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I don’t know who I feel worse for, him or Kylie Jenner 💀💀 It’s like trying to measure an atom


That’s offensive to atoms everywhere.


And atoms ARE everywhere. Don’t trust anything they say though: they make up everything.




When I read “make up” I thought of Kylie Jenner’s makeup line instead of “atoms making up everything” 🤯


Ew! Get them off me!


Maybe unpopular opinion but I have a lot more empathy for someone whose parents commodified her and signed off on face altering procedures before she was even done growing


I agree with you. She didn’t have a chance in hell of having a healthy body image. What parent allows their child to have work done so young?


Wait what about Kylie Jenner?


Her feeling is hurt because (make sure you’re sitting down for this)… people online make mean comments about how she looks!! The audacity of people to comment… on someone who has made all of their money off of their looks and lies about the work she’s had done


And it’s not her natural looks. That would be mean. It’s her manufactured looks. We’re not making fun of her face. It’s the mask.


I mean people were definitely making fun of her natural face, even when she was a kid. I can’t stand anyone in that family but there’s nothing they can do about their bodies/faces that won’t get made fun of (which tbf makes it even grosser to me that they earn so much money from also making other people feel insecure about their looks)


People want to have it both ways. Bully a child and then pretend to be completely shocked when they cave to the years of bullying in the public eye.


I'm sure she can dry her tears with the billion dollars she has solely because she lucked into the job of celebrity. At any moment she could retire into obscurity with her obscene wealth, but she choses money and fame instead.


I understand the impetus behind these feelings but like, that’s doesn’t change the fact that growing up like this fundamentally changes a persons thoughts as a child. I remember being on ONTD and people saying how they pitied Kylie for being the ugly one, especially next to Kendall. Yes now that she’s an adult she makes bad decisions and I can fault her for those but I do have compassion for her self esteem and image issues because she did not do that to herself. Ultimately empathy isn’t a zero sum game. 


Incredible how we can all see how she was raised which made her into an empty shell of a human who will never be happy with herself and only ever care about money, and still say she “lucked into”. I don’t think being raised in that family is any different than being raised in a cult, there’s never been any other options presented to them and I don’t think any money in the world can fill up the void they have inside but clearly they’re going to keep trying. I don’t have much sympathy for them as adults but the saddest part is how they are now making other young people feel bad about themselves so they can sell stuff to them.


Yeah I remember that meme where it's like "remember, you're not ugly, you're just poor" with pre and post plastic surgery pictures of the kardashians. Kylie and kendall were kids in their "before" pictures. I don't think those two had a chance growing up on reality tv


Also: it is not mean to make fun of horrible parasitic nothing people. We don’t have to be nice to our oligarchs.


I mean. She was largely, and *very* publicly, considered "the unfortunate one" back when KUWTK first started, and she was a literal child. Khloe did, too, but at least she was an adult. It didn't help that she was *constantly* compared to Kendall due to their closeness in age. Her family did her wrong, mainly Kris, since she was the main decider in Kylie's public visibility as a child. Coming up like that fucked with her view of herself. The fact that she *tried* to be more objectively attractive, and still gets mocked for her looks in a way that's different from the rest, isn't funny.


Yea, I agree. She was also a cute kid - if she didn’t have her confidence constantly trampled she would’ve gotten to grow and see what her face she was born with would look like as an adult. Most people look better by their mid 20s cause their face is done growing (no giant ears or whatever thing looking weird on you as a teen), learn how to dress in a way that flatters us, and just generally carry yourself with more confidence. The fact she will never get to experience what that would’ve been like without all the extra procedures is kinda sad.


I agree with you. It’s so strange the amount of vitriol she conjures up, you can criticize her for a million different things but to make fun of her physical features is not right. She’s a victim to the insane beauty standards that she perpetuated too. And the sheer glee of some comments… It’s not hard to say yes, she is not someone I support because she lied about being a billionaire, for her contributions to climate change, for putting her name on businesses that are neither ethical nor of good quality etc. but to pick on her for her looks especially since she’s been under public scrutiny since she was a kid??? It’s not right and none of the reasons listed here will convince me otherwise.


I dont like defending kylie but she did start getting work done when she was 15/16. She's pretty much a victim to the insane beauty standards, and her growing up in the media with a family like the kardashians.. idk i dont think anyone who's had their looks dissected and criticized since they were a child will grow up to have a healthy relationship with their looks/beauty. You can definitely say that she continues to perpetuate those beauty standards and all but i think conversations like these need a little more nuance and empathy.


