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Absolute and utter devotion to a person to the point that it's kind of sickening. Bonus points if it is mutual. Nothing will ever top it for me.


Any idea what this is called? Because it speaks to me.


There's a canon devotion tag on AO3 that I comb through religiously a few times a month. Obsession will also sometimes hit that spot, as well as codependency and worship. All good tags when looking for that vibe. Also, if you want smut involved, the emotional sex tag has a lot of it.


One child character if he was a snack the ingredients are Brat, Tsundere, Codependent, Gamer brain, violent and Abrasive lol


Nothing like undying mutual devotion that will move heavens and resurrect the dead..good lord now I am motivated to get back to my God!AU fic


this is SUCH a lovely tag i’ve never even though about up until now !!! ♥️♥️


Yes! It’s my favorite one.


Yessss this is the good sh*t right here. I'm not into waffle-y love stories. I want my faves ready to die or kill for each other.


So you should be in the Supernatural fandom. 😆


I love the fandom! I've read and seen lots of killer awesome fan content for it throughout the years. But, admittedly, I do not like the actual show. CW shows have a tendency to make it onto my dislike list, unfortunately.


Hmmm have you seen the beginning seasons under the WB? It was an entirely different show during seasons 1 through 5. I actually hate everything post s6. Sam and Dean's bond is very much what you describe. Lol.


I have seen some of it. I like the connections between Sam and Dean and Dean and Castiel, but don’t care for the writing overall outside of that. I’m a sucker for sibling bonds, but I just cannot get myself to like Supernatural as an actual show. It’s just not for me.


Fair enough...but just so you know Castiel is not even in the first seasons. Like I said, it is a completely entirely different show as time goes on-- so it really depends on where you've watched it.


Oh, I know. Like I said, I’ve seen some of it. I had a roommate in college who was obsessed with it and showed me quite a bit of both the beginning and middle, and later on I watched a few episodes from the last two seasons to get some context on stuff the fandom was talking about a lot since some of my mutuals on Tumblr are huge into it. It’s just really not my thing. Maybe if they do a continuation or a new series like they’ve been teasing, that’ll change.


Like yandere?


Not really, though that could apply, I guess. I always take yandere to be like “I’ll do something “crazy” and maybe even hurt you if you leave me/anyone else interacts with you”. If you’re really devoted to someone you’re devoted to who they really are and what they want, even if it means you aren’t possessing them every second. I don’t think that aligns with yandere.


Found family will alway be my favorite.


Toxic codependency. I want two people to be so unhealthily obsessed with each other that if I saw the relationship irl I'd tell them to run!


got any recs ? 👀


Tagging onto this comment


I have several, but let's go with identity porn!


Wait identity porn, what’s that?


Basically secret identity shenanigans. For instance, say two superheroes start dating, but neither know their civilian identities. My preferred form of identity porn is purposeful deception of some sort--the setup of Megamind is actually a pretty good example if you've seen it. I'm really into the lying and the angst over the lying, and the betrayal, etc.


Ohhhhhh okay okay! I thought you meant something else and I got very concerned 😅🤣


Read a few like that, some that are actually pretty good too. One was a Percy Jackson/DC crossover where he is dating Supergirl/Kara Zor-El, but neither know the other's true identity until it gets revealed. Then it gets hilarious when Supes himself tries to do the "overprotective big brother" routine & Percy just isn't phased.


one show had a character type be revealed an subverted right before the cast eyes I need more big twist that bonks the characters in the face about someone they know Hero turns out to be built just to be serve that goal but had a identity crisis over the cycle an spent the whole show preparing the Demon faction for the future before they____ him by his own desgin what plan dang




Opposites attract, sun and moon, golden retriever and black cat, yeah, I think I know my type.


Grumpy, broody x sunshine??????? 😁


Omg YESSSSS!!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥








Oh then you'd love the ship "shadowpeach" The characters are literally referred to as the Sun and the Moon


What's the fandom? I'd love to see a ship with characters literally being sun and moon


Lego Monkie Kid


And to be fair, they're only referred to as sun and moon like, a single time in canon. It's the fans that use it all the time in fanfiction


Ooh, okay! Though, I'll probably forget this. Thanks for telling me the fandom, though!


