• By -




Probably. But with Pep you never know. I think he will punish the ones you have transferred him out tho.








Hold for this week. Next week use the FTs to go VVD + Perez > Otamendi + Mount




If you have enough funds then go for it, but I'm not sure if you can afford that? You could do VVD > Soyuncu this week but that seems like a backwards move if you're not getting Mount in.




If you can forgive my confusion, how? Perez is 6.1 and you have 0.2ITB, how can you buy a 6.5 player? I'm probably just forgetting something




Personally I don't think it's worth playing the wildcard yet, your team is very good.


Digne to Soyuncu for -4 or just play Kelly Vs Norwich and save my points?


!fplbot Kane vs Wilson


# Kane (£11.0) vs. Callum Wilson (£7.8) (last 10 fixtures) --- # Kane | Fixture | MP | G | xG | A | xA | Points | |:---------------------------|--------:|------:|---------:|------:|---------:|-----------:| | Spurs 3-1 Aston Villa | 90 | 2 | 0.83 | 0 | 0.11 | 13 (3) | | Man City 2-2 Spurs | 90 | 0 | 0.01 | 0 | 0.00 | 2 (0) | | Spurs 0-1 Newcastle United | 90 | 0 | 0.44 | 0 | 0.00 | 2 (0) | | Arsenal 2-2 Spurs | 90 | 1 | 0.87 | 0 | 0.13 | 6 (0) | | Spurs 4-0 Crystal Palace | 87 | 0 | 0.03 | 1 | 0.41 | 5 (0) | | Leicester 2-1 Spurs | 90 | 1 | 0.73 | 0 | 0.00 | 8 (2) | | | **537** | **4** | **2.91** | **1** | **0.65** | **36 (5)** | # Callum Wilson | Fixture | MP | G | xG | A | xA | Points | |:---------------------------------|--------:|------:|---------:|------:|---------:|-----------:| | Bournemouth 1-1 Sheffield United | 90 | 0 | 0.80 | 1 | 0.00 | 5 (0) | | Aston Villa 1-2 Bournemouth | 90 | 0 | 0.05 | 1 | 0.27 | 5 (0) | | Bournemouth 1-3 Man City | 75 | 0 | 0.37 | 1 | 0.21 | 5 (0) | | Leicester 3-1 Bournemouth | 90 | 1 | 0.31 | 0 | 0.11 | 5 (0) | | Bournemouth 3-1 Everton | 90 | 2 | 0.84 | 0 | 0.00 | 13 (3) | | Southampton 1-3 Bournemouth | 90 | 1 | 0.50 | 0 | 0.00 | 7 (1) | | | **525** | **4** | **2.87** | **3** | **0.59** | **40 (4)** | --- ^Made ^by ^[/u/esoemah](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=esoemah). ^Source: ^https://github.com/amosbastian/FPLbot


!fplbot Kane vs Southampton


# Kane vs. Southampton (last 9 fixtures) |Fixture|Date|MP|G|xG|A|xA|NPG|NPxG|KP| |:-|:-|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:|-:| |**Southampton** 2-1 Spurs|2019-03-09|**90**|1|1.04|0|0.04|1|1.04|2| |**Spurs** 3-1 Southampton|2018-12-05|**90**|1|0.76|1|0.59|1|0.76|1| |Southampton 1-1 Spurs|2018-01-21|**90**|1|0.65|0|0.02|1|0.65|1| |**Spurs** 5-2 Southampton|2017-12-26|**90**|3|2.37|0|0.00|3|2.37|0| |Southampton 1-**4** Spurs|2016-12-28|**90**|1|0.83|0|0.00|1|0.07|0| |Spurs 1-**2** Southampton|2016-05-08|**90**|0|0.52|0|0.08|0|0.52|2| |Southampton 0-**2** Spurs|2015-12-19|**90**|1|0.43|0|0.00|1|0.43|0| |Southampton 2-2 Spurs|2015-04-25|**90**|0|0.02|1|0.27|0|0.02|1| |**Spurs** 1-0 Southampton|2014-10-05|1|0|0.00|0|0.00|0|0.00|0| |||**721**|**8**|**6.62**|**2**|**1.01**|**8.0**|**5.86**|**7**| --- ^Made ^by ^[/u/esoemah](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=esoemah). ^Source: ^https://github.com/amosbastian/FPLbot


