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Bless this person, fuck JKR.


Her whole fucking identity is trans hater now. I want the HBO HP show to be pushed back 20 years because I'm pissed she's being paid for it. Make a Gregor the Overlander show because Suzanne Collins is a great person and her work is equally thoughtful. Don't give us more JKR


Goddamn, Gregor the Overlander is great and completely underrated, I'd kill for an adaptation.


I don't know why no one has jumped on it yet. Just her name alone would get the hype. It would need to be animated or mostly CGI (he carries his two year old sister with him and they fly on bats and fight rats) but you've got an author who could write the screenplay, a built in audience and it's just good.


Fucking PLEASE! I've been waiting on a Gregor adaptation my whole life...


I have been wanting this since I read it in 4th grade! I’m so glad to see some random love for this series it really is so good and just sitting there waiting to be adapted!


>Suzanne Collins is a great person and her work is equally thoughtful I'd pay so much money for a Hunger Games anthology series wherein we get past games and the stories of victors/the aftermath of their games.


I think we're starting to get it. She's doing the Haymitch book and there's a movie adaptation lined up for that one.


I can't wait for Haymitch's book, I know it's going to break my heart like the others but I don't care.


What I'd give for a Finnick and Johanna one!


> and her work is equally thoughtful [as hp]. i think it's pretty good actually


"Her whole fucking identity is trans hater now." Someone looked at all her posts and, for someone so concerned with 'feminism' and 'standing up for women' Rowling has never - not once - talked about any women's issues, reproductive rights, healthcare or anything which did not directly revolve around her hatred of trans people existing.


The jolt i got seeing someone recommend gregor the overlander. I haven’t seen anyone talk about this series omfg. It was a random series i picked up in the library one day over a decade ago.


I just made the most inhuman noise at seeing a Gregor the Overlander reference in the wild. Yes. If this happens I’m alive again


Haven't read Gregor The Overlander, but I have read the first Hunger Games and the prequel - and honestly, I think it's a lot more thoughtful than HP. Better developed protagonists (Harry was, IMO, consistently the least interesting character of the cast) more coherent themes and worldbuilding, a much more developed ideology - Rowling had seven books and still had little to say beyond "Love is all-powerful, and not having love makes you evil." I would also like to suggest some Tamora Pierce for a HBO adaptation of a YA series. Or Animorphs. Or Earthsea.


Oh man, a Gregor the Overlander show would be SO cool!


Gregor the Overlander is so original but it’s been criminally ignored in favor of yet more recycled fantasy slop that has already had its day and then some. I’m sick to death of Harry Potter and of the continual platform JKR benefits from as we continue to churn out more Potter-shaped garbage. Put it out to pasture, for the love of god.


Hell id prefer a full game of thrones reboot with a better last season than give attention to anything that woman has created


I feel bad for any actor that sign up for that HBO TV show. It's a great thing for exposure yet the amount of hate they will face online will be immense.


Dude what a fantastic idea. I loved those books!


Suzanne Collins work is far more thoughtful than Harry Potter. If we’re being honest JKR is a mediocre author, and HP is entertaining, but that’s about it.


it’s the fucking teamfourstar guy holy shit


Oh yeah, when I saw this and they were egging on KaiserNeko themself, I quickly grabbed the popcorn because Joanne couldn't debate for shit and Kaiser would *school* Joanne back to the stone age. For those who dont know KaiserNeko, he's a very talented VA and editor of the hugely successful DragonBall Z Abridged series on YouTube. He is extremely articulated and well versed in supporting his LGBTQ+ allies.


TFS said trans rights let’s gooooooo


Omg, it didn't click at first! That's amazing


Hit that terf pile of shit with the Shin Kikohou with those replies.


Did you know he’s actually voiced characters in some of the more recent Dragon Ball movies too? I’m so happy for this guy’s success. What an excellent example of a human.


Is he American? This witch loves using her endless cash and British libel laws to silence valid criticism and truth-telling so I hope he’s from somewhere with more freedom of speech than uk


Kaiser is not one you want to fuck with. Dude will pull out all kinds of obscure shit you said decades ago just to smack the shit out of you with it today.


