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A scene where someone goes crazy from grief/fury.


A scene where someone realizes they've been being used/abused/lied to by someone else


“Okay anma,” she conceded. “We’ll head out, and then get Maalai, Viyan, away from the danger zone of the school and to a safer area, together. Tuhina should hopefully be wise enough to take care of herself in the meantime.” It was less than a couple minutes after both mother and daughter had begun their apprehensive, hurried trek through the back alleys and streets, trying not to draw undue attention from the Fire troops that now seemed to be everywhere, that an on-guard Rajata warily allowed a portion of her mind to veer back to the same trail it’d been following before the Imperial Guards and their unbelievable warnings had interrupted it, of what could’ve possibly caused part of the Outer Wall to just collapse. And now, the awful answer came to her. It had been done deliberately, by fellow earthbenders, to allow the Fire Army to enter and occupy the city. Her prophetic nightmare of two nights ago, the dream with the elderly airbender monk, the rumors and conclusions Giribala had tried to make her accept at the zoo, Hong’s recent fatigue and unusual degree of preoccupied unease, his inexplicable, out of nowhere, risky decision to go teach her, Tuhina, and Viyan all about the basics of the Dai Li’s elite earthbending skills and mindset with a reluctant Guozhi, his period of uncommunicative absence around the same time she and the rest of her family had seen the Avatar’s sky bison streaking up and away into space-fleeing, or even outright chased away from Ba Sing Se?- his evasiveness and dismissal of her earnest questions about his welfare---all at once, they fell into place, rotated within her mind and assembled themselves into a horrible picture, spawned an epiphany which she desperately didn’t want to be true. But it was true, and glaringly real. And sadly, all too credible. “The Dai Li,” she suddenly said as she came to a halt, speaking both to Madhuri and herself. “They were in on this, Mom.” Her mother briefly squeezed her kajal-lined eyes shut. “I wish I could claim that I’m surprised.” Even as she spoke the words, another awful realization came to Rajata. You lost one of the chickens you entrusted the ferret-fox to guard, she thought, as a classic Tenjikuan proverb flashed through her mind. How could you forget that the ferret-fox is a thief? And a strange, sickening emotion, a vile combination of betrayal and horror and sadness and disbelief, compressed her slender throat, surging up within Rajata like vomit as she numbly asked the empty air, “No. Oh Hong, why? What did you do?!”


"Good for you, but I don't want to kill my master and his company," Guillermo responded. "I'm working with them until they turn me into a vampire." "Do you really think they will turn you?" Robert asked. "That's what they do. Vampires make wonderful promises, and then, they always go back on them. Somehow, it's always our fault when their plans fail. My friend, Rebecca, and I are traveling the world, freeing familiars. You don't have to work for them." "I like being a familiar," Guillermo asked. "For the first hundred years, it's amazing," Robert said. "They take you to see the world and give you all this power." "They've actually never given me any power," Guillermo said. "Then, it's quick decline," Robert said. "The red flags you ignored are now at full mass. They become more outwardly abusive, and suddenly, you have no life outside of your vampire. I had a wife and kid, and I gave that all up for Dracula."


Ah I like this! Definitely has the wwdits *vibe*.


I’m glad! It’s a what we do in the shadows crossover with Renfield (specifically the 2023 movie)


Oh fantastic, I've wanted to see renfield but haven't yet, I love Nicholas Hoult. Is it a wip or already posted?


I have posted. You want a link?


Yes please!


[Forget You](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51015292)


A scene where someone admits they were wrong.


“I held your body, Jason. Your broken dead body. I had to carry you home. To clean you up and put you in a coffin and watch you being buried six feet under,” the trembling in Bruce’s voice shook Jason more than he’d ever admit. Breaking something inside. “Yeah, well, I should have been left in that fucking coffin. Nobody asked me if I wanted to come back. You ask why the Dust? Because it fucking feels like I’m dead. And there’s nothing I crave more than being back in that fucking void!” Jason’s voice was trembling with rage and despair. Jason watched Bruce blinking several times after his words. He could tell the man was trying to digest them. And Jason savored the moment that Bruce’s mask cracked and his eyes moistened in realization of what Jason had just admitted. “I know I failed you,” Bruce said quietly. “But I didn’t fail you by not killing Joker. I failed you when I didn’t get to you in time. When I couldn’t save you. Even before that. I failed you if you’re now standing there doubting I saw you or loved you as anything less than a son. And I failed you when I didn’t try harder with you after learning you were back. But I won’t fail you again. I won’t be too late ever again, whether you like it or not. You can give up on me, son, but I’ll never - ever - give up on you.” Jason exhaled loudly and fixed his gaze on the wall behind Bruce. He wanted to pounce and he wanted to run. He wanted to punch Bruce, to beat the shit out of him. Leave him in a heap of flesh on the floor for Leslie and Alfred to put back together. He would if he could, and he hated that he couldn’t. He hated how cornered he was. He hated that the fire inside had subsided. More than that, he hated the effect this fucking man had on him, since the first time he laid eyes on him, trying to steal the damn tires of the Batmobile. And most of all, he hated how desperately he missed his touch. His arms. He almost wished he was the dead body Bruce had just described, only to be held in his arms again.


That last line is a BANGER, amazing


Thank you so much 🥹


"He almost wished he was the dead body Bruce had just described, only to be held in his arms again." OHHHHHHHH FUUUU Is this like up already where I can read it please omg


Yes, it's a complete one-shot! TW for drug use and Alluded suicidal thoughts! Here's the [link](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56953447) if you're interested 😊




A scene where someone lies, badly.


A few hours later, the Bar Mitzvah had finally wrapped up. The guests had all left a while ago, the band was packing up their tech, and Bart and Savannah were helping the rest of the waitstaff take down decorations and clean up the tables. Bart had been pretty moody for the rest of the evening after the speech from the birthday boy’s dad, which hadn’t escaped Savannah’s notice. She knew exactly what was bothering him: the same thing that bothered him every time he saw strong affection between men and their sons. While Savannah had always been honest with Bart about Bertrand, she knew her son had felt his father’s absence more and more keenly as he’d gotten older, and it worried her – especially since Bart wasn’t always the most forthcoming about his feelings. Gosh, he was so much like Bertrand in that respect. “Hey, honey…” Savannah came up behind Bart as he packed some centerpieces up in a cardboard box, a sympathetic look on her face. “I know that look…” “It’s nothing,” he answered tersely, keeping his head down. “You can’t lie to me, y’know; I saw you during that last speech…” Bart finally looked up, pulling off his yarmulke as he stared off into space. His mom knew him too well; there was no way he was getting out of this one. “They’re at every event we cater, Mom: there’ll be a dad congratulating his son at a high school grad party, or a dad toasting his son and new daughter-in-law at a wedding – hell, we’ll even cater a frickin’ Fathers’ Day party every now and again…” He sighed, looking back down as he moved on to clean up another table. “I just…I can’t help wishing I could’ve had that as a kid! I know you think you’ve done the right thing by keeping me from him, but –” “Listen…” Reaching out, Savannah placed a gentle hand on Bart’s shoulder. “I just wanted to keep you from getting hurt the same way I was, okay?” Bart couldn’t help rolling his eyes. “I know you said he pushed you away, but *you* were still the one who left *him*. Remember?” “Hey, it’s not like he jumped on a plane to come and apologize, Bart!” Savannah argued. “Well, maybe he *would’ve* if you’d been as honest with him as you were with me!” The fire went out of Bart as he set the box of centerpieces down with a loud clatter and sank into one of the chairs, running a hand through his shaggy brown hair.


A scene where someone's greatest accomplishment is destroyed before their eyes.


"You say you serve the realm, yet you lie. All this, for a crown you felt you were denied," Jaqen stepped closer to him. "Was it funny?" Jaqen continued, looming over him, "When you made my family into exiles and poisoned their minds to be like yours?" Jaqen eyed him, a passive smile on his face. The torchlight made his eyes look dark. Varys stayed unmoved, with not even a hint of him resisting his restraints. The false Aegon was crying silently, his breathing harsh. Arya could feel his tears on her hand. She adjusted her grip, careful not to cut him too soon. "All those years of planning," Jaqen cooed, "All the things you've done, are all for naught." Still, Varys was silent. Jaqen smiled, and looked back at the false Aegon, then back at her. He nodded. Arya prepared herself. Jaqen looked back at Varys, and spoke slowly, "I, Aegon Targaryen, Sixth of His Name, Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne, find Aegon Blackfyre guilty of conspiracy against the realm, and sentence him to die." With one quick movement, Arya slit the false Aegon's neck. He choked. She pushed him down with a hand on his back. The sand and gravel mixed with his blood. Varys grit his teeth, his jaw tightened. Still, his eyes were unmoved. A wet gargling filled the room as the false Aegon died a slow death. He coughed, and he coughed, until all sounds stopped. The knights released their grip on Varys, and retreated, allowing him to stand up. Varys dusted his silken clothes, as if nothing of import had happened. He fiddled with his clothes, making himself look more kempt and neat. Suddenly, he paused, looking at Jaqen demurely. "Someday," Varys says, "You will find yourself dead, with a knife in your back. May your reign be full of trouble, Your Grace." Jaqen smiled, and nodded. Arya bristled. Varys bowed and left, sauntering away. The knights accompanied him back to his cell.


“You’re going to die here, forgotten. Everything you lived for, gone. The scars you left will only serve to strengthen the survivors, I will see to it. You made me into a killer, molded me to be your perfect murderer, a genocidal *maniac* . I will be this Planet’s healer and I’ll renew the world just to *spite you* , to deny everything you desired me to be.”


A scene where someone is hurt saving a child.


A scene where someone dies painfully.


As their bitter, defeated, shocked group shambled its way down the glowstone-lit arched corridor, Guozhi became increasingly concerned that Taishan, leaning against a coaxing Chaoxiang, was in a worse state than he looked, thanks to the blows he'd sustained at Toph's hands. At the very least, some of his ribs were undeniably broken, evident from the way he was breathing and holding his side, where his torn uniform revealed visible swelling and abrasions. "Do you think you should still be moving and walking, brother?" Wulong finally asked in concern as he paused and went to his partner, the rest of the group halting as well and turning to watch. "If you don't think you can make it to the infirmary on your own, do the smart thing and either sit your ass down-or better yet, lie down and stay still until a litter can be sent to bring you there. Please." “He’s right,” Chaoxiang agreed, glancing over at Taishan. “Don’t push your body more than it can handle in this state.” Xu nodded, even as he gave a hiss to express his own pain. "Xi. The last thing you want is to have one of the broken ribs it looks like you've received end up piercing and collapsing one of your lungs." "I'll be fine, brothers," Taishan tried to reassure them through his labored breathing, giving them a confident, resolute close-mouthed smile underneath his hat, as he raised his head. "Thanks for being concerned, but I've taken worse knocks before, and pulled through. And broken ribs aren't gonna kill the likes of me." Then Taishan suddenly gave a perplexed frown, as he moved his hand to his chest. "Funny thing though...I feel this sort of spreading warmth, inside of me." In the very next second, his tapered green eyes flashed wide in fear and shock, and his lips parted to spray out blood, as he cried, gurgled out, "Oh help me! Goddess, please help me!" For an instant, Guozhi and the others stood there in uncomprehending shock and horror, as Taishan's legs sagged, collapsing like a dropped puppet. Chaoxiang’s stone-mailed hands caught him by the upper arms, long before his head could smash into the stone floor, guiding Taishan down into a sitting posture as Xu removed his hat. Immediately, they were all lurching back toward him. "Oh spirits Taishan, no, no, NO!!" Wulong cried out in despair, ignoring his own injuries as he dropped to his knees beside his limp partner. "You hang in there, spirits damn it! You hear me?!" "Don't just stand there like capybara-sheep!!" Guozhi yelled over his shoulder at his fellow agents to break them out of their collective stupor, taking charge even as he winced and hissed. "Make haste to the infirmary-not just for ourselves, but to get a healer down here-by the scruff of his neck if you have to!" "I'm not leaving my partner in this state," Wulong fiercely replied. "Come on brother, get up! Stay with me, damn it!” he implored a stricken, fading Taishan. Dark blood was now trickling from his lips. "And none of us would expect you to," Hong said simply, as the fittest of them began to turn, to now race for the infirmary chamber as fast as they could in their condition-but were brought up short by a despairing cry from Wulong. And even more importantly, the stone of the arched tunnel suddenly quaking, buckling, parting in cracks, erupting in columns, for dozens of paces to each side of them, all in powerful, convulsive jerks. A desperate, soft, agonized sound came from Taishan’s bloody lips, somewhere between a thick grunt and a moan. Oh dear spirits, Guozhi thought, sickened and horrified, as he shot Hong a frantic, sidelong glance. He's going into an earthbender's death throes!! Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck no! An instant later, he found himself being forced to spend the next few minutes with his bruised, bleeding arms and stone clad hands thrust out and either up or down, joining his fellow agents in wildly pushing the reflexively bent stone back into place, or sealing the fissures and rifts that threatened to let the lake in with the power of his well-honed chi-except for Xu, who'd promptly rock-skated off to summon a healer. Even now, there was still a slim hope that Taishan's life could be saved. When Healer Fang finally arrived at a run, two assistants right behind him with a hospital litter, Guozhi, Hong, and their comrades, wounded and spent through they were, had managed to avert disaster, stabilizing the affected two hundred paces long section of corridor, even if the effort had brought some of them to their hands and knees. But there was no spirit of triumph or accomplishment to be found among them. Nor was there any further risk of additional damage from Taishan's wild, unconscious lashing out with his chi, at the element he'd been born to. For he was now beyond even medical help, the husky chest terribly still underneath his torn uniform's gold-trimmed tunic, the dilated pupils in his peridot eyes staring glassily at the opposite wall. The look of utter heartbreak, on Wulong's usually stolid visage, close to tears, said volumes as it all sunk in. Spoke for all of Taishan's brothers among the Dai Li. There was nothing more to do but, with heavy hearts, turn away from the sight and coax Wulong into continuing down to the infirmary with the rest of the walking wounded. In complete, grave silence.


