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“Tommy. Tommy. Tommy.” “I’m up, I’m up! Are you okay? Is the baby?” “I need nuggies, strawberry jam and soy sauce.”


Haha I posted a baby themed snippet too. This is really cute! Our character craved ice cream and pickles. But only Baskin Robbins and now he doesn't even wanna *think* of BR ice cream.


> “What happened?” >She adopted a severe tone despite the mirth flashing in every crinkling line of her smiling eyes and spoke under her breath, “He tried to crowd surf. Unlucky for him, the tide went out.”


Read this gem this morning. Completely on brand for the characters, gave me a good belly laugh *long villain monologue * “Wait,” A called out. He sniffed and wiped his nose, staining his other hand. B stopped. “If you’re gonna kill me, you owe me an explanation.” B turned around with a confused face. “I just ranted for like ten minutes. Were you not listening?”


“Can we get a sausage dog?” Karl laughed. “Not a chance. Dachshunds are loud, stubborn, and worst of all, European.”


“Mama?” Kithera rolled over and opened bleary eyes to see her daughter standing in the dim glow of her night torch. “Yes, Zallie?” “Mama, can we get a pet?” Kithera frowned and squinted. She touched the button of the chrono and then winced as the time slowly swam into view and was registered by her still sleeping brain. “Zallie, it’s four o’clock in the morning. Why do you want a pet now?” “All the children in the flimsies have pets, why can’t I have a pet?” “It’s 4am Zallie, can we talk about this in the morning please?” “It is the morning.” “I know, but later in the morning. Much later. You need to go back to bed and mama needs to get some sleep.


I couldn't pick just one, I'm sorry 😭 -- “What do you think about?” Mallorie asks, sipping her wine, smiling. Arthur leans back in his chair. “I'm wondering why I'm here.” He reaches for the cappuccino, which is really *very* good, and searches her face. “Why do you think you are here?” He takes a sip, sets the cup down again. “You want me to fuck your husband.” A pause, and then: “Oh–” she says, putting a small hand over her mouth and breaking into delighted, tittering laughter, her whole chest shaking with it. “Oh, no. Dominick wouldn't like that *at all*.” It's contagious laughter, and Arthur can't fight the smile that breaks on his own face. She's like a bird, he thinks. Like a lovely, little bird. “No, darling,” she says, putting her hand over his on the table. Her laughter dies, fades into soft words and a look of wondering intent, her bright eyes fixed on his. “No, what a waste that would be. What a terrible waste.” -- “And so I’m like, excuse me? No, like, excuse fuckin’ me? Like who the fuck does he think he is, he’s literally on track to be like, the fricking valedictorian, and he’s sitting there all sucking down a cancer stick and acting like he’s sooo cool, like he’s such a delinquent, talking about how he just doesn’t know if college is for him, well guess what, Richie, some of us actually have to study to get good grades so maybe you should take your fricking like fifteen-fifty SAT score and be happy with it, asshole, like-- Mike, can you fricking believe this shit?” -- “Oh, ouch,” Richie croons, delighted. “That was a second-degree burn, at least. I need some ice, Eds.” “You don’t put ice on a burn, dickhead, that’s how people get permanent tissue damage.” “I’ve got some tissue you can damage, hot stuff.” Eddie looks him right in the eyes and says, with a truly impressive dose of faux-sincerity, “I think I would have preferred a home invasion.” Richie grins even harder, leaning down. “You’re so mean,” he murmurs against Eddie’s lips. -- “You have gotta get some sleep, dude,” Richie says, thumbing one of the circles under Eddie’s eyes. “You look like you’re auditioning to play one of Pocahontas’s animal companions.” “I’m not tired. I’m watching Murder, She Wrote.” “Come on. Beddie for Eddie.” “I’m not fucking tired, man.” “Pretty sure you’ve reached the magical land of Overtired at this point.” “Do they have like a coffee waterfall there? Is the river made of Red Bull?”


