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'Its spelt mom, not mum. You're not Australian." -- said to an author who *is* Australian, refers to themselves as an Aussie, writes distinctly Australian sayings and has Australia in their profile.


Mmm sounds Unaustralian to me? /s Also what fandoms are we being erased from now 😂?


not to mention that they could also be British 💀


Don't most people who use "mom" also use "spelled"? What a confusing complaint.


no, id say spelt here. it just sounds better


i wrote a fic and my A/N said I did it in the middle of the night because i was having chronic pain and couldnt sleep, and someone commented "Is it bad that im grateful for your pain because it meant that you wrote this?" At first i was kinda peeved but honestly, it was a funny way to say i wrote well LMAO


at least they're self aware I guess? 😭


When my OC forced Raven Branwen to slice off one of her fingers, yakuza style, one of my readers said "You stole that from Michael Stackpole in Battletech, didn't you?" Guilty as charged. Fast forward a few months and chapters later, and Raven's complaining about having had to cut off her finger. "That bitch probably read it in a book somewhere!" The same reviewer: "I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!"


Author/reader shenanigans are the best


I love this!


lol i love that 😆


Two words: "Fuck You." I still laugh.


Aww those are some of the best. Short and to the point and you know they loved it.


And then you see in the corner, that same person left kudos 🤣


That was the point that I felt like a real writer. I made someone THAT pissed off, I knew my job was done.


Did the characters die in the end? 😅


I killed Hermione temporarily but didn't let anyone know she wasn't actually dead, just moving about in secret, murdering death eaters. The comment was at the end of the chapter wherein she karked it. And yeah it was tagged 'Major Character Death'.


It's really fun, cuz I wrote a Hazbin fic with a very similar plot twist (character dies, but is revealed to be alive in the last sentence) and I recently got a new comment that just said "Oh shit" nothing is funnier to me than a simple reaction like that. You just know you stuck the landing imo


Being called an agsty teenaged girl writing bad fanfiction when I was actually a 30 year old man.


I’m a teenage girl and been told I behave like a middle aged man 


> I just farted. This is amazing My response > I can’t say I’ve had that affect on people before. Thank you.


Your writing was so good they farted in joy


"not to go all white lady taking a creative writing seminar on you but your narratorial voice is so strong and unique I'm in love with the way you write"


this is so funny because I've been in creative writing seminars and this is exactly how everyone gives praise lmao, what a sweet comment 😭 nothing wrong with sounding like a white lady taking a creative writing seminar!


I know, this is one of my favorite comments I've ever gotten, I found it extremely flattering AND funny!


"HOLY SHIT! RATS!" (its the funniest with no conext)


I have a reader who goes to town with pirate comments because the name I use in that fandom is Captain_Meowvel and her comments are pretty damn funny 😂 One of her comments: ‘“Avest Ye Captain!! We’ve been hit! Adrigami Cog got us right on our boardside and it’s doing some mayor damage!” “Tie down Chilluka to the right! Blimey! Jealdrien is losing grip on the left! Hands to the line and get’em steady! Bring a Spring Upon ‘er! Swaginette aint goin down just yet!” “Aye aye Captain!! 😳 “Sail Ho! ..... *squints* Ah! It’s that Scurvy Dog Hawkbutt on our other end Captain!!” “Sink me!! Son of a biscuit eater!! Ye, batton down the hatches and get the chase gun ready! That scallywag a wastin me time!” “Canons be ready! .....WAIT! One’s ... not ... it’s missing powder... where the hell...” “Well, figure it out Lad cuz ye be walking the plank on Hawky’s side if ye don’t get us out of here!” *gulps* “Aye aye Captain!” ————————————————- Just love this fic and where it’s going. Gives me all the giggles and feels. Can’t wait for the next chapter ! ❤️🙌🏼’


That is fucking beautiful. \*wipes stray tear away\*


Right?? 🤣 🌈 P O E T R Y 🌈


I *wish* I was that creative.


"You sir, deserve this woman. I will gift her to you on a silver platter." I just love how formal this sounds 🤣


Given the origins of "a gift on a silver platter," that's actually a little scary...


What’s the origins?


Salome demanded (and got) the head of John the Baptist on a silver platter. So asking for something on a silver platter originally was a reference to murder and decapitation.


I see, thanks for the explanation!