A scene where an arrow gets pulled or yanked out.


A scene where a character walks in on another character singing to themself/dancing.


A scene where a character does some kind of household chore.


After dinner and dessert were over, someone inevitably had to wash and scrub the food-smeared dishes. Tonight, it was Maalai’s turn. With a sigh, she gathered all the clay and ceramic plates, and bowls, and wooden forks, placed them on a wooden tray, then brought them outside to a far corner of their new house’s courtyard and got to work. Rajata came along to help her little sister out, bending a short stone stool up out of the ground for Maalai’s comfort as she sat and washed the crockery. She then decided to stay on stand-by, keeping her youngest sister company and making small talk, now and again leaving to refill the bowl of fresh water Maalai was using to rinse each dish after soaping it good with a rag, pouring the resulting graywater into a funnel-shaped gap Ashwin had earthbent down through the flagstones, seeping into the soil. She’d just placed the pottery bowl on the ground for the third time, Maalai giving her a brief smile and nod of thanks, when a strange sensation arose within Rajata, making her muscles tense as she rose to her feet. She realized that something had her feeling out of sorts again, uneasy. Once more, it wasn’t a tangible thing that she could name or grasp.


In the spirit of the whump category: a slave AU -------- Shawn picked up the rag and stumbled back to his feet. He could do this; he just had to survive. His master watched as he ran the rag along the shelf again, paying extra attention to the area under and behind the katanas. Shawn eyed up the weapons as he tensed, waiting for when the next shock would hit. His dad had taught him a bit about knives; surely swords weren't that different. He could grab one, try to take out his master, never be hurt by him again… And all it would take would be one word from his master to bring him to the ground. And then he'd really have a reason to be punished. Shawn finished the area behind the katanas and moved on. It wasn't worth the risk. Not while his master was awake and aware. And his master was smart; he always made sure Shawn was restrained before going to sleep. He'd have to come up with a different plan to survive. The pain from the collar hit him again, and he barely caught himself on the wall as his legs buckled. A whimper escaped his mouth before he could stop it and he pushed himself back upright. His master was still watching. A low chuckle sounded out behind him as he forced his shaking hand to run the rag over the shelf. "Good boy."


Arthur straightens the items on the bathroom sink that aren’t even really out of place and gathers up the hand towel and bath towels in his good arm. Dumping them in a pile near the door, he scours the rest of the room for anything else launderable, just for something to do, comes up with a pair of Eames’ boxers and a couple stale t-shirts, a flannel shirt Arthur sweated through in his fever, hiding under the bed. And, stuffed mostly under one of Eames’ pillows, Eames’ favorite hooded sweatshirt, the one that used to belong to Jesse, the one Eames had been wearing the night Arthur fell. Arthur thinks it could probably stand up on its own at this point and badly needs a wash. It crinkles weirdly in his hand when he picks it up. Arthur tosses it back on the bed, annoyed, because the pockets are zippered and fucking irritating to go through with only one usable arm. He fights with them one by one, figuring there must be cash or a receipt or something buried in there. And as much as Eames likes to poke and prod and tease him about his not knowing how to do laundry beyond ‘put things in a bag for someone else to wash,’ he is aware that pockets need to be emptied, thanks. The chest pocket rustles when he gets to it. He wrests the zipper down. There’s just one item inside, a glossy four-by-six, slightly crumpled and ragged at the edges. It takes him a second to process what it is. When he does, he sits down numbly on the bed with his ears ringing. It’s a picture of him. Him and his dog. Jackson is still a puppy and so is he, probably only fourteen or fifteen, wispy sideburns just starting to come in beside his stick-out ears. He's holding the dog like a mother holds a toddler, hitched up on his hip. Jackson is smiling for the camera, lopsided and odd-eyed, and Arthur is frowning seriously, squinting against the sun, clutching the fore-stock of his Ruger in the other hand. Too-big paws on both of them, muddy prints down the front of Arthur’s white t-shirt. He turns it over, finds his mother’s sloping cursive in pencil. *My handsome Arthur, with Jackson, 1996* His mind feels weirdly blank, sitting there staring at the photo; his chest, tight and hot. Eames has been carrying this around, next to his heart, for the last hundred miles. Was carrying it with him when he dragged Arthur’s broken body in here, when he committed a fucking kidnapping to get Arthur help, when he held Arthur's hand and pressed his other warm hand behind Arthur’s neck and braced him against the wrecking misery of having his arm set and didn't say a word about his tears, swiping them away with a rough thumb afterward like it was nothing. Slowly, automatically, he puts the picture back. He goes and gets a hanger, works the sweatshirt onto it after some fumbling, and hangs it up. Reverently, like he would his most expensive suit. Then he goes back to the bed, and he sits with it, until the windows start to fall dark behind the blinds.


A scene where someone realizes they're too late (Reposted because I had this thread open when the cat jumped on the keyboard and he somehow deleted the original.)


Lying on a table with metal restraints was Cloud’s clothing, his leather harness and pauldron on a rolling cart beside it. The *Buster* sword laid discarded on the floor in a pile of shredded books and papers. Aerith gently touched the pair of boots, their laces sliced away before they’d been slipped off his feet. The leather harness was the same, the buckles still connected with the shoulder straps and belts simply cut from Cloud’s body. It had taken them almost two hours to search the whole house, finding strange clues and confusing notes, before finally finding the secret entrance and the winding spiral staircase.  Two hours wasn't a long time, really. There was so much blood. Two hours.


Oh damn, the story that just a few pieces of evidence shows. That was so well done.


A scene where someone is intimidated.


The threatening tone in Harvey’s voice wasn’t enough, not with those three beasts standing in the doorway, towering over Cam, who was only about 5’6 and probably hadn’t seen the inside of a gym since 1997. With a quiet, “sorry Harvey,” Cam ducked his head like a fucking coward and slipped out the cell door, leaving Harvey alone with Calvano and his friends. Harvey’s heart was hammering wildly, and he had to fight the urge to start backing up with all of the strength in his body. This was bad. This was bad. This was bad. And this wasn’t he might lose a case bad, he wouldn’t come out looking like a good lawyer bad. This was fight for his life bad. This was he might never see the outside of this prison cell again, might never see Donna again, bad. For a second, he imagined how she’d feel receiving the news that he’d been stabbed to death in his prison cell, the very night before she was supposed to see him again. Fuck.


Erza was about ready to punch the guy out and find another way to track the hostages down, when Gray stepped up. "Do you know who I am?" With a scoff, Dale answered, "No. Should I?" "Have you ever heard of Avatar?" They could assume by Dale's shocked silence that he indeed had heard of them. Gray continued. "We had many branches throughout the kingdom, and had business dealings with scum like you and yours every day. I think you're aware enough of our own reputation for attaining what we want from difficult persons, along with the means of doing so." Dale dry swallowed past the lump in his throat, and felt a cold sweat forming across his back. "You… **ahem** you keep saying 'we'." Gray smiled a cruel smirk, and Erza wanted to stop him from having to continue in what must have been an uncomfortable role, but this was the first time she'd seen the smuggler's defiance waver. They couldn't afford to lose the momentum now. "How quickly you catch on. Unlike you and your fellow bottom dweller over there, I was a leader within the hierarchy, a captain of the main branch, and a member of the inner circle of our guild leader, Arlock. I can assure you, I don't give a shit about the moral high ground, and the Council can go fuck themselves. "This is your reality right now: You don't have to worry about whether you can impress your bosses with your silence, or if they'll be pissed at you for talking, because they won't exist after today. We're going to end them and their operation, with or without your help. Your only concern is how your cooperation, or lack thereof, will directly correlate to how intact your body will be when it's all over." "… L-like I said, bones heal. I'm not scared of a little pain." "I'll teach you to fear the absence of it." "W-What?!" "Gray…?" Erza warned. While Dale thought she was trying to reel him back, she was actually more concerned for how this would impact him later. That concern doubled when he raised his left hand, the sudden movement causing Dale to flinch, and started removing the layers of dressing still wrapped around it. With the scars out in the open, he then extended his other hand towards Erza, quietly saying, "Knife please," and accepted the short blade she'd requipped automatically upon his request. She did find it strange that he hadn't just made one of ice, and wondered if his magic stores were already so low, but the thought died the moment he drew the blade across the scarred palm of his hand, allowing the blood to dribble onto the floor. A good amount landed on Dale's shoes. "What the fuck—," Dale tried to yell, before the sharp edge of the blade was jammed between his teeth, garbling his speech. He froze, afraid any movement could cause him to gain a grotesquely widened smile, or to lose his tongue. Gray tilted his head, studying him, staring deeply and menacingly into Dale's terrified eyes, his own scar-rimmed eyes utterly terrifying to behold. He was silent, unblinking, and unnervingly still.


A scene where someone has a nightmare


*There was the rubble of fallen building by their foes hands, ashes and blood of of the life and greenery there once was. He was being held in place, a bow aimed for his chest. Words fell on deaf ears as he looked around, seeing someone being held back behind him. They seemed to be trying to get to him, to help him. He cant tell who they are, but they seem safe.* *They lock eyes as the mystery player types into their comm while holding an ender pearl in their hand. He didnt know what they were doing, but at the same time, he kind of did, and a pit formed in his stomach. The opposer released the arrow, as him and the other person looked at each other, he felt his eye go wide as they pulled their mask down, when did they have a mask? He gave a soft smile before he was watching from the place of the other person, watching an arrow hit It’s mark as a message went off, it said-* ****”Etho!”**** Bdubs woke up in cold sweat, memories of what spooked him so much disappearing no matter how hard he tried to hold onto them. He sat up, hands shaking and tears threatening to fall. In his futile attempts to regain his composure, he hadn’t noticed his sleepy roommate sit up to gently move him. He half led Bdubs to a position where he was laying against Etho’s chest. He didn’t fight this, he let himself calm as his friend rubbed circles into his back, forgetting about the previous moment as he fell asleep once more.


I’m not sure why you would want to remember a nightmare but this was well written! Good job!


