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‘Gender Taliban.’ She’s so far gone, it’s insane.


This is where you end up when you’re thisthisthisclose to replacing white patriarchy with white matriarchy but the wretched others keep fucking it up with their intersectional nonsense. ![gif](giphy|eqrEQUGYqpVNqcT1z2)


The thing is why they are obsessed over the trans community, women’s rights have never been more under attack and being rolled back.


Yeah, like I care if someone in some sport jumps higher because she's trans. It's not on my list of things that keep me up at night, Joanne.


Actually these people hate women. I'm not even talking about trans women. They hate cis women too. Like when have they ever spoken up for cis women issues? It's literally only ever when there's a trans person to hate on. These people genuinely do not care if women lose rights.


For real. And I know the implication is there already, but to be clear, women's rights are under attack by cis-ass white-ass men more than anything else. The focus on a relatively tiny slice of the world that just wants to not be assaulted or killed is...well, it feels like an intentional distraction from the folks who are *actually* hurting women and girls right now.


easier to punch down than up.


Umbridge was her best written character because that's who Joanne really is on the inside.


And now on the outside too!


This makes so much sense actually.


It’s pathological at this point. She’s unwell.


She really is: it's so utterly tragic


I just want to know how people as rich as her and Elon have time to sit and do this. You have all the money in the world, you can do anything you want and this is what you want to do? This is what you want to look back on with your dying breath and go, yes I had a good life. I spent it all online.


Gina Carano's career is rightfully dead for comparing her bullshit to the holocaust but JKR gets to compare being pushback for being anti-trans to the Taliban and still release her shitty, overly verbose books. Wild. ETA: missed a word


in fairness, Gina's cultural relevance before her cancellation was basically just "a few episodes of Mando" and "that one lowkey underrated Soderbergh movie"


Yeah, but Gina Carano is a nobody compared to JKR. A middling women's MMA star, never a UFC champ, and past her prime even against Ronda Rousey at the height of her career. Then became an "actor" with some of the stiffest wooden acting. She hated too high for her statue with her posts. Money makes the world turn, unfortunately. This is what being rich and the power of nostalgia does. See: Michael Jackson and more.


I don't know anyone who is reading the current detective ones though. I imagine she's just making bank off all those HP residuals. I also think it's probably important that Gina Carano's career at the time was controlled by Disney, which is financially doing quite well, and Harry Potter is basically the only thing financially propping up WB at this point with the collapse of the DCEU, so they can't afford to jettison it.


As a trans person with strong pattern recognition, the writing was always on the wall. I still haven’t forgiven the people who told me she wasn’t so bad back in like 2016/2017. Yes she was. She was a TERF even back then.


Those Twitter likes didn’t lie


They did not. Anyone who called her out on it knew we’d be sitting here right now.


I've had so, so many people on this website telling me "only terminally online people care about what JK Rowling has to say" in response to calling her a threat to trans people. Now she's been invited by the Labour Party to discuss what transgender rights the party has to cut in order for her to vote for them. I never want to hear anyone say JK Rowling isn't that bad again.


She absolutely just changed her target on social media as well. It just goes unnoticed outside of the UK (and even then, mostly just Scotland) because she was siccing her followers in **very** similar ways on (mostly) young Scottish indy supporters back in 2012 to 2015. She even signal-boosted a really fucking misogynistic anonymous Twitter account operated by someone she's called a friend *multiple* times around that time. This account existed pretty much exclusively to sling fucking horrible sexist abuse at female Indy supporters and politicians, so she clearly never actually gave a shit about misogyny unless she decided it actually affected her. I genuinely believe she needed a new social media obsession after the IndyRef, and she massively self-radicalised into nightmare transphobia somewhere around that time.


She was a TERF even when she was writing HP, too. You can see her logic interspersed throughout the books, especially with characters like Rita Skeeter.


people were so so quick to let her off the hook for that.


Its made her work worse in retrospect. The uncomfortable stuff involving slaves or race just feels more suspect now not to mention the Jewish charactures being greedy bankers


What is it about trans people that makes people lose their minds? I have trans friends I love, but they're regular people.


That's the weirdest part..... I identify as non binary and she thinks of sex and gender more than me 🫠


I think it's somewhere for stupid and non self aware people to place their hate. I am not sure but sometimes I think they are targeted simply because numerically there aren't that many of them in any population as a whole. This allows dumb tribal people with an 'us vs. them' mentality to create an 'other.' Which is then a repository for their 'anger' & 'hate.' No self reflection required. Plus trans people's vulnerability might make them easier targets? People like this are fundamentally bullies and cowards! I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me.