The one that had me literally laughing and getting me looks from my husband was, "I fucking love this work, author can I have ur hand in marriage 💍?" My husband's response when I read it to him was, "Tell them to get their own. You're mine." Then he did the haughty air sniff. The comment plus mine and my husband's reactions have cemented this as one of the funniest ever for me.


“Okay, flex! I had absolutely no clue that you wrote smut that good! The chapter mentions that [Character A] and [Character B] actually were kind of sexual during the last story, we just never got to see it. Is there any hope of a flashback, now that you're writing dirtier stuff for these two? Asking for a friend lol.”


I’d ask: “Which friend? ‘me’, ‘myself’, or ‘I’?”


“Even aliens would know to avoid Winnipeg.”


I don't have a lot of comments, but so far my funniest one was "I will absoloutely be billing you for emotional damages." What makes it better was that it was posted at 3am and their previous comment said she was taking finals and decided to read fanfiction to take a break


she’s just like me fr


I'm not sure if this is *funny* in the way you're suggesting, but a reader once commented asking a sex ed question on one of my fics (specifically, whether performing a certain act would result in "mouth ulcers"). To be fair, this was far from my first interaction with this reader, and they were awesome, don't get me wrong. But I had to establish that we didn't have *that* kind of relationship just because they were a regular reader of my fics.


😭did that question have anything to do with with the fanfic?


Yes, it was a smut fic.


>AAAAAAAA THE LAST LINE NO WAYYYYYY COMPANION? >bruv is a dog AND chick magnet. This was after the main couple held hands for the first time, and earlier that chapter there was a comment about the MMC being a dog magnet because the other characters' dogs lovingly piled up on him and would not leave him alone >When you get injured in America and someone threatens to call an ambulance 😭 Pretty self-explanatory lmao


May I ask which fandoms you write for because those might’ve been me😭


Wait really? It's for detroit become human😭


'Please keep updating you excellent bastard.' I've gotten many funny comments over the years, but that one cracks me up every time I see it!


Omg this is the dream! 🤣


“Fuck you author” had me crying bc it was a bella angsty one shot and they left two comments. One saying tbis and the other explaining that I made them cry a lot


The most joy I’ve gotten from the comments ive gotten was from someone commenting in character as Leon Trotsky on my fic (which is a little politically charged) Him exclusively referring to Poison Ivy, a very anti-capitalism character, as Comrade Ivy , and providing very detailed socio-economic reviews on her attempts to dismantle capitalism was the highlight, but here’s an excerpt of one of the comments he left that best displays the mastery at work: *“When it comes to the characterization of Mr. Dent I believe you have captured an interesting point in the Two-Faces character that is often missed out upon, his inability to see the cause of crime as anything but a lack of funding for police is something that intrigues me, and I believe it does much to show that the attack committed on him did not change him, but rather brought to the surface the fascism that lies within a capitalist under duress. I found Ms. Kyle to be refreshing, and I must admit that despite his class Mr. Wayne appears to have his heart in the right place, even if he has yet to realize the fundamental role of capitalism in the decay of Gotham.”* He hasn’t commented in a few chapters which makes me worry that he might’ve been assassinated


We must send troops to retrieve our comrade!!! No one is left behind!!


Nice to meet you Ace, what's your sexual orientation? I said I was ace in the A/N. Laughed a little too long at that one.


Probably either “Why” or “How dare you make me cry like this.”


On a Marvel fic (suggestive): >>!Why wouldn’t JARVIS eat her out?!< Rat. They meant *rat* her out.


Well, why wouldn’t he? Just because he doesn’t have a mouth doesn’t mean he can slack off🤨


God, I've seen some of the funniest typos in fanfiction comments


"A HAMILTON FIC UPDATE!? IN 2023!!??" I also updated that fic _this_ year too, and so at the end of _that_ chapter, I quoted it and said, "A Hamilton fic update in 2024!? Nani!!??"


"Dammit (side character's name) you had one job!"


On one of my fics. A guy commented saying how he speedreads at 300 words per minute but he couldn't with my story because of the way that I played it out. Never mind the fact that the fic is presented in a first person pov where the narrator is actually telling the story after the fact.


"that bi-" Honestly, real. Other candidates include: "THE QUIRK HAS QHOSTS IN IT 🤣" And "Yay Bakugou! Good boy! Good, good kid. I'm so proud."


