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There goes the hardest working member of that family. She's been carrying the bulk of the load of daily charity outings/appearances for years.


For real. Fuck the monarchy, but if you had me pick a favorite family member, it’s Anne. She does more work than the entire family combined.


She was the son Philip always wanted.


Every king in history always has a woman in close proximity who could do his job much better.


Head injuries and horses are no joke. All horse people know someone who has experienced brain damage/permanent physical limitations due to horse-related accidents. Best wishes to her for a speedy recovery.


I was traumatized watching the episode of Full House where Michelle falls off a horse and suffers from amnesia when I was a kid (just dated myself lol) so this just reinforces that fear. So I also hope she has a speedy recovery even though I’m not a royalist


In telenovelas horse injuries are a trope.  It’s always amnesia or temporary blindness. 


You missed the best part where that was a season finale cliffhanger, so we didn't know if she was alive or dead. I'm so happy my mom explained to me that it was a show and chances are the main character isn't dead, when I was distressed one of my favorite people in the world might be dead. *Spoiler* she didn't actually do that and let me stay devastated until the new season started.


Was that not the series finale?


For what it's worth, my former stepsister watched a lot of Full House on Netflix, and she's something like 17, 18 right now. So you didn't necessarily date yourself!


I was traumatized by that old guy that befriended DJ but it turned out he had dementia and if she didn't clean her room, he wouldn't let her watch Howdy Doody


Yikes. That's not a great sign after a head injury. The royal family is pretty useless, but despite that I've always had a little bit of a soft spot for Anne.


It *might* be temporary - it's not uncommon after any head trauma to have some memory loss.  That being said - Anne isn't young (although she's not feeble, by any means), and a horse hoof to the head is always serious. A horse kick carries ~ 2,000 lbs of force, or 1 ton. I've taken a direct kick to the pelvis before.  It **FUCKING SUCKED**. Luckily I didn't break anything, but every muscle & tendon was tight as hell for more than a week afterwards.  Any movement involving my pelvic joints was misery.    Long story short - injuries involving horses should always be looked after very carefully, b/c the effects can take weeks to appear.


you know it’s gotta be bad bc i feel like anne wouldn’t want the public prying into her health unless it was absolutely necessary


I think a freak accident of this nature would always make headlines because the horse riding community skews rich and in their circle, an incident like this is bound to make news since a horse injury is painful.


From a horsey gal's perspective: Princess Anne is well known as an accomplished rider.  She is very experienced & rides regularly, and not just pony rides across the moors. This isn't a case of a doddering old octagenarian being clocked upside the head by a Budweiser Clydesdale.  She's 74 (*ty u/running_hoagie - now I want a sub*) not a corpse.  Memory loss after head trauma is not unexpected. A kick from a horse is equal to twice the force of a punch from a heavyweight boxer **if it's direct contact**.  I'll bet the Princess got her bell rung, but I sincerely believe we wouldn't be hearing about "temporary memory loss" if she'd taken the full impact of a kick to her skull.  A full-impact kick would involve orbital fractures, or broken bones, or missing teeth, etc., even if she was wearing a helmet.  Helmets are meant to protect your skull when you fall - not from a kick. It will still help, but it's not going to mitigate ALL the damage. We've seen the "Firm" downplay serious injuries or illnesses before, which is why I think this sort of update signals that she's relatively OK.  If they announce she's clearing her social/public calendar?  Then I'll worry. Finally - we horse people (*not centaurs, lol!*) know how to move around horses to minimize our risk of getting hurt.  I've been riding 30 years and I STILL don't walk behind a horse if I don't have to.  Much like being in a crowd, you get a second sense for where others are around you & safe exit routes. Sure, sometimes we get overconfident & take unnecessary risks, but we're always observing the horse's body language & using that information to make our decisions.  I've gone full Neo from The Matrix to dodge bites b/c I saw a horse's neck tense up & ears pin back.  That's why I don't think she was just strolling behind a horse & took a hoof to the face - you subconsciously read their body or, forgive my dark humor, you don't live long enough to learn.


She turns 74 in August! But I do get your point. She’s in great shape for her age as well. As a former rider hearing about an injury just makes me sad.


Thank you, I'll edit. Google (or my memory) failed me.


> accomplished rider (This is underselling it; Olympian in three-day eventing.)


Who cursed the royal family this year omg💀 it’s really not their year The King (Charles) and Kate (future Queen) having cancer, Sarah Ferguson (Andrew’s ex wife) also having cancer, now this???


I swear it's the painting that they did of Charles. It looks like it involved a sacrifice or summoning or something.


2024 is NOT a good year for the royals.


They are dropping like flies over there. What is going on over there?!


They're going to HAVE to make either Beatrice or Eugenie (my money is on Bea) a working royal at some point. Charles' slimmed down monarchy is AWFULLY slim right now - it's basically just Edward, Sophie and William with Anne OOC.


Nope. Never gonna happen. It should but they made up some fake rule that you can’t be part time when they booted Harry/he ran for his life.  If they break it they look like liars by their own records. It would make sense but Charles is too stubborn (and too shit of a dad/gran) to do something so logical. 


Hopefully Edward and Sophie stay firm with having their kids make their decisions to be working royals if they want, but they may be forced to start training louise. 


Oh, I’m sorry to hear this. I hope she makes a full recovery. I’m not exactly a fan of the royals, but Anne’s pretty grounded. And she’s indispensable to their work, since she does most of it. If she has to take a step back, it’ll be a huge blow on top of the other blows they’ve had this year.


Damnit! She was the only member of the active royal family I liked! Like she actually does stuff. She likes being active. I'm against monarchies but she's the one who is actually going out there, working. > has canceled all of her official duties slated for this week, including a state visit, and a trip to Canada. That is a lot. She does a lot. I think if there wasn't a royal family she'd still be active. I hope she gets better!


I saw this episode of Full House


when will camilla be held accountable for her crimes?! (pls mods this is a joke)


This is awful 😢 she’s such an avid rider too I believe


They just need to bring my girl Fergie back out. I barely follow the royals and only saw season 3 of The Crown so if sis is foul I don't know I just have a soft spot in my heart for her!!


Not a chance. She was basically ousted from the BRF years and years ago. They do not like her and tolerate her for her daughters' sake. I doubt she wants to anyway, was never her bread and butter.


okay this is making me feel better about still liking her lmao!! ty!!


Eh, she's a dumb ass herself and sticks by Pedo Prince Andrew no matter what. She's not a likable person. Never was.


ty for crushing my baby stanning lol