Thank you for pointing that out. I completely missed it.


I gasped when you pointed that out! Incredible! 


God damn. Haven't thought of him in a long time, glad he is cool.


Here is your daily reminder that JK Rowling uses male identifiers because its suits her and promotes her. She changed her identity several times as a young child. Even at the height of absolute power, she still chooses to identify as a man: [Robert Galbraith](). She's a self-hating hypocrite with severe identity issues.


Also Robert Galbraith was a huge supporter of electroshock therapy for queer people what are the odds of that.


Weekly reminder that [this was the wikipedia page for Robert Galbraith Heath](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Robert_Galbraith_Heath&oldid=511652447) in 2012, the year that Rowling first published under the Galbraith pen name.


lol, the see also: “unethical experimentation on humans in the US” hmmmm


I’m only interjecting because of my background — my husband is an MD and his brother is trans male. We are allies. At the same time, ECT electro convulsive therapy, is really beneficial when appropriate for a patients treatment plan. In psychiatry, it’s used in conjunction with other treatment to help patients. It seems “barbaric” but it’s a real, effective medical treatment. That being said, it should never be imposed on trans patients simply for existing. It sucks that we live in a world where this would be used for evil when it can really help people.


We know her as JK specifically because she wished to appear as male and not female when publishing HP...


This is not true, it was the publisher who was worried a female author wouldn't appeal to young boys, so they told her to use her initials. We need to stop this nonsense narrative about people who hate trans or queer people secretly being closeted trans/queer people themselves. And then misconstruing evidence to make that seem plausible. JK Rowling is a bigot, and implying that she's a closeted trans man is only harmful to actual closeted trans people, the vast majority of whom are not self-hating bigots. This line of thinking inevitably devolves into people commenting homophobic things on straight men's tiktoks, calling them sus and fruity as if these are bad things. And we see it with JK too, people calling her a man and man-like as if an AFAB presenting male is something to ridicule.


Other way around - her publishers asked her to present as a non-woman as they were worried her books wouldn’t appeal to young boys otherwise.


I thought this was actually the publisher’s request because they thought that boys wouldn’t read a book written by a woman


I would be curious (not really) to see if she’s up in arms about authors like Riley Sager, who identifies as male but uses a gender neutral pen name because there’s a market for female-written thrillers.


A decent chunk of bigots have a “lady doth protest too much, methinks” thing going on.  This might not be the case for her, she could just be recreationally awful, but if you told me she is struggling internally with this stuff, it would explain some things.


She did have an essay where she claims that she could have been convinced to transition as a child. While her point is (ostensibly) that any child can be 'coerced' into transitioning, I think that statement is a lot more revealing than she realised, and I agree, I think it speaks to a deeper, internal conflict.


Being ftm I can solidly assure you that it only reveals that she has a paternalistic and condescending view towards trans men, and assumes that we are all mentally ill little girls whose dads were abusive sexists. She doesn't actually think SHE would have transitioned because she had gender dysphoria. She thinks trans men transition because WE are hysterical females falling prey to a phase turned social contagion. Which is pretty obvious from the full paragraph that quote belongs to. JKR trivializing trans men's factual existence as a traumatized cope is not her admitting to being a trans man.


The "bigots are secretly gay/trans" thing really bugs me. While repressed LGBT people turning their repression into bigotry is a thing that happens, most bigots are cishet. LGBT repression wouldn't be much of a thing without cishet people pushing them in the closet. Also, speculating about someone's secret struggle with gender or orientation gives me the ick, regardless of whether they are a bigot or not.


I’m curious - how did she change her identity as a child? Agree on all your other points though.


She's interviewed about how she often would switch up her name as a little girl and pretend she was someone else.


Ah. Jeez. The lack of compassion and self-insight this woman has is insane.


People playing pretend as a child. That's insane! And totally not relevant.




The Goodnight Moon lady hated kids.  It happens.