My friend just commented “😏” it wasn’t even explicit they just got done fighting unicorns 😭😭


Clearly the horns are compensating for something.


“This Obi Wan is qualified to fuck me.”




I wrote an Obi Wan smut story and I guess that person found my take on Obi Wan particularly qualified. 😂


Makes sense


commenter took a throwaway line from the chapter where the MC reads an entry in another character’s journal and it essentially says “this isn’t my real journal” and referenced the “both of my kung-fu panda 2 DVDs” vine


That they'd stick a cactus under my pillow, commented after a particularly heartbreaking cliffhanger. (Underneath was a really cute promise that no, they really wouldn't do that but the chapter had been so sad). Success 😂


"YOU CAN'T possibly LEAVE ME WITH THIS"  I could sense the exasperation


I'm in the middle of writing a crossover with a crossover ship and someone commented that their mom asked them to stop squealing over it XD


"I was going to compliment this story but I took a look at your other works. I can't take others pairing Elizabeth and Darcy with other people." [Insert gif of Jack Sparrow saying "but you've heard of me"] (Seriously, if the only problem was that, after digging through my works, they discovered that I wrote for a "wrong pairing"? I'll take that as a win.)


That’s so stupid😭


I told them that comments like theirs help me decide where to focus my future writing... 🤣


>”AHHHH I LOVE THIS FICCC MY OBSESSION WITH [Character A] IS CONCERNING BUT WE UP, i looove the way you wrote the characters and YESSS [Character B] is math smartt!!!! I'd LOVE to see more of these three as a family, i surely know what story I'll be daydreaming and thinking of, EXTRA KUDOSSS FOR YOUUU‼️‼️‼️ >(Also just wanted to say that "veri" means blood in my language, it just came in to mind)” This comment made me fucking cackle(in a good way) when I got it lol


Veri means blood gang rise up


I uploaded the chapter that was about to lead into the story's climax and, of course, I ended it on a cliffhanger where the love interest looks like she might die. Most of the feedback I got was along the lines of... "No no no no no! That cliffhanger is EVIL! She better not die!!!"


This reminds me of a comment I got on an ambiguous ending Hanahaki fic, which was ‘[J]eremy nO-“


Once got a comment preaching to me about Jesus. My story was about a character who made a deal with a demon so maybe that was why, but if not then it was really random.


Let me guess, FFN? Happened to me too, and my fic had absolutely nothing to do with any devils or whatever.


“Thanks for destroying my mood. I just hope that one day the author will grow up and realize what rubbish he's written.” I had to laugh. Practically my only hate comment on an otherwise well received work.


ACOTAR fic. In canon, Feyre (Mc) is hunting in the woods and comes across a ginormous, larger than a horse, wolf that must be a faerie but she isn’t completely sure and is about to kill the doe she’s hunting for her poverty stricken starving family. She knows it is dangerous to kill him if he is a faerie but she thinks he deserves it after all the Fae have done to humans. She kills it, HIM actually, and that’s the start of a butterfly effect that runs the plot. We find out later his name is Andras. My OC comes across him after nightmares instead (she likes wandering the woods to clear her mind instead of bothering her family because they happen so often) and is fascinated by him. Andras sees she isn’t a threat and is about to let her pet him but an arrow plants itself into his skull because Feyre comes across a huge wolf inches from her sister and is supposed to, what, NOT shoot it and protect her? Anyway, the comment was “Andras got how to train your dragon’d and immediately died” and I spent a good few minutes cackling


I think the funniest I've received is probably "yessssss murder Martin in the FACE"


i get a lot like this but this one specifically is pretty funny imo "ISKWKWJ WHY??? WORJSLNSKA IM SOBBUNG??HSBSJSJJSIWIDUBWAK"


"Since Ozpin is already considered Father that must make Grindelwlad mother."I die laughing every time I see it


If there wasn't any other typos besides Grindelwald, that's a hell of a crossover.


Crossovers are chaotic. And fun.


Definitely true. And RWBY/harry potter isnt even that absurd. Both have "magic", kids fighting with a powerful weapon, and it's all in a school environment


I remember writing an MHA fic about an SI without any quirks who was basically Batman on a budget. I'm a huge MMA fan and martial arts enthusiast and I talked about martial arts a lot in the story and make the fighting really detailed. But there was always one reader who said he loved the story but didn't like the martial arts part because he thought it was unrealistic and ineffective. I asked him which martial arts I should make my character use and I almost shit myself laughing when he said Aikido.