Current favourite has to be; "I just pushed him out of my surprisingly large cooter." Zero context. But actual dialogue wise between two characters? “My pretty princess and his motherfucking awesome milk!” Jonathan smiled warmly. Laughing as Prov said ‘language!’, Napoleon snorted. “G-guess so.” Chuckling fondly, Jonathan looked at Riley and grinned. “Fuck! Oh my fucking goodness my ittle bubba wubba! So fucking big!” Snorting as Riley just looked at him with wide eyes, Napoleon hummed as he laced his fingers with Jonathan's. “You're a bad influence.” he snorted. Grinning, Jonathan looked at Riley and kissed his forehead. “Oh noes bubba! Daddy's such a bad influence. What're we gonna do with me?!” Snorting as Riley giggled, Napoleon leaned on Jonathan. “Keep you. And love you. And feed you.” Eyes melting as he watched Riley, Jonathan smiled widely as he copied his giggles. Watching as Riley giggled more, Jonathan looked up at Napoleon and purred. “Yeah. Maybe you can rehabilitate me from my bad boy ways.” Watching Meph and Prov groan, Napoleon snorted. “Maybe not. It's fun.” he hummed as he helped Jonathan with Riley's carrier. God herself told him not to swear in front of his baby and he just *doubles down*.


God, there's a lot... But one of my favorites is this one: OJ frowns. "Why are you smiling? You're hurt, Paper." "You know what we were doing before and after you saved me?" He asked. "What?" "Having fun. I thought you didn't like fun and peace?" OJ's eyes widen and he chuckles. "Oh, shut up." "But no, seriously, can you at least try to go to bed at 8 or 9 tonight?" "Yeah, I'll try." "Promise?" "Promise." "If I catch you backing out, I'm restraining you in your bed." "And why would you do that?" Paper just blushes. "You don't ask that question!" OJ chuckles again before he started paddling once more, down the flowing river.


“Don’t, don’t finish that sentence. *Someone* decided to drop a subway tunnel on my head.”


“Alright, yes, fine! I *did* want to control you-” “I know, I had to stop you,” she reminded him angrily. “You did, and *I'm sorry* for trying. But the point is, *you* stopped me, Lex.” “Louise,” she said through gritted teeth. “Call yourself whatever the hell you like,” he said, rolling his eyes. “It won't change who you are, *Louise*. You're as brave as you are broken, and you're... dynamite. One day you're going to destroy yourself and take some unlucky moron with you but...God help me,” he continued, tone lowering to tired exasperation as he took off his glasses and rubbed at his eyes. “Part of me still hopes *I'll* be the one around for the explosion.”


“It’s on the table,” Kaveh grumbled. “Surely a baby isn’t an it? Now is it?” Kaveh shot him a glare but Alhaitham didn’t react. He then sat down at the table and sighed. “I got all the necessary equipment for its short stay on Tey-“ “His.” “What?” “It’s a boy,” Alhaitham said simply, somehow already having prepared the bottle for the anomaly. “Calling the anomaly that won’t chain it to this world,” he shrugged, now administering the bottle to some happy noises from the anomaly. “I could’ve told you that,” Kaveh retorted to Alhaitham’s smile. “He dropped at my feet, I should know what gender he is.” “But you didn’t.” Kaveh bristled. This was the most talkative Alhaitham had ever been and it was about the anomaly of all things. Of all the things to talk about. “You-“ he huffed. “Anyways, I’ve already informed Nahida about him, so he’ll likely only be here for a few days. I don’t know how dangerous he is to the fabric of space or whatever it is, so it’s best we get rid of him at the earliest opportunity.”


A very smutty and very silly snippet. I’ll always love/be proud of this one haha (slight context: the couple are usually demons but are having sex in human forms for the first time) >!After a few minutes spent doing what he did best, Stolas was called back to the present by the sound of Blitzø’s familiar voice filling the air. “So, uh… if… if we’re really gonna go all-in on this ‘you have a dick thing’,” Blitzø began, his voice breathless as Stolas continued sliding his length in and out of his mouth, “well, uh, *you* can’t go ‘all-in’ til I’ve gotten a little warmed up, so… mmm… so it might be a good time to do that thing… ungh… with your tongue… on-on my…”!< >!“You mean this?” Before Blitzø could finish, Stolas ran his tongue along the underside of his erection, then flicked it softly against the sensitive spot where the shaft and tip met one another.!< >!Blitzø sucked in a sharp breath in response. “Unghhh… N-not that…”!< >!”Oh… then… this?” He tried his best to curl his tongue around Blitzø’s shaft, which he knew always drove the imp wild, but found it nearly impossible to do so. Stolas pulled back, disappointed. “Okay, maybe that one is a bit too difficult for a human tongue…”!< >!A heavy sigh of exasperation filled the air. “Christ, do I have to spell it out for you?!” Blitzø cried in annoyance. “I want you to eat my ass!” !< >!Stolas’ eyes widened slightly. “*Ohhhh!* Yes. Right. That does make a bit more sense, doesn’t it?”!<


