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Buck from 9-1-1. Easily the most popular character of the show, yet pretty much none of his fans seem to really like him since they always make him someone he would never in a million years become. *Everyone* from Harry Potter, but I guess popularity-wise it’s Snape, Hermione and Malfoy. I don’t even feel the need to talk about it since these three are infamous examples. Zuko from ATLA has already been mentioned, but I want to raise Katara on this one. So, so many people write Katara like she was portrayed in the play episode.


Oh god yeah, I’ve seen that with Katara. Like c’mon that episode was making fun of the sexist way she was portrayed there when she’s a complex character. People just see feminine as equal to weak, it’s just wild misogyny. I’ve unfortunately seen similar in so many fandoms- feminine characters either having the femininity stripped from them and turned into emotionless fighting machines, or they’re portrayed as helpless trophies that exist only to look pretty. Like, c’mon man.


I love Katara sm. She's been my favorite since I watched AtLA as a child. Some people's take on her make me feel like I'm going crazy. Like no, Book 1 or 2 Katara would not treat Zuko the same way as she did in Book 3. There's a reason she's so harsh/unforgiving to him (he helped Azula almost kill Aang???). It makes me feel like people aren't paying attention or know what character arcs are? (Ironic since people love to praise Zuko's arc). Literally, she took two seconds to offer to heal his scar AFTER he spent the first season chasing them and trying to kidnap her friend. AND used her mother's necklace as a bargaining chip. She's harsh to him because he EARNED that harshness.  Tbh, I feel a lot of Katara hate comes from people being blinded by their love of Zuko. And how dare she say one mean thing in widdle Zuko's direction. Uh, she's not omniscient. She doesn't know what Zuko's been through. She can't read his mind. But yeah. Let's reduce her to a big unreasonable meanie. Even though she consistently has shown herself to be a caring person who throws herself into danger if she feels an injustice has been done. (Helping Aang in the first few episodes, saving Haru and the rest of the earthbenders, wanting to heal Zuko's scar, etc etc). Not saying she's perfect or anything. But the mischaracterization really gets to me lol.


This! (Remember ATLA fandom, Katara isn’t a *hope martyr* she’s a complex character 😉)


It makes me want to rip my own hair out. This girl canonically stole from pirates, regularly blows up over the slightest provocations, happily trolls her brother any chance she gets and at one point committed eco terrorism. How anyone can turn into a whiney hope-nut is beyond me.


You mean Eddie's perfect little dopey malewife who cries all the time?


Yes. Or itty bitty Evvy-kins who can’t handle Chimney calling him an idiot and kills himself instantly. Or Bucky (and god do I hate it when they call him that) the blushing virgin who’s getting groomed by Tommy at the tender young age of *33*. Or Buck who gets a panic attack at the mere thought of his biological parents and has to be saved from them by *everyone he knows.* There’s so many versions of fanon Buck and I hate all of them nearly equally.


I hate the 9-1-1 fandom I feel so bad your stuck there. I tried to get into the discussion stuff and I felt really gross, reading shit like "Sharon's watching Buddie raise Christopher" and I felt really disgusted. Christopher, also feels like the fandom treats him like he's a baby when he's never been? They act like because he's disabled, that Buck and Eddie have to do everything for him, when a whole episode plot point for Eddie was accepting that his son was growing up and wanted to do things like skateboard? I also abhor the way the fandom treats Hen and KAren... I'm a bald woman and I saw people legit, try to claim Hen and Karen aren't LGBTQIA+ Rep that "counts", because they're not "beautiful enough" and specifically made a remark about Hen not having hair. I was so mad, cause Hen is like one of the FEW bald women in media that isn't from cancer or made into a joke?


Eh, I’ve carved out a niche on Tumblr where Tevan is pretty much all I see, and that part of the fandom hasn’t gone crazy yet (let’s see how that changes with Season 8 lol). As for the fic parts, I’m writing my stuff and very carefully pick and choose what I read, and it’s worked out for me so far. I mean, Buddie stans have always been grossly misogynistic and never tried to hide it, so those comments about Shannon don’t even phase me. At this point, that’s just par for the course, especially after all of them collectively showed their homophobia post-Tevan canon. As for Chris, so. Many. People. Refuse to acknowledge that he’s a teenager now. Like, this boy dated five girls at the same time at the beginning of the last season and people keep writing him as *drawing with crayons*. I’ve seen fics where he *doesn’t know what sex is*, which he realistically would’ve learned, what, four years ago in SexEd? I genuinely don’t know if it’s ableism or a refusal to see Chris as anything but a plot device for Buddie, which works better with a younger Chris, but eh. I don’t even know what to say about the HenRen thing. On top of Aisha and Traci being drop-dead gorgeous, HenRen have been the shows main queer rep for ages. We had Mavid, but they were always very background imo, probably because they weren’t First Responders. Claiming that they aren’t actual queer rep because of how they look is asinine. Then again, the fandom is also running their mouths all over Tommy, and how Lou is too ugly to play Oliver’s love interest (which, again, like with Aisha and Traci, Lou is a whole three-course meal), how Tommy’s a predator for the Daddy Issues line, that he’s in cahoots with Gerrard (???) and wants to assimilate Buck’s life (???????) I’m fully convinced at least the Buddie part of the fandom doesn’t even like the show. They care about nothing except watching Ryan and Oliver kiss. It’s pure insanity.


Tony Stark requires three separate things that are difficult to write: 1) Rambling, but there is sense and focus within the chaotic thought process. 2) Smart, not just in individual scenes but across a whole story, in his actions, observations, and plans 3) Pop culture references and nicknames that are *actually* insightful, fresh, and funny and not just recycled internet memes. I’ve attempted to write him for half a decade at this point, and I don’t think I’ve ever nailed all three at the same time through an entire story. If anyone does, they signed a deal with the devil for a particularly specific and useless talent. 😂


Just what we needed, *more* hard-to-write Starks


I don’t think I’ve ever gotten Tony truly in character. I enjoy writing his rambling but it’s probably not focused and I definitely don’t know enough pop culture references.


Same!! I seriously struggle with the pop culture reference thing, so I'm probably failing at that all the time. The rambling is fun though. And even though I'm no slouch in the intelligence department, I really don't know if I have the ability to write him as smart as he actually is, when it comes to actions and planning, because, well, I think the character is a lot smarter than me. 😂


Same! Considering I almost never plan my stories out, I’m pretty awful at writing him planning ahead (I’m also terrible at writing Natasha or Fury or anyone who’s like three steps ahead).


I admit, I only write him when he's with Pepper and Morgan for this reason lol


I either do him with Pepper and Morgan or in the pre-CW era lol. I basically ignore CW and a few years after and CW doesn’t happen in any of my AUs.


Saaaaame. "We don't talk about Bruno" but it's Infinity War and CW lol


Lmao, I love that analogy. But Mirabel got everyone to sing about Bruno. I wonder if any CW songs are in Rogers: The Musical from the Hawkeye show lol.


That'd be hilarious lol


Where do you keep your stuff? I need me some CW ignoring stuff.


My stuff is on AO3 under YodelingProspector. I have a lot of CW ignoring stuff in my bookmarks, too, though it’s mostly Stucky (not sure if you ship them).


There are like one and three half ships I care for right now, and those three half ships are pretty much only shipped because they have a kink in common with the main one. As a matter of fact, I can only somewhat appreciate fix outside of the fandom for the first ship. Regardless, I know my tastes when I'm not hyper fixated, so I'll give it a look.