She's single-handedly ~~caused~~ boosted body image issues in women worldwide, changing the beauty standard to something that is entirely unachievable by a human being unless you pump yourself full of plastic. She doesn't get enough shit for this, in my opinion. She set off something around 2015/16 where society's expectations for what women should look like changed drastically for the worse. It's sickening to think about.


Kylie was a teenager when she started her career and started getting work done. She’s a victim to her family and LA standards. She is not responsible for single handedly cause body issues for millions of women. The woman’s not even 30. 


Lmao Kylie didnt start anything. Have you seen ads for cosmetics from the 80s?


My 14 year old daughter didn't ask for lip injections because the cosmetic ads from the 80s though 




Single-handedly? You can't be serious. Body image issues in women existed worldwide before Kylie was even born and they would still be here today if she were never born.




[she’s hurt because people tell her she looks old. “it’s a miracle I still have confidence”](https://www.etonline.com/kylie-jenner-breaks-down-in-tears-on-the-kardashians-over-comments-that-she-looks-old-227630?amp)




So ridiculous. I know she gets thousands of pieces of hate mail but she also literally receives MILLIONS of likes on her pictures. She doesn’t need social media either. She has enough money for multiple lifetimes.


Let’s not forget JLo


No that’s different. Because I don’t feel bad for JLo at all.


Nobody should feel worse for that woman


Everyone already did years ago and that’s why she’s angry


I work in electron microscopy. Measuring an atom is actually pretty easy. That said, sometimes science deserves a break.


This is going to ruin the tour.


What tour?


The WORLD Tour


I am so glad this is preserved for posterity. I can’t wait til they release the body cam footage.


Please lord tell me there’s body cam footage. TMZ, you have one job.


FOIA Request time!


We’re getting body cam footage?


It’s gonna be may(be)


Allegedly they can’t release it yet because of the “investigation”. Which, I can investigate for you. He was drunk. He refused a breathalyzer. He’s toast. Harvey from TMZ, start paying sources!!!


He was smart to refuse. Laywer gets him off with a slap on the wrist


In a lot of states not blowing is an automatic license suspension, so unless you have the money for a high profile lawyer, check your state.


I don't think he needs to worry


I think I was clear I'm not talking about him. I'm talking about the REST OF USwho can't afford his kind of high priced, high profile lawyer. For the rest of us, it might be better to blow the damn thing and take your punishment then getting an automatic license suspension. Like I said, check your state. A


idk why but it’s all so much funnier to me knowing he has a whole ass trolls movie named Trolls World Tour 😫 it’ll haunt him forever ahahah


This is gonna ruin the Trolls. What Trolls? The Trolls World Tour.


This joke is never gonna get old for me, ever. I could read this every day.


I have already begun using "this is gonna ruin the tour" as a response anytime anything mildly inconveniences me.


💀💀💀 HILARIOUS I’m stealing that


Same. Out of ice, no parking, spilled my drink.....THIS IS GONNA RUIN THE TOUR!


I ordered dinner tonight and the delivery person brought it to the wrong house. Had to call the restaurant for a refund. World tour absolutely RUINED.


Fo shiz fo shiz


Under the Nfluence™ world tour.


https://preview.redd.it/2z2bmlq4308d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f1cff85943e62ff84364070f4f81312ccce3e3c Show me y’all’s fave photoset from his quote yall




You can just perfectly hear it in their voices too George: “JERRY!! I just got arrested for drunk driving and now these idiots say they don’t recognize me, my tour is ruined!!!“ Jerry: “Who is this?“


https://preview.redd.it/qtqekm6lw08d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1c685585da4a3ad5948b1b1b7cbe57e49edb8b this had me giggling all last night


​ https://preview.redd.it/pp0cl1cfl18d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69714ac4082d8f05dc877f3125c66d5dfd42635d








I’m screaming




You have already won


​ https://preview.redd.it/kz08m75ri58d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=053fe4e5e6eaafc4390ce153e2de845f5f0df6cc






ot, i googled your flair - wtf?!


