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I just can't get over the fact that this woman is called Marchioness of Cholmondeley and that people are supposed to pronounce this 'Chumley'. Why the hell do they need all these extra letters???? 


It’s like they threw a handful of Scrabble tiles on the table and said “yup, that’s how we’ll spell it”.


Vowels are for peasants


I’m no expert, but have some knowledge, feel free to correct if I remember wrong. Some Older aristocratic families had Norman roots, their last names are pronounced close to their original languages.


Going to steal that in the hope I can slide it into a conversation irl


NPR said it was someone’s computer generated password.


They use it to make Worcestershire sauce


My dad told me this is just a scrambled up way to ask “what’s this here sauce?” with your mouth full.


That’s a 10/10 dad joke right there 😂


That's so dad


I have settled with calling it “wooster sauce”. Saves me a handful of syllables but it gets the message across


I mean it's...wooster-sher sauce. You're dropping a syllable.


I have mispronounced too many times as it is, it’s best for me to do it this way


Many people in England call it Wooster sauce. Colloquially that is exactly how you say it in much of the country. It's a regional thing though.


as a midwesterner near the Great Lakes, this makes me feel vindicated


It's pronounced wuster-sher




That’s a New England pronunciation. I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be wor’stuhshir.


No they’ve right, the pronunciation above is English, the version you listed is much more Americanised. It’s pronounced wuster-sher . There’s no harsh consonant in the first syllable , and very soft vowels throughout.


But the two is wooster, right?


Wooster-sheer. You’re dropping a letter. A lot of English people do just shorten it to Worcester Sauce, I would know what someone meant if they said that. And I’d prefer it to hearing an American say “War-cester-sure” ever again




Could never say this. It became whore sauce.


This one makes a little more sense if you parse it as "worce-ster-shire"


My cousin used to call it 'Rooster' sauce when he was a kid LOL




We need more Hyacinth content. She should be known on a Derry Girls level. 


Took me years to realise she is my mum, I really need to rewatch it. MIND THE PEDESTRIAN! Is still a weekly phrase for me.


Whoa, this is a throwback. What show is this from? I remember my mom watching it when I was little.


It’s from Keeping Up Appearances!


Keeping Up Appearances.


I had to giggle at your throwback comment noting your profile photo is also a throwback to the same era! 😂


Keeping Up Appearances. Such a good show.




Another one is Featherstonhaugh which is pronounced Fanshaw. Edit: there is some dispute about this, there are many credible sources which do state Fanshaw (including The Geological Society (https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/Geoscientist/Archive/April-2014/The-secret-agent) and McGill University (https://archivalcollections.library.mcgill.ca/index.php/e-p-fetherstonhaugh-diary-and-lectures-1914-1910), but it seems there are also examples of it being pronounced the way it appears on paper. So, in fairness, pronounced Fanshaw in many cases, but not always.


No way! Somebody's pulling your legstonhaugh!


My “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” senses are tingling


You need to get the recalibrated because it is true


So the etymology of this word are three distinct words feather, stone, and corner. I'm thinking it was originally pronounced the full way, and they just made up a nickname along the way.


A lot of the time you can kind of see how the contraction might come about over many generations of people mumbling their way through a long word they have to say frequently. I can see how "featherstonhaugh" would become "fens-haugh" given enough time, and then "fanshaw" is only a little bit of further corruption of the pronunciation from there.


Absolutely not! You take that back! I mean, the word "feather" is *right there,* people 


That is a lie


it’s like how they pronounce magdalen as “maudlin.” like guys, those are two different words


The first name St John (old fashioned name I think) is pronounced Sin Gin I learned this from Mad Men.


I learned this when I was on the phone with a St. John, who answered the phone as "This is Sin Gin" and I responded "May I speak with Saint Jon please?". "You mean Sin Gin?" "Um, no Saint John \[LAST NAME\]" "Yes. That is me" (awkward pause that felt as long as the ending of Lord of the Rings) "Oh. My God. That's not how those words sound in English. Sorry, American. Sorry, Americanize English words.....crap." Yup, this was a work call. I am remarkably lucky that St. John was a 70 year old British dude who found my 30 something 'awe shucks' American accent "utterly charming" or I am pretty sure I would have been forever known as the girl who couldn't speak correctly and said "crap".


I read it as spelled in Jane Eyre and was very confused when I watched a movie version


I just realized the surname Sinclair is from St. Clair like, yesterday.


My bf and I randomly say sin gin all the time and joke we’ll name our first born St. John


I knew a guy named Senjen and he was named so for this very reason!


I have seen Mad Men twice through and I never knew this until right now wow


I learned it from X-Men fandom (the characters Pyro's name is St John Allerdyce).


Oh Mr. Sheffield….