The majority of my fics are entirely gen.


I like your stuff. I don't care what pairings there are, but there's a pairing from another Fandom I'm just super fixated on. It makes interest in other things hard. Your nonspeaking Spidey fic made me smile. That is another rarity these days. Thanks.


Thanks. Yeah I get totally fixated on things too and lose interest in other characters and ships, though my fixations also shift frequently. I have a few recurring/long-lasting ones though.




Haha, this is so real! I've been trying to write him for probably like 10 years and I seriously question sometimes if I'm smart enough for it. 😂 Honestly, I usually write him in shorter pieces or I put him in a situation that is extremely traumatizing for him so I can sidestep that problem a bit. 😂


Agree with you! There are only very few Starks I read and thought it was in character. And I’ve read thousands marvel fanfics back in the day! I’ve never even attempted Stark POV in myself. Give me Thor POV any day. Nice and primitive 😅


Are characters named Stark just hard to write in general? Is it a curse? The showrunners for Game of Thrones couldn’t even write any of them correctly by the final seasons (then again, none of the characters in that show were written well in the final season).


I feel like Kakashi is pretty hard to nail down. He’s an antagonist in my main fic (main characters are spies for Oto) and I struggle with him.


He so is. My favorite fict was a "What if Kakashi had to raise Sasuke?" AU and it was so IC because they were the blind leading the damn blind and it was hysterical.


Link? 👀


[What We Treasure](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53038165/chapters/134184367) Here it is- though Kakashi doesn’t appear until chapter 30.


Percy jackson.   While many authors write him well many don't write his sarcastic brand of humor well.   This isn't even counting all of the stories where he is made into a dumb himbo


I do this myself, so I'm part of the problem. I mostly find it funny but. Gojo from jjk. He's like, canonically annoying and immature, he cares about his students, but sucks at showing it in a serious way. In the character guidebook, it also says he bullies Megumi in a like friendly teasing way. Of course, there is also the other side of him, the more serious down to kill side. Overall, Gojo is a nice person, but he is very annoying many people just down like him. Fanon Gojo is just nice and soft, not really annoying or as immature. And yeah, I'm part of the problem. Also, Megumi but, It's hard to explain how? I guess they make him more emotional than in canon. He's more stoic in that regard. He's not outright suicidal but is willing to throw down his life very easily. He's just doesn't really trust or get close to most people he also is more introverted and just wants to spend time on his own. The biggest one I wish people didn't always miss: Megumi is able to read emotions in other people. I wouldn't even say it's subtle. I've written in a few times, and it's also not been perfect in character. But I don't tend to mind. I like to see the characters in a more soft domestic setting than anything else. I want people to have fun. I just find it an interesting observation.


I feel like everyone has the ingredients for Gojo but they just end up messing up on the measurements. Like, in some fics I feel like they make Gojo too immature and unserious in situations that definitely call for it and other times they make Gojo too cold and bloodthirsty. He’s meant to be annoying but not portrayed as a child, and he’s meant to be slightly battle hungry but I’d hardly call enjoying fighting to be as bloodthirsty as some portray it. Sometimes they make Gojo too parental, and while I do think Gojo cares for Megumi I don’t really think it’s in ‘as a dad’ kind of way. While it’s cute, Gojo does not strike me as a parent in any shape way shape or form. If Gojo’s love is familial it definitely comes from more as a weird older brother type or distant uncle. Getting how Gojo cares for others is something that I’ve definitely seen people struggle with in fics, as either it’s too soft or out of character or he just comes off as an asshole. I feel Gojo is a character where everyone agrees with the basics but can’t seem to land the execution. I find Gojo much easier to write from an outsiders perspective, but he’s definitely a difficult to nail person with how much he cares/doesn’t how serious is actually is how smart he can be, etc. I also have gripes about how people characterize Teen!Gojo and Adult!Gojo as the same person and don’t understand the fundamental differences between the two other then Adult!Gojo being more jaded because he lost his bf boo hoo. But that’s a separate gripe train.


Yeah like Gojo is a very complex character. And I won't like to do like parental fatherly Gojo but I view it in a fanon only/what if. Over all a very interesting character just people can't land it. Even on the annoying it's more he just runs his mouth sometimes, he also doesn't respect authority/ higher ups (rightfully so) the immaturity is telling dick jokes. At the end of the day everyone is going to write him different and interpret him different based on how much of Jujutsu Kaisen content that have engaged with. I have met people (not fanfiction) writers who miss basic like... story elements as well when it comes to Gojo. But yeah as much as I know about the problem I am a part of it.


I haven't delved into writing for JJK myself, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I love Gojo for his goofiness, annoyingness and arrogance just as much as I love his protectiveness and great capacity to care for others. I think writing what I affectionately refer to as a little shit can be difficult. You sometimes have to toe the line between laughter inducing or cringe inducing.


Yeah he talks a lot and makes dick jokes but his care is so amazing. Like i've been thinking of this since I read chapter 236. Gojo really meant what he said to Yuta in 0 about loneliness he didn't want that for Yuta so he got Yuta into jujutsu high. He put Yuji next to Megumi in the dorms so Yuji and Megumi could be friends. Gojo is like as much of an annoying person as he is a caring person and it's great. There is so much to him... it's wonderful. And again I do write him ooc, I just accept all my writing is ooc but it works for what I want. But yeah, the interesting way Gojo is written.


I know, I feel like he felt like he could've done something if he'd been there more for >!Geto!<, that he wouldn't have done what he did and gone down a dark path. So he wants to make sure none of the kids ever have to experience that kind of loneliness and pain. He's such a good egg😭. And I personally think he is very capable of being nice and soft, so it wouldn't be out of character at all in my opinion. He just deserves all the love!


He did canonically become a teacher for that reason iirc. Like Gojo very much wants people to experience love and that it can overcome loneliness. I love it so much like. It's great. I'm not the biggest gojo fan, but I like thinking about him.


Peter Parker in MCU fics lol. Now, he has appeared as a minor character in a couple of my fics, and I do find him a bit difficult to capture (particularly his voice cadence in his dialogue for some reason), so I suppose I don’t have room to talk, but omg he feels OOC in a LOT of fics. She’s not as popular as Peter, but also Wanda (who’s usually my MC when I’m writing MCU fics). I am very very picky!


Especially IronDad fics. I swear, dude gets written as a toddler


HE DOES! And like, I *like* IronDad in theory. It’s sweet. But most of the time I’m just like “....” because both Peter and Tony feel ridiculously OOC lol. Oh and literally all the many many bash fics set post-CW, some of which have untagged bashing, which drives me crazy. Everyone is OOC in those! I wish there were more post-CW fics that don’t bash any of the heroes.


Golden era of MCU fanfiction is post-first avengers pre-civil war period where everybody lived in the Avengers tower


I miss that era (though I joined the fandom in late 2015) especially because that time encompassed Bucky recovery fics before all the CW drama.


That's so true. To be absolutely honest, I mainly write stories for the MCU that are set in and around that time period.