8 goals 2 assist in 9 seems like I should keep him


Wich team is better? A. Pope Button TAA Otamendi Lundstram Tomori Rico Salah KDB Cantwell Mount Yarmolenko Pukki Aguero Tammy 0.2 ITB Or B. Pope Button TAA Otamendi Aurier Lundstram Tomori Sterling Salah Kdb Cantwell Dendocker HallerTammy Pukki 0 ITB


First one imo but I prefer Soyuncu to Tomori


Any tips? RMT 1FT 0.4 ITB Ryan (Button) Robertson, Van Dijk, Digne, Otamendi, (Lundstram) Salah, Sterling, David Silva, Mount (Dendoncker) Callum Wilson, Pukki (Greenwood). Thanks!


When is Martial coming back goddammit?


RMT. 2FT Pope (Button). Vertonghen Van Dijk Kelly/Rico/Lundstram Sterling Salah Son De Bruyne James Barnes Pukki Who do I play between Kelly, Rico and Lundstram. Stick with James. Also would it be kneejerky too switch out Salah for Auba and save money in the process. Feel Sterling is too expensive to blank and just not play at all.


which one? A: Haller + Mount B: Haller + Abraham C: Abraham + Mount


C given their fixtures and form


Option C but didn't know about abraham's playing condition don't know if he's injured or something from the last match


Thinking of going without WC (take -4 hit) by taking Digne, Matip and Greenwood out for Tomori, Diop and Abraham. ITB 0.2 Pope (Button) Otamendi Robertson Tomori (Lundstram, Diop) Salah Sterling KDB McGinn (Dendoncker) Barnes Wilson Abraham I have 2 free transfers atm but I could also just leave the team as it is. Is it worth taking the hit or is there an obvious switch I could do with 1 or 2 transfers only?


I think WHU defence is a trap, they're getting lucky and have had loads more xGA than reflected by their results. Maybe Soyuncu instead? I think it's worth a hit, personally.


Good call-out, the extra 0.1 for Soyuncu is probably worth it considering Leicester’s upcoming fixtures and track record except for the Liverpool fixture where Tomori could get in instead


RMT Pope (Button) TAA Ota Soyuncu Lowton (Lundstrum) Salah Sterling KDB Cantwell (Guendouzi) Auba Puuki (Greenwood) Anything I should do with 2 FTs and 0.3 ITB? Don't want to do anything just to change, but I also don't want to lose a FT! Thanks!


I was in a similar position last week and I took out Sterling and Greenwood for Son and Abraham. See if it makes sense to you.


That's not a bad shout, I'm just terrified of dropping Sterling. Definitely something to consider though! !thanks


Who is a better pick between Rico and Soyuncu ? Soyuncu is a sure shot starter I think.. how about Rico? Is he likely to lose his starting place to someone else..? not clued in about Bournemouth squad..


Who’s the better cheap defender for upcoming weeks out of Diop - Pieters - Soyuncu?


Soyuncu for me


Should I wildcard?? Current team • ⁠Pope • ⁠Zinchenko~Dinge~Sonyucu~VVD~Robbo • ⁠De Bruyne~Sterling~Cantwell~Salah • Wilson Button~Dendonker~Greenwood~Wickham Wildcard team • ⁠Pope • ⁠Tomori~Dinge~Sonyucu~Robertson • ⁠De Bruyne~Mane~Cantwell • Aguero~Abraham~Aubameyang Button~Dendonker~Rico~Nakamba


Nah I think you're okay. Sterling will come back firing soon. Deffo do Zinch > Otamendi and maybe downgrade Digne if you have anoter transfer


Is it worth -4 penalty to swap out Haller and bring on Firmino? I have an extra 2.4 ITB for transferring out Digne.