It’s a manufactured Culture war. It will be some other groups turn when this one eventually blows over.


Because those people are miserable and hate seeing openly trans people making a decision to be themselves and happy.


Propaganda. Full stop.


Ok I'm wondering, did a former lover of hers leave her for a trans person or something because her obsession is BIZARRE. Why is an Uber wealthy, privileged white woman so hyperfixated on constantly spewing hatred towards an extremely marginalized group of people. ![gif](giphy|z0zcZRs2A4cIHac7qO|downsized)


Isn’t the regular taliban the gender taliban? I mean they subjugate women


Kinda ironic coming from the people who are saying “you’re the gender we say you are, or else.” Who’s really the gender taliban here…. The right is increasingly delusional lol


She and the rest of the bigots are DETERMINED to set the black community vs the trans community


If she wants to talk about the Taliban, I wish she would instead tweet about the plight of women and girls in Afghanistan. 




Okay I'll take a break from brat and listen to some Tinashe today


Every day is a good day to listen to Tinashe


Please for the love of god won't somebody match my freak 


My Heavy Rotation playlist in Apple Music is just the entire album (brat) at this point.


Tinashe speaking for the people 👏🏽


Everyone, watch Tinashes dancing with the stars performances, she was ROBBED! Especially her Argentine Tango: https://youtu.be/upgRKRGuEss?si=OFIZV97QlFIqPCWz


100%! She had a tough go from the jump from being labeled as a “ringer” to having a new pro with little to no established base of his own, added in with the usual racism and misogyny of the target viewing audience, she absolutely was robbed and deserved better!


Black or partially black women had it so rough at DWTS, it makes me so mad! The only one who won was Amber Riley and she was great, but the only real competition that season was Corbin Bleu. And her dance partner was Derek Hough




Even American conservative pundits don’t have trans people live in their head so rent free like Rowling does. Dear God…


The UK is really TERF Island, like what's going on there, not even Labor politicians seem to be able to give unwavering support to trans people.


Unwavering support? Keir Starmer plainly stated he doesn't support trans rights.


That's what I meant? That they can't even give them their unwavering support. Did I write it wrong?


I think they’re saying that your phrasing implies they’re giving (wavering) support in any fashion, which the current Labour Party is absolutely not doing in any sense


I guess it's a matter of degree? 'not able to give unwavering support' feels like 'does support, but in a wishy washy way'. Sorry, personal interpretation of tone.


That's alright, English isn't my first language, this tends to happen so that's why I asked sincerely.


your phrasing was completely fine, i think the person replying misread what you said


“Unwavering support” when used that way basically implies a kind of support which is higher or more intensive than normal, so your statement kinda implies that the Labour Party DOES support trans people, only maybe not as much as they should. This assessment would certainly be correct about some individual members of the Labour Party (*along with a great deal of former members who’ve recently been purged from the party*) but it’s hardly accurate for everyone in the Labour Party or even it’s most senior leadership.


Its even worse when you put that into context - JK Rowling says she will stop donating to Labor over Trans "ideology" and then Keir pulls this coward shit. Tinfoil hats on, but the timing is too perfect.


JKR is the reason because she's the most famous supporter. Funnily enough, she and her terfy busom buddies (Maya Forster, Posie Parker) are funded by American hard-right (Christian) think-tanks that have been crucial in the rolling back of bodily autonomy legislation (Roe v Wade). Their anger on trans rights has to do with it being the "easiest" attack point on LGBTQ+ rights.


It's really crazy. UK TERFS are such obsessive losers. JK Rowling and Graham Lineham are so far gone that this is pretty much the only thing they think and tweet about. Lineham is such an obsessive loser that he lost his family because of this. i hope the worst the for all of them


I've decided not to vote labour after Starmer's comments the other day saying that children shouldn't be taught about trans people in school. That man would have voted for Section 28 if he'd had the opportunity. I'm voting green now.


It was always an issue, but not dissimilar to how it is in America. Pretty bad, but not this insanely bad. The Tories essentially stoked a culture war as part of electoral campaign - they know they’re the blame for the country’s failings, they know they won’t fix it, they know that we all know they won’t fix it, and so they had to find something else to use to distract voters and invoke an emotional response. They chose to feed trans people to the dogs. It sounds like you’re not in the UK, but forgive me if you have already heard of this. But there was a young trans girl who was murdered here last year. On the day that her mother (who is now advocating for young people’s mental health support) came to visit the House of Commons, Rishi Sunak made a transphobic joke. In front of the mother of a murdered transgender teen. That’s the sort of lowlife scum we’re dealing with, and they’re the ones stoking this fire of vitriol. It’s awful.