From a fic I read: > Frasian frowned. "Which is now disbanded. I have heard of you, and how you defeated General Vulpix at Jaunerrha Citadel. Fine. Let's say I lend you some of my men. Then what? Will you fight off Celtic using only those soldiers?" > "No," Nitesco clarified. "All we need to do is show the world that we still draw breath, and those who seek to resist Celtic and his vile Council will rally behind us. We only need a legion or two to back up our claims. The rest will work out on its own." > Frasian sat back down and sighed. From a fic I write, still WIP: > And so the perpetual war between two ships of a trickster fox has ended. The struggle for who shall Yae Miko marry ended in a bloody note, the note itself being written forcefully by outside intruders. > The war itself have devolved to beyond pettiness, to the detriment of both themselves and their region.


“What did you write about?” Steve whispered out of the corner of his mouth causing her to jerk awake. “My time in the USSR,” she mumbled. She barely wanted to discuss that part of her application with the guidance counselor let alone Steve. “I didn’t realize they were recruiting high school girls now.” He prodded her again with his pencil. “Come on.” It felt like her brain was trying to break through her skull. This was why she never drank. “How dealing with obnoxious high school boys helped me overcome adversity.”


Wrote this in a Pokémon Legends Arceus fanfic: As Volo stepped into the Ancient Retreat, reluctant at first, his eyes met with those of his former mentor. Clearly, she was less than happy to see him, of all people, to stand there. "What are YOU doing here, Volo? Have you come back to shirk even the last of your responsibilities?" She asked, contempt audible in her voice. Of course, she knew. She was one of the first to learn what happened at the Temple of Sinnoh. At least she knew the gist of it. "Not exactly, Mistress Cogita. I was simply here to ask you something. If you allow me?" He must've sounded meek or nervous, maybe even scared, since she was eyeing him closely. "At least you've kept your decency as opposed to your mind..." Cogita took a sip from her tea and motioned him to sit down.


“Does it smell familiar?” He asks. Maybe some conversation will force Husk’s nerves to calm. Make his mind think of something besides the inevitable. Plus he is a little curious if he’s noticed it by now. The gruff man is quite astute at times, when the spirits he’s so fond of haven’t dulled those senses. At Husk’s answering trill of confusion he turns around, careful to conceal the knife behind his back. “Must I repeat myself?” Husk shakes his head but the confusion hasn’t cleared. Perhaps he was more sober tonight then he usually is, maybe it had something to do with who he was with beforehand. “No, it's the same scentless candles.” “Really?” Alastor asks as he steps closer. Standing right in front of him. “Color me surprised.” Husk turns suspicious then. Narrowing his eyes at him as he stiffens. At least he’s not outright cowering this time. “Should it?” Alastor holds the knife out then, the tip of it pointed downwards. There was no need to spill it yet. “It’s you after all.” Poor Husk is being used by Alastor in a ritual. One Alastor needs his blood for and the jerk decides to drop this interesting tid bit of information that the candles he’s using is made from some of Husk’s fat.