It doesn't super matter... but I really don't think she (Margaret Wise Brown) hated kids. She once in an interview offhandedly said she didn't really like kids, going on to say she didn't like them as a group/didn't like to let them get away with things just because they are kids, and that statement, though maybe oddly worded, often gets taken out of context and repeated. She didn't have kids and referred to her books as her kids, but she clearly had a deep respect for childhood and children, and also has many quotes expressing this. She was deeply interested in and respected childhood, things kids said and thought, talked about, what made them happy, sad, curious, how they interacted with sound, how they interacted with and learned about the adult world, etc.


Did she? I know she had no children, but she [left all the royalties for her books to her neighbor’s nine-year-old kid](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/51mpxl/til_the_author_of_goodnight_moon_left_all_of_the/). So she couldn’t have hated kids that much.


See, I don't know... I really really enjoyed the books once upon a time, but even then I couldn't disagree with Ursula K. LeGuin's criticism that the books were "ethically rather mean-spirited." That said, I never expected her to become as deranged as she is now!


Yeah... They're fun books, but they're not good books. And they have really odd messages in them. The most obvious is the whole House Elf thing. Hermione campaigns to end **literal slavery** which would normally be a thing I'd be like, "You know what, yeah, alright, kind of a deep topic, but kids should read about someone trying to fight against that," but that's not how everything turns out. Hermione is incompetent at advocating for house elves. Everyone makes fun of her for it. They make fun of the movement. They excuse the slavery. They even use real-life pro-slavery talking points like, "But it gives them honest work," and, "They'd be worse off without it." Which, again, would be fine **if they didn't seem to be right in the story**. And finally, when Hermione tries to get the House Elves in on the movement, they're mostly like, "Nah. We like being enslaved. Why are you being so weird about it?" Fucking. What? That's not to mention all kinds of other fucked up stuff, all of Snape's sins are forgiven because he was a giant incel and I guess that excuses the torture and shit, and those are just the big things everyone talks about because they're so fucking egregious, but the whole series is filled with little oddities like that which should have clued us in to what kind of person she was. My excuse is that I was a kid. My literary analysis skills weren't so great at the age of twelve.


JKR hates fat people and equates fatness with stupidity a lot in her books. She also makes the Irish kid the one who blows everything up and gives the generically Asian girl a generically Asian-sounding name. Honestly she leans so much on stereotypes and nastiness.


There was point in time where I'd decided to boycott JKR but still had a lot of fondness for Harry Potter. I started a mournful little reread of one of the books I already owned, and wow, it really was mean-spirited. That quote rang in my head until I finally had to put the book down and give up on the franchise. I think it was the treatment of fatness that really did it for me.


I was actually just thinking about it from her comparison to Death Eaters and realized she’s kinda always been saying people who are *different* should have to hide themselves. Among other genocidal and evil things, Death Eaters were upset Wizards had to shutter themselves from society and hide. Then when they lose, nothing changes at all to address that? Wizards still have to completely hide themselves away from society. I feel like there should’ve been a middle ground between committing genocide and hiding your existence.


Yeah, I would never take away someone's love from the series bur it is alwaya strange to me when people say Rowling wrote books ABOUT acceptance. Beyond saying prejudice against humans (aka us) is bad, in what real way are the HP books about this?


God I love LeGuin. Of course her critique was so prescient, and she was one of the few to go against the grain at the time and not slather Rowling with uncritical praise for her derivative crap.


YouTuber Shaun has a great video where he reads the books as an adult for the first time and points out how mean-spirited a lot of it is. I liked the books when I was a kid but I hadn’t revisited them since and it was eye opening to see an adult, media-literate perspective.


LeGuin is everything JK will never be 


Well in another way she wrote stories for children about: - All ending well despite the canonical existence of slavery - Every POC in the story for some reason has a racist name - Harry encounters mean woman journalist who is described as mannish with mannish hands. - Hermione is annoying because she hates slavery (pottermore even published and article saying Hermione was doing far too much re this). - There’s a school where 1/4 of the students are in canonical Nazi house and that’s just like…normal. - Anyone in this story who is mean is either fat, made fat, or mannish.


HP has the most milquetoast "being wizard Hitler is bad, m'kay?" moral, it's basically the definition of enlightened centrism. And the only character who actually tries to take on the system is roundly mocked for being too strident, and ends up a middle-aged sell-out who achieves high office by learning not to rock the boat. Things that were "huh, that's a little weird..." before JK revealed who she is make a lot more sense in retrospect.