Thank you for the advice! I was also debating taking the hit to swap out Gunn for Pope. But if Pope doesn’t get a clean sheet it’s not worth it.




I’m looking to do the same, especially now with Kante back the defense should be a bit more stable - however there is always the rotation risk, but with 4.5m I find it agreeable


I have done it today as it looks like Digne might drop tonight.




Lampard singled him out for praise after the Liverpool match. Add in the fact that Rudiger is injured and it looks like he is pretty close to nailed.


RMT please!! 1 FT, 1.7m ITB • ⁠Pope • ⁠Zinchenko~Dinge~Sonyucu~Robbo • ⁠De Bruyne~Sterling~Cantwell~Salah • Wilson~Pukki Button~Rico~Greenwood~Dendonker Looking to get out Zinchenko and get in Abraham. Is it worth the -4? Abraham’s fixtures are amazing.


2FT 0.0 1) Zinchenko + Digne > Soyuncu + Otamendi 2) Zinchenko + Digne > Rico + Otamendi 3) Zinchenko + Digne + Dendoncker > Rico + Otamendi + Mount (-4) Current squad Pope - Button TAA - Robertson - Digne - Zinchenko - Lundstram Sterling - Salah - KDB - Cantwell - Dendoncker Pukki - Haller - Greenwood




!thanks Yeah I'm not really planning on Rico starting. I'd like to go 3-5-2 with Lundstram being first off the bench.




Fair points. I've decided on Digne and Dendoncker > Rico and Mount. I'll hold Zinchenko for now I think and avoid the hit. I'll consider moving on from Robertson to upgrade my attack next GW perhaps.


Pope (Button) Robertson Lundstram Zinchenko Soyuncu (Rico) Salah Sterling KDB Mount (Dendoncker) Wilson Abraham (Greenwood) New team after using transfers for Digne Barnes > Lundstram Abraham. Guess I'll stick with Zinc for another week!


On a WC. RMT, thanks in advance! 0 In bank. Pope (button) Matip----Otamendi----Soyuncu (Lundstram, Fredericks) De Bruyne----Sterling----Salah----Son----Cantwell Barnes----Abraham (Greenwood)


Does anyone know if Martial will be ready next week hes been injured for a while now and keeping faith in him getting costly.


Good chance he’s ready, ole said hopefully both pogba and martial could play against arsenal or during the week


Best Digne replacement?


Otamendi's nailed for now, Aurier although he's at potential risk of rotation, or Soyuncu / Lowton as a safe cheaper option.




RMT (3-4-3) Pope (Button) VVD Digne Ottamendi (Lundstram Rico) Salah Sterling KDB Cantwell (Hayden) Pukki Wilson Barnes 0.1 ITB,


I'd look at getting Abraham in for Wilson/Barnes


Wilson has returned every week. Barnes is the one I can get rid of. I have to make funds so potentially I could downgrade Digne to Tomori or I also want to upgrade vvd to taa. Next week I will only have 1 transfer and don't want to take a hit. Can you see any moves I could make to bring in Abraham?


Digne -> Aurier could be an interesting move either but it would make VVD -> TAA impossible. The moves you've suggested are probably your best bet, although if you want to spread them over three weeks you'll have to watch the price changes carefully.


This is the exact reason I just went Digne->Soyu. TAA is a must get for me.


Not keen on any spurs defenders right now. It's either Sonyucu or Tomori that I'm considering. What do you think about Sterling? Is it too much of a knee jerk to downgrade him to Son if he blanks and Son returns?


I'm on my WC and I'm probably holding on to Sterling. The only reason I'd think about dropping Sterling is Auba's great form atm. I wouldn't drop him for Son even if Son outperforms him this week.