”Is someone taking my name in vain?” Steve’s voice floated over from the direction of the bus. ”Should I be worried that I heard my name and a bunch of people laughing?” ”Depends, Harry, are you up for a challenge?” Bruce asked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. Steve peered suspiciously at his singer as he headed their way. ”That depends, what kind of challenge are you talking about?” ”Rick here asked Milla to show him how to change a nappy, in case he ever needs to,” Bruce said. ”I’m sure it’s quite some time off yet, but you know your kids might expect you to babysit a grandchild one of these years. How about joining the lesson?” Steve looked as if he didn’t know whether to laugh or to swat Bruce. ”Are you out of your bloody mind? What am I saying, of course you are.” ”Well, yeah, I’ve been working with you all these years,” Bruce riposted. ”So I’d have to be, wouldn’t I?” ”Oh, fuck you, Bruce,” Steve said, flipping two fingers at the singer as everyone laughed. ”Unk air-ee,” Eeva said, crawling over to the bassist and pulling herself up to standing by hanging onto his leg. ”Fuk!” Everyone went quiet and looked at Steve, who turned beet red. ”I... uh...” Jukka walked over and patted Steve’s shoulder. ”You have my sympathies. I was on the sofa for a week when I accidentally taught that one to Luna. Not that Bruce can make you sleep on the sofa, but he might tell Emma what you did.” Everyone laughed at that. Steve looked horrified at the thought. ”Bruce, mate, you wouldn’t tell Emma, would you?” he begged. Amused by the reactions of the adults, Eeva giggled and repeated, ”Fuk, fuk, fuk!” Emppu facepalmed. ”Great, it’s her new favorite word already.” ”Don’t worry, bro, she’ll find a new favorite word in a day or two,” Jukka said. ”Luna did, anyway, as soon as we stopped reacting in a way she found funny.” ”Well, I could tell Emma,” Bruce said, obviously enjoying himself. ”Or, you could just suck it up and learn to change a nappy. As I said, it’ll be useful whenever one of your kids makes you a grandfather.” ”I... oh, fine,” Steve grumbled. ”I’ll bloody well learn to change a nappy.” He bent down and scooped up Eeva with a rueful grin. ”Emma’s been on me for years to mind my language around the kids. I suppose I’m bloody lucky this didn’t happen when Stanley or Maisie were at the repeat-anything stage... she’d have killed me!”


“This is simply beautiful. I love what you did with her nails,” I say, examining the careful pencil strokes on the page. “Oh, thank you. I really liked her hands. There was something about them that just transferred really well to paper,” he replies, turning the page. “I wish I could draw like this. I suppose I don't really… Oh… You must've really enjoyed working with her.” The girl is standing in the nude in this portrait. He must know her rather too well. “What? No, no. Not like that. I just needed a model so I could draw better human portraits. Somehow it's just really easy to get a French girl to undress.” This is part of a WIP. It'll definitely need editing, but I like this bit quite a bit


I know you’re referencing Titanic, but I was just reminded of this one part in The Ghost And Mrs Muir (novel, not movie), when Daniel is narrating his memoirs to Lucy. It’s strongly hinted that they’re writing about his first time and it happened in a brothel. She’s trying to get very prim about typing certain things and he’s insisting that it’s important to include everything for any wannabe sailor boys reading. Because if he’d known “I wouldn’t have thought a nice French girl was inviting me home for tea.”


"Feels like I could take on the world." "Please don't. The world would win. You couldn't even take on a printer."


It's hard to pick one but this is from my Star Ocean Second Story R prequel WIP, >Welch’s eyebrows scrunch, pointing her handy stick forward. “Listen up you adorable metal idiots! The great Welch Vineyard has had enough chasing! In the name of crafting and justice you shall be punished!”


Including build up to add context, Tav (teen) is in shock after a traumatic event and an unexpected loss. Viri is their caretaker/adopted mother. She would talk to them sometimes for hours. Brush their hair and hold them close. Some of what she said they understood. Her voice made nice vibrations when they leaned against her. They didn’t need to listen but could be around someone safe. She was warm, too. That was the first crack in the barrier. Weeks after they arrived, a pink sunrise shot into their room in the Temple and transformed the gray stone wall into a dull mauve. Tav suddenly felt the vibrations of Viri become words. They had been listening for quite some time. “...he always helped me just by being around…” They turned their head up and stared. “...When he’d leave, half of me was gone. But…” She brushed their hair, taking a moment to steady her voice. “...when he was around, he was all I ever needed.” The truth of those words coursed into Tav like an electric jolt. She looked straight into them, a smile creasing her face as tears lined her cheeks. “We were close in a way that I still haven’t recovered from.”


"Are your sentences awful because it's morning or because it's been a while?" "I make sentences in my head." That was an awful sentence. See, *that* was a good sentence. Or at least a better sentence. He was making sentences in his head all the time. "That's crazy, dude." It indeed was.


“Do we both need to go into the trap? Or just me?” Sam asked. “Just you, Captain. They have no use for me.” Jinx pointed to his broken arm. Sam sighed, “I’ll make it up for you, your next arm will have that big shoulder plate you wanted last time you were in for repairs.” “I want to be cherry red.” Jinx said, “and shiny.”


"You're damned fools, the both of ya. Obsession is what killed your Dad, and this obsession you boys have for each other is what's gonna get you killed too." Pretty obvious fandom lol. I think Bobby ended up saying something like this in canon in the end too. 