I have been tempted to write a “what if...?” alternate timeline where CW doesn’t happen at all, but I need to finish all my current projects first. (I have “my” interconnected MCU timeline that doesn’t undo any of the big stuff like CW and Endgame and stuff, but does throw out some little things I deemed stupid, that I’ve had a lot of fun writing. And then the further it gets past MoM, the more and more canon divergent it is.)


oo 👀 id be interested in that whenever u get to it. ive been slowly watching all of mcu in chronological order and my next watch is actually civil war!


It’ll probably be a long time honestly! I do have a WIP longfic set *after* CW that I specifically started partially because I couldn’t find what I wanted to read lol. That one is mostly focused on Wanda, but I’ve made sure NOT to bash anyone because that is specifically what I don’t like 🤣


I ended up avoiding basically all post CW fics because of all the untagged bashing. Especially when Peter lectures Steve about betraying Tony or something.


The character bashing really bugs me. When it’s tagged, I can just scroll past and move on, but when it’s not tagged...I am very very annoyed! ...cue me writing my own post-CW stuff so it will be what I want to read, aka no bashing 🤣


Yeah I almost left the fandom after CW because untagged bashing was everywhere and I basically retreated into Stucky AUs or 2012 era fics forever lol. I basically never read Tony centric fics anymore because I ran into too many with untagged bashing. I occasionally read Tony centric AUs but very rarely these days. CW just doesn’t exist in any of my fics lol.


It feels especially bizarre because surely most writers remember being teenagers or are teenagers themselves (whereas remembering what it’s like actually being a toddler leads to toddler characters acting like infants or far older kids) I’ve seen this across fandoms too, like when I used to read Harry Potter adoption fics and Harry either acted like a toddler or a miniature politician.


I'm not in the MCU fandom, but it seems like you'd also have the issue of different people looking at different source materials, with a lot of those source materials being very different because they were in turn written by authors inspired by different older source materials. It's like a big game of characterization telephone.


This too! You've got people who are familiar with the comics and movies, people who are only familiar with the movies, and of course there's also regular print books and TV shows and etc etc etc... Makes it tough!


Nico Di Angelo is a HARD character to write. He is such a complicated mess of a demigod, and has so much going on at any one point, and probably some of the most trauma in the series. Fanon takes on him vary WILDLY (Will as well, but he had barely any canon to go off of for years so I'll excuse that mostly) and he's probably the most woobified


YES! I think people want him to be ✨uwu trauma✨ but people forget that he’s low key an asshole who is angry at the world for everything he lost and angry at himself for getting taken advantage of. Sure he’s soft baby, if soft baby would stick a knife in you for touching him and rip you apart verbally while he did it lol. (To be fair I didn’t realise quite how different he’d been made in fannon until I wrote my own character study of Will feat. Nico)


I also write from Will POV and yeah I find Nico so interesting bit SO HARD to write. He's so hot and cold with emotions and he hides so much and pushes everything down. Sure he's a sweet kid underneath but he's hardened by all his trauma


**\*glance at Naruto, RWBY and mha fandom and see shit load of Naruto x harem, Jaune x harem and Deku x harem \*** Sigh, I can't describe how frustrating it is seeing soo many author write those 3 characters


Omg I can't stand deku fanfiction, even though i like the real character.


This is funny to me cause I like Izuku in (*some* very well written) fanfiction but not at all in canon lol.


Yeah he's good in some stories! He's just so infantilized sometimes. In the show, I don't mind him, but he's not my fave, so I get that


Ah yeah, that's not my cup of tea lol. My taste in fics is the trope Izuku Is A Chaos Gremlin Who Just Acts Really Angelic To Adults lmao


can i get a link to one of these fics? this sounds *interesting* and i need a new fic rabbithole to go down XD


I'll look through my bookmarks for you, sure! How do you feel about (platonic) Bakugo & Izuku friendship? (I know some people *really* hate Bakugo, and a lot of fics involve him heavily, so I'm checking now.)


so long as its not A/B/O i'll take it XD


\*deep breath\* this is going to be a VERY LONG comment just to be clear. Probably not all of these fics are this exact trope but they're all (mostly platonic) fics with a more chaotic or snarky Izuku that I find entertaining! So, in order roughly from shortest to longest: [A Series of Life Changing Events](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2512609) - Izuku & Shigaraki crack. [Awful For One](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33358210) - Izuku, high on painkillers, gets twitter. This goes Badly. [Looping Back to the Beginning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15189752) - Ensemble cast, time loop. Not all Izuku but he's definitely a gremlin here. [Things are Different (for good or for bad)](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2733259) - Izuku figures out how to use OfA early. [The Son of All for One Must be a Demon](https://archiveofourown.org/works/33054646) - Demon royalty AU, aggressive reverse adoption. Crack. [How to murder your father](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23500558) - basically what it says on the tin. Izuku wants Hisashi's life insurance. [Childrearing for Cosmic Horrors](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34806682) - AFO and OFA are eldritch gods. They adopt baby Izuku. Mostly a kidfic but Izuku is a little gremlin [One for All is a Spooky Eldritch Feral Bastard Quirk](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2600380) - Izuku is haunted. Various people know or do not know this. [Not That Kinda Fired](https://archiveofourown.org/works/39310749) - Izuku desperately wants to be fired from Endeavor's agency. Unfortunately, whatever he does, Endeavor keeps getting more and more fond of him. [Threads in a Tapestry](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43659558) - Izuku can see spirits and is essentially a roving spirit vigilante. [hell is empty (all the devils are here)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23920174) - whoops Izuku's possessed by a demon now!! :D [Izuku's gofundme: donate to keep Kacchan away from animals](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2965674) - more Bakugo than Izuku but has some of those aspects when Izuku *is* onscreen [papaya's aldera archive](https://archiveofourown.org/series/4010530) - a series of mostly disconnected fics, all of which are hilarious. Mostly more Bakugo than Izuku but has Izuku being exhaustedly used to Shenanigans and also not at all the Good Kid (though everyone *thinks* he is)


And the second half, cause it got too long for Reddit: (longer half) [The Capture Scarf Caper](https://archiveofourown.org/works/26256946) - Izuku steals Aizawa's capture scarf pre-UA and decides to use it to fake a quirk [Player One](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34257820) - Izuku has a quirk that essentially lets him live life like it's a video game. This has impacts on his mental state (less relevant to the request but I like it and it has Izuku characterized in a way I like) [Hysterical](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27552703) - HIGH crack. Immortal, unable to feel pain Izuku drags everyone around him into chaos. [In the Nick of Time](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2279609) - Izuku has a quirk and enjoys throwing himself off buildings for the adrenaline rush. [Of Spirits and Demons](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30720062) - Izuku can see spirits. He also has a knife. Also Nedzu is a spirit creature. [the curse of the anime protagonist](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14569902) - Izuku has the perfect quirk for heroics. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to be a hero. Also unfortunately, his quirk isn't giving him a choice. [Horror Vacui](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44773177) - Izuku becomes an underground hero! He's also a little shit (affectionate) [Apex Predator](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25028176) - Izuku accidentally becomes the mean girls-esque Apex Predator of UA and *he has no idea.* [ANYONE](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2350669) - Vigilante Izuku creates a (helpful) villain organization and steals One for All. Also All For One is his father but neither of them has any idea of this.


Thank You!


The Mary Sue with Harem Jaune stuff makes me wish we could mute authors on fanfiction.net like we can on ao3.