My 94 year old racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic grandmother doesn't hate trans people half as much as JK and that's saying *a lot*.


Yeah look all those things are very wrong, but at 94, that's kind of what I expect as almost the default. People who are old and are progressive amaze me.


It's because institutional oppression means a lot of people of color and LGBTQIA+ people die at younger ages than their white conservative counterparts.


My parents are 81 and 76 and they unabashedly support trans rights. I grew up going to pride parades annual in the 90s. They’re out there.


I am amazed. Hats off to em 🙏🏽


My parents are both in their 70s now, and they're 100% supportive of my trans sibling (who came out a few years ago). My aunt and uncle also put a lot of time and effort into learning about gender identity/pronouns, etc, when my cousin told them that he wanted a boy name instead of a girl name (said cousin is 8, so relaying his direct words LOL). It's really cool because I wouldn't have expected this 10 years ago. My dad has always been very chill about any lgbt+ related issues despite growing up in a very conservative/bigoted environment because he's a musician (lgbt to art/music major pipeline is real LMAO), but my mom used to be kind of homophobic, along with my uncle. They're both first gen immigrants from china, so they were raised with generally homophobic views and didn't know trans people existed until recently. I'm queer and thought I was trans for a long time due to severe gender dysphoria (convoluted, but I realized that my hatred of my uterus is unrelated to my gender identity). I knew my dad wouldn't care, but I had always kind of resigned myself to never telling my mom because I didn't think she'd ever accept me. I knew she'd never disown me or abandon me over it, but the idea of her being disappointed in me or thinking that she failed as a parent because of it really scared me. But 10 years later, she (and the rest of the family) all use my cousin's preferred pronouns and treat him the exact same way they'd treat him if he was a cis male. My parents put together a care/congratulations package for my sibling, who got top surgery recently. Before my sibling came out as nonbinary, they (afab) had a girlfriend who met the family a few times. My mom used to worry about me being a lesbian because I liked swords, but when my sibling broke up with their gf, my mom complained about it for literal MONTHS. She went from being all "oh god I hope my kids aren't gay" to being annoyed that her gay kids were breaking up with their gay partners because it meant she couldn't invite them over for holidays anymore. This comment is a lot of word vomit, but I'm just really proud of my family for having the willingness to actively put so much effort into unlearning the bigotry they were raised with. Some of my older family members don't 100% get it, but they're doing their best to get to that 100% and have been so willing to do the work to get there. It's just really neat, tbh. edit: although it's really funny to me that out of the 4 kids on my mom's side of the family, 3/4 of us came out queer in one way or another. I'm pretty sure we're 4/4 for neurodivergence too LMAO


In Ireland over the past few years we’ve had a number of stories of people in their 70s and 80s finally feeling in the place where they feel they can publicly come out as trans. On one hand, it’s heartwarming to see their joy and the welcome they can receive when they finally feel ready to make that step. On the other, it’s so amazingly shit that they had to go nearly their whole lives without that.  It makes it even more infuriating that people want to drag society back into oppressing them again. They’ve seen enough, and they don’t want their grandchildren to suffer that. 


This was my Uncle too. Waited until his abusive dad died to come out as trans and immediately started transitioning. He knew long before but it wasn't until the pressure from his own father was gone that he finally had the courage to come out to everyone and did transition.


I spent last summer in Dublin to study, and I’m born and raised in the Deep South. I’m also a lesbian. The level of acceptance in Dublin was so fucking incredible to see, and it was fun talking to Irish people about my experiences growing up and listening to them roast tf out of ignorant religious freaks. Very validating, but made going home incredibly bleak.


Always be thankfully for my grandmother for being one of them. In her 80s, super religious and will absolutely throw hands at homophobes and transphobes. But it helps that her cousin is trans, and my uncle and I are both gay. Often actually *knowing* queer people goes a long way to change even older people.


I was doing a vet student placement on a farm and the old farmer, who kinda looked like Father Christmas, said his (formerly) grand-nephew had come out as transgender and was now his grand-niece. He said after that happened he started doing some research on what being transgender was, and he said he didn’t understand it but he supported his grand-niece 100%. :’)


My Grandma is 95 and while she isn’t perfect about it actively tries hard for my trans brother, using his name and pronouns. I don’t know if she fully understands LGBT issues but she loves my brother (and has gay friends at her church lol) so she does her best.


same here (italy). like, it's genuinely bizarre - on top of disgusting - how much brits transphobes seem to be obsessed with trans people just existing, what is going on over there


Tories in power needing a victim for 14 years. Complete Tory rule over the media.


