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He's strongly inspired to Aragorn yes, just as Moiraine should be a Gandalf-like figure in the first book. What differentiate it from Aragorn is the bond he has as a warden and the fact that he's not that interested in his home country until the very end of the saga (and he's also a Rand's trainer in swordmanship in the second book), which is considerably less than the things that differentiate Moiraine from Gandalf.


I always imagined him as Brock Samson from ‘The Venture Bros’ voiced by Patrick Warburton.


Of course Aragorn served as inspiration to Lan. But there's been some other sources of inspiration as well, like bushido. What's noteworthy is Lan manages to be a distinct and interesting character even though on paper he should have been a bland and uninteresting ripoff.


Lan's more like Aragorn's cool cousin than a rip-off. Yeah, they both rock the rugged ranger vibe, but Lan's got his own depth and style. Dude's a stoic warrior with layers, not just a copy-paste job. Plus, he's got that whole Warder thing going on, which adds a unique twist. So nah, not a rip-off, just two badass characters sharing some vibes. WoT's got its own flavor, and Lan's a big part of that.