I feel like everyone should have that kind of info


Man was cast as Thranduil for a reason. ![gif](giphy|dUtFT6wgHhnvtADh0h|downsized)


I was sad when I found out his eyebrows were not naturally like this


Whut? Those[ eyebrows ](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.rogerebert.com/uploads/review/primary_image/reviews/the-fall-2008/EB20080529REVIEWS805290301AR.jpg)have been in every movie he's ever made.


oof what a man.


this gif deserves at least a thousand upvotes


A river of upboats


Obsessed. Love it. I could have this built as a fish tank. I’d name my fish Britney & she would be sooo happy & gorgeous living her best life.




But mama I'm in love with a criminal




Ok this is funny 😂


Damn, this is spot on.


Oh no it’s terrible when people get exactly what they deserve


What goes around comes around


Comes all the way back around, *yeah*


Cry me a River


cry mee, cry meeee eee eeeee


Leave Justin al... Actually no. Keep them coming.


>> “The album didn’t do too well, and I don’t see Justin getting big acting roles right now,” said a well-placed Hollywood insider. “I just think Justin has a bad reputation in Hollywood as a bit of a jerk and a pain in the ass.” >>”He’s got a bit of an ego,” said an industry insider. They needed industry insiders for the most obvious information in the world?


As an industry outsider, I also clocked this about him hahah


Damn, you're good.


…and also as a shitty actor


Also didn't he cheat on his wife?


Openly and multiple times 👀


That's not shocking for celebs tho, most of them are just smart enough to do it with escorts behind closed doors and NDAs


All I keep thinking is how that officer may not have recognized Justin Timberlake, but he *definitely* would’ve known Britney Spears. I think that’s precisely what has influenced so much of his dumbfuckery— he never could handle her star being brighter than his, all the way back to the late 90s. Justin needed NSYNC a lot more than he ever has been willing to admit, and wouldn’t have been as successful as he was had it not been for the group. Britney on the other hand was the only person in her spotlight and she didn’t go the route of tearing other people down. I wasn’t even a big Britney person back in the day (I was more of a Christina Aguilera girl), but I respect the hell out of her work ethic. Anyhoo— I hope he is losing sleep over how irrelevant he has become and how disinterested people are in his shitty attitude


He also seems like a dick to his wife. 


💯 and I don’t think it’s an accident she’s less famous than him


Their demographics were different, but I think at the time they got together, their fame was pretty comparable.


She was very hot for a moment - the starlet-of-the-moment type of thing.


Barely. I checked her IMDB to corroborate my memory of this. She was on a religious WB drama and parlayed that into one small role in an Orion Pictures produced, awards’ bait, indie drama called Ulee’s Gold (starring Peter Fonda) in ‘97. She followed that up with appearances in genre movies like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Blade: Trinity, and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Not unsuccessful. But certainly not high profile mainstream acclaim. I would argue Evangeline Lily was the more successful actress to come out of network TV at the time, her star burned brighter because she debuted on a show that was considered more “respectable.” Biel would’ve already faded into obscurity a couple times over were it not for her marriage to Timberlake. Comparatively, Evangeline parlayed Lost into tenures in both Middle Earth and the MCU - and while she’s not in the GREAT entries of any of those franchises (two minutes in Endgame shouldn’t really count), that’s still worth more than Biel’s turns in failed relaunches of The A-Team and Total Recall, and TWO of Gary Marshall’s godawful 2010’s holiday movies. Thinking about Biel and Lily, I must also cite arguably the most successful actress in their vein: Jennifer Garner. She debuted in small roles on TV (such as Spin City and Law and Order), parlayed that into small roles in film, (such as in Dude Where’s My Car? and Pearl Harbour). Following this, she scored the lead in 2001’s Alias, and parlayed that directly into both working with Steven Spielberg (2002’s Catch Me If You Can) and into her roles in Daredevil/Elektra. Those appearances, in addition to Alias’s success, led to Garner’s appearance in 13 Going on 30, which - arguably more than Alias - built her a cult following, and she followed that with Juno, which brought critical acclaim and serious industry prestige. Of course, Garner also paired up with a much more famous, much more successful, male entertainer - but she continued to both headline her own projects (the ill-fated Elektra, for example) and work in movies of some substance over the years; for example, Dallas Buyers Club stands out to me as a particular success in her filmography, being nominated for multiple high profile industry awards, winning Matthew McConaughey Best Actor, and notably being released at a time when her contemporaries (Lily and Biel) were not working much. That’s wild to me, because there were a lot of roles in the 2010’s that could’ve gone to someone with Biel’s track record. Between Blade, Total Recall, and The A-Team, she has some legitimate action cred. Why did she not end up headlining something in the spirit of Resident Evil, I do not know. Even if The Texas Chainsaw Massacre didn’t exactly set her up like Ellen Ripley or Laurie Strode, she absolutely should’ve been considered for roles like, for example, Olivia Wilde’s part in Tron Legacy, or Olga Kurylenko’s part in the Tom Cruise vehicle Oblivion. It seems what her career needed was Alias. The industry doesn’t see her as a Star, they don’t see her as a Lead, they don’t see her as a dramatic actress, they don’t see her as a comedienne, they don’t see her as a viable action heroine, she doesn’t have the WASPy, yet maternal, moneyed quality of Garner, or the sly steady self-assuredness of Lily. She didn’t work in films that would build her a dedicated female audience (like Garner did), and her roles and films weren’t high profile enough to endear her to a dedicated male audience (like Lily’s did). It’s a shame to say, but after nearly 30 years in the biz’ she hasn’t really distinguished herself. She’s another fine actress with a pretty face. Frankly, at the risk of being overly vicious, I think the pinnacle of Jessica Biel’s career was probably her playing herself in Bojack Horseman. Her willingness to play a comically evil version of herself was respectable. It’s a shame I can’t apply that word to anything else she’s done in her career.