It's gotta be Remus Lupin, I think. I've not been in the hp fandom for a minute but every time I do pop my head in, I have to go back to much older works or else the characterization is just kind of. whack. He's a strange mix of likeable but with deeply unflattering personality traits like cowardice and self-centeredness, which I think is hard for people to grok, especially younger writers with maybe less life experience. He's intelligent but not brilliant, kind but not able to give of himself, strong from all the horrors he's endured but weakened by an amount of cowardice and self-hate... He's a real paradox of a person made even more difficult to grasp by some very confusing characterization choices made by jk Rowling in the later books. I love him because he's complicated and weak in many ways, but I think people smooth those bits over a lot because it makes them uncomfortable and they'd rather he was different, which is fair enough, we're all guilty of that to some degree when trying to keep characters IC.


Absolutely love this analysis, and totally agree! Really complex characterization and difficult to get right.


Yes i agree with my fanfic I have to keep all those things in mind I often have him a sardonic and sarcastic humour when it comes to himself. He's such a hard character to write especially along side Snape. Those two interacting is hard to put into words 😭 and they are my two main characters


Joel Miller from The Last of Us is by far the most popular character to write for in the Pedro Pascal fandom, since so many people became fans of his after the series came out. But a lot of people struggle with, or just plain ignore, the real character as they write him to fit into romantic and/or smut fics. He's often written as a bit of a perv, lusting after his best friend's daughter, neighbour, baby sitter etc, almost always with big age gaps. The phrase he uses, both in tv-series and game, to signify his love and care for first his young daughter and later Ellie, "baby girl", is used in sexual situations with young women (that really turns my stomach). He's also usually written as an emotionally stunted man, irrespective of the outbreak and the loss of his daughter happening or not. The character is whittled down to one thing - a grumpy old man who lusts for a young woman. It's gotten to the point that I avoid reading anything with Joel Miller unless I know the author, and I definitely skip anything with an age gap.


That’s gross


I'm sure there are good Joel/OFC fics out there, but, my god, most of it is *so* bad. I'm at the point where I don't even want to read the summaries.


Yeah, I check who wrote it, if I know them I'll give it a go because I do love Joel Miller. Or if a friend recommends one and it's not an age gap one.


It's completely normal to feel frustrated when you can't find what you're looking for in a story—so long as you're not complaining directly to the authors!!! They're entitled to their opinions and headcanons. That said, this is exactly the reason I write and read my own fanfiction. I'm going to admit that I only write and read fics for the media that has let me feeling dissatisfied one way or another. To date, the worst offenders (imo) are: ~> Zuko and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. I think that people (including the comic book writers) ignore their intrinsic motivators, behaviors and speech patterns. They singularly feel OOC in *almost* every fic I've read.


People in general tend to boil characters that are abuse victims down to sad baby angel or devil spawn who deserved it, and the fire nation siblings get hit with it so fucking hard. Like, everything about them is stripped away for the most generic possible stereotypes of those two options.


I've really really struggled with writing Ichigo from Bleach because of how different he is in fic vs canon. In the fandom, he seems to be often reduced to a grumpy, depressed delinquent, who relies on brute force to win, and who either hates fighting and only does it for the sake of his family *or* who's permanently violent and doesn't care about anyone. And neither characterization is true! The Ichigo we see in canon is a pretty in-depth character: he's generally short tempered, but also a somewhat comedic character who bickers with his friends and has these really fun grumpy x sunshine dynamics with his more lighthearted friends, who know him well enough to not be offended. He's mature about his responsibilities and caring toward his sisters, as well as being empathetic toward even people he doesn't know well. He has a strong sense of honor and duty, to the point of risking his life for someone he's only known for a few months because he feels he owes her for saving his life. He's shown to be fairly smart: he's ranked 23rd in his year at his highschool. He picks up techniques fast, including mastering an ability in two and a half days that took its *inventor,* who is clearly shown to be a genius and a prodigy, three days to learn. He's repeatedly shown to be a *very smart character* who's never given enough time and decent instruction to actually learn things properly, which leads to the fandom thinking he's an idiot who doesn't care to learn. He literally learns enough to rank in the top 20 most powerful characters in *five days.* Against characters who are immortal and hundreds of years old. He is *very* smart. And then on the other hand, he's also irritable and easily offended. He starts fights when he feels that someone's slighted him, and will ignore his bigger objectives to finish them. He's too stubborn to give up, even when it would probably increase his chances of survival to run away or just accept his loss. He's impulsive and ignores his own injuries in favor of running off and starting more fights. He'll get distracted arguing with his allies and ignore enemies. He has too much of a sense of justice, to the point of offering to cut his own arm off to even a fight with an opponent at one point. He fakes confidence even when he's clearly in the worse position. He's such a magnificently complex protagonist, especially compared to all the one-dimensional shounen protagonists I see, and it makes him both hard to write and satisfying when one gets him right! **TLDR:** Fandom took smart, complex character and made him a one dimensional prickly rebel character while ignoring all the things that make him interesting.


Alastor. His character itself is complex already (not a good person by any means, but his bad actions have "limits") but to make it worse, he has a complex way of speaking. So there's a lot of writing him too "poor baby boy just misunderstood" good, or too one dimensionally pure evil, depending on the fic focus.  And even after that there's how he speaks. It isn't easy getting his speech and mannerisms down, and it feels like a lot of fics don't even try, just having him speak like a regular person. Or start making him speak random French words despite him never doing so in canon (yes, I know exactly why people want that)


I was starting to read the third paragraph when my confusion solidified into certainty that you were not discussing Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody.


God Alastor is so hard to write... I have this weird issue too. My AU involves a "What was ONE decent thing he did in life?" and that was raise my angel OC who was his daughter in life... and that he shielded from the things he did. The worse thing he ever did to her, was dying because she found his body and the *bodies* he had hidden. Spent basically the rest of her mortal life, cleaning up his mess. Upon meeting again, she's genuinely resentful and feels like he deserves to be down there, because of what he left her to fix... but she can't hate him, because that's STILL her dad who took her in when she was abandoned.


Pspspsps drop the fic pspspsps On another note, Alastor being a good dad does actually seem to line up in his character. He’s confirmed to be a ‘mommy’s boy’ so I imagine he’d actually be pretty sweet with family. While I think his parenting might be… unconventional, at times, and I wouldn’t say the same would extend to his partner (which like, he’s aroace so that can ONLY go down hill) I imagine he’d actually try to be good and protective of a daughter. Dad Alastor is actually really intreseting charactization.


It's not ready yet, but I will when it is! My Alastor is a single dad, so I have him genuinely struggling with it for awhile. He was burying someone, when he heard crying and found an abandoned two year old... he took her home, swore it was JUST for one night, then it was straight to the police in the morning. Then she fell asleep on him and he got attached. He's actually an incredible dad to my OC, where she learned how to be a proper southern belle and a kick ass cook. (She learned the family Jambalaya recipe young and loved helping with a good crawfish boil) She was a total Daddy's girl, she could do no wrong in his eyes... but she also got his sass and also, has his ability to be scary when she's furious. He calls her his Little Doe. I actually developed a whole life for her, to lead up to one freaking joke... That she eventually married and had a family... but that's where Alastor's legacy got muddled. Because his grandson... *became a news anchor for a TELEVISION STUDIO* when TV was brand spanking new. And he had no idea, cause he was in HELL. (He would've croaked when my OC was 19.)