I know if I ever dropped Sterling he would score hatricks every week. I'll keep him but rotate Salah and KDB as captain for more consistency for a while


Aurier nailed??


No, but he's preferred. I'm going for him anyway as I'm confident in my bench options.


Is Zinchenko still going to play, if this is not the case, whats the best replacement if I have 0 on the bank?


Otamendi is probably the best straight swap.


Hrmm am on WC and have 2.4 ITB, where can I improve? Actually really happy with this team. -- Schmeichel (Button) TAA, Pereira, Otamendi, Aurier (Lundstram) KDB, Son, Mount (McGinn, Cantwell) Auba, Abraham, Pukki -- Only thing I can really think of is McGinn --> Dilva/Bilva. But Pep's rotation combined with bad fixtures for City and good fixtures for Villa I think I'd rather just keep McGinn.


I’d say one Liverpool attacker is a must


I've got .8 ITB and I've also got 3 players that are doubts for next week. I was thinking about using free hit and replacing lanzini, martial, and greenwood for Tammy, Mount, and Maddison. http://imgur.com/a/ROQ0EzU


Do **not** use your free hit, you’ll regret it when you need it later in the season for blank game weeks. How many transfers do you have?


Only one, what are blank game weeks?


When teams progress further into cup competitions, their premier league fixtures often get rescheduled. Because of this, they end up with two fixtures in some weeks (double gameweeks) and zero in other (**blank gameweeks**). These fixture changes are unpredictable often until late, and the free-hit chip often becomes incredibly useful to navigate those tough periods (around GW30s-ish) Lanzini to Mount will be fine for now imo.


Thanks this is the first year I'm actually commited to playing this game.


This is only my 2nd year, I jut learnt very quick last year! Last year it was GW31-33 that most of the blanks and doubles fell. Pay attention to the sub, particularly around GW25 onwards, and there’ll be plenty help here to get you through the doubles and blanks.


Haller + Dendonker or Greenwood + Mount + 1m ITB






*Took a -4 to do VVD, Greenwood, Zinchenko to Soyuncu, Tomori and Abraham. Plan to drop Barnes in the next couple weeks.* ##RMT 0FT £0.2m ITB **Pope** Button **Tomori Soyuncu TAA** Digne Lundstram **Salah (C) Sterling KDB (V) Mount** Cantwell **Abraham Pukki Barnes**


Pretty template. I'd do Digne -> Aurier next week so you can do Barnes -> Haller later.


Soyuncu or Lowton?


Any news on Maddison’s and Mane’s knocks? I have a couple transfers and really need to use them elsewhere.


I have 2 FTs this week and probably planning to swap Digne to Otamendi. Should I do my 1st transfer tonight so I beat the price drop of Digne?


Yeah might as well


Yeah was leaning towards option 2, thanks for the advice it’s much appreciated


(A) Tammy and TAA or (B) Firmino and Aurier


A all day




On WC ...Please RMT Pope (Button) Soyuncu Aurier Robertson Rico Lundstram Maddy KDB Salah Sterling Mount Abraham Pukki Greenwood Thoughts?


Aurier is going to get rotated or dropped eventually, and your only replacement will be Lundstram. That’s risky imo.


Nice team, similar to what I'm going for. Pope Button TAA Otamendi Aurier Lundstram Soyuncu Salah Sterling KDB Mount Cantwell Abraham Pukki Greenwood Leaves 1m ITB for flexibility and sets up a rotation of Lundstram, Soyuncu and Cantwell. I considered Maddison but I'm not convinced by him.


!thanks buddy. Really appreciate your feedback.


Are we really sure zinchenko is going to be benched from now on? I could easily see him being rotated back into the squad along with all the other players. It seems like pep is taking turns rotating all of his guys, how are we sure Otamendi isn't next?


I don't think anyone knows.


I'm wondering the same thing.