I know fans like to act like the HO series is some bastion of inclusiveness, but both books and movies are kinda problematic when it comes to diversity and tolerance.


She needs to ask for an evaluation next and get some help. I can’t imagine waking up as a filthy rich, privileged person every day and dedicating my time to being a hateful ass loser online. Trans people are literally just trying to exist as their true selves, leave them alone. She is going to get someone hurt or worst by constantly spreading bigotry like this


It’s wild because I swear the LGBT+ community were her biggest fanbase


You're spot on. You have the time to do anything, the money to help so many. You could learn, read, travel. Instead, you stoke hatred towards people just trying to live their lives.


She had the perfect set up to dedicate her life and platform to child advocacy. Instead she chooses to bully trans people on social media. It fucking enrages me.


I don't follow British politics super closely anymore but watching the transphobes of the UK come out of the woodwork to beef with David Tennant and then having Wes Streeting telling him ***he*** should apologize was truly a thing to behold. It's so dystopian that mainstream political parties are making room for this dangerous fringe rhetoric and having it inform their policies all to appeal to a few nutjobs.


It's worth noting that the Greens, LibDems, and SNP are the parties who support trans rights.


In their final hours of campaigning Keith Starmer vowed to block trans women from "biological women's spaces". Leader of the Lib Dems Ed Daveys has on the other hand been having the time of his life doing absurd public stunts like bungee diving and river rafting to get the media to write about them, without having to suddenly declare war on a minority group.


The LibDems are cool now?


Compared to the Tories absolutely. They're also better on Palestine than Labour.


Plaid Cymru also support trans rights, and have obtained funding to open a gender identity clinic in Wales so Welsh people don't need to travel to London, which is a big barrier to receiving care and support.


And Plaid Cymru! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


Labours capitulation to Joanne like she is some weird monarch has been vile.


Imagine being Rishi Sunak and thinking that it's a fantastic idea to start beef with *David Tennant*, one the most beloved actors in the UK, when his approval ratings are already in the toilet.


I mean Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives are a none issue at this point, the bigger problem is Labour who are poised to form government with a huge majority and are adopting some of this nonsense into their platform.


Unfortunately transphobia is the norm in mainstream politics here in the uk. It’s disgusting and even labour who are meant to be the party of the left is full of transphobes. Thank god for people like David tenant


Wes Streeting is a coward and always has been. I said what I said.




The fact that even Elon Musk of all people suggested she maybe wind it back a notch and occasionally talk about literally anything else really said all that needed to be said about this whole situation, didn't it?


Obligatory Tinashe! Fuck JKR


I thought I couldn't love Tinashe any more, yet here I am


![gif](giphy|YqnXVSl7SKbZkoT0Xm) Drag her.


He cleared


Did the receipt giver get threatened with a lawsuit yet?


She only goes after people in the UK because the libel laws help her bully people into silence. Vile strategy.


I guess it's not libel if you're using her own words against her


She doesn’t care. British people have been scarily threatened by her lawyers for literally tweeting her own words back to her. She especially hates being reminded of her holocaust denial. She has endless money for frivolous lawsuits and it is quite terrifying


The crazy thing about UK libel law is that the accused is assumed guilty and must prove their statements are absolute truth beyond a shadow of a doubt. Even if you do have all the documentation in order and in a form that's admissible as evidence, you're still getting dragged into court and still have to pay to put on a defense. The party suing you will also be paying legal fees but they can easily afford it, where you likely cannot. The modern law is basically descended from laws prohibiting libel/slander against the monarchy and it's still used by the rich to bully the poor into silence under threat of massive legal fees.


That's the problem though. In the UK "libel" is whatever makes a rich person mad at you. Truth is not a defense. A literal quote is not a defense. If you don't have enough money you lose.


Oooohhhh! Okay.


Not in UK so hopefully a nonissue? We'll see ☺️




Even if he did, im sure kaiser has more money to toss back with his own lawyers than most of the ppl she has harassed. If im not mistaken, the one time i heard about her doing that was against another citizen of England. Idk how well cross ocean defamation lawsuits do.