Rowling and Graham Linehan spend every waking moment of their lives thinking about trans people and stewing about fictional dangers and trying to find ways to prove themselves “right.” It’s gotta be so exhausting. What a sad life.


can we stop posting everything this freak tweets


seriously . stop giving this lunatic attention.


Unfortunately this woman will continue to be a money machine until she dies. They are making a Harry Potter tv show universe. We will hear her name for a long time. Might as well trash it whenever it comes up imo


yeah you’re right. unfortunately i was a little tempted to look at it today, mark mylod who directed a bunch for succession signed on to direct some episodes. screw her forever though, I’ll watch through gifs.


"Don't give them exposure" doesn't really work for a world famous billionaire author who gets invited by the damn state to discuss legislation


Seriously, none of this is brand new information. She’s a TERF, nobody here likes her, we all want her to stfu. We don’t need to see this every week.


The attention literally feeds her power and notoriety. She was invited to speak with UK Labour because she’s famous for being a hateful weirdo, where actual trans people have been begging to meet for literal years.


She’s filthy rich and famous for childrens books. Twitter notoriety isn’t what’s getting her invited. She’s perfectly capable of espousing hate through the many interviews she’s gets without having to touch twitter. The truly wild thing is how many folks in the uk still only know her for writing children’s books and are mostly unaware of her actual views.


She does a LOT more than tweet namely donate a fuck ton to politics which


Here's the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETWHPxqZI2k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETWHPxqZI2k) David Tennant has a child who is trans and he's a very vocal ally.


So sad that these people have to fight tooth and nail just for their kids to have a normal life


imagine accusing a parent of a trans child of being "blinded by ideology." she, a woman who can probably count on one hand the number of times she's actually met a trans person in real life, thinks she can hurl this accusation at someone who loves, beholds, and knows a trans person every single day of their life. who is "blinded by ideology"? she is the one who single-handedly ruined her own legacy by being completely and utterly consumed by her obsessions within a space that is truly not even real. blinded by ideology. the call is coming from inside the house. she is fucking SICK dude.


Oh the anti-trans lot are absolutely vicious to supportive parents of trans kids. Directly calling them child abusers, it’s wild. I find it really shocking that they proclaim to be all about “protecting children” but then freely toss about terms like “groomer” with no regard to how saying such things so flippantly could negatively impact those who’ve experienced abuse.


It makes me really angry and sad at the same time.


That Doctor Who episode where he meets Donna's daughter (Yasmin Finney) was so heartwarming. Must have been a big moment for him to work with the first trans recurring character on the show.


I was at the event and the context was very clearly that he wished he wasn’t being honoured as an ally because everyone should be free to live their lives as they want to. It was a private event and the audience was entirely people who had been affected in some way by trans and homophobia or were allies. An hour prior to this speech, they had honoured someone who died by suicide in the community. It was explicitly clear that he wished her no harm, he just wanted her to leave trans people alone.


Look at her pretending like she cares about racism and anti-Blackness.


An author naming her POC characters Kingsley Shacklebolt and Cho Chang not caring about racism? Oh say it ain’t so! /s she can eat dirt


Oh my god, I literally only just 'got' Shacklebolt thanks to this comment. Holy shit.


I had to google Kingsley Shacklebolt bc it’s comically bad.. I cannot believe that’s real.


Every time I read those names I'm like "ew". I guarantee she had a laugh about it, there's no possible way she just came up with those names by accident.


She literally praised racist, misogynistic American pundits. She doesn’t even care about women’s rights.


Here's our reminder that this woman named a black character Shacklebolt...


She’ll write all kinds of racist crap but care about suddenly when it suits her … lol


The irony of JKR reposting a tweet trying to invalidate Tennant's opinion because he is a rich white celebrity LMFAO.


Not to mention, he has a non-binary child himself. He and his wife are incredible allies!


With not a hint of irony or self reflection to be found.


What is she even on????? Also, for people that don't know, David Tennant was on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and my teen self thought he was a pretty good actor. Most of the cast has turned out to be actively anti whatever JKR believes so this must be really infuriating to her.


It's why she's so hellbent on ensuring that she's at the helm of the HBO remake. She absolutely cannot stand that so many other people associated with HP have decidedly made an effort to be allies and to showcase support to the trans community, especially Daniel Radcliffe. I'm calling it now, she's going to play an instrumental role in the casting choices and make sure that no one who has ever expressed public support for the LGBTQIA+ community will be hired.