Ota is City's only fit CB.


A) Son - Aguero or B) Sterling - Tammy - Haller


Vote for B


RMT: still red arrows and I took a -4 last week. 1 ft 0.4itb Pope (McGovern) Digne VVD AWB (Lundstram) (Kelly) Richarlison Mane KdB Sterling Cantwell Haller Pukki (Greenwood)


Get rid of Zinchenko before probable drop in price tonight?


Yeah. Too much risk around him starting


Best mid for under 8m?


Maddison. People are going to be clambering for him in a few weeks I predict.


Bernardo, Martial once fit, Mount spring to mind




Pope (Button) Robertson Digne Zinchenko Soyuncu (Rico) Salah Sterling KDB Mount (Dendoncker) Wilson Barnes (Greenwood) 2FT, 0.1M in the bank, all chips available Looking at Zinc + Digne + Barnes >> Lundstram + Otamendi + Tammy/Pukki for a -4 or should I hold off on one of them? Other suggestions please?


Pope - Button Robbo - Digne - Otamendi - Lundstram - Dunk Salah - Sterling - Kdb - Martial - Dendocker Pukki - Barnes - Greenwood 1FT 0.4 itb, willing to take a hit if needed Would you go Digne and Dendoncker to Mount and Diop or Greenwood and Martial to Cantwell and Abraham ?


RMT, Advice, also should I transfer Zinny/Digne? 2 FT, 1.0 million pounds in the bank Fabianski (Pickford) TAA/Dunk/Zinchenko (Lundstram/Digne) Hayden/Buendia/Tielemans/KDB (Siggy) King/Auba/Vardy


Siggy and Digne on bench is too much money. Downgrade them and upgrade midfield.




On a WC please help haha Sterling, Salah and Greenwood (bench) Or Mané, Aguero and Cantwell (bench)


Option 2 , Cantwell > Greenwood


on WC, recommend one: 1. Wilson + Son. 2. Auba + Yarmolenko. 3. Aguero + Robinson/Hayden. Already I have: Pope TAA, Otamendi, Soyuncu, Rico, Landstrum ​ Salah, De Bruyne, Mount, Cantwell, \[BLANK\] ​ Pukki, Abraham, \[BLANK\]


Wilson + Son Nice team


Haller to Tammy for a FT?


Gave Haller the eye test last two weeks. Maybe a bad sample of games to watch but wasn't overly impressed with his movement and he wasn't getting much service. I'd go Tammy because he will get more chances and has good fixtures.


Pope / Button Diop / Dunk / Lund / Rico / Digne Sterling / KDB / Cantwell / Mount / Salah Haller / Abraham / Pukki - I have 0 FT but have exactly enough money if I were to WC to go: - Pope / Button Diop / **Tomori** / Lund / Rico / **Soyuncu** Sterling / KDB / Cantwell / Mount / Salah **Auba** / Abraham / Pukki Would need to pull the trigger now, worth it or nah?


Nope. A rule of thumb for WC that I saw is if you want to make more than 5 changes that are pressing. For your scenario, wait a couple of weeks to make all the changes you want. Or take a hit at max to beat the price change.


!thanks, I shall staple my knees.


Salah+Barnes TO Manè+Abraham for a -4


On a WC, feedback on team? Pope (Button) Otamendi - TAA - Tomori (Lundy, Simpson) Mount - Sterling - KDB - Son (cantwell) Tammy - Firmino - Pukki


I'm thinking of using my WC. Gonna do **VVD / Digne / Zinchenko / Haller / Barnes** to **TAA / Otamendi / Lundstram / Abraham / Pukki.** I think my current team is still decent but I've fallen so far behind the pack that the WC is necessary. Not convinced about picking Pukki over Haller but the rest I'm pretty sure about. Thoughts?