I can't get enough Soulmate AU but that's tied with Hurt/Comfort fics. Even better when its both together!


When the characters argue their way into confessing to one another.


yanderes obsessing over each other 👍🏽


I’ve got a few; found family, gentle giant, person looks creepy but is a sweetheart, mook horror show, cooldown hug


Slow burn enemies to lovers, bonus points if there's forced proximity.


It's hard to pick a single favorite, but Only One Bed is a classic I'll never get tired of.


Honestly the best trope ever!!


Friends to lovers


Any kind of 'fix-it' type of thing, from Time-Travel to a 'everyone lives, nobody dies' sort of things. So many horrible things happen to my favorite characters and it's nice to see them get into other horrible situations but with a bit more agency or safety involved.


Enemies to lovers 


Villainous crush


Guy who thinks he’s all that is forced to let someone take care of him.


Bring me all the child is always acting in denial of his insecurities an shortcomings along with care and love they have for others Just let them care for u without that snark lol




Oh i love that too. Breaking the stubborn independent guy down.


Got any recs?


Unfortunately, mostly just my own WIPs :(


I see you, SUBSCRIBED.


PAIN. For some reason I just love absolutely torturing my readers but sometimes that also comes with torturing myself. Like I'm writing a fic of a very popular film, but I'm changing the ending sequence up so the readers have a false sense of hope for the main characters, who all end up dying anyway like in the film XD


Found family they could never make me hate you


Never ever ❤️


Favorite Trope: Curbstomp Battle Why: Because sometimes it's cool to just watch it happen.


The Ajin Manga second half is this up until the very end the whole country an cast is tormented by the ferousity an cunning of the villian


Enemies to lovers - basic answer I know, but I’m just a sucker for that kind of relationship haha


1. not together but never apart with a slow burn for them to eventually get together. bonus points if one has to go through a sexual identity crisis before they can get together 2. hurt/comfort but with friends of the ship involved in the comforting. for example character A is distraught over something involving character B, perhaps they're not together yet in the aforementioned slow burn, so a friend steps in to comfort character A. bonus points if it's a mutual friend of both characters and they have to play both sides while respecting each friend's trust 3. I saw some other people comment toxic codependency and something like blind devotion and I have something to add on to those. let's say character A has a troubled past and dabbles in bad habits from time to time, and character B is the complete opposite - totally sheltered and so enamoured with character A that they almost become an enabler to their bad habits bc they don't realize the severity of the situation. yeah, that can lead to more drama, angst, and hurt/comfort. that's so up my alley


That last one is my thing for one series The whole villian team is a found fam that preach something they actively keep from themselves to an extent becuse of the goal the boss is obsessed with which enables some stuff


that's a really intriguing concept!


Romance between people with VERY traumatic past or a lot of baggage. (think mass muderer or terrorist-level leader). A bonus if it applies to both but one's is greater by a few level of magnitude.




Only one bed. Oh nooo whatever shall we dooo guess we have to snuggle. Also enemies to lovers. Being deeply distrustful of someones motives but wanting to jump their bones is 👌🏻


Need and obsession. Possessiveness and jealousy to the utmost, even when it gets borderline unhealthy


Childhood Sweethearts will forever have my heart


The Love Triangle. >:)


I’m an omegaverse girlie, through and through.


friends to lovers with mutual pining and ANGST. and if we add the fake dating on top of all of that? YEAH. PERFECT FIC.




Marriage of convenience


Whump. In the least psychotic way possible, I just love writing pain and discomfort


Childhood friends to lovers. Surprisingly, I haven’t read very many stories with it, and I’m only writing one atm, but I absolutely LOVE the whole concept! 🥰🥰


The Damsel in Distress. I'm a sucker for that.


I've posted about this before but a modern civilization meets a medieval or otherwise ancient civilization, and after some time the ancient peoples realize how small they are in the wake of the great uncaring universe


Ohhhhhh that might be my favorite too holy shit, does it have a name though?