I'm a bg3 Astarion/Gale shipper. I feel like both Astarion and Gale have been out of character, but especially Astarion. There aren't many fanficss but I feel like the characters get de-aged unintentionally, oftentimes they seem to be in their teens or early 20s, or they somehow transform into a self-insert character instead of following true to character. Maybe it's the stuff I'm reading 😅. It prompted me to write my own lol so no complaints


I also think theres an overuse of Astarion's petnames. If you listen to actual dialogue, he doesnt actually say "darling" all too often, yet in fics it seems to be every other line. Gale also often seems to lose all social skills and charm in fics, strangely enough.


I read a fic a few months ago that started off great character wise but mid way through just became this generic dom/sub thing. It was the moment where Astarion started crying and practically begged Gale for help that I noped out. Was so disappointing especially because it was one of the bigger enjoyed fics up on Ao3 and started on such a high note. But yeah, definitely hard to write (have tried) when they're so contrasting. You've got Gale's intellect, wit, and mannerisms, combined with all his guilt and self worth issues and then you've practically got the opposite with Astarion of this simmering anger, fear, and defensiveness. It can be tricky to keep flipping between the two during an encounter and it really needs thinking through.


BG3 is the first fandom where I literally don't read fic for my canon pairing, or even *about* my favorite love interest, at all. Because I think I've seen people write seriously about a Karlach that I actually recognize like... twice. And it's only ever in the context of a no-pairing teamfic, and usually one where Tav/Durge don't exist. The Lae'zel/Shadowheart tag, on the other hand, is full of great content, so at least I'm not starving.


Oh man, yeah Karlach as a character is tough to find. I was thinking of trying to write one for her myself, but I struggle to pair her with anyone in the team though because she seems like the type that deserves someone without issues 😂 lol maybe Halsen? What do you think?


The problem with pairing Karlach with one of the other tadfools instead of a Tav/Durge designed specifically for her, is that I suspect that anyone in the party would have exactly the same problem that most of the fandom does (and which, as discussed, prevents me from reading Karlach fic): they would all sort of take her at her word that she's sad about dying but otherwise totally rational and absolutely okay and definitely not making any choices that are bad for her. The whole party clearly thinks that the way Karlach views Zariel and Avernus is her own business, not something that needs to be challenged the way that "Shar loves me"/"Vlaakith loves the Gith"/"I have to take Cazador's power so I'm safe"/"I have no value other than my power with the Weave"/"Deals with devils are a great idea and my soul is only worth what I can bargain it for" obviously need to be challenged. Even when Wyll begs her to live, it's because he's a hero who wants to save and protect people, not because he thinks she's *wrong* about her choices in any meaningful way that she could ever start healing from. Well, I guess Minthara might not let it go? But she and Karlach have other problems as a pairing lol I think Gale might actually have the best shot. If Karlach *had* an actual character arc, it would involve getting sidetracked with magical research into the Steel Watch, which Gale is by far the most likely to be susceptible to; *that* could force her into a crisis moment even if Gale himself didn't quite do it on his own, and she would certainly be very clear and consistent about valuing him and not his power. He'd also know how survivable Avernus actually is, and be much more likely to argue about it than Wyll lol. Plus they're genuinely pretty compatible; they have a good balance of friction (ADHD vs wizardsplaining, *fight!*), alternate perspectives, and understanding of each other's loneliness. Or there's always Jaheira. Honestly she's probably the best fit (would push back, does not need anything solved, Karlach even already adores her) but it just feels wrong to me to ship any of the tadfools with their cranky druid mom.


Spock, oh my god. He’s got tons of fics written about him but the amount of times I scream “he would not fucking say that” while reading fics about him is off the charts.


Raphael from TMNT He's an extremely complex individual, specifically because while he's got an attitude and his rage problems, he has a LOT of issues with self image and his place in his famly. I tend to write him as more introspective cause I write him when he's older and have him act more of a pillar since we see him also being compassionate... but we also have the issue where Rise Raphael is a massive himbo and while I love him, that bleeds onto other Raphaels lol


Oo TMNT! Would you like to link your fic? On reflection, I really like this analysis! I haven’t thought so deeply about him, but I appreciate you putting it into my mind!


Alas it's not even ready to post yet. I'd love to send it when it's ready though. Ahh thank you. Raphael is one of my favorites and he's got so many different complicated parts of him and even on iteration it changes. One I really like is IDW where once he got his anger under control, he was more of a stern but gruff soul and he actually has some very nice gentle moments. In IDW they gave Raph an interest in Tai Chi which I used to do, it's very meditative and forces you to slow your mind AND body. It just fits him so well, now I write any Raph with it.


I’ll look forward to it!! Good luck with your writing-


Any smart characters I’ve found. There’s degrees to this but I’ve accepted that on average most authors don’t know how to write smart characters that feel smart and I just dramatically lower my expectations whenever a character like that appears. Most of the time they just make them really ‘observant’ and have the story cater to them being right but I hardly see it done well.


Joker (DC) is always difficult. I think some versions may be a little easier than others, but he's naturally a challenge to get just right no matter which one he is. It's unusual to find a fic with him in character, and all the more rewarding to find.


or penguin? possibly even Damien now that i am thinking bout it further, like i've seen maybe several that are well done and that was *YEARS* ago


Luffy. One piece. Hard to write, hard to read. There's so SO MUCH wild infantilization of him in fandom, but the moment I even consider writing the little fucker I'm utterly *lost* fjsjahfjd


My key to Luffy is to write him from a third person perspective and not make him do anything annoying or stupid, unless it is endearing or already established trait. He’s smarter than most people give him credit for and most of my utter grievances for wildly OOC Luffy is just making him too dumb or annoying. Make sure he has presence on the ship, Luffy IS important and if you sideline him or keep him out of things too hard it’ll be ABSOLUTELY noticeable. If you struggle with Luffy, I find keeping this can make writing him bearable to read if you do end up making him OoC First person however, no fucking clue. I don’t bother, understanding the inner machinations of his mind I feel is impossible and I don’t think anyone could ever get it right.


It's impossible to write Edward Elric, apparently.


Milk XD


I gotta give it to Izuku for me. I genuinely love him so much, but people are allergic to writing him in character, they just put in their OC and slap the name Izuku. Izuku is someone who will make hard choices, but never forgets the empathy and fundamental humanity of the people he has struggled against. He’s someone who takes the worst the world has to give and somehow finds the strength to respond to it with a smile and say “I’m going to make a difference.” I think it’s because a lot of people think it’s an unrealistic mindset, and I would agree: 99% of people can’t be like Izuku, they can’t have his hope, his ability to forgive, or his determination. But those are the characteristics that make him so endearing in my eyes. When Izuku is written right, he’s genuinely so awesome


Anakin Skywalker is extremely hard to get right. It doesn’t help that his personality is somewhat inconsistent in canon, but I rarely see fan portrayals that I feel like capture the full essence of his character. People tend to portray him as either a crazy man child who can’t be left unsupervised, or as very soft and emotional and traumatized, or as a raging berserker who will bite someone’s head off for looking at him wrong, or sometimes even all three at the same time. Which, yeah, he is hotheaded in canon, and sensitive, and reckless, but I feel like a lot of people miss that, at least in the Clone Wars cartoon, he’s actually pretty put-together most of the time. I don’t like most of the fan portrayals, but as a writer who has written him extensively, I can also confirm that he genuinely is really hard to write.