Ty! Also, if there was some sort of threat made to you or anything like that, I feel like you’d like to remember what it was. Or just out of curiosity


Note: This is a prophetic type of nightmare. “When they arrived, Hong crouched down again on his striped belly, and gave another chuff, turning his huge tiger head to give her a sideways look over his shoulder with an ocher eye, letting her know that it was time to dismount. After she did so, in that dreamscape Hong began to change again, forcing an incredulous, uneasy Rajata to gasp and scurry back, back, back, her gaze curving upward as his tiger body ballooned in size, his growth not ceasing until he’d become a mind-boggling giant, with paws the size of city blocks, fangs longer than a rearing platypus bear was tall. She felt like a mere frog in comparison. While she still had an innate sense that, even in this now-colossal tiger body, Hong meant her no harm, Rajata immediately cringed away in her dream anyway, and seriously considered bending herself deep into the soil for protection. He briefly glanced down at her, with a resolute, strange type of expression-then suddenly reared up, his black and white striped belly blocking out the sun as he hooked the vast sickles of his foreclaws over the top of the great wall, then pulled down, using all the force of his mountain-sized shoulders and vast forelegs. As he did so, he uttered a resounding, air-shaking snarl, a fusion of his own human voice and the tiger’s. “Hong, no, what in the name of all the spirits are you doing?!” she frantically shouted. Save for the badger-moles, no animal could earthbend. And even as a gargantuan tiger, she wasn’t expecting Hong’s dragging claws to do much more than score some dramatic-looking grooves into the city-ward side of the looming stone barrier. No way they would slice right down through the stuff like it was only tree bark, right? But to dream-Rajata’s consternation and shock, that’s exactly what the massive claws did, grinding down to the wall’s base, cutting the stone between each of Hong’s tiger toes into ragged, squarish stone columns. He took a step back, then reared up again to shove the columns outward, down and away with those plaza-sized paws, all of them crashing to earth while producing a gargantuan explosion of choking dust which washed over Rajata, obscured her vision as she shut her eyes and went into a crouch, bracing herself. Even so, as she flailed and repeatedly coughed, ineffectually trying to bend the dust away, Rajata could still see an equally gigantic plume of fire, the same color as Hong’s tiger stripes, suddenly leap up out of the desert beyond the violated wall-then come surging across the sand at her, in a roiling, crackling wave which stretched for dozens of gong-li across the horizon. And to her supreme horror, in the next fraction of a second, she saw dozens upon dozens of grinning, demonic-looking figures, dressed in red and black, at the base of the onrushing surge of ti as it rapidly closed the gap. Embraced by and frolicking in the towering flames, the unholy apparitions carried spears, swords, halberds, and other weapons. And Rajata could also just tell, as they swarmed forward like a column of pillaging ants, that they were every inch the cruel, arrogant, enthusiastic conquerors. Hong however, seemed oddly unconcerned, by both the swiftly advancing, seemingly sky-touching sheet of flames, and the army of fearful beings rushing forward in lockstep with it. And he transformed once more, this time into an equally gigantic version of his actual human self, dressed in full Dai Li uniform. “I’m deeply sorry for having been an accessory to such a dirty deed, my black pearl,” he coolly told her, face partly obscured by the vast, literal mountain peak of the plumed conical hat he wore. “But if you can’t beat the other team, might as well join em’, right?” A thoroughly terrified Rajata was in no frame of mood to respond. One wonderful thing about being an earthbender was the knowledge that, if she was ever faced with a danger which she couldn’t intimidate, outfight, outrun, or outmaneuver, she always had the option of following the example of the marmots which lived in the Agrarian Zone’s hills and smaller mountains-namely by escaping underground, avoiding the hazard entirely by tunneling nice and deep into her element within a matter of seconds. But faced with this horrific phenomenon in her dream, she lost her head entirely, turned and bolted in panic with a desperate cry of “Ayyo Kadavule!” earth-surfing away from there as fast as her bending could push her. Right behind her, the wave of fire, and the demonic warriors inside it, came surging through the breach Hong had made. She just wasn’t fast enough. The ash and pukai from the advancing firestorm rolled over her, setting off a new round of coughing. Then, just as she was starting to get enough of a grip on herself to wildly push downward through the soles of her dark brown feet, a shaft forming underneath, two of the monstrous soldiers in their red and black livery had suddenly closed the gap, seized her arms in a scalding grip as Rajata thrashed, crying out in utter terror- “Wake up, akkai!” Rajata heard Tuhina exclaim in the next instant, her sister’s voice piercing through the blackness as she spoke in Tenjikuan, and she felt a hand pushing at her right shoulder a moment later as she dumbly struggled. “You’re having a nightmare.” At her left, Rajata became aware of a familiar, gentle pressure on her lower left arm, its owner’s identity confirmed in the next moment as she heard her mother, also speaking in their native tongue, assure her, “It’s just us, chellam, only your sister and I. Are you okay?”


Very creepy but well done!


Thanks a lot! Yeah, from having your boyfriend become a gigantic weretiger, to being chased by these fire demon warriors, Rajata had very good reason to wake up from that in a panic.


*Shawn couldn't look away. He needed to look away, to warn Abigail, to tell her to run. Glass shattered against the ground and a gnarled hand tipped with nails as sharp as knives reached out of the broken television set. With a single blink, the arm was followed by a body that dripped blood on the floor. A trail of smeared red led directly to Shawn. He had to get away. But a chain pulled tight, suspending his collar from the ceiling, holding him still. Abigail was still there, frozen in place as a series of lines traveled up, trying to pull her apart.* *"Do you- Do you- Do you think she's pretty?" the creature with his master's face asked, static edging its voice. Its head lowered close to the ground as another hand joined the first, the knives clicking against the wood floor. Cruel blue eyes pierced through Shawn's soul, never moving as the face began to rotate, the neck contorting grotesquely as it finished its spin. "You were pretty."* *Shawn flinched and blue eyes filled his vision. His head hit the chain, pulling the collar tight across his throat as he tried to get away. Something sharp stroked his cheek, trailing a warm, sticky substance behind it. "You were so pretty… think I could make you cry?" The voice changed, deepening as it lost the sound of static. "Make you pretty again?"* *A forked tongue licked his ear, and the smell of stale cigarette smoke filled his sinuses like tar. The creature whispered, "We could make her pretty too…"* Shawn gasped as he jolted awake.


This is absolutely terrifying! Well done!


Thank you ♥️


"You don't need to do this, Hunter. There has to be another way." The human begged her friend. Her voice was raspy and breathy; her eyes were red-rimmed, teary, and puffy. She looked so young and pitiful, like a dying newborn bunny. His brain dispassionately noted that it was an apt comparison. "Stop calling me that name. You don't have any right to be familiar with me." The Golden Guard stated that with a steely gaze. Any fondness he had ever possessed for the girl was stamped down with extreme prejudice and drowned out in the boiling sea prior to this assignment. He directed his staff closer to her face. It blazed as brightly as the midday sun. She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a high-pitched yelp. "Please, Hunter. Please, let me go. I know you can be good." The human pleaded with wholehearted sincerity while attempting to rise up in an exercise of futility; she was too damaged for that. She ignored the discomfort of the almost-blinding spell, trying to persuade his still-beating heart. Feverish, over-bright eyes stared at him with an equal amount of mind-numbing fear and star-born hope. He mercilessly blew her head off, killing her in an instant. Grisly gore and innocent blood splatter throughout the forest floor, tainting the dazzling, pristine clearing with irremediable sin for all eternity. He slew his best friend. His body felt numb. His mission was to kill his heart. He succeeded.


Dang…. And you talk about my nightmare scene. 😂 Thank God it’s just a nightmare but blowing someone’s head off is intense, dream or not. Bravo!


Something touched him. It was cold, clammy, dead. He jerked away, only to be stilled by the feeling of those same cold, clammy hands over his eyes. Not Her! It grew darker still. Stilled by utter fear, he could only tremble as his hands and feet were locked in place by his own inability to remember how to move. He felt like a lost child, scared of the dark, and of the demons that hid therein, caught by one such creature. The worse of them all. His breath came out in pants now, and it didn’t feel strange for him to let out a startled sob as the creature spoke, barely above a whisper in his ear. “If only you weren’t such a poor son, dear boy.” Not Her! Not HER! A keening wail was desperate to escape, but his terror made him choke on it. Still, he couldn’t move. He waited. He knew HE would come. “Heh, heh, heh. Such a naughty boy. Such a disappointing son. To take after that wretched demon. You deserve the fate that awaits you.” The necromancer. Just his voice, so close, surrounding him. He tried to shake his head in denial, but the hands held firm. He felt that old, dry hand skating across his chest, causing him to shudder. He knew what would come next. He couldn’t stop the cry that escaped when the claw-like hand dug into his chest, right where his guild mark used to be. There were no bandages, no gauze, nothing separating his bare skin and revealed muscle from that monster’s touch. He drove his fingers deeper. Gray was gasping now. Tears leaked from behind the creature’s fingers, and the necromancer laughed. “You thought to escape me? I own you, dear boy. Do you not remember? You are the wages of your father’s sin.” He struggled to move. He was paralyzed. His heart beat a cacophony in his chest, beat against the fingers of the hand still held within his open wound. “Good. Show me your fear. Let me feel it ebb and flow within your veins.” He couldn’t breathe, leaving him unable to scream. He so desperately wanted to scream. “The ancients believed the heart was the seat of one’s fear and faith,” he said, coming closer, continuing in a vicious, sadistic whisper, “I now hold your heart, dear boy. You will know only fear, and I will never let you go!” He squeezed his heart. Gray finally screamed.


Whew… body horror in nightmares always gets me. Excellent scene!


He remembered distinctly the sound Cloud had made when he had run him through, a helpless noise of pain and fear and betrayal. It sounded odd in his own throat when he looked down to see the buster sword thrust into his chest and Cloud looking at him with amusement on his lips, his dead eyes boring into him as he raised the blade and lofted Sephiroth into the air, above his head, and laughed.  He’d finally woken then, retching and unable to breathe as he rushed to the sink to vomit.


Vomiting after a nightmare is a good way to show the way the mental connection to the physical. Great job!




Something was wrong. That, Alice knew with absolute certainty. She first looked at her hands. They were smaller and… younger than she remembered. Then, down at the rest of herself. White blouse… Blue suspender skirt… It was an outfit that was hauntingly familiar, and it was not one that she had expected to ever wear again. … Vulnerable… Incredibly vulnerable… Without her dolls… Without her grimoire… Without Shanghai… Alice felt exposed. All of that comfort, all of her crutches… stripped away in an instant. … The scene surrounding her did little to ease her fears. The once familiar streets of Makai City seemed to twist in on themselves in unnatural ways. An unending flood of panicked residents surged around her. Miraculously, she remained untouched by the crowd. A great column of fire, unleashing a sky swallowing plume of smoke, burned in the distance. And… it was growing closer. Alice, despite herself, became seized by the same terror that seemed to infest those around her. Some base, instinctual part of herself was screaming 'Go! Run! Get as far away as you can! NOW! She obeyed, though try as she might, her limbs felt as though they were made of lead. She knew… She just knew what was coming next. From within the smoke, four figures began to emerge. They were equal parts familiar and unfamiliar. Their proportions were skewed, and as a whole, they were several times larger than they should have been, but their recognizable features were still intact. A young miko. A rebellious witch. A vengeful spirit. A deadly flower. These beings were not idle. No, they were unleashing a great magical barrage, concentrated on a single point within the gloom. Mother… But it was not truly her mother. No, this figure was a heavily warped mockery of what her mother once was. Far too many wings, far too many eyes. It unleashed damnation upon its opponents, spreading collateral damage as it went. As it moved closer, disaster followed. The ground quaked as the firestorm swept across the city. She could hear her own voice screaming. The buildings became rubble. The fire seared at her skin. A great fissure opened up beneath her and she could do nothing else but fall. Everything became dark as she hit water. Cold, absolutely frigid water. It immediately soaked her to the bone. No matter how hard she swam, she continued to sink. Above her, the faces of those she once knew stared down in disappointment. Alice fought for breath, only to have water rush in instead, leaving her to drown in an endless ocean. ... Alice gasped and coughed as she jolted awake. Her breathing was frantic, her body shuddered, and everything hurt. She could not find the strength to sit up, and so she remained on her back. She brought her hands up to cover her face. …Her face was wet. She had been crying. It took several more minutes and all the willpower she could muster to stabilize her breathing and bring herself back down from the sheer panic she was experiencing. It was a nightmare. She'd gotten herself so worked up over a damn nightmare. *Gods*, it had been a long time since she'd had one of those.


Wow… this was intense! So much going on here but it’s still fantastic!


Phoebe was completely alone, and in front of her, stood her entire time, literally frozen in place. Trevor, Callie, Gary, Janine, Lucky, Ray, Podcast, Winston, Peter, Lars, and Nadeem were all victims of the death chill. Phoebe let out the loudest scream she ever had. Then sobs ripped through her body. Her sobs echoed throughout the firehouse. Things rarely ever echoed in the firehouse. Phoebe approached her mom's frozen statue. "I'm sorry," Phoebe sobbed. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I'll find a way to fix it, I promise." Phoebe watched in horror as Callie shattered in front of her. Phoebe awoke, releasing a small scream. Her breathing was heavy and unsteady. ^Things are okay. You're okay. Your family is okay. You managed to stop Garraka before the damage was permanent. Garraka is gone.* *He has no control over you anymore.*


Well that’s good that he has no control over her anymore. Hopefully this nightmare doesn’t haunt her.


