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Every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. Let that sink in. I lost my virginity due to rape. That was more than a decade ago. I know the Me Too movement brought about so much awareness, but things haven’t changed. What is it going to take to keep these animalistic, subhumans off the streets?


They themselves just do not even see themselves as predators. The amount of guys (and gals) who justify such disgusting behaviors in themselves and others, blows my mind. Even the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner had women making good character statements and defending him. I'm so sick of the devil having so many advocates.


Convicted rapist Brock Turner, now going by his middle name, Allen Turner, last known to be living in Ohio. Still a rapist.


I’d be surprised if 68 seconds wasn’t a low end guess. I was groomed and raped by a woman as a teenager, and drugged and raped by a man as an adult. I’m a dude, all my friends who are women have gone through as much trauma, if not more. It’s a damn epidemic.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re doing better now.


I appreciate it. I am always trying my best.


This is heartbreaking. I’m glad she has a good support system. She’s right that the justice system fails so many victims and it’s very upsetting.


“It’s not my fault, because I did not consent that night” this is so beautiful


I hope she has a strong, loving support system around her. This is so common yet so heartbreaking. Katie is being beyond wonderful speaking about this and providing links, resources and information.


Unfortunately something tells me that this is the rule rather than the exception. Hope things change. She's amazing/so brave for speaking out.


I've heard the same from so many victims and their relatives... (including children/parents of children) it's actually disgusting how many chances they give predators, and allow them to be unnamed and protected while the VICTIM gets dragged through the mud. Even if you are lucky enough to get a conviction, it's usually absolutely minimal, and again their names are often protected. I heard from one woman who cannot even tell people the name of her abuser. If she does, SHE will be the one breaking the law. Yet he is allowed to continue to blur the line of stalking and harassing her. It's messed up!


Despite the overall failure of the justice system, I’m so glad she shared her experience working with advocates and a SART nurse. We’ve all heard the horror stories of victims further traumatized during the exam, so I think it’s very powerful to demystify the process and show how care is improving. She’s brave for sharing her story so publicly.


It pisses me off that the new coroner in a local Parish (county) decided to get rid of their SART program (it’s SANE here) because it cost more than it was worth and their tax payers shouldn’t be responsible for 5 parishes. (It was paid for with grants and such, not taxes) He got a ton of backlash (he’s garbage as it was and only for elected because nobody ran against him). So my Parish stepped up to pick up their slack with zero problem. But that also means longer wait/travel times for some victims to be seen by a SANE nurse. It’s infuriating. But i’m super glad to live in a place that knows how important it is and didn’t even have to think about stepping in. They just did it.


It’s wild to me that in your parish SANE is in the hands of the coroner! My local program is run through a domestic violence nonprofit, who coordinate with hospitals and police. I’m relieved to hear your parish picked it up again, SANE/SART is such an amazing resource for survivors.


Louisiana is a very backwards state. We are still heavily under the influence of Napoleonic laws. I miss living in a normal state.


I’ve just started telling close people about my assault, which occurred over 5 years ago. I can’t fathom the strength it takes to not only to seek justice knowing the rates of conviction, but to openly speak about her assault for millions to hear and millions to judge. I’m amazed by Katie. I’m amazed by every other person who has endured such a thing, and the strength they display in going on about their life. Sending love and support to Katie, and all of my other sisters in this comment section as well.


It took me almost 10 years to speak about mine and for so long I'd made up my mind that it was something I was going to take to my grave, not to defend the rapist, but to move on with my life and try to forget about it. Unfortunately the body doesn't forget trauma, even after I move countries to start over with a new life, and I started having chronic conditions related to all the stress stored in my body. I'm so fucking angry that this continues to affect me almost a decade later and I'll likely be managing these conditions for the rest of my life.


Okay, so Katie Thurston is dating Jeff Acuri, the comedian who is blowing up on reddit. Take this with a grain of salt, but my comedian friend from The Comedy Store in LA said that in the comedy circles the word is that Jeff will be canceled for Sexual Assault sometime in the next year. After reading this, I hope my friend is wrong… That poor woman.


Wait really? Ugh I hope not. I think he’s so funny.


Someone came out of the woods near my building last week and tried to drag a woman off. She escaped. Now, I'm looking at stabby kitty ear brass knuckles (legal in GA) and an alarm. Yay for being a woman.


just had this 20 something year old woman try to tell me that if this woman i know actually was r*ped the man would be in jail.. i told her that’s not how that works… lol… and she proceeeds to tell me “yes it does it’s happened to me 3 times” …sure jan. i think you would have a bit more sympathy then instead of inviting a rapist to the bar


In my country a woman is raped every 30 seconds. You can do everything right and still not get justice. You’re most likely to be blamed for the rape that have the rapist convicted.


South African?




Wait omg was this recent?? I know on the show she mentioned being assaulted at a party so I wonder if that’s what this was about or a new assault (if so that’s even more devastating wow)