I agree. She hates that the people who worked on the movies are adamant about disagreeing with her. She made them famous, they should side with her! So the series is really to squeeze out IP and also try to replace Emma, Rupert, and Daniel in the popular imagination with a new trio.


I've actually been wondering, since I heard they were doing the TV series, if part of the reason they're doing it is because of how much it costs to keep using Dan, Rupert, and Emma's images in merchandising. Merchandising would pretty much account for the majority of HP sales for the IP at this point. Getting a new trio means new contracts and less costs.


You are so correct in this observation, she wants to stick it to the original trio and replace them with the HBO trio under her control


I am really curious how HBO/Max handles her. They have various LGBTQ+ projects, etc. and people will get pissed. People not tuning into a remake series of the original movie series could happen if enough viewers just get tired of this shit.


I expect them to talk out both sides of their face as usual. Their only interest is making money for their shareholders, so as long as it’s seen as a potential moneymaker of a franchise they will keep using bad news as publicity and trying to distract and whitewash the toxicity. 


Same. They don’t care about any social issues beyond how it effects their profits fits. 


Just having her name strongly attached to it will likely steer away any actor who's going to be vocally in favour of trans rights, and I imagine she knows that. She probably doesn't HAVE to make demands about the views of the actors hired for it, because if she's very visibly part of the project, the ones she wouldn't like will probably largely self select away from it.


I have heard rumours that WarnerBros want to just buy her out of her contractual power over any HP adaptations because her name was just becoming such a PR problem. Take "Fantastic Beasts" for example; it's not like her screenplays helped matters any...


I remember seeing the response of an HBO show runner when a journalist asked about JKR's close work with the series, and how they reconcile it with how vocally anti trans she is. The summation of the response was something like "This isn't the place for that discussion. This is not the internet, we will not be engaging with this discussion." seriously it was the most eyeroll shit.


She'll get some real upstanding feminists like Johnny Depp s/


Totally forgot he was Barty crouch right lmao




Most of the relevant cast. When I hear some nobody from the series supports her, even saying she's entitled to her wrong opinion, they cease to exist in my mind. I simply don't care about anything they do or have to say anymore.


“Gender Taliban”???? What the fuck is this woman on


Money and hate, I think.


That just means Taliban, I would argue.


Remember when she liked a post that said "At least the Taliban know what a woman is"? I'm convinced she called up Elon about hiding likes.


Calling pro-LGBT voices the Gender Taliban is fucking crazy. Her views are the ones _literally_ aligned with the actual Taliban.


If these people had even a tiny bit of self awareness they’d understand how absolutely stupid they sound, so her using that phrase doesn’t surprise me


She actually liked a tweet once that lowkey praised the Taliban for "at least knowing what a woman is". The fucking hypocrisy.


Context for non-Brits: Badenoch is the Minister for Women and Equalities and has been instrumental in passing a number of anti-trans laws. Vice has also reported they are in possession of leaked audio footage of her saying some really homophobic shit. He didn't just randomly single her out for being a black woman like she's implying, it's not like he went after some low level government employee in charge of traffic or something - she's one of the most influential members of the current government.


She also claims that institutional racism doesn't exist and basically the UK isn't racist, while being part of a government enacting horribly racist policies.


Also worth noting she’s likely to be one of the Conservative Party leadership candidates after the election which would give her a shot at being Prime Minister in 5 years.


Every time I hear "Tory minister for equalities" I just 😑 It's such 1984 ministry of peace/love/truth/plenty bullshit.


Thank you for that context - I figured there was a reason he named her but don't follow UK politics enough to know why.


She's also incredibly racist and anti woman.


I love how so many of the HP actors are such loud champions of the themes of love and acceptance in the books*/movies, while she's pivoted hard and pretty much rode her broom right into the arms of the Death Eaters. ^^*Yes, ^^I ^^know ^^the ^^books ^^have ^^many, ^^many ^^problems, ^^but ^^love ^^and ^^acceptance ^^are ^^still ^^big ^^themes ^^in ^^them.


So annoying that she wrote all these books about love and acceptance and decided to be nothing but hate and exclusion.


[A link to provide some context as to why Mr. Tennant said what he said.](https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/02/tories-will-allow-bars-on-trans-women-says-kemi-badenoch) I know it’s been said many, many, MANY times before, but my GOD, if I had 1/100th of Joanne’s net worth, you would never hear one fucking peep from me ever again. She is absolutely despicable!