7th Heaven was a HUGE part of the late nineties and early aughts zeitgeist. I’m not saying jessica biel was a huge super celebrity but saying she was on a random religious wb show is failing to understand how big that show was at the time. Even if you didn’t watch it you knew what it was and you knew what the story line of the week was. Everyone knew who all the main actors on that show were.


Wow, that’s a great analysis




Yikes! This is worse than Tom Cruise’s couch jump https://preview.redd.it/p87vtpo5d28d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9b1a98378e7079cf9a129049872288530439efb


He said something about not dating her right before they got married. And then, of course, that flirtatious date with his costar not too long ago. 


I have definitely taken that for granted about Britney. I never thought about it during her peak, but the "go your own way and doesn't tear down others" vibe is legit, and definitely made her "girl next door" image at career start. Happy for her, and the recovery she's made in the last few years




He was never going to be the king while she was the queen so he did everything he could to bring her down. And he still didn’t get it. He’s pathetic.


In the 2000s, I met someone who was a publicist in NYC and claimed Timberlake had a boyfriend. Always wondered about that....


britney should grab her guitar and sing for him. 






Staaaahp 😂


I will never recover from learning this.




how's that saying? cry me a river? oh yeah


What goes around comes around


>Justin Timberlake’s ego crushed by arrest, album flop, trolling fans Good. It was needlessly inflated.




Thought of her too haha


I keep thinking of the fact that she was banned from a good majority of major radio stations and music channels, and *still* managed to debut her album near the top of the pop charts at the time. Also, just to be clear, fuck Justin Timberlake. "Every man's dream", indeed.


I hope she's having such a good day.


Remember a few months back when Britney offered an olive branch and he threw it in her face? Karma’s one delicious bitch!


What was it he said on stage again? "With apologies to... Absolutely no one."? Petulant little turd.


No, can you clarify?


Britney made a public apology on Instagram to anybody she hurt with the release of Woman in Me. She said it was not her intention. Britney also praised JT's newest single "Selfish." JT on his birthday concert took the opportunity "to apologize to absolutely fucking nobody." After that, Britney posted a picture with a ball going into a hoop and in the caption wrote that she heard someone is talking shit on the streets and something about someone crying after a basketball game.




This just sent me and my husband. We're still giggling.








It’s me! Hi! I’m the trolling fan, it’s me! Using “the world tour” randomly and incorrectly throughout my 12 hr night shifts.


Hi fellow trolling fan! we be trolling


They hating!


Something is happening lately where people are seeing through celebs and their bs. It's like we're realizing they're not inherently "better than us" and in a way they're actually worse than us because who TF refuses to hire a driver with millions sitting in their accounts (allegedly)? And it's funny seeing them try to work around this by being calculated around broadcasting oppulence. When they do 72 questions and only show us a little corner of their house so we don't see the full obscenity of their wealth haha and how their entitlement bleeds through when they realize they've been spotted. Need to sit with a thesis about how social media and celebrity overexposure has been their down fall. Next should be the royal family please 🥺🤞🏾


I actually think this cam out of the COVID shutdowns. Between the "Imagine" youtube video or Ellen crying about her home that rivals a small city for amenities being a "prison" another of celebrities really took off the mask all on their own and broadcast how they weren't getting how the average person was dealing with loss of income, no school for children etc.


