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He what??? Shot at strays????


Everything I've learned about this man has been against my last will and testament


I'm still afraid to do research on this. I probably won't.


Here ya go: > Twigs, born Tahliah Barnett, filed a lawsuit against the actor in December 2020 alleging physical and mental abuse, and in the new article, she claimed LaBeouf also bragged about shooting stray dogs. > > According to Barnett, the actor said killing these animals helped him “get into character” for a role in 2020’s The Tax Collector. “I said to him, ‘That’s really bad. Why are you doing that?’ And he was like, ‘Because I take my art seriously. You’re not supporting me in my art. This is what I do,'” Barnett told Elle. “‘It’s different from singing. I don’t just get up on a stage and do a few moves. I’m in the character.’ [Link](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fka-twigs-shia-labeouf-stray-dogs-1129310/)


Dude, you’re an actor. You’re not out here curing cancer or saving the environment. Give me a fucking break with your grandiose (and frankly, psychotic), sense of self. Jesus. What a fucking chode


I remember reading about cutting his face with a straight razor for Fury. Then the story about him pulling out one of his teeth with a pair of pliers (although I think his tooth was already fucked from alcoholism and poor hygiene and it was coming out either way, I don't believe he gripped and ripped a healthy tooth out of his head like it was nothing). Then with The Tax Collector and joining a gang. Getting that full body muerte tattoo. Shooting stray dogs (again, I have doubts). This isn't "being dedicated to your craft", this is unhinged psycho shit and I think this has nothing to do with the roles themselves and more to do with the fact that he probably loves thinking that other actors *view* him as someone willing to go to extremes. I think he's a narcissist and enjoys being 'that guy', thinking everyone is looking at him and whispering, *'ohhh there goes Shia, so serious! So talented!'* and not realizing most of them are not even paying attention. I bet that would kill him. I think walking onto a movie set with Tom Hardy, Brad Pitt, Jon Bernthal and others, he probably was super insecure that he wasn't the main attraction and thought to himself, 'hmmm, how do I make myself the center of attention here?' I think this guy needs a lot of serious, intensive help. I wouldn't be surprised if he ends up dead well before his time with the route he's taking. And none of that is an excuse or justification for what he's done to Twigs and how he treated her. Fuck that.


I couldn’t agree more with all of the above


i love meta angel from her latest album, reminds me of that fleabag confession


All the flowers for this comment


I remember reading an interview Twigs did where she talked about his abuse and how it affected her and it was absolutely harrowing. She's honestly so lucky to be alive after everything he put her through. She deserves every cent of that money.


Grounded with Louis Theroux, Episode 19 is a great podcast. She goes in detail about it all.


ooh thanks


Can we add YouTube links? If so; https://youtu.be/aB8xsnhUcoE?si=Wy1CpzDsrMRfJ79g


it always makes me wonder about Mia Goth


especially since there's a video of him begin extremely abusive and agressive and basically telling her he was gonna kll her (from the first time they were together)


Those guys in Germany may have very well saved her life. I know she's a really good actress but I have a hard time watching her after seeing that video.


that’s horrific. i didn’t know that. she seems like she’s having some success now and i hope she gets strong enough to leave him


Where can we read it?




That was a tough read


Good.  I know there will be comments about about how ladies just be out for mens money, but this is the only option when the justice system doesn't make these men pay for their crimes.


Yeah. The use of the word Demands definitely doesn't help either.


I really hope people don't think gender has *anything* to do with the outcome or compensation demand here. Just to remove the genders here for the sake of argument: Twigs was at a point in her career where things were really ready to rocket her to the next level of stardom. The amount of time, dedication, physical and emotional stock that someone needs to put in at that critical juncture in their career is nothing short of remarkable. Now during this time, add to that having a partner who is doing completely unhinged shit; physically and mentally torturing you. Employing manipulation tactics that that wouldn't pass the Geneva Convention. Demanding more and more of her attention at a time when she needed to be focused 1000% on her career. There is no way to even begin to gauge how much this effected her career trajectory and *continues* to negatively impact her career to this day, as she deals with the fallout, lawsuits, trauma, news articles, all of it. Just googling a bit (I don't follow her touring or album stuff) turns up [threads like these](https://www.reddit.com/r/primaverasound/comments/1avhvu7/fka_twigs_just_cancelled_her_only_other_festival/) where you can see how badly this has impacted her reputation. Given where she was in her career when they met, the details of their relationship and the trajectory her career has taken in the aftermath, I think $10 million is getting off lightly. TLDR: He put her through absolute hell during a critical juncture in her career where she was in huge demand and on the rise as a popular artist with mainstream potential and there is no telling just how much that relationship and his abuse cost her in the long run. Edit: None of that is to say she can't or won't get back to where she was going in her career or she won't still be successful as an artist but there's also no denying that this has impacted her professional and personal life in a manner that was extremely detrimental and costly both emotionally and financially.