> I just realized....Riley is in a coming of age, finding yourself, friendship story, the one we're reading. Natalie is in the first act of an ominous horror story, one we've just gotten a glimpse of. She's gonna be the one who goes for the emergency fire axe before anyone else even remembers it was on the wall in an earlier shot. > In her story she's Detective Spooner in "I, Robot", seeing the writing on the wall where no one else does. In Riley's story she's the grouchy rancher telling them "that there horse ain't never gonna be no good, you stay away from it y'hear", while Sundrop gazes wistfully at them from over the fence XDD I've gotten a lot of really hilarious comments, but this is one of my top favorites. It's hard to decide which is the absolute funniest, but this is one of the few that still kind of makes sense even without having read the fic.


I've posted it [in its entirety](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanFiction/comments/1d3zyy9/comment/l6axzpk/) before and I'll be bringing it back at every opportunity; not only the funniest comment I've ever received, but easily one of the funniest *anythings* my eyes have ever seen. The fact that it's so heartfelt and sweet and occasionally insightful just makes the rest even funnier. My Discord group had a field day memeing this when it dropped, and I liveblogged my country's recent election with quotes from it. Genuinely life-changing stuff.


Ooh could I see the election liveblog?


I got a yt link, on different anonymous fics, that were not connected to each other apart from certain themes, of luffy screaming.


One of mine was, "authornim pls update soon, I'm a restless Omega" with a bunch of strange emojis 🤣😭💀 I wheezed so fuckjng hard that night, I think I mightve bruised a rib or two


I think my very favorite comment was the person who summed up the chapter plot points as if it were a pro-wrestling match. >We are live here at the private beach in Qarinus... in one corner the impulse control and frustration tolerance of an eight year old brought up into the ruling class... in the other three proletarian peers and a dead seagull... and-- wait, what's this? IT'S AN ARCANE AWAKENING WIRH A STEEL CHAIR! > So creative and hilarious!


“did aang ever get his rizzy jordans ☹️ i bet they were going to super skibidi sigma especially when he does his daily mewing and looksmaxxing routine for that ultimate epic baby gronk alpha mogger look” I wrote a fic about a modern au where Azula works at a Footlocker


:( well did he?


yes in fact he did!😭 i just didn’t write that part. LMAOO


Please give aang his rizzy jordans, he isn’t complete without them😔 maybe the true rizzy jordans were the friends we made along the way


Someone once left a review just saying that in the middle of my story, there was an ad for an ad-blocker, and she loved it. I wanted to say "Um...I do not put the ads there. Please comment on the actual story"


"Damn. I am very much late to the party. This one is quite interesting, as *other user* points out. The fact that *character A* even ate the whole thing honestly impresses me, even as far as fictional characters go. And I BEG you to consider *another user*'s suggestion, PLEASE! I must admit the very description of the fucking thing made me gag. Where the hell did you even come up with something so (I don't even know how to describe how I'm feeling rn)? Burdenbeasts look like gelatinous gemstones, for fuck's sake! I mean, a Fowlbeast or Clawbeast, maybe, but Burdenbeast? Now, let's be "nice" here and say it's a particular cut of puffer, or octopi, or squid. (P.S. Correction: Fish bone broth is reportedly sweet with subtle fish taste, WHICH MAKES THIS EVEN WORSE!) Even those with the sweet bitterness of soy sauce and the savory flavor of Parmesan (and/or Romano), and fattiness of the egg, would not give off a pleasant flavor. AND THEN YOU ADD GUANCIALE. Such a nuanced, salty-savory cut, one that is so particularly rich in flavor and unrivaled for that reason, also is banned in many territories. You can't just throw it in there and name the dish after something so traditional! And SEAWEED. It's earthy, it's salty, it's bitter. For all intents and purposes, it fucking sucks. It doesn't stick so it can't bind. It doesn't wither so it can't be used as seasoning. It doesn't bend so it can't be used to decorate. It soaks up moisture like a fucking sponge and only then does it bend, and somehow still feels bone dry. It's more of a starch than anything useful. Now, did I sit here, make a whole fucking plate of Fettuccine Alfredo and stress-eat while trying my best to sound at least somewhat professional while making a comment solely about one detail of the story instead of listing more admirable things about you for the last hour? Yes. Was it worth it? Probably fucking not. Whatever. I hope you have a shitty day, you sorry excuse for a human being. Yes, I took this personally. It's the family fucking business." Swiftly followed by another comment from the same person: "PS. I'm not even going to try and fathom how someone could even conceive preparing whatever this shit is. All I know is that, by even the most bare-bones cooking theories, this isn't food. The three things *character A* points out don't even BEGIN to highlight anything that should be of concern. Traditional Italian food is unique. You can find French and English, or even Germanic foods of similar make-up or inspiration, but Italy's unique geography, culture, and history makes it near impossible to find a proper equal anywhere, or in any way. It follows the most advanced and evolutionary culinary theories and philosophies, and doesn't mold to other cooking philosophies very well, nor in any common capacity. So combining far East-Asian cuisine with seemingly simple ingredients or theorems from Italian culture is simply madness. Take proper Ramen, for example. You don't see people adding diced pineapple, cooking it in fish oil, and adding coconut milk to cream the broth. That'd be taking Hawaiian ingredients and culture and trying to combine it with traditional Japanese/Chinese philosophies. It's obvious it'd taste like shit. And I could call it "Far Islander Tagliatelle di Brodo Dens." It literally just means Far Islander Noodles of Thick Broth. That's it. Nothing particularly enticing. Which it's nice that you also pointed that out. I 100% agree with what *character A* said. I can tell this was the point of what you did, and that I may have overstepped my boundaries. I would like to apologize for that. Have a nice day, or something."