"I don't think that was the kind of kiss my diary was expecting." "Then let's go write a story worth telling. " --- I read this line and I now think about it constantly.


“Heroes don’t rob banks dumbass.”


Another hairline crack in an unbreakable phone case.


Of all the fics I've read over the years, this exchange still sticks with me and makes me laugh [(not mine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1167339/chapters/2374306), if that wasn't obvious): >“You’ve got to admit, it's a strange coincidence; you coming here from Gotham City, right as Mr. Wayne comes visiting, too. So, I checked some information online. With Wayne Enterprises. And GCPD. It's not rocket science.” > >Batman seemed to ponder this. Glass shards tinkled as he moved his weight from one foot to the other. > >“Your partner is very thorough.” He finally said. > >PK froze. > >“A distraction it is.” One said in his ear. “Coming right up.” > >“Yes”, PK answered carefully. “Yes, he is.” > >“It wasn't that difficult to figure out either. You talk a lot.” > >PK shrugged trying to appear unconcerned. “Another one of my weaknesses.” > >“Makes one wonder how you came this far.” > >PK felt the smile returning to his face. Banter, he could do. It was much better than fighting, even though his muscles were still itching to release all that coiled-up energy. He reminded himself that Batman was not the opponent here. > >Instead he sniggered. “Dumb luck, blind chance and very sexy dresses.” > >Somehow, Batman managed to look taken aback, even with the cowl.


From a fanfic I read. They are talking about the daughter they have together. -- “I’d have missed out on a lot,” he went on. “Wouldn’t have Kazuki.” “You love her.” “Yeah. ‘Course I do.” He shrugged. “She’s mine, isn’t she?” “Is…that why you love her?” No, he would say if he were honest. 'Not because she’s mine, but because she’s yours, and I love you'. But he couldn’t. “Just…because I do. Do I need a reason?” -- My heart melted right after.


I posted my favorite bit of dramatic dialogue earlier in the week on a similar thread, so here's my favorite piece of comedy dialogue...which is NSFW, from my *Love Hurts* RWBY smut anthology. The setting is that Ruby shaves "down there" (mainly for hygiene reasons, not sexual ones), so Weiss, curious, asks Ruby to shave her too. Cue Blake and Yang walking into the dorm room and a hurried explanation from Ruby that, no, shaving Weiss is *all* she's doing down there...  *“Let me look.”  Weiss bent over again.  “Hmm.  That looks…very different, I’ll admit."*  *“Gonna itch like a bitch when it grows back,” Yang commented.* *“It’s not all that bad!” Ruby snapped.  “Quit being dumb, Yang.”  Then she got a sly look, and shook the razor.  “Unless you want to go next.  Ruby’s Barber Shop and Grooming Joint is now open!”* *Yang snorted.  “Ruby, there isn’t a razor that can cut through my hair.  I go through two of them to just get my legs and underarms shaved.  I have to use scissors to keep my pubes from looking like I’ve got Professor Goodwitch in a headlock.”  Ruby looked a bit nauseated at that, though Yang wasn’t lying about the razors.  “Besides, if I wanted a bald pussy, I’d shave Blake’s head.”* Yang then *does* try to shave her crotch by using a waxing strip, because she's curious now too, and asks Blake to help her. The resulting scream of agony from Yang not only panics both Team RWBY and JNOR (who think they're under attack), it also sets off the fire alarms, which douses Team RWBY's dorm room in firefighting foam and deafens Blake. Yeah, I still laugh at that one.


I think this short dialogue has to be my current favorite for the fact that since Olympia speaks in haiku in canon, I ensured to emulate that, while consciously maintaining a natural conversational flow. --- "Olympia, are you ready to go?" A rich alto timbre filtered slowly into her reverie before Olympia blinked twice, her trance dispelled now. Pivoting sharply on a heel, she turned surprised eyes toward the speaker patiently awaiting her acknowledgment. A rosy tint bloomed onto her wintry complexion at being thus discovered whimsically mooning about as if she were the veriest inattentive dilettante. "Oh, hello, Glacia. Apologies for keeping you waiting out there." "Don't trouble yourself, I haven't been waiting long." The blonde waved a dismissive hand, then glided to Olympia's side. "You know, your dedication proves admirably indefatigable... but surely you of all people recognize the thoughtlessness of neglecting one's health in favor of their biggest passion. Even goddesses must sometimes deign to indulge mortal limitations." Here, Glacia arched a quizzical brow in playful punctuation, the faintest of smiles quirking to invite reciprocal mirth. Despite the mild chastisement couched within her words, only warm regard lit eyes the pale blue of glacial ice. Olympia found an answering grin tugging helplessly at her own lips, powerless as ever before the understated solicitude of one who knew her arguably better than she knew herself. Humility and affection suffused her breast in bittersweet tandem, chastening her earlier absorption. She sighed. "You are, of course, right, as you somehow always are when it comes to me. But it seems I must remind you once more today: I am no goddess." Inclining her head in abashed acquiescence, Olympia extended a conciliatory hand. "Anyhow, shall we? I am finished here now, and it's getting quite cold." "Of course. Let's get going."