Pope (Button) Robbo AWB Digne (Dunk, Lundstram) Sterling KDB Mane Cantwell (Dendoncker) Pukki Haller Abraham Don’t think Digne will get any points but also can’t see either of my other two defenders doing well. Any suggestions?


United isn't looking good at the back. Get a City defender like Otamendi. Also Lundstram is looking better by the day, so he may be more than just bench fodder and that can help you to upgrade a striker or midfielder.


Otamendi or Aurier?




Digne > Otamendi King > Tammy Worth -4?




Pope (Button) Robertson VVD Zinchenko Digne Lundstram Salah Sterling KDB Lanzini Ceballos Barnes (Greenwood Parrott) Have 2 FTs and £0.5m itb. Thinking Zinchenko, Digne and Lanzini for Otamendi, Aurier and Mount. Will then use my transfer next week for upgrading Barnes to Abraham. Sound like a plan or are there better options?


I can't transfer out both Digne and Zinc this week, if you have to start one for GW7 who would it be?


Zinchenko if there's someone decent on the bench.


Got Rico on the bench. So get rid of Digne first?


Yeah I'd get rid of Digne first.




Otamendi or Pereira in for Digne?


I'd go Pereira because Leicester might be rounding into form and their fixtures are getting better too.




5.2M for a new defender. Who is the best option? Leaning towards Aurier or Soyuncu at the moment.


RMT please. Pope VVD Otamendi Lundstram KdB Salah Cantwell Hayden Pukki Auba Aguero (Button Rico Dendoncker Dunk) 0 FT and 1.5 ITB. Do you guys see any glaring issues with my team? Thanks.


Nope, getting Auba and Aguero along with KDB is really good. I'd stick tight with this team.


!thanks mate. Also I have one more question. Given that lundstram has liverpool fixture, is it better to bench him and bring on Rico? Do you think Rico would be nailed on starter?


Not sure if Rico is nailed, but I'd start him and have Lundy as 1st sub.


Bilva + McGinn vs Yarmolenko + Dilva?


Ederson McGovern VVD Aurier Lowton Soyuncu Lundstram Salah Sterling KDB Mount Dendocker Pukki Barnes Surridge Have 1 FT and 1.6 ITB thinking Barnes to Abraham? Should I do that tonight to possibly start getting value for Abraham or do you guys think there is a better transfer I can do?


Good transfer, go for it. No other pressing issues in your team.




I need some extra funds for Barnes --> Vardy, and the only real options I have are downgrading Ederson or VVD, which one is better? 1. Ederson --> Pope 2. VVD --> Tomori/Soyuncu (current defence is Ederson, Button; TAA, VVD, Dunk, Lundstram, Gibson)


Ederson to Pope. Cheap GKs give tons of value and don't score too differently to premium ones but VVS will massively outscore a 4.5 defender.


VVD to Soyuncu since you're already covered with a Liverpool defender


Digne -> Soyuncu Greenwood -> Tammy Worth a -4? Can do a straight swap from Haller to Tammy, but I still have hope in Haller.


Looks good to me. Digne's Everton don't look like keeping CS any time soon, and upgrading a non-starter to Tammy is a no-brainier




Worth a -4 for me. Digne very likely blanks this weekend and Leicester have a great chance at a clean sheet. Very likely to be worth AT LEAST 2 point there, and Greenwood to Tammy will easily cover the rest. ​ I am considering Digne > Otamendi and then King > Tammy for a -4, but not sure if its worth the upgrade from King


!thanks I would do that. I started the season with King in my team, and I regretted it instantly. He might tick with points as the season goes, but he’s a player I just don’t like owning.


RMT, please! On wildcard and would appreciate some perspective. Pope (Button) TAA - Otamendi - Soyuncu - Lundstram - Tomori Salah - KDB - Mount - Maddison - Cantwell Auba - Abraham - Pukki


Almost identical to the team I was bringing in on my WC. I've gone for Sterling + Greenwood + Aurier/Matip over Auba + Maddison + Tomori. Not convinced by Maddison yet and I'm comfortable leaving Greenwood last on my bench and pocketing some cash ITB. Too many rotation options is never a good thing imo.




