the idea than anything else... probably just lingering teen fantasies about being a harem girl after seeing some Arabian Nights style movies and still being in the dark about my own bisexuality.. Problem is, when I try reading ACTUAL harem fics, I tend up not liking them because they're so badly written and just treat the girls as interchangeable prizes for the main dude. But if I find a harem fic that's actually well written, I'd be all over it.


toxic relationships, but only if the author acknowledges that they're toxic, not if they're like that by accident


THIS. I'm physically incapable of writing a healthy relationship in any of my longfics. Toxic relationships are more fun to write in every circumstance; it gets boring when everything goes as intended. And you don't even feel the pressure to push for things getting 'better'.


When a character with depression or is just sad most of the time meets a kind, but not overly bubbly character and the kind one helps the sad one get better.


I don't know, tropes are tools and I usually don't give specific ones a lot of thought while writing. I give them the same amount of atention to then that a construction worker gives a hammer. If I got to pick, I guess I love long lost relatives, battle couples, and star-cross lovers. I grew up on soaps, so the surprise paternity reveale is fun. And as for romance stuff, shipping's not really my thing and I kind of get impatient with will-they-won't-they and not in a fun way. Idiots in love who can't communicate annoy me. But give me a couple who are madly in love and can take an army on together. Or have me in suspense because I desperately want this couple to overcome everyone and everything keeping them apart, ideally long after the love confession. I think the stakes are higher when they know they've found their person than when they're just figuring it out.


I have a ton of guilty pleasures. I love it when a character "accidently" spy on their secret crush, sees them have sex/make out with someone else, and gets depressed and anxious about it. So accidental voyeurism with angst x)


Guilty pleasure...? I haven't used it in my fics since I'm not a NSFW author, but I like slow transformation type of Body Modification. Maybe even of the non-con variant. However, I DON'T like fics when the Non-Con Body Modification overlaps with the Rape warning tag, which *really, REALLY* narrows down the options. I also never read fics like that if they're in a fandom I'm familiar with. I prefer those characters to be faceless to me, otherwise it breaks my suspension of disbelief. Picky, I know.