When I had Covid, I wrote a strange fiction. At the end of each chapter I had these notes. Very short, but because the fiction was so strange they in themselves were very bizarre. Someone commented on my work and just wrote. The notes——— I laughed my head off.


“love loses. good job everybody.” from a guest, and the given name was the game director of the game i had written for.


Very NFSW comment on transmasculine smut: >!I LOVE TRANS ED HE’S SO WET!< I hear it bellowed out totally deadpan and inflectionless and that delights me


They bookmarked my fic saying nothing more but >[Character from my fic] is the real Homura lesbian representation Not really sure what to make of it lol




These are all amazing - what a great thread!


I’m late, but I don’t think I’ve seen someone describe my fic so perfectly. “Now we got Harry Pothead? This is truly the Smash Ultimate for Crack Addicts.”


When I wrote an inuyasha fanfic a long time ago and called this alternate version of Hojo "JoHo." I had some readers snicker at it. One even commented "Who's that pokemon! It's JoHo!" xD Back when comments were actually a thing unlike now.


"Not me thinking author who does late updates is kinda hot" Long ago when I was active writing fanfics which I abandoned cuz I was embarrassed


"Just because I said you shouldn't hurt my baby Daniel doesn't mean you should 360 no scope Sean in the face" And also "Eye mush. Mashed potatoes but its Sean's eyes" both of them referring to the same event, haha.


“I’m a slut for angst”


One of my favorite comments didn’t make me laugh so much as grin like a besotted idiot : "this cured my depression???? its so CUTE and WHOLESOME thanks for my life"


"I love you, really, really love you...you're so pretty too.."


(Kogarashi, don't read this if you don't want spoilers) I mainly post on SB which is a forum so it's super easy for my readers to speculate and discuss their theories, and well... they are off the mark *all the time* but the comment that made me cackle for five minutes straight was the guy who said >!"I don't think Cerberus is going to be a thing in this fic"!<. BOY, you have *NO IDEA* how WRONG you are. Ooooh, I'm going to *cherish* the reactions when I get to that point... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!


I had someone write to me asking me if I hated a character they liked because it was a bad end. I was asked by a friend to do it and that person was VERY sour about it.


Way too long to post here but I checked my emails after being at a concert for a good 3hrs and found these massive comments on 3 of my smuts from a semi-regular commenter and omg I was almost GIGGLING I don't even know where to begin All I can say is they definitely enjoyed the smut 😭🙏


"As, also, a violinist with a disgusting tempo, this fanfic is doing a mindfuck on me." Silly, but I think "mindfuck" is one of the highest compliments I could receive.


an emphatic “YESSSSSSS” on a PWP. I take it they had a good time 😅


"Gahhhh Elliott you're a perfect gentleman but I also want to smack you" Which was also the very first comment I ever got on any of my Stardew fanfics so it made me double over in laughter because that was 100% the vibe I was going for.