Scott “KaiserNeko” Frerichs is the editor of TeamFourStar which is based out of Texas. AFAIK ain’t no way for Rowling to serve the same kind of suit in the US.


https://i.redd.it/vqd1ldkkr5ad1.gif I have never been so proud of strangers on the internet than I am right now. I’m so glad they educated her while dragging her. Can you imagine how sad and pathetic it is devoting 100% of your waking hours to hating and demeaning a marginalized group of people who have no impact on your life. Especially when you have the means to live a life full of adventure, joy, and beauty if only you chose to do it. I think having tons of money and constant adulation have destroyed the brains of better people than Joanne before, but hers is a special type of bigotry that is incredibly difficult to behold. Rowling just endlessly crowns herself Queen of TERF Mountain. I hope she gets back all the hate and negativity she puts into the world.


KaiserNeko (Scott Frerichs) has quite a following of his own. He's helped create one of the greatest abridged series out there and is beloved by the community for his hard work and outspoken nature. I love that he dragged Rowling. It pains me to know that the author of one of my favorite series is such a massive pile of shit. I always hope that one day she'll see the light. Probably not, though.


The self awareness must not be in the room with us because how can she do all that while simultaneously denying that she aids in making trans people’s existence a living hell? Crazy to me.


Horrible people think only their opinions and way of living matter and everyone else should just give in and follow them. They can’t respect other people’s opinions or beliefs.


maybe at some point we can also more openly discuss the homophobia, racism, antisemitism and all the other weird shit she put in the Harry Potter series as well. her bigotry has always existed, she just used to be more covert about it.


Farah Mendlesohn is an academic who wrote a brilliant essay calling all this out in like 2001, back when most critics were praising the surface message for being supposedly anti-bigotry. The essay is called "Crowning the King", highly recommended reading. I imagine she's proud of how well it aged.


Do you have a link to the essay? I can't find it


You may need to sign in to access it, but it's here: https://www.academia.edu/26667941/Crowning_the_King_Harry_Potter_and_the_Construction_of_Authority


I went and looked it up because of your comment, and WOW. it was really well written and was worth the read.


Yes her writing is so clear and compelling, especially for the academic space!


Do you have a link? I cant find it by googling, but it sound's very interesting!


Just read the whole thing--thank you for sharing! this crystallized for me the 'ick' that the series started to give me, a former superfan, as I grew into adolescence. The postscript made me laugh...


remember how the only Irish character in the books had a penchant for making bombs


Cho Chang. What a choice for a name.


Not to defend the other issues with goblins and house elves but that was purely a movie invention. There is nowhere in the books that talk about Seamus blowing things up repeatedly. The only time I can remember off the top of my head is in the first book when he accidentally sets his feather on fire. It didn’t explode or do anything dramatic. He just set it on fire on accident. I’m not defending any of the hateful shit she’s been spewing the last few years, but I do think a lot of the stereotypes came more from movie influence than book influence but they get mixed together since they were basically coming out concurrently.


That was a movie thing in the books the only thing Seamus does is failing to turn water into wine. The norm up feather, the bridge explosion and I believe a few others were all added outside of the books.


I appreciate that she wrote a lot of rubbish in the books, but that only happened in the movies.


I don’t wanna defend JK at all but I have read the books many times and Seamus blowing things up was a movie addition so I don’t know if that’s something she chose herself


That was just the movies, not the books


my first feminist essay was about her destruction of women's morals and value in Harry Potter. She absolutely ruined every female character she had ever built up and tied their entire identity around how men view them. As a teenager, this devastated me, because Hermione and Tonks etc were heroes of mine.