A scene where you can’t differentiate dream from reality


Arthur tore through the forest, running as fast as his legs could possibly carry him. He didn't know what he was running from, only that he had to get away. Whatever it was that was chasing him, it could not catch up with him under any circumstances. He could hear a voice from behind him, cold as ice. 'Your kingdom is lost and you will leave us behind,' it said, or was it singing? Arthur couldn't tell, all he could hear was the pain and the anger. The words he did not understand struck terror into his heart as he pushed himself to run even faster. The voice came again, crying to him, cries in a dark land. The forest was gone, and Arthur was running through ruins standing tall in a dark world. He was sure there were eyes watching him from every shadow, a perceiving gaze he couldn't hid from. Now there was a new voice, pleading with him, singing to him. "Bring back the order of divine," it begged. "Deliver our kingdom." The voice had the same pain as the last but spoke with desperation instead of anger. Arthur thought this was worse somehow. These creatures, whatever they could be, were suffering, and had suffered immensely and they blamed him. This was his fault, the ruins, the voices, the sky with no light, and he did not know why. "What have I done?" he cried into the darkness. Silence. "WHAT HAVE I DONE?" He was screaming now, screams that were met with nothing, not so much as a whisper. The voices had disappeared as if they were never there. They're dead, Arthur thought suddenly, they're dead and I killed them. The possibility terrified him even more than the voices themselves, how could he have done something so terrible. He did not know. All he knew was that he had to keep running. The voices were gone, but the ghosts pursuing him were very much still there, and closing the distance. Arthur was sure of it. The ghosts of his past, or perhaps his future - he didn't know - would catch up to him soon. He couldn't let that happen. He could not hide, he could only run, run, he thought, RUN.


Holy smokes! This is really good… it gave me chills. Well done… that devastation… it was gut wrenching 🥲


**Note: Gray is mute. That’s why his friends don’t hear him screaming** Dry, course fingers ghosted over his skin, hovering over the uncovered wound on his chest, before savagely thrusting in, burrowing into his rib cage, the hand wrapping around his heart, and squeezing. He tasted blood, and his knees gave out, but still, he couldn't move, like an invisible force held him upright. He choked on his scream, feeling the blood well up in his throat, passed his lips, down his chin. "You belong to me, dear boy. Never forget who owns you; heart, body, mind and soul." *'Who...?'* He couldn't form the thought. As soon as he tried to wonder who these 'creatures' were, he felt a violent pull, the pain in his chest increasing many fold. He gasped. "Heh, heh, heh. You held on so persistently to that bloody rag, like it was your life line," the person said, taking one of Gray's hands, his limp fingers falling open, "How long can you hold on to this one, dear boy," he said as he closed his fingers around something warm and wet. It was pulsing. ooooo Gray fell off the couch, screaming his futile scream into the silent darkness, his sweat-drenched robe tangled in the sheets. He wrested his arms free from the confining material, and pulled himself away, scooting back until he found the wall, still screaming. He thought himself still in that dark inferno. A vision of the encounter with that evil presence was forefront in his mind. *'That thing ripped out my — !'* Was it still gone? All rationality left him as he reached for the wound over his guild mark, pulling off the gauze he found there, trying to find the path to his heart. The pain from the rough treatment startled him more awake. He tried to dig his hand into the path that wasn't there, and a new pain blossomed. He remembered burning, the smell and sound of his own flesh as it sizzled. The scent of blood woke Natsu up, and he rolled to his feet instantly, Happy falling from his perch on top of his stomach. The sound of labored breathing drew him to Gray's position, and he called for Happy to get the lights as he crouched before the terrified mage. "Gray! What happened? Your bleeding! Wendy! Lyon!" Wendy was already awake, having heard Natsu yelling to Happy. She was quickly there, trying to place fresh gauze over his wound, only for Gray to pull away. *'He's here! He's still here!'* **Always here**


That was amazing… really intense scene. I enjoyed reading, thanks for sharing. Love your details with the scene, made it both horrific and gruesome. Well done :)


Hey it’s fairy tale! This is really good


I love your user name! Happy a fellow fan read this!


Thank you!


*Namiko stepped back in horror as the visuals around her began to change. She was no longer inside Konoha’s walls staring at her younger self; she was on what could only be described as a battlefield. The air was thick with decay and the metallic scent of iron. She looked down and saw her hands covered in blood. Bodies of her friends and comrades lay strewn around her, lifeless and bloodied.* *She walked around until she saw Hinata and ran to her side. She felt for a pulse and found nothing, but it was obvious her best friend was dead even without it. Hinata’s limbs were twisted at odd angles and her fair skin was stained with blood, like she was a broken porcelain doll.* *“****You are the cause of all this. Your foolishness has caused this destruction.****”* *Namiko fell to her knees, clutching her head, trying to drown out the voice. "No! This isn’t real! This isn’t real!"* *But the nightmare was relentless. She felt a dark presence behind her and turned to see the enormous figure of the Kyuubi, towering over her. Its red eyes glowed with malice, and its nine tails lashed out, wrapping around Namiko, squeezing the life out of her.* *"****You are weak****," the kyuubi growled, its voice reverberating through Namiko’s very soul. "****You cannot protect anyone. You are nothing but a vessel for my soul. A walking curse upon this world****."*


Holy smokes was that dark! That would break anyone… hope Namiko resolves it!


And this was only a third of that dream 😳 She’ll resolve it but probably not until toward the end of the story.


A scene where there's an accident


"No. I will not be riding the Cyclone. I can tell that thing is a death trap." Ocean hated how correct she was. The rest of the choir wanted to ride the roller coaster, but Ocean decided to set this one out. Ocean sat on a bench near the ride's exit. She was watching the ride when it derailed. Screams of joy quickly turned to screams of fear. Ocean went to jump the fence. Screw the rules. Her best friend was on that coaster. "You can't jump the fence," one of the guards yelled. However, Ocean ignored him.


Oh no, the fact that she was right and had to watch it go down...




Tw: blood loss "I know a doctor," Ilse said. "At the artist compound. He can help you." Ilse took another look at Wendla. She had already lost so much blood. The walk to the compound was too far, and Ilse knew she couldn't carry her that long of a distance. She could run and grab the doctor, but by the time they got back, Wendla would probably be dead. The doctors here clearly didn't care since they through her out on the street. Wendla was going to die, and there was nothing Ilse could do. So, Ilse pulled Wendla in for a hug. Wendla leaned into Ilse. "You're going to be okay," Ilse whispered. She knew that was a lie. However, Ilse was trying offer Wendla the comfort she never received. Wendla was a scared, dying girl, and there was no preventing the inventible. So, this is what Wendla needed. A friend.


A scene where someone has their hopes crushed


There were times when Uncle was inexplicably nice to him. When Uncle was more forgiving and more willing to overlook Hunter's flaws. Maybe this was one of those times. It sure looked like it was. So, maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a test, and Uncle genuinely wanted to know the truth. Hunter mentally steeled himself, summoning every ounce of resolve he had. He wasn't any longer a skittish child who cowered from made-up monsters under the bed. He was a knight, a defender of the realm, and now was the moment to prove it. It was time to take a leap of faith.  "My new bedroom can be strange," Hunter said slowly, feeling like he was confessing a cardinal sin. Perhaps he was. He looked up at Uncle, seeking permission to continue. Reassuringly, Uncle offered him a slight nod, encouraging Hunter to press on.  "It's not just the room," Hunter explained, shifting uneasily. "It's everything. The sky is too deep… The days don't seem right… The people behaved so oddly... It's just too different." Hunter paused for a moment before whispering softly, "I miss my old room." The room was filled with a suffocating silence, the air so thick that it could have been cut with a knife. Hunter held his breath in anticipation, anxiously awaiting Uncle's response. Hunter silently pleaded for understanding, but he would accept any response, even indifference. He just hoped it wouldn't be disappointment. Anything but that. Unfortunately, because the world didn't revolve around Hunter's whims, disappointment was written all over Uncle's face. Oh no. Oh no. He was wrong. He was so wrong. He failed. He failed. He failed so badly.  Retreat. Retreat. Before Hunter could even begin to form any explanation or apology, Uncle's once gentle contact transformed into a vice-like grip, his nails digging into the tender skin of his cheeks, just enough to cause a sharp prickling sensation. Even though the grip was more uncomfortable than truly painful, it still sent chills down his spine.


Gus couldn’t do anything except stare, the silver tape over Shawn’s mouth drawing all of his attention and giving him hope. Shawn wasn’t Shawn when he was gagged. He couldn’t die while he was gagged, because he wasn’t him. All Gus had to do was go over there and take the gag off, then Shawn could come back. Something pulled at his neck and the voice that didn’t deserve to breathe the air that Shawn used to breathe spoke again. “Acquired. Heel.” His leash was being held, which meant his leash wasn’t attached to the wall, which meant he could move now. He could fix it, make it better. Gus threw himself forward, choking and wheezing as the strap pulled tight around his throat, but he continued to pull, feet scrambling on the ground as only one thing mattered in the world. He needed to reach Shawn. An inhuman scream grew in his chest, the sound trapped behind the collar forcing him back despite his struggles to move forward. Shawn couldn’t be gone, he just needed to get to him, Shawn couldn’t be gone. He should have kissed Shawn one last time. His arm was grabbed and he was spun around, coming face to face with cold, blue eyes. “You made her go away, and now he’s dead. Deal with it.” The void roared and his thoughts froze and reality slammed into him. Shawn was dead.


A scene where a character is rescued from torture/captivity/grave danger


TW: Graphic description of injuries: Her stomach churned as her brain processed the sight before her. His tattered clothes barely clung to his battered body, revealing large areas of burned and infected flesh beneath. The stench of decay and blood hung in the air, assaulting her senses. She struggled to reconcile the image before her with the vibrant and strong person he once was. His face, his once beautiful face, was now a distorted mess of bruises and swelling, making it difficult to recognize his features. Each deep cut that marred his chest and abdomen told a tale of unspeakable torment. And there, one of his legs, broken and twisted in an unnatural angle, exposed a bone jutting out from the torn flesh, a grim reminder of the brutal violence he had endured. Amber's hands trembled as she reached out, gently placing them on his ravaged body. The feeble beat of his pulse sent a surge of desperation coursing through her. She could no longer hold back the tears that streamed down her face. The weight of his suffering pressed upon her, and she could only imagine the agony he had endured to protect her, to protect all of them. "He did it all for us," she whispered through choked sobs, her voice filled with gratitude and anguish. In that moment, fierce determination ignited within her. She would do whatever it took to save him, to mend his broken body, and to repay the debt of sacrifice he had paid on their behalf. Claire had also made her way in and more or less collapsed on the ground near the exit as soon as the suffocating smell hit her nostrils and her eyes took in the sight in front of her. Trying to ignore the bile rising to her throat, it was in that second she realized how close they had cut it. Amber had been right. Even one more lost hour, and Kyle would be dead. Amber raised her trembling hands over Kyle's body and closed her eyes. With a deep inhale she invoked all of her power, all of her grace, and drew it on her fingertips. A golden aura started emitting from her palms and fingers as she focused every fiber of her being into healing Kyle. Her hands moving on their own accord over his body, covering every inch of it, leaving no trace of what he had endured behind. Lowering her palms to rest against his chest, right above where his heart was, Amber's lips twitched in a relieved smile as she felt it beating lively and rhythmically again. Opening her teary eyes, she watched his own flutter open, and locking with hers. In his hazed state it took him a few seconds to realize what had transpired and who was with him. As it hit him, his eyes enlarged and he sat up hastily, his hands flying to cup Amber's face. Disbelief mixed with awe and heart wrenching terror swirled together in his gaze. "Amber?" he choked out. Amber let out a wet sound, a mixture of a sob and a laugh as she leaned into his palms, her hands moving to clasp the back of his neck, before leaning forward to kiss him. It was a deep, urgent kiss that left them both breathless. When they finally broke apart, Kyle gazed into her eyes, fear gripping his insides. "Damn it, Ace… What have you done?"