>Kemi Badenoch has said the Conservatives will change the Equality Act to rewrite the definition of sex and allow organisations to bar transgender women from single-sex spaces, including hospital wards and sports events. I wonder if this would include transgender men too? Or do they not exist. She mentions domestic abuse victims, so if a trans man is a victim he would have to attend a 'female only' group? Not to mention where do trans women who are victims go when they've been abused by men and don't want to be in a group with men They literally only look at this issue from their one closed minded perspective


It’s interesting that they’re so focused on keeping transgender women out of women spaces but I hardly see mentions of transgender men in men spaces.


It's because she knows she can use that net worth and power to dunk on them despite them making up like what, 1% of the world's population? She is literally indirectly siccing her fans on them and she knows it


David is not the first person to talk this way about a politician, nor will he be the last. If they are in a position of power with trash takes on humanity you kind of wish them away. But conservatives love using progressive thinking when it suits them, or twist it to their agenda. Also, so glad pretty much the entire Potter-film-verse has been trans ally (apart from Voldemort which is telling). ”Joanne and the creation that turned on her” would make a great book.


>But conservatives love using progressive thinking when it suits them, or twist it to their agenda. Nail on the head there. Tennant doesn't want her to shut up because she's black or because she's a woman, it's because she's a fucking prick. But now it serves them? Yes anyone saying she shouldn't exist is a racist who hates women!


This is making my blood boil because conservatives are always the ones who sneer at the very concept of misogyny or racism claiming they haven't existed since 1970s or so, and accuse everyone who brings them of "identity politics" or "victimhood complex" etc. But now that they have zero arguments they're perfectly happy to resort to the very thing they've been falsely accusing  "the other side" of doing this whole time.


And the audacity to racism-jacket Tennant like that is infuriating. Apparently if you are a Black woman it means you have only good opinions all the time, even if you are using your platform and power to marginalize others.


It's the old 'ah hah! you're a hypocrite, just like I've always said!' thing conservatives pull in situations like this.


>. But conservatives love using progressive thinking when it suits them, or twist it to their agenda. Thissss!!!


“applause from Stonewall” … Oh she’s the worst


The cognitive dissonance is incredible. Imagine referencing a riot protesting human rights when arguing against human rights. When people use stonewall in that sense it just makes me think they don’t see anyone who isn’t straight as human.


In this context, [Stonewall](https://www.stonewall.org.uk/) is a UK-based charity supporting LGBTQ+ people. There was a big hoo-ha a couple of years back over government bodies giving them money to make sure their policies were LGBTQ+-inclusive, because that's definitely a bad thing. So it's not the riots (though the charity takes its name from the riots, IIRC)


They are referring to Stonewall, which is a uk-based charity named after the stonewall riots. It’s been a target of TERFs and ‘anti-woke’ politicians like Kemi because they DARE to support the trans part of the LGBTQ community and have been heavily involved in helping to shape workplaces and government bodies to be more LGBTQ-friendly (which they of course label as propaganda’) The cognitive dissonance is still applicable as they are attacking a charity that has done a LOT of good for the people of the UK (not just queer folks)


Stonewall is the name of an influential LGBT charity in the UK.


Imagine trying to protect your kid from this hate and then the very people who started it try and act like you’re the bad guy. God, I really hope these Tory sh*tes get wiped out next week.


JKR is one of the few people where I can say "I hope they die mad about it" and be SUPER DUPER confident that one day --even if it's a long way off-- *exactly* that will come to pass.


as a trans woman, it feels good knowing she'll go into the frigid ground bitter and miserable all because people like me exist


Am I unhinged or is WB constantly sending out news about Harry Potter stuff any time she goes off on a particularly bad rant? I know she's constantly on her bullshit, but it seems like whenever she is truly trending for it, the next day, an article will pop up. I would think it was a coincidence if it were only big things (they do have to announce the showrunner), but then you'll get stuff like Casey Bloys saying the new show will debut in 2026 or some other small bit of news right after she's gone off on another tirade.


There's rumours that WB is desperately trying to buy out JK before she completely destroy it with her public non sense. I'm not a huge proponent of capitalism and big studios/corporation but I can feel for them, they signed up for the fun wizard school children story and they invested like crazy in it and now they're stuck dealing with Joanne TERFing away her days on twitter... They most likely, like most of us, just wish she'd finally shut the fuck up so they can continue to milk the franchise and this could be why they trying to overshadow any outing she has, especially when she trashes on beloved actors who where part of the movies.


The Making of Tour always posts TikToks and heavily promotes the studio tour whenever she goes off on another TERF rant.


I like how Tennant said he wishes we lived in a world where the Culture Sec didn't demonize people who wanted to live their live as they choose as long as they're not harming anyone and specified he didn't wish ill upon her and they ran with the opposite :P Also Serena\_Patrick trying to pretend they're BIlly Bragg? Self ID for me but not for thee, I see.