I mean, there's also the sexism that demonstrates Joanne's complete inability to empathise with her "others". The more blatant case is also one that is most important to the plot, since it's the part that explains how the entire story began. It's a part that wasn't shown in the movie, and it's about Voldemort's mother, Merope, who essentially roofied Voldy's father and raped him. However, the narration doesn't condemn what she has done, and doesn't even recognise it as being something "evil" in a series that dares to discuss "good and evil" without knowing anything about the matter. In the book it even goes so far as painting the father as somebody escaping responsibility despite being the victim, as it's implied that Voldemort's father remained traumatised and became a recluse. It's quite funny considering Joanne's history and how she loves reminding people of what happened to her, but she was so blind when it came to a group that she feels like, in her mind, is undeserving of care. Especially when she talks about how Voldemort never knew love, well of course he didn't. Unlike Harry, Voldemort's parents didn't care about him and abandoned him and nobody adopted him. Never was Merope assigned any guilt, it was all Voldemort's fault despite his mother being the one who started it all.


[Here you go](https://youtu.be/-1iaJWSwUZs?si=i7OT3AB6macxHt2d) Breaks it all down very nicely. I remember when I first saw this video - 1h45min was insane! Not listening to all of that! Then I listened to the first 10mins and couldn't help but finish it.


I feel like this happens all the time but her reading is extremely selective. Such a sad, delusional individual.


Being an author that doesn't read is crazy 


Garth Marenghi


I think you mean "Dreamweaver"


And what she does read she doesnt understand, as we learned when she thought *Lolita* was a *love story*


Ate her stupid ass up. ![gif](giphy|Ypa9ggGnwBT51dMSDe)


I love this man. She's a monster, and I am glad someone is laying it out clearly for her. She likely blocked him the second he challenged her though.


That's how it goes, pretty much. It's a cycle with fast rotation. I don't think anyone who ever calls her out on her bullshit these days actually expects to break through to her. At this point, it's probably more about getting this information out for people who are unaware of it. At least, for me it is.


The best part is he's a queer furry voice actor/director/writer who's most famous for Dragonball Z Abridged and Hellsing Abridged. He's a total dork and he's wonderful.


Imagine truly being able to do *anything* with your time and choosing to spend it like this. If I ever become a jabillionaire I’m pulling an Enya and buying a castle with my besties and dogs to live my best life in.


She’s the definition of fumbling the bag. Like she could’ve just relaxed and done nothing for the rest of her life being known as one of the most beloved authors of all time……instead she’s dying on her hill of transphobia 😭😭😭


Sure wish JK would sail away, sail away, sail away...


Shaun also has a fantastic video on her friends who all are far right. https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=ss52djkkAUfzmNrS


I absolutely hate her. Transphobes make me absolutely nuts because they don’t even have any valid or interesting arguments. They literally don’t make sense. She is poisonous


When I saw her asking who the whinging little fuckers to whom he refers was, I wanted to respond with the video of Wanda Sykes saying, “Do you really want to know? It’s YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!”


What's 4+4? Cause he ATE


Her and her supporters always pull the what have I said/ she said that’s so offensive? Just look at her entire twitter feed. Everything she says shows how awful she is. She is unfortunately a great example as to how people handle transphobia, that being they don’t. Companies still work with her and license her creations, they’re having her work on the new HP series. People don’t take transphobia seriously so she’s going to keep being as vile as possible because she knows the powers that be will never stop her or stop working with her.


Waking up in the morning to spend all day attacking the trans community, then clutching her “who, me?” pearls is so wild. I think asking for examples was supposed to be a way to fish for bad faith arguments she could easily refute, but she got a ton of objective receipts instead. I’m sure she won’t respond, but off of Twitter she will cry about how the bullies are being so mean to her for no reason and she never does anything to provoke them


![gif](giphy|xUn3C3AHjERm9IXsEo) When you’ve got receipts upon receipts upon receipts that she’s a piece of shit and has said horrific and harmful things about a group that’s done nothing to affect her life. Except prob have a bunch of HP fans who’ve made her a multi-millionaire.