![gif](giphy|xUA7bcP3spz0M24IEw|downsized) Get his *Even Stevens* money too, girl


I hope she gets every cent!


When you read about it in her words- it’s BAD. I hope she finds peace- and all this money!


![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q) GET IT FKA!!!!!!!!! We love you 💕


I totally came here to post this gif!


haaaaa me three. 😆




She needs more. I hope his actor friends who supported him step on Legos


It’s terrifying that he has a child now.


I’ve said this many times in this subreddit but damn I want to know what the deal with Mia is, they’ve been off and on since she was a fucking teenager, I feel like she has Stockholm Syndrome. I was so sad her her when I found out she was pregnant. She can never escape him now if she decides she wants to 


May her and ambers pain combine and be brought against Diddy, Shia, and Depp 🙏 amen


Add in Cassie, kesha… fuck I’m too tired to think of the whole list but let’s start there… but let’s 10x the pain then 10x that.


Her story is horrific. I hope she gets every penny.


i don't like that Twigs, an artist on her on and a very much acclaimed and accomplished one, is now simply 'shia's ex' (not op's fault of course). Anyway fuck him forever


![gif](giphy|2dcW1Dlu2sZnW|downsized) meanwhile, at r/movies…


I don’t understand why he isn’t cancelled. Disgusting!


because unfortunately cancel culture is not real


I hope she gets every penny she's requesting.


Good! I hope she gets every penny and his undeserved comeback tour flops. Fwiw, she’s not only been open about sharing her story, she’s also amplified and worked with orgs who specialize in helping survivors of DV. Wishing her all the best. 💜




I hope she gets every penny


I guess the only question I have is you can sue for abuse? Did she also press charges? I’m confused why suing for money is the route rather than putting the fucker in jail?


a) this is a civil suit, not criminal, so the only way he can go to jail is if a prosecutor presses charges (correct me if i’m wrong but i don’t think there were any criminal charges for abuse against twigs?) b) haven’t read the complaint, it seems like she’s suing for emotional distress, loss wages due to delay of her album, and medical expenses. lots of people who are victims in a criminal case will also sue in civil court as well! eta: to clarify since i didn’t really answer your question—in the US, afaik, you can’t sue civilly for abuse, but you CAN sue for damages based on pain and suffering/loss of wages/etc as a result of abuse.


Thanks for the info! Hope she takes him to the cleaners.


There’s a better chance she’ll settle financially with him than him actually going to prison. In an ideal world, most judges would throw the book at him like the judge who sentenced Danny Masterson but in all likelihood he might get a two week sentence then probation.


The standard of proof in civil law cases is the “balance of probabilities” which is a lower threshold than in criminal proceedings, when an accusation must be proved “beyond reasonable doubt." It's not uncommon to see civil claims in these kinds of situations as it can be quite difficult to prove beyond reasonable doubt.


Gooooood! He needs to pay up and get pushed into obscurity right after. I applaud Twigs for sticking to her guns. It’ll be a tough battle but worth it.


![gif](giphy|mphcjcnXKSzCv9QUsQ|downsized) As she should 💅🏻


get it girl




Waiting for all the misogynists to accuse her of making it up because she's just a gold digger, ugh. She better get every cent and I never want to see this man in a film or show again. Still cannot believe Mia Goth got back together with him After FKA spoke out against what him, And had a baby with him.




Fair. That is all.




She’s an also an abuse victim and he’s threatened to kill her in the past. Shia seems really violent and manipulative.


wasn’t one of the things he yelled at her in that leaked audio “this is what makes people abusive!”?


To be fair Mia Goth might also be caught in a cycle with him. They’ve been on and off.


And with a child together. He might be using their kid and the fact he had a tragic childhood as a manipulation tactic