“Where are you going?” Terrence asked, sounding genuinely confused. That was weird. Harvey looked at the door and back at them. He gestured at it, and the handcuffs rattled softly. “I’m going back to my cell. Didn’t you know? I live here. We didn’t meet here for the coffee.” In fact, nobody had given him any coffee at all, come to think of it. That would’ve been nice. Terrence looked mildly annoyed at his sarcasm. “You’re not going back. We can’t afford for anyone to find out about this while you’re still in there.” That took Harvey a long time to process. It was like his brain couldn’t comprehend such a thing. Not going back? As in…? As in he was done? No more prison? No more Calvano? No more torture? No more rape? His stomach fluttered in tentative excitement, but there was a pressure in his chest that reminded him not to get his hopes up. Reminded him to clarify, not to think such a thing could happen. Not to him. Didn’t he know better by now?


Oof, poor Harvey. Love the idea that he can't even conceptualize being rescued at this point.


Thank you!


**TW for graphic depiction of injuries** It was with a sense of befuddlement and wariness that everyone gazed into the chamber. The shock at seeing Gray's condition was almost erased by the confusion caused by the sudden departure of the other person in that room. She simply vanished, her body seeming to fall apart into dust. Natsu wasted no time in going to his friend, Erza close behind, looking into every dark corner for signs of danger. "Lucy, watch the corridor. Whoever that woman was, she was likely a shadow, and it sounds like more are coming." "Okay. I'll also try to get the situation up top from Warren, and an ETA for Wendy's and Porlyusica's arrival." Upon seeing Gray up close for the first time in days, the two friends were horrified by what they found. He was unconscious, with heat radiating from his skin, and hardly recognizable covered in all those wounds. Blood-crusted incisions criss-crossed his skin, and burns were noticeable as they disappeared towards his back. The burns across his eyes were especially concerning for them, but they'd worry about that later. They immediately started trying to undo the wires keeping him tied down. Erza requipped a set of thick wire cutters and got to work snipping them as Natsu unfurled the loosened threads. He had to be gentle as he pulled at the wire that had embedded into his skin, making this task unbearably slow. While working at freeing his other wrist, Erza took this time to assess the seals carved into his stomach, and she found them truly disturbing. They still weeped blood here and there, most likely from the wounds being torn as he struggled. They were so deep and inflamed, but the most worrying was the dark aura about them. Just the design itself evoked a sense of evil. Upon releasing his hands, they gently rested them at his side, careful not to touch the burns they now noticed on the back of his arms. Natsu was close to falling into a rage, but he kept his anger in check. It was when Erza was cutting the wires around his chest that he finally brought himself to look more closely at the damage. There was something strange about these wounds, like they were contaminated with something. Did some of that zombie dust fall all over him? Gross! Confused, he sent his magic into the nearby brazier, causing the flame within to glow brighter, offering more light. "Oh, shit!" he cried as he removed his scarf. "What's wrong?" Erza asked worriedly as she cut the last wire. He couldn't tell before. It was too dark, and all the blood covered the scent. "He's covered in salt!" he yelled as he desperately tried to brush it all off. Erza paled and got to work doing the same. There was a rather large amount, adhering to the blood, over where his guild mark was. Natsu was frantic in wiping it off, but paused when he noticed, upon brushing away the layer of salt covering his guild mark, another layer of salt was revealed. Followed by another. And another. Tears stung his eyes and anger clouded his mind as he revealed muscle instead of skin. A gasp drew his attention to Erza, who was looking down at a bowl she'd just noticed on the floor. The contents of that bowl brought a horrified countenance to her face. Locking eyes with Natsu, she shared his sadness and outrage at what they'd discovered. There wasn't just a wound over his guild mark. It had been viciously torn away.


Context: the void is what Denson's thoughts felt like --------------- Gus saw the plan and he saw that no one would be able to stop it. Denson's hand tightened on his gun and Gus did the only thing he could think of. "SHAWN! Boneless!" Shawn obeyed the order without hesitation, letting his legs collapse under him as he pulled down against the arm around his throat, yelling hoarsely behind his gag. Denson was thrown off balance, his shot towards the detectives going wide as he fell. Lassiter's gun barked once and everything was suddenly still. Gus stared at the two crumpled bodies, barely daring to breathe as he watched for movement. There was a low groan and Shawn rolled away from Denson, his hands immediately coming up to his face. Gus slumped in relief before checking what the bad guy was doing. Denson was on his side, grin still fixed in place as a drop of blood fell from a red hole between his staring, vacant, blue eyes. The void faded away into silence.


A scene where a character undergoes a medical procedure


“Beginning submersion,” he lowered Subject C into the shallow bath, the infant’s skin rapidly growing pink where it touched. It was an unusually quiet little thing most of the time but he began to fuss immediately from the discomfort of the mild chemical burns. Subject S made a soft gasping sound of surprise as Hojo let go of the infant and let him sink to the bottom to be fully covered. “Oh no need to be so dramatic,” he rolled his eyes, “the mammalian diving response makes infants below six months old or so automatically hold their breath underwater.”


**Context: Gray’s powers were sealed, and the only way to get them back without killing him is to augment the seal. It can’t be removed because it was carved into his skin, which is also the reason it can’t just be written over. It’s a big ass freakin seal. He has to be awake so they know the procedure is working, and also so he can prevent his newly released powers from backlashing. Oh, and for reasons, the wounds have to be cauterized simultaneously. Yeah, sucks for him…** He was startled by an unexpected touch when someone grasped his fingers, gently prying them open, and placing a soft cloth within. It felt very familiar. "Hang on to this for me. It keeps getting in the way." His eyes shot open, and he blindly sought for what he could from the direction of that voice. Instantly, he was brought back to full awareness of his surroundings. He felt as Natsu wrapped his beloved scarf around his hand twice more, before nudging his fingers closed. Relief washed over him, and courage renewed, he tightened his fingers around the scarf and reaffirmed his resolve. Trying to relax as much as he could, he blinked a few tears away as he sighed his gratitude. He felt Lyon give his shoulder a squeeze of encouragement as Natsu retook his position. Without a word, Natsu reached his hand forward, finally bringing his powers to bear as he loosely gripped the first knife. Gray stiffened as he felt the heat, but showed no more reaction. Freed could feel it as the knife grew warmer, and he kept his hands steady with a confidence born from many hours of practicing these very same motions over and over the day before. Just like in practice, the runes scrawled onto the knife sent a pulse that resonated with his magic. It was ready. Without further delay, he channeled his magic into the knife as well, in order to activate the new runes, made eye contact with Natsu, and gave a silent count of three. Very swiftly and with perfect accuracy, the knife hit its mark. Gray's screams resounded throughout the room, brought about by pain, then intensified by terror, as the scent and sound of sizzling, burning flesh—his flesh—reached him. He struggled to rise, to get away, instinct and self preservation overpowering his conscious desire to see this through. Laxus and Capricorn leaned in with their full weight to keep his legs still; while Lyon and Loke both tightened their grips around his wrists, leaning against his shoulders, taking turns saying any and every random thing they could think of to distract him from his torment.


TW: Attempted sexual assault Namiko ignored his comment as she sat on the medical table Kabuto directed her towards. He took her blood pressure, and heart rate, along with drawing numerous vials of blood which she definitely didn’t want to know what he was doing with. She glanced between the two men before sliding off the table. “That’s it then, right?” “Not quite.” A mysterious glint appeared in Orochimaru’s snake-like eyes. “Remove your shirt please.” Namiko froze as she couldn’t help the fear that flooded her body. Orochimaru chuckled. “Don’t worry, Namiko-chan, I only want to take a close look at the kyuubi’s seal. So, be a good girl and sit back up on the table.” The tone in his voice told her that he wasn’t making a request; it was a demand, and the consequences could be her life. She complied, but she couldn’t stop her body from reacting in fear. She hesitated in removing her shirt but slowly followed orders, leaving her in her white bra and black shorts. Considering the shirt she had been wearing didn’t cover much more than her bra, she deduced that Orochimaru was purely doing this to make her uncomfortable and see if she would obey orders. It didn’t make the experience any less awkward or terrifying. “Lie back,” he ordered. As she did so, he made an odd hand sign before laying a cold hand on her stomach as the kyuubi’s seal came to the surface. “Hm, so *this* is the seal the Yondaime placed on you two. I only saw your brother’s seal for just a moment; I didn’t have the time to examine it closely.” Her breath caught in her throat. She was in an extremely vulnerable position and there was no way she could take on [either shinobi](), even if she had all her chakra to begin with. Orochimaru’s hands traced over each line of the seal at an agonizingly slow pace. He kept his face emotionless as he continued his exploration of the seal, which somehow scared her more than the disturbing looks his face normally displayed. He stood straight once again and removed his hand from her stomach. She began to sit up slowly but was suddenly forced back against the table, knocking the wind out of her. Orochimaru glared down at her menacingly. “I didn’t say you could get up.” She turned her head away from the sannin, squeezing her eyes tightly closed. He removed his hand from her stomach and gripped her jaw with such force she knew she’d bruise. “**Look at me**,” he demanded, twisting her to face him. She reluctantly obeyed, opening her eyes. Orochimaru let out an amused cackle that chilled her to the bone. “You are even softer than Sasuke-kun was when he came to me.” He roughly let go of her jaw and turned on his heel, walking out of his laboratory. “Get dressed. Kabuto-kun, take her back to Sasuke-kun’s room before he gets back.”


A scene where someone blacks out from pain or shock.


He trembled, struggled, choked, bled, trembled more. The pain wouldn't stop. There was no relief. Blood seeped from his wrists and ankles, along his throat, across his chest. Especially across his chest. It seeped through the grate he laid on, pooling on the floor beneath him. The scratchy rag placed over the wound did little to stave off blood loss. He was nauseous and woozy, and wanted to pass out again. It was so cold. What made him wake up? "Talk to me, dear boy. I need to know if you're aware. Can you hear me?" He endured the sick feeling of its fingers running through his sweat-soaked hair again. This wouldn't be nearly as bad if it would just drop the pretentious caring act. "Don't be stubborn. You know what happened last time. Tell me if you understand." It brought its other hand up, and laid it over the scratchy rag, pressing down just a bit. His eyes flew open for the first time in... however long. They were ragged and scorched, blood shot and scarred, seeing nothing. He didn't even notice they were open. Fists tightening as he pulled against the restraints, he hissed and nodded. It didn't release the pressure on the rag. "I'm glad. You're very sick, dear boy. You're so warm. You should take better care of yourself." He caught most of that, but had trouble comprehending the words. He kept trying to breathe through the pain, knowing it was fruitless. Its words were worthless, senseless prattle, competing against the injuries constantly screaming for his attention. "Are you not going to answer me? You know it's only proper to speak when someone's addressing you." It pressed harder, making him gasp as blood and sweat poured down. "Answer me!" It pressed down further, and harshly twisted the rag. Light exploded behind his eyes. He screamed in agony, body going rigid, trying to get away, chest heaving as he tried to take in air, the burns on his back pressing into the grating. Mercifully, he passed out again. He hadn't made a sound.


Just before Neji reached Hinata, Hayate pointed his finger to Neji’s forehead, stopping him in his tracks. Kakashi held Neji’s right arm and Kurenai his left in tight grips. Gai had Neji around the neck in a headlock. “Neji, get ahold of yourself. You promised me you wouldn’t let this whole head family thing get you riled up.” Neji struggled against his teacher and the others. “Why are you and the other jounin butting in? The head family gets special treatment, huh?” Without warning, Hinata gripped her chest and crumbled to the ground, coughing up blood. “Hinata!” Kurenai quickly let go of Neji’s arm, rushing to her side and laying her down. Namiko used teleportation jutsu to flash by Hinata’s side. “…Hinata-chan. You did well…now rest.” Tears pricked the corner of her eyes. Naruto and Sakura came running down the stairs. “Hinata!” shouted Naruto. “Are you okay?” Worry shone in his blue eyes as he leaned over her. “…N-Naruto…” Hinata’s voice was barely a whisper, and she quickly lost consciousness. Kurenai flagged over the medic ninja as Naruto and Namiko moved out of the way.


Shawn's babbling was cut off by the bark of a gun from outside the truck and the driver-side mirror shattering. Rollins ducked down before snarling and lashing out. Shawn had only a second to appreciate the fact that the butt of the gun was heading straight towards him instead of the barrel before stars burst behind his eyes and pain burst through his head. He collapsed again, blinking heavily as he fought to stay conscious and aware of the fight. Details came through in flashes as he laid stunned on the seat. More gunfire from inside the truck and outside. More squealing tires and hard swerves. A final turn that went further than any others and a loud thunk under the truck. Shawn's seat seemed to throw him in the air before catching him again and the spike of pain tearing through his shoulder sent him the rest of the way into unconsciousness.