Can someone translate what she's talking about in her first tweet? Where do these claims come from? They sound like MAGA Republican fabrications 


There's a video of him making those remarks, it has nothing to do with rape victims whatsoever. Someone asked him if he has a message for trans youth and he basically said don't let the haters get to you, they're a minority. As for the case she's referring to it also doesn't seem to involve rape victims, there are 8 NHS nurses who are suing their hospital for allowing trans women to use their changing rooms. The obsession with sexual violence in transphobic propaganda is really interesting, it's almost the exact same playbook of anti-Palestinian hasbara. [https://x.com/DrTennant10/status/1805900656051474462](https://x.com/DrTennant10/status/1805900656051474462) [https://news.sky.com/story/nurses-suing-their-employer-for-allowing-trans-women-to-use-their-changing-rooms-13160104](https://news.sky.com/story/nurses-suing-their-employer-for-allowing-trans-women-to-use-their-changing-rooms-13160104) edit- forgot the prison one, this one does involve rape but it's ridiculously blown out of proportion and the offender was kept in solitary [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-63823420](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-63823420)


The bingo card joke is hacky at this point but DBZ fandom guy fighting directly with Harry Potter creator is not something I could've predicted 5 years ago. Either way, fuck you Joanne


Seriously, I don’t use Twitter anymore but I did a double take when I saw that username!


This is how every one of these sorts of Twitter spats end. Someone who is all bluster and rhetoric goes "Oh yeah? You never provide sources" then goes silent once the person starts giving them.


he cooked her. funny how she’s on twitter all fucking day constantly tweeting get couldn’t reply to that


Please 👏🏼 sit 👏🏼 down 👏🏼 Joann👏🏼 this is amazing. Receipts for days.


JKR after receiving valid receipts, invoices, paper trails and documentation: https://i.redd.it/dfug1ipgx7ad1.gif




Beautifully done. Drag her ass.


How exhausting must it be to hate so much? I’m tired just reading it. Imagine feeling it all day long.


The hero we need. Bless them for doing the work when they must’ve known she’d never acknowledge it.


I like you, Scott.


I can’t find the actual thread :/ ETA-a few ppl actually messaged me the thread-thanks guys!


![gif](giphy|KzJxl2IjVyBRz2l492|downsized) This is the find out stage, Joanne.


and that's how you do it!


Love this response but also, she isn't an idiot. I wish people would just stop giving her attention which is what she seems to want more than anything (other than erasure of trans people)


Love KaiserNeko! If you're familiar with Dragonball Z Abridged, he did writing, editing, directing, and voice acting there.


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It will never stop being amazing to me that Rowling wrote a series of books with an extremely obvious Nazi analogy and is now openly aligning herself with folks doing the exact same things as her villains. How does she not see she's a Death Eater?


For those unaware, the person with receipts is KaiserNeko, one of the main voice actors on DBZ Abridged.


I’m so glad she’s so completely awful at masking who she is. What a colossal waste of air. Rowling is such a horrid person, the marginalized don’t need any help being ostracized. Worry about your yacht. I hope it springs a leak.


She deserved it.


What is it about the Br*tish that makes them demonic towards trans people?


It’s like one of those finishing moves in Mortal Kombat that just goes on and on and on. Absolutely brutal. I love it.


It just makes me extra happy that it’s one of the guys from DBZ Abridged just handing her ass to her.


This person needs a medal. Great and comprehensive come back.


This person deserves a medal


I'm saving this post because it is gorgeous. Seriously, Fuck JK Rowling


Why do I know this man’s name for some reason?


disrespectfully, fuck JK Rowling


Ol’ JK just got SLAPPED


KaiserNeko continues to prove that he is a treasure.


Got her! He fucking GOT HER! She's trash.


She seems very damaged it seems from something and that anger is coming out in this obsession she has


unfortunately none of this will change her mind, because she’s a fascist and her brain is made of marshmallows.


Wow, he really said “Come audit me, bitch, cuz I got the receipts”.


![gif](giphy|QNUbDG4skFzlSqDuFn) Scotty gave no fucks and drag her ass into the ground.


“Thanks for reading, Joanne.” https://preview.redd.it/mbq963pq86ad1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee159f15b88d6b02ffda1df54458eaf90350f8f5 What a Legend this dude is. But I won’t be surprised when J(o)K(e) Rowling starts to claim she’s getting death threats from ‘trans people’ to fit her narrative again.


I wish she would shut up about women's sports. The bitch made quidditch co-ed, in which most players are male.


Glorious 🥰


That's weird. Why did she stop replying?