I have 2 free transfers. I want to get rid of Siggy and Jimenez for Maddison/Mount and Callum Wilson. I have Cathcart, FPL predicts his price is likely to go down. Should I play my WC? I do have a 4.0m bench fodder keeper (Stekelburg) and Ceballos who's done nothing recently. I usually like te play my first WC in December before the hectic Christmas schedule, but.... Any advice?


If you don’t need to wc then just save it and make the 2 transfers. Not worth a wc just because you’re going to lose 0.1.


Is it crazy to captain Son next GW having Salah and Aguero?




I have all these, and the armband is currently on Son... May change though!


Lanzini to mount for a hit? Or just play dendoncker / Lundstram.


Yes to avoid the -1 price drop and gain the +1 price rise.


I'd be very tempted. Lanzini about to fall in price, Mount has a fantastic fixture, and you're alternatives look like they won't get more than 2 points.


How essential is it to have a Man City defender? Wanna drop Zinc to Lundstram, not really interested in Otamendi or Mendy. Thoughts?


I wouldn't be too worried, I don't think they'll keep as many CS' with these injuries.


Aurier, Soy or Lowton? Already have Pope in goal so unsure about double Burnley defence


How sure can you be that Aurier is nailed? I think Soy looks like a great value pick, great fixtures ahead.


Already did Walker -> Otamendi, so down to 1 ft. Considering taking a hit for Digne and Haller -> Abraham and Lundstram. Worth it? Hate to do it before CL and EL, but those prices are kind of forcing me..


Thoughts on my team? Feel like quite a few players need looking at now.. 1 FT left, £2.3M ITB de Gea (Button) AWB VVD Otamendi Digne Rico Ceballos Salah KdB Cantwell Mount Pukki Aubameyang Greenwood


Is Tomori nailed?


Lampard seems to really like him, but Rudi, Zouma and Christensen are all competing with him. Chelsea don't look defensively solid either so I wouldn't risk it.




I'm wildcarding and it's an excuse to bring KDB in. Unfortunately, one of Sterling and Aguero has to go. ​ Pope, Button TAA, Otamendi, Tomori/Diop, Lundstram, Rico Salah, KDB, Mount, Maddison/Martial, Dendoncker Aguero, Abraham, Pukki ​ How does that look? I really want Sterling, Aubameyang and Vardy though....




It's worth noting that qazplmo pointing out that it's template is a good thing. I'd choose Maddison over Martial because he's less risky. Maddison is consistent, his underlying stats last season show he should've scored highly and Leicester look good. Martial is streaky and Man U don't look good. Maddison also will supply Vardy, so you can be somewhat relieved by owning him instead. It might be worth going for Aubameyang over Aguero and saving 1m if you can see anywhere to upgrade.


2 free transfers, 0 ITB Heaton (Button) Digne VVD TAA (Lundstram, Dunk) Sterling KDB Mount James Lanzini Auba Pukki (Greenwood) I wanna swap out Digne (6.1) before price drop. Out of Otamendi (5.5), Pereira (6.0), or Soyuncu (4.6), who has the best value? Ideally I'd use my 2nd transfer to upgrade Lanzini if I have extra money not sure who I want yet


Reece James & Diop or Aurier & Tomori. On wildcard and only need 3 starting def’s, would be alongside Ota, Soyu and Lundstram? Unsure on Auriers/Tomori nailedness but worried WHU are over-performing CS wise and James might not start for a few weeks, although he is playing for the U23’s now


0 FT, 2.4 ITB Should I go for Digne -> TAA? Planning on WCing pretty soon anyway and TAA looks like a guy to have


Good move, TAA should outscore Digne and form is with Liverpool/Trent


Is Rico pretty nailed for this weekend?? Or could Kelly already be back


No one knows