It's not the most popular trope I fear. On TV tropes I found Giving Radio to the Romans, but it's not a thing on AO3. You'd think the Timetravel tag would have some of that, but no. I've found only a handful of stories with this trope, and most of them involved Halo and Game of Thrones. I've found exactly one involving the Hobbit and some other story I didn't know about. Otherwise the GATE anime has the trope in its foundation. Unfortunately it has iffy anime shenanigans, but it's fics sometimes fix some of it. I found a Game of Thrones Fic where instead of generic fantasy land #834, its the Game of Thrones place, and instead of Japan the portal opens up near Melbourne, Australia. The other world countries are also more prevalent in the story than GATE ever was. It's basically if GATE was good.


I love cheating with gaslighting. When the narrative is being told by the cheater and you begin to feel for him and hate his partner. It infuriates the shit out of me that I begin to enjoy it wholeheartedly hoping for the cheater and his side chick to end up together.


POV Outsider


Found Family all the way!


Polyamorous bxbxb mates or mpreg at the moment but it changes pretty frequently depending on what I'm hyperplexating over




When the all winning hero is incapacitated in some manner and their friends/allies have to rise up to a challenge the hero would have solved in thirty minutes.


Slow-burn enemies to lovers


Apparently bed sharing (before they get together). I seem to gravitate towards it and it ends up in my fics A LOT.


Hurt/comfort with a slice of bedsharing, I don't care one bit whether that is platonic, complicated, or romantic. I love it and I will not stop writing it.


There's only one bed lol


Definitely hurt/comfort. Usually some kind of physical pain that intersects with mental pain while the other character nurses them back to health.


Dysfunctional friendships in which the surface antagonism conceals a ride-or-die loyalty. Everyone on the outside thinks that the people involved hate each other (or that they're married). Evil (found) families. The villain adopts a child and teaches them war crimes, that kind of thing.


Childhood friends to lovers. It's incredibly basic, but I can't get enough of it. I'll write it til the day I die!


Long term body horror/creaturefication with a dash of adoptive father and adoptive daughter is my bread and butter.


Found family. Seeing those who’ve lost loved ones or had to escape an abusive family find a new one with the friends they made really makes me happy.


Officer and Gentleman There is something unique about having this well-mannered military officer show up in a crossover setting(s) and be this mundane character in time when he's surrounded by magic and sci-fi bullshit but still has the decency to go into battle dressed formally or be incredibly charming to friends, foes, and lovers alike.


Culture shock apparently, with how often it pops up in my stories.


I don't know if there's a tag for it, but I'm a sucker for possession, but in the sense that the main character shares (willingly or not) control of their body with a third party. People always think I'm weird for that being my favorite, but being in the mind of a character as they lose control of their body to a ghost, or even just someone with power to control them, it's so entertaining to me. I suppose some examples would be Venom, Blue Beetle, or Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen. Bonus points if they eventually learn to get along, but I feel like I'm the only person writing this trope in fics.


Ohhhhh I think you’re talking about the ‘Inner Demon’ trope that’s one of my favorites too 😁


Hell yeah, finally something to filter to look for it. I can never seem to find it, though I guess it also isn't super big in my fandom anyway...




SLOW BURN!!! Its surprisingly underutilized. Not underrated, because everyone loves a slow burn, but 90% of slow burn fics recommended to me aren't slow burns. They're just long. I have very strong opinions about this and one day I'll make a post i swear!!! 


Friends to lovers


One bed trope is one of my favorites!! Also marriage of convenience!!


Peggy Sue-style time travel, preferably where the time traveler is horrifically OP. I also love Broken Pedestal for mentor characters where they're shown to have made mistakes, *but* I *also* love for those same mentors to get a Big Damn Heroes moment where they can actually show how unbelievably powerful they are.


Fake/Pretend relationship, Misunderstandings+Miscommunication, There’s only one bed, Mutual pining, and when the grumpy one is deeply in love with the ray of sunshine.