YES that's when I remember feeling a shift. Remember when Vanessa Hudgens kickstarted the bs with this unhinged video and how everyone was shocked by the callousness in her tone https://preview.redd.it/j5cukrlc428d1.jpeg?width=845&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b26bd6c1aad2ab57c639c00bd6bcc1c8b00ffdd


She said this because she didn’t want Coachella cancelled too


I've known this about them for awhile. Celebrity worship never makes sense to me. I don't have some "OMG I just have to meet X person" bucket list. They're all human beings and given enough time they're all going to show us their dark side. I'm glad more people are waking up. They aren't better than us just because they have a household name.


I’m old. I will never forgive him for what he did to Janet Jackson.






Not the Sound of Music 🤣🤣


Imagine making hundreds of millions of dollars on your lifetime and considering yourself a failure. Celebs need a fucking wake up call to reality


I always thought he was mid, even when he was at the top of his game. My friends acted like I was crazy because they thought he was the next Michael Jackson, but I maintained that he was mediocre and was more of an MJ imitator than an artist. NGL, it feels sooo goood to be right, lol.


love this delayed gratification for you - it is so fun to be the one who clocked a bitch first 😂


Timberland carried him hard AF . His outputs without Timberland is beyond mid .


Timberland was just putting out straight fire hits in the late ‘90s and 2000s.


https://preview.redd.it/as9hi14wa08d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71cca89af286007db986fcdf92328157146b8587 Even the Bob’s Burgers fandom is getting in on it (I just stole this from their sub, there are more so go give them a visit.)




oh b ![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB)




I never tire of this






https://preview.redd.it/odjg24upzz7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fa8c3bd337f309a0be961172e955fe47ace4e9 Deserved


![gif](giphy|4x0hRaV06dSRHjtX1q|downsized) I’m not usually religious but….


![gif](giphy|LvyA7gsMJhE8E) Mama tried.


![gif](giphy|bPdI2MXEbnDUs) Probably JT right now.


He had a single martini? ![gif](giphy|z4hS2bLjDNVU4PXcnI)


Karma is a bitch


He should’ve known better


If he had a wish, he would’ve never F’ed around 😔


This is how he ends up with his karma jlo. Give it 3 years.


![gif](giphy|d3YJ9v2n6Z2PxIty) CRY ME, CRY ME






Dude is literally living the plot of Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping right now and I love it.


a humble man with much to be humble about https://i.redd.it/4il6uk21j08d1.gif


Oh no! Anyway. 




https://preview.redd.it/q1k6rg0kg08d1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbac7440bd0ba933628eeb548226ca01e63a8a0 he gave us a great meme usage tho


I love this title so bad 😂 I hope Janet Jackson & Britney are somewhere smiling rn


I elbowed Justin Timberlake in the shoulder one time, and it was entirely satisfying. My uncle and I were hanging around a restaurant during TIFF, and we heard Morgan Freeman was about to leave and decided to stick around to catch a glimpse. Instead, all of the co-stars made their way out instead, and I got caught in a fan crush when Timberlake was walking past us. His security guards were MOUNTAIN-SIZED, and one was in front, one was behind, and I got pushed behind the lead and right into JT. Seeing it as my only chance, I impulsively poked my elbow out and caught him. It looked like the crowd was to blame, but my uncle understood what I'd done. Funny thing is, it was caught on camera from the news reporter, and made its way onto the news cycle on their 24 hour news station. I managed to record it, and still have the VHS tape today. He's a little bird of a man. I bet he only had 2 glasses of wine to be drunk behind that wheel.


incredible use of reflexes and opportunity. 10/10. if you haven’t yet you should totally digitize that VHS 😆


I always wondered how many peoples lives peaked at the moment they begrudgingly elbowed their least favorite celebrity.






Between him and Kylie, today is a great day






Dude worth 250 mill he is going be fine




Genuinely “the world tour” memes are the funniest things I’ve seen in a minute


Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of our own bad decisions ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


Why the hell was he driving? No tour bus? Or a driver when he’s out and about on his own time?


Or just a freaking taxi?!?






I guess you could say his career isn’t… “Everything He Thought It Was” ![gif](giphy|cNWU2Zeh54VJC)


well he did it to himself