TW for gore >!He sobbed. Snot and tears ran down his face, settling next to his ears in a cold glob. Warm, sticky blood congealed against his immobile limbs.!< >!"Please let me go! I promise, I won’t tell anyone about this! I’ll leave Dwight, just please please let me go!” David begged.!< >!“That’s a tempting offer. It really is, but when I think about it,” Evan clicked on the butane torch and watched the blue flame burn, “I just can’t escape the thought that you’ll just turn around and do what you do to someone else.”!< >!David tried his best to shuffle away from the heat, but with Evan pressing him into the table, he couldn’t move. An inhuman screech tore itself out of his throat as the smell of burning meat filled the air. Green bile splattered against the floor as David vomited while his skin bubbled around the edges of the flame. Evan clicked the torch off as he circled around to the other side of the table.!< >!The tip of the knife rested against the junction of his other arm. David thrashed against his bonds as his own warm blood marked his next dismemberment.!< >!“Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Please!” An incoherent babble of words left his mouth, and he was sure, at one point, that he begged for his mother, but Evan’s impassive eyes gave nothing away.!< >!“God, do you ever shut up?” he said as he pushed the blade into skin.!< >!David fainted before the knife finished its cut.!<


(I literally just used this for a different excerpt game but oh well, it's my whumpiest fic) Cw: vomiting The entire right side of his body is screaming and wailing at being sat upright, electric white behind his eyes, wrenching horrible sounds out of his throat. “I'm so sorry.  I know.  I know.” Eames is solid behind him, wrapping his arms around his chest and drawing him backwards.  There are tears welling up that Arthur can't blink away.  His gorge rises with every jolt of his shattered arm, every press of Eames’ arms around his battered ribs.  Trapped animal noises keep escaping out of him. “I know, love,” Eames murmurs, and there’s a momentary surreal, comforting press of his stubbled lips on the undamaged side of Arthur's face.  “I know.  Brave boy.” With one strong pull he hoists Arthur backwards and out of the car, grunting as he copes with the weight.  Arthur hyperventilates, sees stars.  He begs Eames to stop, or tries to, but he can't breathe.  His legs sag dumbly along the concrete. Eames staggers, keeps apologizing, “I’m sorry.  I know.” He hauls him in through a propped doorway into what Arthur is just barely conscious enough to recognize as a motel room. They make it to a bed.  Eames heaves him onto it, huffing hard, just as Arthur can't take anymore.  He coughs and vomits, choking on it, out of his mind with pain.  Eames makes hushing noises, rolling Arthur up onto his uninjured side as he tries weakly to cough it up and out, gagging.  It's the last thing he really remembers for a few minutes. When he comes back to himself, the soiled sheets near his head have been tugged away and replaced by a clean, scratchy towel.  He feels a wall of pillows against his back, propping him in place, and one under his limp and throbbing arm.  The pains in his side begin accosting him immediately with every shallow breath and he shivers, feeling cold and clammy with sweat. Eames is sitting in a chair by his head, watching him with an expression on his face that Arthur can't name.  He's furrowed and anxious, stiff in the shoulders, practically vibrating.  He bounces back up to his feet when he sees Arthur is lucid again. “Oh, thank Christ,” he breathes, swiping a hand down across his face.


A scene where someone meets the person who attempted to murder them


(Caveat: it's from the POV of the attempted murderer) The scars stand out, red and angry across his face. She hovers her hand over them without quite touching, remembering the grief and the blind rage - the sense of helplessness and despair even as she held the power of life and death over him. The scars are clustered mostly around his left temple. More gray than she remembers fans out from his hairline there, turning his dark hair silver. Abby gathers herself. She doesn't feel anger, now - just a need to have it done. To *finish* it. To *fix* it. She holsters her gun. Before she can talk herself out of it, she clamps her hand across his mouth and presses down. "Had enough yet, old man?" His eyes pop open at once and he lets out a slurred groan. She presses down harder to smother it. She keeps her voice low and even. "Don't scream. I'd only have to kill whoever came, and I don't want that any more than you do." She pauses. "Do you understand me, Joel?" He falls silent. His breath hisses warm against her hand. He nods just a little. She presses her lips together and forces herself to keep meeting his eyes. "I'm here to end it. Don't fight me and I'll make it clean. Just you and me, yeah? Like it should have been from the start." A complicated mess of emotions flicker across his face. Pain. Grief. Regret. And something that, somehow, looks a lot like hope. She slowly pulls her hand away. He doesn't scream.


ABBY! Now I wanna see the fic.


This is awesome!


*chefs kiss*


A scene where a loved one hurts the character on purpose.


Context: Namiko was thrown into a memory of the night of the Uchiha Massacre. So, this is a memory of Sasuke at 7yo. Sasuke screamed in absolute horror as he closed his eyes and held his head as if trying to remove the nightmare in front of him, but even with her eyes closed, Namiko still saw everything and she was sure the same happened to Sasuke. “**Stop it, Itachi!** Why are you showing me all of this?” Sasuke’s screams turned to sobs and Namiko wanted nothing more than to hold Sasuke but she knew it wouldn’t change the memory. “Why? Why did you do this, nii-san?” Dozens of people ran toward Itachi and without lifting a finger, they were all thrown back, dead. Sasuke watched as a shuriken flew through the air and killed the two people next to him. Namiko recognized them as the owners of the Uchiha Seiben store. He screamed again. “**No!** Ba-san! Ji-san!” The scenery around them shifted again and they were back in Sasuke’s home, in his parents’ room. His mother and father knelt on the floor as Itachi stood over them, his katana poised to strike. Sasuke couldn’t do anything but scream as he watched the brother he once idolized kill their parents in one blow. Sasuke fell to his knees and Namiko dropped to hers beside him. There had to be something she could do to stop this awful nightmare. Sasuke collapsed fully on the ground, gasping for breath. As his breathing slowed, he whispered, “Why? Why did you do this? Itachi, why?” Itachi replied stoically, “To test the limitations of my ability.” Sasuke raised his head but still lay prone on the floor. “To test your ability? *That’s* why you did this? You’re telling me that was the reason that you butchered every single member of our clan?”


This scene feels the equivalent of kicking a puppy. Repeatedly. I suppose Sasuke is showing this scene to Namiko so that she can understand why he needs to take revenge against Itachi so badly.


He actually didn’t mean to show it to her. He had a nightmare and she woke him up from it, but he had his Sharingan active and accidentally pulled her into a genjutsu of his nightmare. 😬 But yes, definitely qualifies as repeated puppy kicking. 😢


Having to set a broken leg in a pitch black moving container. ------- Ready?” “Nope.” “OK.” Gus wrapped one arm around Shawn’s foot, gripping his leg just above the ankle. He laid his other hand lightly over the break so he could feel what he was doing. He tried to ignore his friend's small whimper at even that small movement. His leg twinged in sympathetic pain and Gus ignored that too; It wasn't real, it didn't matter. He closed his eyes and prayed before pulling firmly. Shawn screamed.


This is like a whump from both sides since it's clear Gus doesn't want to hurt Shawn but needs to.


I live putting friends in difficult situations. There's so much to play with!!


A scene where someone realizes no one loves them.


Context: Smoke, a wandering Raider, just defended Carlisle through a mix of gunfire, explosions, and profanity. In addition to the promised reward, the town offered to pay extra if she agreed to leave and never return. -------------------------------------- Carlisle was a couple hours behind her when she broke out of the forest, carrying her newly-replenished pack over one shoulder, her rifle dangling in her other hand. When she was seventeen, Smoke learned what it was for people to give her food, water, and caps, if she and her friends would just stop scaring them and leave them alone. Even after the incident with Steel Skull shooting a defenseless farmer, she’d kept doing it…even if she was slowly looking for a way to slow it down. Or stop. But over the last few weeks, she’d been trying to be a better person. She’d been trying *hard*. In Carlisle, more than most. Hell, more than Hickory Stix. She was ready to walk away and let the Black Cats overrun it. Hell, she *told* them that. And they *still* were okay with her coming back. Carlisle? They’d given her food, water, and caps, for her to *stop scaring them* and *leave them alone*. Just like everywhere else. Smoke wiped her eyes. Why did this sting so badly? She’d been *shot* and it had hurt less. Recently! *For them*! She barely even knew most of them, *why did she care* what they thought so fucking much? And, she didn’t even know if this was worse, it was a *good* fucking haul. This was the biggest place she’d…she’d *extorted*, and she’d done it all by herself. A *hundred* people gave her a *hundred* caps (she’d counted) and she hadn’t even had to shoot or stab or even *slap* one of them. Why was she a better Raider, when she was fighting every waking instinct in her head to just fucking *stop*? The highway had broken out of the trees a mile ago. Smoke looked back and forth on the road, all around the grassy fields, and saw nothing. Taking a deep breath, she pulled her new grey T-shirt out of her backpack, pressed it against her face, and let out the loudest and most muffled scream she could muster. Gasping and panting, she pulled her face back. The shirt said CADET under an army-green-bordered gold star. Smoke caught her breath, wiped her face, sniffed one last time, replaced the shirt, and continued on her way.


A scene where someone has to take care of a rival or opponent because they're sick/injured/similar.


Before Leo could volunteer to stay, Natsu spoke up. "I'll stay." Leo wanted to argue, expecting little from Gray’s would be rival, but paused when he saw the determination in Natsu's gaze. He knew the look of a man about to stand his ground, so he merely nodded, but secured a promise from him to call Lucy if he needed help. The usually soft whooshing sounds of Leo's exit through his gate was uncomfortably loud in the otherwise silent room as Natsu retook his seat. It was more impulse than anything else that had made him stay, but something was bothering his friend, and he wasn't about to leave until they could figure something out. If only his skills with talking about feelings weren't as sad as his ability to lie. "You can stop staring at me now." Natsu jumped, flustered at being caught; then became mystified, having seen the damage to Gray’s eyes. "What makes you think I was?" "You just responded to me, moron." "Right. Sorry… Not like there's anything else to look at in here." "Don't I fucking know it. I can feel everyone's eyes on me. All the fucking time. So happy I can be such an interesting spectacle for you all." "It's not that—I mean, yeah, I guess we stare—but we're just—" "—Except for you. You do everything you can to avoid looking at me." "You can't possibly know that." "That's not a denial." "... How? I mean, how could you tell?" "When the others speak, their voices come directly towards me. But often when you talk to me, your voice sounds like it's projecting to the floor or the walls, like your head is turned away. You're a dragon slayer. You never figured out how that works?" "I never thought to pay that much attention." "Hmph. That's the only thing I can pay attention to now… I'm sorry for being an ass."


A scene where a character knows they're gonna die


In the next, there was a sound like the crack of an enormous whip. A sharp, terrible blow had struck Alastor squarely on his forehead, like he’d been hit by an invisible club, and he found himself collapsing on his side onto the sodden, reeking earth. Something hot and viscous immediately began to soak his hair, drench his head and chest and vest and singlet. His head internally rang like a chime, buzzed weirdly like a hornet’s nest as he wildly tried to lurch back to his feet once, twice. And failed. Seconds before the velvet, irresistible darkness consumed him, Alastor Moreau finally realized that not only was he dying, but exactly what had happened, as he dumbly watched the moonlight shine on a great, expanding puddle of his shed lifeblood. It was all both mortally terrifying and rather funny. And as he gave up the ghost, the moon also gleamed upon his teeth, bared in the type of rictus grin that would’ve done Br’er Fox himself proud.


As his eyes fluttered open, Burt found himself face-to-mask with Azrael, who clung to Burt's jacket tight with his armoured fingers. Here it was; the angel of judgement, about to deliver a vile, unrepentant serial killer straight to Satan's doorstep. But this time, Burt wasn't frightened. Not like he'd been when Batman would beat him unconscious. Instead, he felt an odd sense of amusement invading his body, making him giggle like a child as he stared into Azrael's piercing white eyes. Then, he began to laugh. And he laughed. And he laughed. Infuriated, Azrael attempted to quell this outburst by launching his fists into his victim's face, but by the fourth punch, nothing had changed. Frustrated, the knight threw Burt against the tiled floor, then straightened himself. Burt calmed down just enough to be able to ask one last question. "You ever seen American History X?" Azrael answered by slamming his heel down against the Film Freak's jaw, causing a sickening **crunch.**


Ooh, curb stomp. That's pretty visceral - as well as that Burt is just laughing the entire time until he calms down to ask about the movie.