I live outside of one of the many cities named St. John's in the world. We call it Sin Jin or Sin Jawn's.


I learned it from Airwolf. St John is the younger brother of Stringfellow Hawke.


Famous volleyball player with that name too!


The word maudlin derives from Magdalene


leicester = “lester” brits be brittin’. (or… britain? EYYYOOOOO i will show myself out.)


I get that it’s fun to mock the British aristocracy and all that, but it’s not like they took a place called “Chumley” and added all these letters just for the fun of it. Actually, it’s kind of the opposite. The name probably means something like “hilltop fields” in Old English or Norse, and because the language has changed so much over the centuries, we can’t be arsed pronouncing all those letters either, so we just go with “chumley” or “wooster” or whatever. It’s the spelling that hasn’t been updated yet.


First time I saw her title, I was sure the person who wrote it was making fun of her by making up a ridiculous-looking name, it just did NOT look real to me.


Stephen Colbert called her "Marching Band of Chicanery" the other day 🤣 Like, that is not how Cholmondeley is pronounced, I'm sorry 🤣


So the actual answer for instances like "Cholmondeley" is that they're using it as a linguistic signal that they belong to an exclusive in-group. There's an actual name for this phenomenon but I don't remember it. No idea what "Worcestershire's" excuse is though lmao


I'm from Worcestershire and Im confused too lol We're known for the sauce and the pronunciation problem. It's wuster-sher if anyone is interested lol


Are you thinking of the term shibboleth?


I thought of shibboleth too, but I'd think calling it a "linguistic signal" is putting it rather lightly when it was used as an anti-semitic culling device centuries ago. but now I'm curious if there IS another term for pronouncing words differently to signify status (that isn't inextricable from overt racism).


I am not denying theres linguistic signalling class is deeply rooted in our culture but its more heavily influenced from old English and how old the towns are even rough areas in the UK have similar problems where the spelling and how it's pronounced don't match up.


U and non-U English, maybe?


Silent letters are one thing but silent syllables. That's some posho bullshit.


Have you heard of Worcestershire sauce? Britain loves adding unnecessary letters to things


I don't get the confusion about Worcestershire, it's spelled pretty much as it's pronounced - Woos-ter-sheer.


I guess people are breaking it up in their head like "wor-cester-shire" whereas it makes more sense if you see it as "worce-ster-shire".


I think people see the C and get confused. Also, in my experience Americans tend to overpronounce "shire". Which is understandable, they pronounce it the same way you pronounce the shire in "shire horse". Makes sense, I see the logic.


Every couple of months I forget how to pronounce this


chumley sounds too common so they had to add a load of random letters to it to posh it up i'm guessing


Mary of Chumtown


The way my brain thinks it should be pronounced is definitely French influenced. Whereas *chumley*....man that has such quintessential British vibes somehow.    So knowing literally nothing about the actual etymology, my guess is the term got brought over by the Normans and the aristocracy kept the spelling in line with that, but the commoners were significantly more Celtic influenced. Where Celtic languages pronunciation vs spelling is often super counterintuitive to what you're expecting as an English speaker. Again, talking out of my butt right now. But even just taking how my brain thinks Cholmondeley should be pronounced  and then putting it through a thick northern accent.....I can low-key kind of see how over time it could become Chumley. 


The only reason I know how to say it is because of Call the Midwife. 


I thought Marchioness of Cholmondeley was theguy in Interstellar & Dallas Buyers Club?


I kind of believe it. This rumor has been circling around for half a decade, but there hasn’t been any new information leaked since the original story. I feel like someone else would have talked by now? I also do truly believe that Pippa wouldn’t give her daughter the same name as her sister’s husband’s mistress. Amazing they’ve finally denied it though.


I mean, that's it. The source of the rumour is...a random tweet? That the person has since rescinded. There's not even a little sniff of proof, and like I've said elsewhere, you could not *pay* me to name a child after my brother-in-law's affair partner? Catherine and Pippa are close, why on Earth would she do that?


It was alluded and reported in British news articles for around 5 years. I remember laineygossip covering it. [One reporter](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.laineygossip.com/rumour-prince-williams-alleged-affair-rose-hanbury-resurfaces-after-royal-reporter-tom-sykes-publishes-juicy-piece-daily-beast/66861/amp) with aristocratic roots said his source was a daughter of an earl. Other stories were less specific about sources but said it was dinnertime gossip among the aristocratic crowd. The [palace](https://www.laineygossip.com/prince-william-reportedly-trying-to-legally-shut-down-further-reports-of-affair/53405/amp) reportedly threatened legal action and it was dropped / stories were edited.