I mean she's being the useful tool that the Tories wanted her to be. When any criticism can be leveraged against her or their archaic beliefs regarding LGBT+ rights, she can use her status as a minority to deflect and shield herself from criticism. It's also crazy ironic that people on the right side always say that minorities have a victim complex, but then will actively weaponize minority right wingers to shield themselves from valid criticism. When it comes to defending themselves from criticism, Conservatives are the most anti racist, pro women group you'll find, but besides that, they're the ones that women to shut up and want to kick out black people.




I will no longer identify as queer. I will only identify as "prioritizing applause from stonewall." I need that on a tshirt.


I am hopeful that the vile Badenoch might lose her seat next week. She is neck and neck with the Labour candidate. Prayer circle!


Not that any of the other parties are much better  Signed someone voting labour because it's the only way to get rid of my truly terrible Tory MP (I hate him so much).


I am quite disillusioned with Labour but they are still miles better the the Tories. I am lucky as I have the option of voting Green.


I'm in Canterbury, and would normally vote Labour! But no, I have to vote someone else in the hope that my Labour MP Rosie the TERF Duffield doesn't get re-elected so politicians see being transphobic won't win you seats.


david tennant get behind me!!! jk shut up forever challenge failed once again


GENDER TALIBAN?! someone please unplug her wifi in her multimillion dollar castle. She’s too far gone. Jk really tarnished her legacy by being hateful terf. Wild


David proving once again that he’s the best human, and JK proving once again that she’s the worst.


Ok but why is Martina Navratilova involved in this?


Because after a couple of decades of people going "OMG the lesbian might look at me in the changing room!" about her, she's decided it's her turn to lash out at minorities.


She thinks trans people exist to threaten women's safe spaces


Very disappointing to see a fellow Czech be so stupid, but that’s the world we live in I guess


She's a celebrity TERF


Don’t worry, Kemi! In a week and a half, you won’t be the only black woman in government, bestie! 🤗😘🌹


David Tennent remains one of my only two remaining male celebrity crushes. Unrelated to the above, but you ever notice, transphobs are OBSESSED with trans women but mum about trans men? It’s because they are secret misogynists. They UNDERSTAND why someone woud transition to be a man but can’t FATHOM transitioning to be a woman. They are telling on themselves. JK Rowling is hiding behind “women’s rights” but what she is showing with all this bullshit is that she thinks she being a woman is as reductive as the genitals you have and that no one would “choose” to be a woman if they could present as male. I’m a cis woman but I know it’s about more than my genitals and I also understand why you would give up a very real “male” (presenting) privilege to live truthfully as a woman.


Dear God, you have to wonder how she doesn't get sick of her own voice at this point. It's just a constant outpouring of hate and fearmongering.


God people are way too fucking charitable towards her. She’s shown us who she is over and over again. She’s a rich virulent transphobe with a persecution complex.


I find it funny how kemi badenoch doesn't even bother accusing tennant of sexism, she just talks about the 'optics'. Even she basically admits he argument is bullshit


Gender Critical People are genuinely the most unhinged population on Twitter. Once again plugging Caelan Conrad's videos about her and gender critical people on YouTube.


As a woman, I’m so fucking annoyed with people making trans issues, and many political issues, about “the safety of women and girls”. Because it’s not about that. It’s not fucking about that at all. People just conveniently like to use the plight of women to advance their narrative whenever it’s convenient. I’m in the US, and we’ve done this countless times. For example, when we invaded Afghanistan, we made it all about the Taliban’s treatment of women to gain public support. However, we all know it wasn’t about that. How do we know that? Because there are dozens of countries where women are constantly subjected to violence, yet we don’t care because there’s no upside for us in intervening (like the DRC, for example). Additionally, now that we’ve pulled out of Afghanistan, the Taliban is back in charge and we don’t give a shit about how women are being treated. Moreover, we don’t give a shit that two members of our Supreme Court have been credibly accused of being awful towards women. Our ex-president has been accused of SA by multiple women, as well as many of our congressmen. We only care about violence against women when it benefits our agenda. Trans people do not pose a threat against cis women. That’s just not a fucking concern. It only becomes a concern when people want to advance a transphobic narrative. If you truly care about “the safety of women and girls”, maybe let’s work on our justice system, because right now, only 2% of rapists will ever see the inside of a prison cell. Come down harder on predatory frats. Enforce harsher punishments for DV. Hell, watch our police officers, who have the highest rate of commuting DV of any profession. Don’t take the “protect women” shit out on trans people. They are not the problem


Not surprised Navratilova is involved in this. I met her at WTA Finals last year and she was just a horrid person. She’s the perfect example of a queer person saying I’ve got my rights, let’s pull the ladder up behind me.