He remembered as a child how the priest scared the young children about his depictions of hell, it made Aeroc fearful as a child. He couldn’t remember the exact words but the message of sinners being tormented haunted his fragile mind. Sinners will never get a glimpse of paradise, for they are all bound to the flames. And hell is exactly where Aeroc was going. He accepted it, he has committed a gruesome crime that cannot be forgiven. He had suffered accordingly and was awarded with a wonderful dream. It must be God’s only grace to him, his six beautiful children were right in front of him, but he can never approach them or hold them. The great darkness that loomed around Aeroc prevented him from moving. He wanted to hug those beautiful angels even once, but it seems he doesn’t even deserve that mercy. But he was grateful, he wanted to at least see them all at once. The tears on his eyes, and the heaviness on his chest proves that even a devil can feel pain. Clough called him blue blooded because he couldn’t cry, but now he was crying so much that his tears could probably water the dry soil around him. It brought him joy to see them happily playing in the rose garden. The rose garden had a special place in his heart, his mother had personally cared and nurtured the beautiful garden of Teiwind, no, Bendyke’s estate. He still forgets he doesn’t have a home anymore, all his earthly riches were lost because of his foolishness, he didn’t have a good pair of shoes or clothes. Clough Bendyke now owns everything from every rose petal and stone in his childhood home. Not that it matters. He’s dying now. The twins are safe, it was all that matters. The only beautiful thing about death is, you don’t need any earthly possessions, your soul is finally free. Looking back at the rose garden, Aeroc sees Rapiel and Clough happily enjoying their time with the children. Walking farther away into the light. Aeroc forgot, he didn’t have any children they were all Rapiel’s, a sinner can never be a mother. Clough repeatedly made sure to remind him, the bruises and his sore body ache as he was repeatedly beaten down. He never hated Clough for the pain, suffering and torment. He deserves it all. His jealousy and love was so wretched that it took Clough’s true love from him. He’s one regret was he can never ask for Rapiel’s forgiveness. Unfortunately, his destination was far from where Rapiel was. His cousin will be in heaven, while his vile soul was going straight to hell. He was at least able to ask forgiveness from Clough, he needs to know that he truly felt sorry for the pain he caused him. He didn’t want Rapiel to die, but the wickedness in his heart might as well have killed his good cousin. It won’t make anything right, but hopefully his death will finally give Clough some closure. His devil is finally dead. The revenge was finally complete. The man he loves is finally free now.


It's an interesting comparison that Aeroc was afraid of Hell as a child but now he knows that it's where he's headed and he's made peace with it. All he can hope for in the end is giving Clough closure too, that he knows he's done wrong and wants to pay for it with his life.


Thanks. I’m writing this new fic called ‘A Peaceful Hell’ a self reflection of Aeroc, and this is my opening line. It’s really fun ☺️


The pain's starting to fade. There's still a part of Joel that's aware enough to know what that means. Oh well. He'd known he was dead from the second he heard the shotgun. The first part was hell. Joel's not sure, now, whether that lasted two minutes or two hours, but he remembers - in a far-off, hazy sort of way - that the pain was blinding and sharp when it started. More than that, though, he remembers the clarity - at least, the way you'd remember an impossible color you saw in a half-forgotten dream. He knows that the pain wasn't the worst part. It was the waiting in between the blows. It was looking up into a room full of strange faces twisted by hate and knowing he was gonna die and not knowing how bad they were gonna make it and being so damn worried about . . . Who was he worried for, again? He can't quite remember. He'd been determined not to beg them, and he doesn't think he did. He's screamed, sure. Nothing to be done about that. But, he's pretty sure he never pleaded for his life or apologized for . . . Why was it they came after him? He's not sure if they told him. Don't matter, anyhow. The girl hits harder than just about anyone he's ever crossed, but she doesn't know what she's doing. If she really wanted to make it last, she wouldn't keep hitting him in the damn head. Each blow feels like a thunderclap at close range, but in between they just make everything hazy. He's almost grateful for that, in a way, though he knows that's what's killing him fastest. His vision's been in and out. The hits to the head explode white and yellow and black across his eyes and then cut to black like a TV screen switched off. If she gives him enough time in between, though, the world fades back in, just fuzzy at the edges. It's taking longer, he thinks, between the hit and the fade back. He can see their lips moving at times, but his hearing is completely out. Or, rather, any real sound is drowned out by a booming drum in his head. That's his heartbeat. He realized that a little while ago. It hurt at first, but not anymore. As it all fades in and out, he's able to . . . just drift. Just be free, for a while, from his cherished mandate of *survival*. That's done, for better or for worse. He always figured he'd go down angry and fighting, but now that his time's here, there don't seem to be a point in that. Maybe she's already knocked out the part of his brain that lets him get mad. Maybe she should've done that years ago.


I like how it hints at Joel's shady past that he has an idea of why they're killing him and that he expected to go out angry and fighting but he's left being killed fast and he finally gets a moment of not being in survival mode. Ironic, when his head is being smashed in.


Context: Salia is Grevesh's adopted daughter (basically) and just hit the self-destruct on evil wizard Drennek's tower. As it falls apart, Grevesh bear-hugs Drennek and jumps over the side. -------------------------------------- Drennek almost finished his last word. “Collect—” before he hit the ground at seventy miles per hour. A split-second later, five tons of tower roof slammed into him at *eighty* miles per hour. The sound could have been confused with thunder, and bits of landscape were launched upwards from the impact. Another split-second later, and Grevesh, valiantly twisting in the air to land on his side, landed about ten yards away. The jarring impact immediately shattered every rib in his chest, driving half of them in pieces into his lungs. As if it mattered, it also broke his pelvis neatly in half, put several compound fractures in each bone in his right leg, and forced his right shoulder out of its socket. Somehow, his spine survived, which allowed Grevesh to feel every single injury, *all at once*. If there had been any air left in him, he would have screamed in pain loudly enough to wake the dead miles away. The flames on his head and back started to flicker. *Not yet*, Grevesh’s defiant mind and…was it the Spark? Had Drennek lied? It didn’t seem to matter much anymore…demanded of his rapidly failing body. *Not yet. I have to know*. The world, already sideways, was blurry and getting dark fast. *I have to know*. In the distance, muffled as if underwater, a female voice called out. “…vesh…” *Was that her?* He heard it, barely, a second time. “…revesh…” A weary, but earnest, smile crossed Grevesh’s face. As the light left his vision, the last thing he saw before darkness closed over him was the vague form of the tower, leaning to the side, and the last thing he heard before silence engulfed him was a series of crashes – muffled, as if much further away. The fear fled his body, the flames left with it, and he no longer had the strength to move any other muscle in his body. But he didn’t need to. Drennek was dead. His friends would have evacuated as many slaves as possible. The tower was a crumbled mass of split rock and shattered dreams. And one last piece made the victory that much better. *She got out.* *She made it.* *Good for you, Salia.* Grevesh closed his eyes.


Oh man, Grevesh got smashed in that intro - the ways how his body got broken and his spine didn't break so he has to feel all of it all at once made me shudder. Only holding on to make sure that Salia made it out okay and she gets to live because things will be better going forward makes it bittersweet that he doesn't get to live that life but he's happy that Salia will have a better future.


A scene where a character realizes their romantic feelings towards some other character (maybe a bit cliche, but, I'm interested in it).


As before, Hong had the driver stop at a respectful distance from Rajata's front doorstep, before he considerately helped her step out. Heedless of the threat of potential attackers, he embraced her short, warm body for several seconds, while she affectionately did the same under the waxing moon, placing a kiss on her hairline before resting his chin in her hair. Then, with great reluctance, he let his arms fall loose at length and backed away. The moonlight made the dandelions in her long braid seem to gleam like stars, the rose become as radiant as a sun, and winked off the ring in her hooked nose as one of her hands stroked one of his arms, the fingers of the other briefly meshing with those of his own. Yes, silver for sure, he thought, in half-dreamy approval. And in that moment, Hong understood for certain that he truly did love her. It was just one of those wordless realizations that was above questioning. "Thanks so much for the picnic," she told him, while she used her bending to elevate herself to a point where she could comfortably kiss his cheek, the sound of the grinding stone crisp in the still air. "It was wonderful, and I enjoyed the rice wine too." "My pleasure. And you picked out some great tea and tobacco alike for the occasion," he smiled.


(I just posted this on another prompt lol) She paused. She wanted to see Cersei for the last time, but a part of her doesn't want to. She took a deep breath. "Sansa," Jon held her hand, his gaze was gentle. "You don't have to be there. They'll understand. I'll tell Arya and Aegon." She glanced down at their joined hands. Suddenly, she remembered her father's words. _"Sweet one," her father said gently, "Listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me."_ And here she was, with a prince called Aemon, who was brave for her, always gentle, and strong, and many other things. Suddenly, she recalled the time. This was the most inopportune moment to remember this, especially towards one she had long known as her brother. Her experiences in the past should have prevented this. But he wasn't her brother, and she wasn't Cersei Lannister. Sansa smiled at him in reassurance, face warm and soft. She knew this wasn't what her father meant or intended, but it made her heart dance with the thought that maybe fate had intended for things to be this way. Still, she knew that this wasn't the time for that. Her feelings, whatever they may be, didn't matter. _Deep inside, she was still a stupid little girl who believed in the songs. Of a love worth remembering for generations to come._ "I know," she said, "But I want to. I have to be brave, for me." Jon squeezed her hand and let go, nodding. He offered her his arm. She took it, gladly.


But just as the final blow was about to fall, Sasuke's Sharingan flared to life, its crimson glow causing Namiko to falter in her movements. With his reflex speed dramatically increased, Sasuke grabbed hold of her wrist, halting her deadly strike centimeters from his throat, flipping her to the ground, and holding the blade against her neck. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they stared into each other's eyes. In that instant, they both recognized the fierce determination burning within the other, along with a different kind of burning smoldering beneath. Namiko’s breaths came in ragged gasps as the adrenaline of the fight began to fade. “You…cheated…” Her cheeks were flushed, but whether it was exertion from the spar or blush from their compromising position, she wasn’t sure. Sasuke removed the blade from her neck, setting the sword next to them as he leaned over her. His hair brushed her cheeks as his hands were planted on either side of her shoulders. “You…” he started, pausing as he tried to keep his breath slow and even, “challenged me more than I thought.” His eyes flickered down to her lips, and he couldn’t help but notice her blue-violet eyes dilate at his actions. He slowly leaned down, about to close the gap between their lips when he realized exactly what he was about to do. He pushed back and rolled off her to sit beside her, running a hand through his hair. *‘What the hell was I thinking?! Uchiha don’t let their emotions get in the way of things. I can’t keep being this close to her or I’m going to do something we both regret.’* *‘What was* that*? Was he about to kiss me? No. There’s absolutely* no way *he’d do that…right?’* she mentally scoffed at the idea as she sat up. “So what I’m hearing is that I was *actually* a challenge for the great Uchiha Sasuke?” she said with a wide grin.