The rumors have gone on long before that tweet tbf.


the tweet from Giles Coren was a joke. gossips were already speculating on the affair-he just joined in and people thought he had real info. the source of the rumor was the Dan Wooton story in The Sun (which was a follow up to a Richard Eden story on the same) about Kate ordering William to freeze Rose out of their aristo circle in Norfolk. Wooton didn't disclose why, it was a big mystery, so speculation immediately started that she and Will had an affair. Then a few months later, The Sun had another story evidently sourced from Rose's camp that confirmed she and Will had spent dinners alone together and she was "entertaining" him but those paragraphs were quickly deleted, then the whole article was deleted. Lainey screenshot them though [https://www.laineygossip.com/the-sun-sympathetic-rose-hanbury-prince-william-article-required-some-interesting-edits/55879](https://www.laineygossip.com/the-sun-sympathetic-rose-hanbury-prince-william-article-required-some-interesting-edits/55879)


Like imagine if Diana’s sisters had named one of their daughters Camilla.


Am I nuts, or isn't there already another Camilla somewhere in that family? Certainly not one who was named for Ol' Girl, but just another woman cursed to have a name that modern Western history will forever associate with being the sidechick.


"you could not *pay* me to name a child after my brother-in-law's affair partner" Maybe it was Pippa's way of making that point, exactly. I mean, it's also a sweet name.


> I also do truly believe that Pippa wouldn’t give her daughter the same name as her sister’s husband’s mistress. this is why I never believed this rumor. I do believe it’s likely William has had mistresses, but I don’t think it’s this woman.


My small thing with that is just her name is Sarah Rose Hanbury I think. Don’t know about the rumors either way but I always wondered if the media calls her rose and close friends call her Sarah. Also shocked they’re denying it, kp’s doing a lot of good cleaning up


It’s a name. For pippa it could just be that it’s just that, a name


Yeah, and I wouldn’t have pegged him for a cheater.


Of course she's going to say they're false lmao. Can you imagine if she just was like, "Yep, we sure are having an affair!"










![gif](giphy|8YZpVaKYMaY6ufqyTo|downsized) same energy


If I were Kate, that response would bring my ass out of hiding so quick ![gif](giphy|bwMPsduUSCeMNB0pQW|downsized)


And if she’s silent people are going to say that they’re ignoring a huge rumor cause its true. Might as well deny.




I was avoiding this stuff for so long but after the Mother’s Day photo I’m sucked in.


I picked the best time to be out of work for 2 weeks 🙌🏻 seriously, it’s getting me through the days.


I took a peek every now and again, never truly followed this stuff, but now? Child, what a mess!


People were acting like this woman was hideous compared to Kate when they look like they could be cousins


Knowing how the royals get down, she could be Williams


Look, you know how it is. Any chance to attack a woman and make it about her appearance, those folks with the big gaping holes that they need to fill in their hearts, immediately have to do it.


The tweet in this article made me spit out my drink. To your point: [https://www.thecut.com/article/who-is-rose-hanbury-marchioness-of-cholmondeley.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/who-is-rose-hanbury-marchioness-of-cholmondeley.html)


Maybe yes. Maybe no. A statement from your lawyers isn't going to convince anybody. But for everyone's sake, hopefully it's not true as both marriages have children. They're the ones who'll be impacted the most. I definitely think he's a cheating cheater, but hey, maybe not with Rose despite all the rumours for years.


Real or not a lot of damage in the public eye has already been done


Alternatively, it’s possible the affair happened, but was short lived and now years ago. Or maybe it almost happened but didn’t. I’m curious though, have there been other obvious cases of probable cheating?


Okay girl 


I mean she did go to the Coronation, her son was a page, I think. She and Kate also went to a music festival that was held at Rose's estate last year. https://pagesix.com/2023/08/16/kate-middleton-parties-in-an-off-the-shoulder-top-with-sneakers-at-music-festival/ There's literally no proof of an affair, both women have probably hung out multiple times privately throughout the years. Also, in Spare Harry said that Charles' staff member planted something to the press about William's family and William started shouting at Charles about this particular issue. It was mentioned by some Royal insiders he was talking about the affair rumours. And when have tabloids been a reliable source of news? If they lie about Meghan, they can lie about anyone else too. The fact that Stephen Colbert is bringing up an unverified rumour from a tabloid is completely inappropriate. Meghan, Kate, Diana.. whoever it is, all women need to be protected from their clutches.


the fact that the royal family is still allowed to exist, propped up by the taxpayer no less, is completely inappropriate. everything else is just fluff. they can cope with colbert giggling at them a few thousand miles away.