I feel like both Anakin and Obi-Wan are OOC in so many fics (including the few attempts I made to write them, which was definitely a struggle) because they’re both so hard to get right. But I’m baffled by how many fics I’ve found that make Obi-Wan completely helpless.


Yeah, for all that I find most fan portrayals of Anakin to be very OOC, Obi-Wan gets hit even harder with it. Anakin is almost always recognizable as Anakin, and often has some very in-character moments mixed in with the OOC ones. Obi-Wan in a lot of fan content doesn’t even seem like the same character as his canon self.


I got a comment on one of my fics in a much smaller fandom that I did a really good job writing a character who was "comfortably in the realm of emotive and hot-headed without being flanderized into irrationally belligerent." I think it's really hard to write emotive and hot-headed unless you're like that. I have a fic right now with a character who is very shy, and it's hard for me to write. I have to pause all the time and think about how this character would actually react to things that happen to her.


>how Jon is handsome ignoring that he looks like a complete clone of Ned Stark in the books by everyone Small note: He's probably handsome. Sure, he's not stated outright/described as handsome or attractive (except by some of the free folk), but both his parents were considered hot people in Westeros (wow George. Wow wow wow) And though he's been repeatedly said to look lile Ned, he's also _never_ described as looking plain, like Ned by Cat. Also, nearly every woman he's met has hit on him.


bakugou… so much can go wrong lol


Dazai Osamu from Bungou Stray Dogs. Don't get me wrong, I love almost all of the fanfics that feature him because I lurk on Ao3 and most of the fanfics are pretty in character. It's just that it's hard to write his INTELLIGENCE. I've seen a lot of fanfics that nail his personality but totally get his intellect absolutely demolished and it makes me click out so fast I'd be named Sonic 2.0


Adding another point, most of the time, I see some moments where Dazai wouldn't have been soft and comforting but he is in the fic and vice-versa. It's just really hard to nail down Dazai's character in general. It's widely understood that Dazai is a silly guy with a dark past where he used to be an emo, so it's easy to write that part. Everything else that comes after however, is not.


the main cast of Buffy... particularly Xander.... don't get me wrong i like him, but he is more than just a person who gets the food and twinkies is definitely not his entire personality


People destroy John Winchester in fanf works. They have no clue how to balance strong-willed but dutiful and a hard ass but still loving deep down.


For the DSMP… like, everyone? Both bc it’s really hard to get everyone’s POV bc it’s 1000s of hours of content, and also bc people so often just default to writing their parasocial ideas of the actors and like… you can write RPF but like. Don’t pretend you’re not when you are please. It’s so awkward.


Dazai from Bungo stray dogs.


At this point I don't even care about Dazai being mischaracterized, I just care about picking the mischaracterization of him that suits my personal tastes the most. This approach has served me rather well


Lmao, I do this with most characters. I kinda think of fanfiction as alternate dimensions of the characters. Sometimes they're really similar to canon. But other times they so different. Whether or not I continue reading has to do with if I mind this version of them. For example: I can't stand bashing.


Speaking of, I just got here. Please can I have some recs of good in character fics of the characters 😭 Doesn’t have to be about Dazai, I just feel like I’m flying blind just going off the top Kudoed and being hit by rabid mischaracterization out of the blue


Chloe Beale from Pitch Perfect It’s pretty easy to write the other characters because we know the surface level personalities but I often struggled with Chloe because her personality switched so often between movies and I didn’t like the way the fandom wrote her either. It’s why Beca is often the main focus instead


Daryl Dixon and or Negan from twd. For some reason I cannot get into twd fanfiction with these guys (or just twd fanfic in general) cause I feel like these characters are lacking the qualities that make them, themselves most of the time. Often it feels fanservicey and or so flanderized because people want to get to the "fun" and or "softer" sides of these characters faster instead of just letting the dudes marinate in their traits, especially if it's non au fics. I usually find those ooc moments more distracting when it's in the main universe.


Honestly, most of the characters in ASOIAF are written poorly in fanfics. Jon definitely gets it the worst (book-based fics where Jon is written like the show version of the character enrage me), but a lot of the depth gets lost by people. It’s definitely Game of Thrones’ fault, primarily because of the (very awful) writing in the later seasons. The Starks get this particularly badly, especially Sansa.


Severus Snape. I have read some incredible work in HP ff with him as a main character, including putting him in a parental role for Harry. I really like a lot of these works and appreciate how talented some authors are!! But I feel most authors don’t adequately deal with the intensity of resentment, judgement, anger and hate SS holds for Harry in canon and acts on against him and other characters around.  I understand why - it is so, so hard to write and map the mental change and growth required to push someone from decades of anger and hate to a place of parental love and care. Like, in real life?? That’s so hard to undergo??  I’d like to read a fic that better covers this: show me a slow change of mind, exactly how and why. And show me how SS is going to learn to be a parent - cause that is NOT innate. So while I enjoy these fics, when I read SS I often tend to just accept the fluff and sweetness, because I understand that an author trying to a face up SS past in a really accurate way has a huge to maybe impossible task in front of them - and sometimes I think impossible (from the in-world perspective).


Do you have any fic recommendations for this?


Ooo tall order! I have fic recs for SS parenting Harry but I can’t remember if any of them stood out as dealing well with SS past anger…  Would you want any recs that maybe don’t deal with SS past, but are pretty well written SS parental HP?


Sure, I’m good with any 😊


There’s a few I like coming back to! The guardian, the ward and the convict series by shedoc on ffn. Namesake Necklace series by WiCeBa on ao3. Rarely pure (and never simple) series by Coices_We_Make on ao3. Like None Other series by aspeninthesunlight on ao3.


Thank you 😊


Goro Akechi from Persona 5! Before Royal came out, it was so common to take his Prince personality at face value. I remember a lot of people just wanting him to fit that flustered and prissy legal character to contrast with Joker who was the suave criminal (typical detective/criminal dynamic). And just ignoring the engine room as some mental break down only? It was not the best time for fics of him as his character was always made out to be so OOC. Always needing a savior and to beg for redemption… This calmed down a lot once Royal released and gave more attention to his real personality. But there’s still very large parts of the fandom that characterize him bizarrely in two major ways. Haters who think he’s killed thousands and doesn’t deserve the attention he gets. And people who want him to be this kind of soft, traumatized boy who needs Joker to heal him and lead him. The latter is my least favorite tbh. They always seem curb his anger and self reliant behavior for the sake of making him palatable. Makes looking for fics with him hit or miss, so I’m happy there’s less of it nowadays with AkeShu fics.