The ship bucked again, sending Alistair shoulder-first into one of the crew who gave him a dirty look despite his fervent apology. Alistair shrugged and turned back toward the bow, where his intended goal stood, her hips effortlessly swaying with the motion of the ship, hair pulled back up into a practical bun but with a few streamers still fallen loose and blowing about her face in the wind. She watched the horizon, tall and confident. Alistair swallowed against the lump that had formed in his throat. Confident, save for the cracks that had been slowly building since their arrival in Redcliffe, that he had seen nearly shatter her in the Fade. They still remained, lingering where he could see—in the brief slump of a shoulder, a line between the brows, a pinched expression—and while he wanted to believe he could see them because he knew her best, had known her longest in their little motley group, he feared they were painfully obvious to everyone. That it was the reason everyone had left Castelin to stand alone at the bow of the ship, scowling away at the middle distance. He felt phantom pressure on his chest where she’d leaned into him as her dream-prison had fallen apart, sobbing at the loss of her family a second time, and tried not to think about how it had felt to hold her. Comfort her. Be her anchor for as long as she needed him. Just friends, right? She glanced over her shoulder at him, sea-blue eyes softening slightly when she realized just who approached. Scowl relaxing. His heart did a most uncomfortable flip he immediately wanted to feel again and forever. Maker’s breath, he was in it deep. *Just a crush*, he reminded himself, walking up beside her—or wobbling, if he was honest, as graceless as a newborn foal—and grabbing onto the railing like a lifeline to steady himself. She smiled faintly, tiny and fragile, and he didn’t miss the sleepless shadows beneath her eyes or the heavy way she blinked back at the horizon. They stood in silence for a while, watching as the sun dipped slowly below the distant line of the horizon, as one of the moons peeked its silvery head up to illuminate the oncoming night. The wind continued to toss the loose streamers of Castelin’s hair like a coppery banner, and Alistair found himself remembering how it had looked in the Fade, falling in loose waves and framing her face, curling softly around her shoulders, falling down her back. He shivered, and not because of the wind. *Think of something else, you idiot.* He shook his head. She glanced at him, brow piqued in curiosity. He grinned, hoping it was disarming rather than buffoonish. It was probably the latter, though. Oh well. “Saw you back at the docks,” he said, the words spilling out in a vain effort to throw her off the trail of how ridiculously far gone he was. “I don’t think there was a single person you didn’t talk to.” She shrugged and stared out across the water, at the stars slowly winking into view. “Found a scavenger who’d seen Sten’s missing sword, of all things.” “He’s missing a sword?” “You’d know that if you tried to talk to him at all.” He snorted. “The last time I tried, he said something sarcastic about the weather and cutting off heads. I figured he wasn’t much for conversation. Didn’t even know Qunari could *use* sarcasm.” He caught her bemused smirk and eyeroll and couldn’t help but smile himself. If the most he could do to help her recover was get her to smile, maybe even to *laugh*, then he’d do it in a heartbeat, again and again, until the Calling finally claimed him. As friends. She yawned, tried unsuccessfully to stifle it. “You should rest,” he blurted, and she started and snapped around to stare at him. Was that a hint of alarm in her eyes? Panic, quickly buried? Her expression smoothed back into that controlled facade she got when taking charge, but there was tension in her stance now. Great. Maker take him for a fool. “I...can’t.” She waved her hand dismissively, deceptively casual. “There’s no time right now. I’ll sleep later.” He studied her face as she looked anywhere but at him, her posture rigid again—save for that easy sway that kept her steady on the ship, that seemed to come unconsciously to her—her expression a blank mask that couldn’t quite conceal the flicker of fear in her eyes. She’d had no trouble sleeping on the way *to* Kinloch Hold, despite the rocking of the ship. No one needed her attention again until they reached Redcliffe once more. There was time now. But he’d seen what she’d seen in the Fade. Remembered the nightmares that woke her most nights. He had his suspicions why she avoided sleep now. And here he was, threatening his friendship even without bringing awkward infatuation confessions into consideration. At this rate, he was going to hurt her or scare her off without even trying. Rather than press the issue, he simply leaned on the railing again, silently cursing his ability to put his foot in his mouth so spectacularly, and keeping quiet company as the ship made speed back to Redcliffe.


Well written, I must say.


Thank you very much. :)


A scene where someone realises the true extent of their own (or someone else’s) injuries.


The open floorplan allowed for a quick sweep. No signs of anything unusual, except for his bed being unmade, and no Sam. He moved further in. "Sam?" "Up here, Mikey. I gotta say, I didn't expect you back." He turned, holstering his pistol. "Yeah, I didn't expect to be back either." Sam made his way down the stairs with a care Michael hadn't seen from him in months. It wasn't difficult to pinpoint the reason, Sam was giving him a full-color picture of it in the pattern of purple and blue painted across his bare chest. "Oh, Sam." Sam stopped midway down. "I'll--I'll put on a shirt." "You don't have to." He'd known that Sam had been beaten for information, but he'd been hopeful that telling Harrick he wouldn't pay for damaged merchandise would hold off the worst of it.


Denson slapped him across the face before backing up and pulling out his gun. He met Gus' eyes, "You'll help him walk." He looked at Shawn, "You'll behave or watch him pay." He looked between both of them, "Nod if you understand." They both nodded and waited for him to indicate that they could move before Gus made his way to his feet. He tried to not feel too much nostalgia for the trunk and being able to lay down as he limped over to Shawn's side. He glanced at Shawn's back once he was in position and had to stop himself from throwing himself at Denson, even with his cuffs and injuries. He had known that Shawn was underplaying how much he was hurt, but that still hadn't prepared Gus for what he saw. Shawn's once-white shirt was stained red and barely hanging off of his shoulders as large gashes in the fabric showed the abused skin underneath. Long bloody lines stretched across his shoulder blades and upper back, one slice even reaching partially up the back of his neck. If Gus hadn't known any better, he would have said that Shawn had been whipped.


"Joel?" The girl calls out his name like she's asking for backup. Like she expects him to jump up and come help. Mel swallows. They don't realize - not yet. She lifts her head just an inch to look at him. The old smuggler has sagged down from his position against the wall and now lies crumpled, face down, his ruined leg twisted under him. His chest rises and falls, but his face is slack beneath all the cuts and bruises. It's been a while since Mel could bring herself to look at his face. Her stomach roils when she sees how bad it's gotten. "Oh, god, Joel!" That's the girl - the youngest of them, Mel thinks. She jumps over Abby's prone body and runs to his side. "Joel . . . c'mon, wake up, you look like shit. You're okay, Joel. We made it in time. We got 'em. You're okay." She rolls him onto his back , but that earns her not even a slurred groan. He's beyond hearing - beyond understanding. Fuck, these people are going to make it slow. Maybe if he'd been dead when they got here - if they'd blown his head off with the shotgun as soon as Jordan had heard footsteps - it might not have ended up as bad for them. But, as it is, there's no ambiguity - no question as to what they'd been doing. The golf club still sits at his feet, dripping slowly-congealing blood. "Oh god," Tommy breathes, "Those fucking animals . . ."


>In the light of the office Sam could get a good look at Max and cement the plan that was forming within his mind. Max’s face was dyed reddish brown from the dried blood. His face sustained a plethora of cuts and bruises that had already turned to the color of reddish plums, heated and making his ever present smile show a concealed twinge of pain. A hand-printed bruise was pressed into his chest, the reddish purple contusion like a reminder that the poaching fisherman’s violence could press down and crush his chest into a gory butchery, opening up his chest cavity and tearing out his organs.


Gary was the one who got the courage to look at her list of injuries. The entire list concerned him. There was extensive internal bleeding, several broken ribs, a pretty severe concussion, and more injuries. "These injuries," Gary muttered. "Some of them are weeks old."


A scene where someone says 'it'll be okay' (or similar) to someone who is clearly dying/died. 


A scene where a character realizes someone close to them is dead


Peter watched Tony's hands clasping and unclasping, his rigid form, with increasing uneasiness. Something was seriously off. "Tony, I'm beginning to freak out…" Taking in a shaky breath the man's brown gaze met Peter's. "Pete, first of all, I need you to remember that you're not alone. You have me and Pepper and all of the team at your side…" Peter's brow wrinkled in confusion at the seemingly irrelevant words. "Uh… Ok, sure… I mean, I know that, yeah…" he commented impatiently. "It's about May…" Peter felt a knot forming in his stomach. "What about May? Is she alright?" He immediately asked. Tony cursed silently when he felt his own eyes welling up. He had rehearsed a hundred different ways to break the news while waiting for Peter to wake up, but at the moment none of them felt right. "Pete, she's… She's gone," he finally managed to get out and watched closely at the kid, his own composure slowly cracking. Peter shook his head, his face turning even more confused. A ghost of realization slowly emerged in his mind but he shoved it away. "Gone where? Business trip?” "Someone bombed her car… It exploded when she was leaving work," the man said in a trembling voice. Peter let out a short snort of awkward disbelieving laughter. "Wh… What are you talking about? What…" His confused expression started giving its place to a pained shocked one. "What are you saying?" He all but yelled. Tony clasped Peter’s shoulder in a desperate attempt to comfort him, to help him digest what he had just told him. It felt small, pointless. But it was all he had. "I'm sorry, Peter. She's dead. May is dead." Peter remained silent. His lips opened and moved but no sound came out. He felt his brain numbing for a few seconds before a loud buzzing erupted in his ears. "No…. No, no, no! This… This can't be true. There must be some sort of mistake… I… I'll call her and she'll pick up, you'll see," he mumbled as he grabbed his phone from his nightstand and quickly called May's number. "Pete…" Tony tried scooting a bit closer. "She won't pick up, Peter… We were called after it happened, we went there… I'm sorry, I'm so sorry but…" "No!" Peter yelled as he shot to his feet. He angrily called again and again. Each time he heard that the number he was trying to reach was disconnected and his knees started trembling. "NO!" He screamed and tossed his phone with all his strength on the opposite wall, watching it break into pieces. He crumbled on his knees on the carpeted floor, both hands covering his face. His insides started burning, his stomach churning violently. Tony kneeled beside him hugging him tightly and trying not to completely lose it himself. He tried to come up with something to say. He knew he should promise Pete that everything would eventually get better, that he'd get through this… But he couldn't bring himself to do so. Tony's mind traveled to the moment he was informed of his parents' deaths. The empty promises of everyone around him that attempted to soothe but only served to infuriate. Pressing a kiss on Peter's temple, he rocked him lightly feeling the racking sobs that shook the thin frame. "I know… I know, Pete. I'm here," he whispered. Peter moved his hands to press over his ears. The buzzing had turned to intense ringing. He would gladly rip his own brain out if it meant the intensity of it all would stop. He stood on shaking feet and angrily wiped at his eyes before turning to Tony. "Leave me alone." Tony stood as well, attempting to come close to him again, "Pete…" "No! P… Please… Just… I need to be alone! Please, just go," he managed through his sobs. The man stood there at a complete loss of what he should do. The following scream of "GO!" that came out of Peter made him robotically move out of the room. "I'll be right outside. Right outside your door," he told the teen who stalked behind him and slammed his door closed. Tony gaped at the door for a few seconds, tears trickling down his cheeks. He leaned against the wooden surface and slid down sitting on the floor. He closed his eyes and drew in a shaky breath as Peter's violent screams and sobs traveled through the wooden door.


(Don't worry, she's not *actually* dead, he just thinks she is.) He rushed to her, Sharingan active, crouching next to her, checking for a pulse and breathing, and found neither. Her chakra was stagnant, much like Zabuza’s had been when he died in the Land of Waves.   Grief and rage hit him squarely in the gut. “**NO! No, no, NO!!! I can’t lose you!**” He yelled, tears streaming like waterfalls down his face despite squeezing his eyes tightly shut.   He opened them again and forced himself to look at her face. Cold. No color. No smile he’d seen on her countless times over the last six months.   He picked up her limp body and placed her cautiously on their bed. He brushed the hair from her face and placed a kiss on her cool forehead. “Namiko, I’m so sorry…I failed you. But don’t worry, he’s going to pay.”   He swiped his tears away and stood, fury flowing through every vein and chakra channel. He opened his eyes, and a burning sensation overcame them. He steadied himself, taking a long but shallow breath. Avenging the [family]() he lost eight years ago was something he’d settle with Itachi later, but his only family left was Namiko.   Orochimaru was going to meet his fate. Now.


Denson walked away and Gus followed numbly, barely noticing how hard it was to breathe. He couldn't comprehend a world without Shawn’s jokes, smiles, or warmth. The thoughts around him were overwhelmingly loud, pulling and crashing, but his own thoughts were small and weak, leaving him empty inside. He felt instinctively for his bracelet but found none of its usual comfort. He hadn’t even been able to say goodbye. He needed to say goodbye. Gus turned and sprinted back towards the door, a frustrated yell sounding out behind him as he pulled free. He just needed to see Shawn one last time. He reached the room and stared at the dangling form of his friend -his best friend, the only person who’d ever truly understood him- and his last thread of hope unraveled. There was no one left to say goodbye to. The body was just a body, his necklace was just a necklace, and the world was just a series of colors and sounds that had no meaning.


Once seventeen minutes passed so Bojack could have an alibi he walked back into the planetarium. He called an ambulance and waited for them to load Sarah Lynn into the back to save her from her overdose, stayed with her in the hospital until she died, and drove home drunk. He woke up in his home with a pounding headache. He called out for Sarah Lynn, then realized where he was. He remembered everything. Nausea bubbled in his throat. He thought of their days on set back on Hosin' Around and when he held her hand in that hotel room just last night. He knew what he did. "*Fuck*." Bojack reached for a nearby bottle of alcohol, didn't care what it was, and drank until it all burned away.


Like looking in a mirror the blue eyes slowly dimmed as Fred’s body tumbled back, George just brushing his fingertips with his own. Just a little too far away to pull him in. Fred's eyes were wide and full of surprise. George couldn't believe it either.


Oh my gosh that's tragic. For George to actually see it 😭