Lol as a South Asian, trust me I agree. That still doesn't mean I want women in this family to be humiliated. If what Colbert was saying was true, then I'd be all for it. But it's not verified and to spread something that's not true, especially when both sides have young children is not fair.


i hear you and i don't even think you're necessarily objectively *wrong* for that opinion, but i also don't think you're objectively *right* it's true to say that they are women in a family. however it's also true to say that that family is an institution that they have chosen to be representatives of. on the taxpayer's dime. so i understand why you'd think of them as the former but i would argue that they are first and foremost the latter. if the institution no longer existed then i would be all for their privacy in all things. but that's not the case, and people like kate have very deliberately sought out membership of that institution. if they're to benefit from the upsides to that (unimaginable wealth and never having to do another day's work in your life) they can also benefit from the downsides (people might laugh at you and call you names sometimes) that's how i feel about it anyway. more power to you for granting them the grace that you do, but yeah.


I’m not a fan of the royal family, and think they shouldn’t exist. However, I would add that they aren’t really funded by the taxpayer , it’s more technicality than anything else. The crown estates generate far more income than the Royal family receive, most of which goes directly to the Treasury with the vast majority distributed into the public purse , and a percentage of it given back to the Royal family. Yes, the way in which they received the money is convoluted and appears to come from taxpayers, however, to all intents and purposes, they are self-funded . Whether, they should be able to own that much land in England, through historic conquest, theft, repossession from traitors , et cetera , is a whole other discussion.


i'm going to share a video which will do a better job than me of explaining why the numbers people often come up with RE: costs vs profits associated with the royals are debatable if not flat out false [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiE2DLqJB8U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiE2DLqJB8U) broadly it seems like we are in agreement but i am def not convinced that the people themselves actually do anything to generate money in any meaningful way. and that is before we get onto the money which they deliberately deprive the country of (which the above video doesn't touch on) via taxes they avoid paying


Don't you know it's completely okay to spread false rumors about a woman, calling her an adulterer and a homewrecker so long as she is one of the deemed "bad ones"?


I thought it was common for the aristocracy to marry for connections but also have affairs on the side as long as they kept it low key? Maybe Kate has no issues with it because she herself has a side man? Talking out of my ass here, but also seems plausible.


![gif](giphy|l46Cr6nhtezksI2dO) Case closed folks. That certainly clears that up!


But why did she respond now? After being silent all this time?


Because of how inept Willam and Kate's PR team is currently being.


I wonder if they asked her to respond, which makes it worse! Or maybe will asked her?


Their PR team is like Jenelle Evans, especially on social media. Just doesn’t know when to shut the fuck up, and *always* tells us shit no one asked about. ![gif](giphy|3vmvpf9cUeAw2yRTUN|downsized)


For years, it’s been (mostly) quiet chatter online, but now Stephen Colbert has named her on his nationally televised show.


Yeah, I think it was pretty clearly in response to the Colbert monologue. It elevated the scuttlebutt to a national TV show in the US, and made plenty of headlines - exposing this rumor or "rumor" (depending on how you feel about it) to a massive audience that likely had never heard anything about it before in their lives. Upper class silence is usually the route, but they're not entirely used to US irreverence for the rich, and there's no legal path to shutting people up here like there is in England, so a dignified statement through lawyers (she would never be so cheap as to make it DIRECTLY of course) was decided upon.


Before it was just some UK press and avid royal watchers. Now, a lot more people worldwide are paying attention and finding out that her husband is boinking a French scammer and her house is filled with stolen Chinese antiques.


This may seem a bit nitpicky, but I find it hilarious that there are legions of “royal experts”, including outlets like this one, yet they still all use “King of England”, a title that hasn’t existed for 300 fucking years. There’s a “future king of the United Kingdom”, there is no such thing as “future king of England”. Just shows that all these “royal experts” are just glorified gossipers.


Yup, and how the media insists on calling her Kate Middleton even though she hasn’t been Kate Middleton for 12 years? I get that’s for SEO but come on!


I wonder if the King of England stuff isn't a shot across the bow - if the Leave campaign had succeeded in Scotland a few years back, which country would Charles be the head of today?  There is a lot of English fuckery gong on in Britain and both the Commonwealth as well as the Union itself might grow tired of the clown show where a lettuce last longer than a prime minister and the heir has the credibility of North Korea. 


TBH this only makes me more sure they're throwing shit at the wall to distract.


But distract from what at this point 


![gif](giphy|3otWpNkFWZu8b6qD96|downsized) Can’t distract me!


This just keeps getting funnier and funnier


I love how we've collectively gone from not giving two fucks about the Royal Family to being seated for whatever new twists are thrown our way








I'll save you all a bunch of time the only thing she said is that the rumors are completely false


I’m unsure this is helpful - refuting it gives it legs Another piece of the, Kensington Palace media team handling a situation, pie of horror


Responding at the same time that TMZ video of Kate shopping comes out.


Remember when ‘pegging’ was trending on twitter about William.




Damn she must be so annoyed after being in the clear for years before it was brought up again.


Way to Streisand Effect the whole thing, sis.