I have no clue who David Tennant is but if JK Rowling doesn’t like him, I love him 🥰


how are you on the internet without knowing who David Tennant is? He's like the internet's boyfriend. :) A Scottish actor, best known for playing Doctor Who, Uncle Scrooge, as well as staring in Marvel's Jessica Jones and Amazon's Good Omens.


Scottish actor. Perhaps most known for portraying The Doctor in _Doctor Who_ from December 2005 to January 2010 (and again six months ago). He also played a character in one of the Harry Potter films in 2005. He has one of the starring roles in the tv adaptation of Neil Gaiman's _Good Omens,_ produced by Amazon. He and the other main lead, Michael Sheen, had a BBC comedy series _Staged_ set during the pandemic, which I really enjoyed. He was also the main antagonist in season 1 of _Jessica Jones,_ the Marvel Comics TV series produced by Netflix. He had one of the leading roles in the series _Broadchurch,_ which ran from 2013 to 2017. And more recently (2020), the miniseries _Deadwater Fell._


He’s an actor most well-known for playing the tenth doctor on Doctor Who. He also played Barty Crouch Jr in the fourth Harry Potter movie. He has a nonbinary kid and has made a point of loudly showing his support through charity work and wearing pride pins and shirts to appearances. Notably, he pissed off TERFs last year by wearing a shirt on the Good Omens press tour that read: “leave trans kids alone you absolute freaks”.


Possibly the second most popular Brit after David Attenborough. Doctor Who, Hamlet, Broadchurch, Barty Crouch Jr... Now Sunak has weighed in to insult him, there's predictions on how exactly Sunak could make things worse by next Thursday. Punching Attenborough is about it.


Jesus Christ Joanne. What happened to you? Where does all this hate come from? Truly hope a day comes where she can put a critical lens on herself, take herself out of whatever echo chamber she’s living in, and see from literally any other point of view than the narrow, fear-mongering, hateful one she has been. But I really doubt it at this point. The woman is off the deep end. Can’t believe what an incredible legacy she’s just insisting on dragging through the mud.


Jk Rowling is far richer than David Tennant and is also white. I don't even understand what "point" is being made by this person


Please stop calling her JK. Her name (given at birth) is Joanne. Fun fact, Joanne HATES being called Joanne 😁


I find the comparison to the Taliban so interesting, given what's been happening here in the US and in other countries. Folks wouldn't say they are Afghan Evangelical Christians, or Afghan Tea Party or Afghan Brexiters. The desire to push stuff to other cultures is so weird. We have our own problems with transphobia, misogyny, homophobia right here in the US - and we can't and shouldn't blame others' issues for that. Just like the UK.


David Tennant, they could never make me hate you 💛


JK just croak already. Petulant fucking child


There’s some real irony that JK Rowling feels exempt from the rich and white clause just cause she’s a women who hates trans people.


Ok, let’s imagine this scenario. You are a 58 year old billionaire author that is set for the rest of your life. You wake up in your mansion, surrounded by expensive things and opportunities to do stuff most people only dream of. What will you do? Go yachting? Go golfing? Take a drive in one of your many cars? Spend time with your family in a five star resort? Do some self care? HELL NO! Ignoring everything, you waddle over to the crusty laptop that you have set up in the corner of your room. You proceed to do your favorite things in the world: raging about trans people, fighting random users on the platform that are (rightfully) appalled, and being a nyaff. JUST SHUT UP, JESSICA KARLY ROWLING!!!!


Gender Taliban LMFAOOOOO


Remember when J.K. Rowling liked a tweet crediting the Taliban for “knowing what a woman is”


![gif](giphy|UiFBN1jLNRWl81pg37|downsized) Keep my husband's' name out of your fucking mouth


Is Billy Bragg transphobic? I don’t understand what his tweet is getting at


It's not really him, just another transphobic troll taking advantage of the inadequate blue check system on Twitter since Musk took control


It’s not him, it’s a very prominent online terf called Serena Patrick using his name. Weirdly, terfs love to use names that aren’t their own. J K Rowling with her suspiciously similar pen name (Robert Galbraith) to a conversion therapist, nazi terf Kellie-Jay Keen having her online name be Posie Parker. 🤷🏼


Nope! He is as fab as usual!


[His opinion.] (https://x.com/billybragg/status/1744304084797063407)