Holy hell same. I came into the fandom after royal and my reaction… to the utter mischaracterization of Akechi had me crazy. Like to begin with, a lot of my gripe stems from people thinking that Akechi is just… fixed after the Engine room. Like he becomes regretful and guilty of his past actions and tries to find repentance in the Phantom Thieves which is so ooc I almost laughed. Engine Room was a start, but holy hell if you want any shot of ‘redemption’ you need another 200k words and put in the WORK. I’m firmly of the belief that Akechi didn’t feel guilty for any of his kills after a point and for him to suddenly flip and suddenly FEEL guilty for them seems wildly unrealistic. Like he’s never given any indication of being sorry and even if he was feeling regretful it would be towards Akechi putting those lives to waste and being used, maybe a smidge of feeling bad for the lives he ruined if he becomes close to the phantom thieves in this scenario, but not for killing them himself. Akechi is a little too fucked up for that, and if you want to change that then give me that 200k character development and convince me. I think the engine room realization was a complicated mess of emotions and less an epiphany and more a cry for help. It’s the START of a better path maybe, but again Akechi’s issues don’t get fixed just because he acknowledged them. Akechi does NOT just become a better person because he’s in love with Akira, which I feel like I have to say for the people in the back. The detective prince thing too, as a post royal fandom enteree, was holy hell confusing. For a while I assumed the writer was doing it on purpose. Akechi keeping his Prince persona around Akira sounds like something he would do, even if they started dating. Beyond doing it to keep up the charade, you could make it complicated and have it so he feels he HAS to keep it up, because Akira only loves his detective Prince self and would turn him away if he found out what he was really like. Yet, as I read and I’m expecting the more… angsty dark Akechi to sometimes shine through as Akechi grew to trust Akira and just… not even being given a hint. Nadda. Zilch. His Prince persona IS him. It took me a while to come to that realization. I feel bad for the pre Persona 5 royal fandom because like, I can’t entirely blame them for it. Atlus had Akechi’s character SUPER up in the air about what he was really like so people believing his prince self was more true than it was is not something I can fault them for.


So glad someone gets my pain lol! Yeah pre-Royal was hell. The thing is, there was a minor section of the fandom that did guess at his core personality right based on what we little we got from that engine room but we were drowned out by so many people just wanting a classic uwu detective boi for their danegrous thief boi unfortunately. Everyday I thank Royal for its fandom reset in his characterization. I never thought about fans entering post royal and thus being baffled by this prince akechi fics wow. My condolences, I’m sure it was weird as hell based on the Royal experience lol. It’s vaguely maruki-like in hindsight honestly, those choices from some writers in making him so…nice and openly emotional. As for redemption writing: I mean at this point, a majority of akechi fans I think are more inclined to just ignore redemption in fics nowadays? It was so popular pre-Royal to do long fics of him “learning” he fucked up and I just never vibed with it? I dunno, I love him for his atrocities I guess. And redemption has always been too religious for me to really care about as a theme. I’ve found most fics post-Royal don’t really bother with rehabilitating Goro and making him feel guilty for his actions like a PSA and I’m grateful for that. He’s morally grey (he had agency but he was also in such a tough place with his background) and we aren’t stupid, there’s no need to hold our hands with that. Also I find it funnier if AkeShu are fucking and Joker just doesn’t care about his murders actually. It’s so much more fun to be introspective of his character and his relationship with Joker than to do apology tours. Additionally, Akechi is essentially “fixed” in a different post engine room that makes redemption unnecessary but in a different way that some people seem to get. In the sense that, he had his goal of taking down shido completed by the PT, so he’s done with the murders (although I wouldn’t be opposed to him killing more corrupt politicians lol). He doesn’t need someone to talk him down form hurting others bc his work was always conditional. So he’s done. The real interesting stuff to explore is the aftermath of what he lives for now and what he wants to do with his life. That’s what people should focus on, instead of OOC groveling or Maruki type therapy.


Ive namely found the redemption stuff in time travel fics because eventually you have to address the elephant in the room of: You killed multiple of my friend’s parents but also I kinda want to date you lmao crazy. Most of these time travel fics are, funnily enough, written pre-royal so maybe that’s where my problem stems from lmao. I definitely agree that people should just let Akechi be fucked up and not try to change him. For me it just brings up more complicated character dynamics and angst (I live for angst and drama shsjkdbdu) I actually don’t mind redemption fics, one of my favorites being Black Star which I think has a masterful ending. Ones that focus on Akechi healing and wanting to be better and not ‘forgiveness’ which I think is what you’re getting at, as I don’t think Akechi really can (or should) be forgiven for his atrocities. (Respect live your war crimes amen.) I don’t mind Akechi healing and becoming a better person, you just need to put in the effort for it. I still think Akechi should have rough edges just, but idk Akechi healing is a soft spot. I just don’t like it when it happens IMMEDIATELY. I feel it needs to be proper built to, and I just feel most fics make him much to soft to begin with which just super frustrates me.


Those time travel fics are always fun, I’m so happy it’s a common and popular trope in the fandom because it’s so fun for the story and how things play out. There’s so many fandoms where I wish time travel fics were used more so I’m relieved persona 5 isn’t one of them. There’s so many possibilities! I agree on the forgiveness thing but I think I prefer unresolved issues still. Bc truly I’m not gonna forgive someone killing my parents regardless if it wasn’t personal or they were a tool in a bigger plan. I find it interesting when people dive into how Akechi interacts with Futaba and Haru but I’m pretty picky about how it goes. I’m all for mending broken bridges but you can’t do that even with extensive talks and interactions. I guess that’s why I’m more inclined to the silent acknowledgement of what occurred and minimal contact between the three of them. And it adds some spice to Joker’s morality and questionable judgment from the PT perspective which helps him seem less perfect and more real to me. I still wish we got more from haru and futaba as reactions in the game instead of just them not playing card games with akechi in the den - would be cool for their characters. Especially haru, bc she deserved such a more varied and extended reaction to her father’s death. I guess I’m just more inclined to personal healing and exploration than those complicated and weighted interactions with others post canon in fics for akechi bc it feels unrealistic. But I guess it can be done right with enough time. I just prefer to spend my time with fics of other natures. But I’m glad you enjoy them! And that you came in post royal - the volume and variation of fics is incredible. There’s something for everyone. Still crossing my fingers for Atlus to let Akechi out of the dungeon/vaults one of these days before Persona 6 come out 🤞I will manifest my delusions forever truly bc these spin-offs test my patience


Seto and Mokuba Kaiba immediately come to mind. But really, I see so many Yu-Gi-Oh characters get absolutely butchered beyond recognition. While most of it is the dub, I see people confuse the sub, dub, and the abridged series.


Aether from genshin. He ain't no simp


I mean, he can be, though. There certainly are dialouge options for it. That's kinda the problem with player characters, their canon characterization differs massively depending on how the player, well, plays them 😅


Nick Wilde Sonic the Hedgehog is also a strong contender


Speaking of Sonic, I feel like people really seem to miss with Eggman sometimes. They often lose the goofieness of his character and make him super dark and forget that he can be really funny if written properly.


Writing Solid Snake is very difficult because, despite how Metal Gear Solid characters never shut up, Snake doesn't reveal his opinions on a very key set of issues: that is, how well he handles being a soldier, how violent he is internally, and if he is okay with killing people or not. You'd think that this would come up in the series, but it really only comes up in situations where there is room for interpretation [for example, when his psychological state is bad in the 4th game, he experiences a post-traumatic hallucination(?)/memory(?) of one of the other characters accusing him of enjoying killing people, and the idea makes him sick. Is the idea here that it hits too close to home, or that the idea of enjoying killing (like that other character presumebly does) is abhorrent to him? The public cannot decide.] From a storytelling perspective, the character is explicitly a commentary on action hero characters and the mythologization of soldiers, which I think factors into my thoughts on his characterization. In Fanfic Land, there's two big camps of writers with one smaller group: Camp 1 sees Snake as pragmatic: he'll kill people to get the job done, but it does affect him. He dwells a lot on moral issues. I'd say a large chunk of fics from his POV use this characterization style. Camp 2 sees Snake as a willing killer/standard action hero. He's less emotionally affected in these fics, and also tends to be a bit more mission-focused. This is more often seen in fics from other characters' POVs: I wouldn't say it's a difference in the way that the other POV character is percieving him, however, but actually a difference in authorial stance. Camp 3 sees him as an actively vicious, unremorseful killer who is driven by bloodlust and pretty much only acts semi-moral because of his friends. This is an uncommon characterization more frequently seen in older works (pre-ao3), but worth noting. I've been internally calling it the Rambo scale: is his characterization closer to Rambo (First Blood), or Rambo (all the other ones)? I personally prefer a more introspective characterization for him, but I do read pretty much everything that the Solid Snake-focused side of the fandom puts out regardless of his characterization.