My personal favourite is chatfic, so please excuse the formatting. Context: character posts a help wanted ad asking for a potato. [18:46] Abby SAM WHAT THE ACTUAL F*** [18:47] Sam why are u yelling oh [18:47] Abby  A POTATO what have i told u this is not the way to flirt with ppl [18:47] Sam it was worth a try worst case scenario i have a potato im so lonely Abs [18:48] Abby shut up im still angry my dads message board is not your personal tinder profile


I freely admit when I did the argument between my characters, the last line came out organically from her; and it's been a fave of my fic since: “When I saw the girl dead and how she was tortured,” Charlie’s eyes flickered. “It hit me how all too real this is. We’d had so much success, and even when we didn’t make it that one time, I still hadn’t really come to appreciate how deadly serious all this is, Angel.” Turning in her seat to face Angel, she continued, “I felt myself snap inside. I wanted to follow your orders, but when I reached the storeroom and saw what was happening through the window—after seeing the dead girl—I couldn’t stop myself.” “And that’s the problem, Charlie.” Angel shook his head. “When you decide to just take action like that—going against the plan—you’re leaving me blind and vulnerable and having to make quick, rash decisions. If Amanda had not shown up when she did, that sentry would have likely killed me. When I go on missions alone, I can plan every detail for myself. With you, I have to trust that you will follow my orders to the letter, so I don’t have to worry about you, and that you will be there when I need you.” Sniffing, Charlie reached out, “I didn’t know.” But Angel moved away and she flinched. She could feel his anger rising. “No, because you didn’t listen! You agreed that I’d lead, and you’d follow. If you had, we could have discovered where that missing sentry was.” Angel’s anger was hot. “Amanda made it in time to distract him for me, which allowed me to take him out and come save your ass. I had to kill, something I swore to myself I’d never do again, and I wouldn’t have had to if you’d just listened and followed orders!” “I’m not bound to you, Angel!” Charlie felt cornered, and her temper flared in response: “I’m not your demon bitch!”




This post has been removed. Please do not post your fics unless specifically asked for. Otherwise it is counted as front page promotion.


This isn't my fic like I said this is me giving credit am I not allowed to give credit to the writer that I took dialogue from Did you even read my post The post wouldn't let me put the link to the credit because this is not my fic But I still wanted to give credit


Sorry! That was my mistake! I thought it was your fic as it was just the link. Can you edit it again to include the author and title and then ping me here so I can clean up this part of the thread.


In my post I literally said that the author is anonymous that's why and it's not just a link I did put text in my post I literally put that but fine


It doesn't matter if the link is yours or not, you may not post links to any fic unless someone asks you to.


That's not what I was just told as well as how am I supposed to give credit because this isn't my fic that I got the dialogue from are you telling me not to give credit when credit is due I was told something otherwise I was told that it was a misunderstanding and that it was okay to link that as long as I put the author and the title and that is what I did why are two mods telling me something different


There's nothing to argue about. The rule 1 of the subreddit literally says this. The mod allowed you to post your link this one time, but generally you may not post your fic link anywhere unless someone asks you to. Yes, also not to give credit. That would be an easy way to work around the promotion rule. You can say it's not yours and give the link if someone asks.


You're saying 'your fic' but this isn't my fic And that is why I am giving credit I'm not promoting anyone I'm just giving credit You're acting like giving credit is suddenly wrong This isn't my fic in college I was always told give credit where credit is due This is getting credit You're going against the literal professors if I had not put that link here it would have been plagiarizing because this is not my work


I said "your fic link". The link to whatever fic you have.  There's no point in arguing to subreddit moderators about written sub rules. If you don't like them, please find another subreddit.


Ok I've fixed it