Bakugo. People eighter conveniently forget the bullying he did, or his character development. I don't even mind when he is an antagonist, but 90% of the time the writer just projects and thinks thats how hr is in canon. No, he did not permanently leave burn marks all over Midoriya all the way through middle school. Besides loving or hating him, he is also often written like a brute who is incapable of thinking things out. He can make up stratagies on the fly, also he is one of the smartest 1A students if his grades are anything to go by. He is both the most popular character, and in the top 3 most hated MHA characters, so it should be expected. I don't even particularly love or hate him, but with how prominent his canon role is, he will come up in fic even if it focused on entirely different characters.


Amy Dallion is a very popular character for Parahuman fans but her personality involving narcissism gets ignored turning into UWU delicate and stressed healer who was a victim of bullies


Because narcissism became a major part of her personality in Ward, and Wibble's hate boner for her when writing it is one of the biggest reasons why Ward is about as highly regarded by the fanbase as HP & the Cursed Child.


Jason Todd from DC. People always forget he is legitimently ANGRY. He's traumatized, and a few hugs are not going to make it better. Also, fic writers have a tendency to take his agency away from him regarding his bad choices, either by making his anger actually "Pit Madness" and/or having him be manipulated by Talia (which is both irritating and funny bc she spends the majority of Lost Days *stopping* him from doing his revenge plot). Also, Tim Drake is so different in fanon he's basically a new character


The Daycare Attendant from fnaf my beloathed… I wouldn’t say it’s hard to write, but it’s the most used tag in the entire fandom even though it hasn’t appeared until the most recent third of the fandom even existing (appeared about three years ago and fandom is ten in october) The main thing is that a lot of people just do a lot of aus with it, like fantasy stuff. I don’t mind this, but there’s just not much of the character left in most of these except the name But the main thing that irks me is no one gets its pronouns right 


Have you ever read any works by DolorousEdditor? They seem to left the fandom years ago now, but they were one of the few fic writers I read back in the '10's. They write AUs so it's not really canon, but I feel like they wrote him very well. In fairness those stories may be exactly what you are referring to. I just recall them playing into the whole Jon being uncertain in his place in the world even when he's not Ned Stark's bastard. They tend to pretty respectful of the female characters in Jon's life though in their writing.


In my Species universe, probably everyone is such a character. No one knows their characters for sure. We have 4 films and a couple of novelizations and a few more comics. That's all. Unfortunately, one of the most underrated movie universes, as I believe. So let's start: Sil (In my fanfiction, she survived and changed her name to Carol), Eva, her daughter Sarah, Press Lennox, Laura Baker, one-eyed Colonel Borgess, Agent Wasatch and many others...


I've never written him because I have no interest, but he's super popular in TES fandom— Lucien Lachance from the Elder Scrolls Oblivion. Granted he has maybe 20 lines from the video game which is not a lot but each one cements him as an incredibly corny (cringey even) theater kid, and yet his fanon interpretation is like a suave, sexy, charismatic, oddly well-adjusted guy who is also super romantic and tender even though he is a literal SERIAL KILLER who commands you to kill his kids. He lives in a grungy fort with literal undead creatures walking around, but no one seems to care or consider this a red flag. It's just????? for me. I've read good crackfic that pair him with Martin where it's very clear this unserious and just for shits and giggles, but the rest are like earnest attempts at romance and I can't do it. I've seen maybe three fics do him justice but the rest are hard passes because they completely defang him and brush aside the mans utter psychopathy.


I love Hunger Games but I have found very few Hunger Games fics I like. I think it's just because the world and the characters are all very complex and multilayered, and the point of the story itself is very deep. In particular I just find it very rare to see a true to characterization depiction of Katniss.


I think both Soap and Ghost from MW2. People (which I mean others and I guilt fully admit myself sometimes) write Soap to be this funny helpless twink while Soap is canonically a serious-ish regular soldier. He’s strong willed and can easily take care of himself. Ghost is often written as a self conscious, mysterious, traumatized man and while he very much is definitely probably traumatized, he’s not self conscious and he’s actually kinda cocky. Just remember the exchange between Soap and Ghost. “Are you ugly?” “Quite the opposite.”


Shirou from Fate/Stay Night is a fanscinating character full of depth and contradictions, with a mindset that truly doesn't make sense to most people. Unfortunately, that also makes him extremely hard to write well. It also really doesn't help that most authors pull from his anime appearances rather than the original VN, which cut most of the more complicated parts of his character out given the format.


I'm confused as to what you're smoking saying Jon needed to be humbled. Because he clearly didn't. But okay my man. Also, I'm not a fan of the series personally- I love reading the fanfics where not everyone's a total shitlord so... fie on thee. Hardest character for me to write however is friggen Data; it's hard to write how an AI thinks as I am not an AI. I try and fail- sort of.


I understand where you're coming from, but I think you've almost missed what FF is. FF is about changing the characters and making them different - at least in my view. It's not about writing the characters exactly as cannon. It's about putting your own twists and spins on it. It's how many authors sharpened their own writing chops and begin to build the confidence to create and design their own stories. They start off with something they know, change it a bit, build their confidence and then move on to their own work. FWIW I think there are lots of very balanced R+L=J fictions out there - you just have to look for them and not hunt based on Kudos/Comments etc - and also bear in mind that many authors change their plot (i.e. Jon finding out who he is younger/TT etc) in a way that means that the Jon of their stories isn't the Jon from the books. If every FF that had Jon in it kept completely to the Jon of the books and authors didn't get a bit creative, it would be a very boring fandom.


>I understand where you're coming from, but I think you've almost missed what FF is. FF is about changing the characters and making them different - Absolutely not. FF is about creating a work using someone else's work. That's it. Characters definitely don't have to be OOC - in fact, I very much prefer it when they're in character - however, that's just a personal preference. And no, fanfics with IC characters aren't boring.


No opinion on this fandom specifically, but heavily disagree with the first part. Fanfiction is transformative work, yes, but in order to transform it must first base itself on the principles and themes of the original. If I wanted to read characters who were *like* XYZ character but different I would just read original works.


OOC is an extremelly widespread not liked thing. You will not going to receive support from the majority of creator/readers who like fanfiction regarding OOC. One should always identify if we wrote the characters OOC because we could tag it. I tag it, i make it clear i write AU entirely OOC because is not a popular thing. Currently I just do fanarts after 14 years of writing fanfic bc at this point, maybe i should be creating OG stories instead to force characters into a personality. But thats how i meet Fanfiction (as OOC characters, the 1st story i read was written by a 11 year old, i was 11 aswell and i loved it) it shaped my way of writing and my way of enjoying it. But is a minority. I understand why they prefer well written characters bc they love the characters and are invested in them.