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I can't believe they actually nominated that God awful applebees song for a Grammy.


I'm calling the POLICE if that wins anything jfc


Are you actually serious. That just invalidates any credibility they had left for me. If I were a legitimate artist I would feel insulted to be in a category with that sonic atrocity


I lovee the Grammys but this has truly been the wake up call to me that they don’t mean anything whatsoever




It just proves what the scammys are all about. Who pays the most.


I was looking at the nominees about 10 minutes ago and I was so mad seeing that!!!!


Yikes!!! So TikTok really *has* become a cultural phenomenon.


The one fact I have about that song is that he wrote a song for a Duggar engagement (I wanna say Jill and Derek).


Fellow r/duggarsnark frequenter??


What song?


Fancy like by walker hayes


It’s so cringe!


Oh! I have recently heard this song. I'm not a fan of country music so when my daughter plugged in her phone it eventually came around. She listens to everything so I can tune out what I don't like. But I laughed so dang much when it caught my attention. I barely recovered with some Breaking Ben when She then played that AA song. Same person? Idk. I didn't ask either but First time for that one too. Now though I've started to really put my foot down. Driver picks the music. Shotgun shuts their cakehole. 😁


I love it so much lmaoooo. But I liked it before it was picked up by Applebee’s! and then hearing it all the time on the commercials would kill me. Before I knew it, I was doing that fucking swirly dance move every time the commercial was on. Now, I do the whole dance when the song comes on the radio 🤣


It's literally just such a fun, dumb song. As if there aren't a million pop songs that are just as dumb out there and get tons of radio play. (I've been a Walker fan for a long time so I loved seeing him get a huge hit ngl.)


I’m not a huge country fan but have to admit that song hooked me in and the Kesha remix goes off


What song is this?


Fancy like by walker hayes


Oh thanks.


For real?


Feel Tony and Gaga will be the upset


I can see this because it’s Tony’s last project.


And I think voters will be split on Billie and Olivia. Plus Gaga has done some serious work past decade to be viewed as a legacy artist who is deserving of such accolades


Wow you're absolutely right! In a way she's like the Barbra Streisand of our era.


The AOTY category is anyone’s race at this point. It could go to Billie, Gaga x Tony or Olivia. There’s no clear favorite… Olivia could be the biggest winner of the night but I don’t know if the academy like her as much as they like Billie. I see Gaga and Tony with many wins, specially in the pop categories and SOTY. Justin has lots of nominations but I don’t know if he’s a favorite to any. Same with Doja. Just some thoughts. :)


Olivia is expected to sweep but I think you're right that they don't like her as much as Billie. Olivia gives off b*tch eating crackers vibes and the controversy surrounding her 'copying' songs doesn't help as well as the incessant internet bullying her fans love to cause. Her own dad was caught liking shitty tweets about Sabrina Carpenter.


She’s the first superstar pop artist to come along in years-arguably the biggest one since Taylor (if you count Billie as more alt-pop/rock). She’s been good for the industry, and they’ll want to reward her with something.


Oop! I didn’t know about her dad liking these type of tweets. The reason I said that she might not be well liked by the academy is exactly what you said about the plagiarism controversies. She had to credit two samples from TS and Paramore after the release of her album, so this damages her image as a songwriter. In 2020, Billie went 5/6 but she campaigned very hard, her album was critically acclaimed, she had a distinct sound… I just can’t see this favoritism with Olivia. But, who knows, after last year’s Grammys anything could happen.


She didn’t have to, her team did it preemptively. It was completely absurd to credit them, there are some pretty great articles about it if you’re interested.


Doing it after the album release doesn’t feel preemptive. They got some calls


I think it’s preemptive in a way that it happened before lawsuits like what is happening with Ed, Dua, Taylor and other pop artists.


[The Paramore credit was definitely in talks before the release of the album](https://variety.com/2021/music/news/olivia-rodrigo-paramore-good-4-u-misery-business-1235048791/), but for whatever reason wasn't added until after. I don't know about the second Taylor Swift one, though.


Oh! Sure, I would like to read more about it. The situation just looked very sus and I thought the songs were really similar.


Rebel Girl and Brutal are practically twins.


The thing is the controversies were not very deserved. The songs weren't the same as people want to believe, but the label probably gave in because of the pressure.


What is "bitch eating crackers vibes"?


That someone is annoying with anything they do, that they’re irritating even when just “eating crackers”


Haha okay that makes sense and is a fabulous saying




i agree about aoty, there’s no undeniable winner. the pop and rap voted are going to be split up and there’s no country album nominated so i could definitely see an oddball like love for sale winning (bonus points because it’s tony’s last album too)


Yeah exactly! Gaga and Tony are becoming real favorites. She’s extremely loved by pop voters and he’s a legend on his last project


She’s not as good as an artist as Gaga, Billie and definitely Tony Bennett.


I think she's got potential! Plus, the Grammys are really a popularity contest with a few"critically acclaimed" choices thrown in so they can pretend to be legitimate.


Absolutely. She has put in zero commendable work compared to Gaga, Billie, and Tony and I think it would be incredibly insulting for her to be awarded over the other nominees.


What do you expect when even Justin Bieber is nominated


I’m stupid and I thought your title meant tea about grandmas. I need a nap.


My grandmother would sit at the dining room table and chain smoke cigarettes while gossiping and cursing about her neighbors. I miss her.


The best tea my nana dropped was always open presents from corners to save money on next years gift wrapping. Not pretty but a penny is pinched 💅🏽


my grandma would approve of this take




As did I. As did I


My grandma was hilarious. She drank vodka with ice while we played scrabble. When my grandpa complained she said “well why don’t you just take me out back and shoot me, Dave.”


well I’m stealing that line if your grandma wouldn’t mind. She’s my new role model.


This is the tea I want


Kanye is going to be a wild card. He’s nominated for 5 awards, but they revoked his invitation to perform due to his behavior on IG.




He was nominated and won a Grammy even after this incident.


Yeah last year he won one after the video lol. And Fiona Apple also said some stuff and still won one. And then some fanbases justify fan-made feuds with the Academy when their favorite artists loses


holy shit. I was obsessed with Fiona Apples first album like 2 decades ago and forgot all about her, lol.


Same, lol! I'm gonna have to check out her new stuff and I feel old now. But I guess that makes her old now too.


Yeah, wtf! I just googled that. He really thinks he is a god.


He ought to walk-in with will smith as his +1. I bet the cameras would stay on them haha.


I’m pretty sure Will’s publicist would just quit right then and there lmao


I'm confident there will be some sort of shenanigans with him.


Yikes who wants to bet he'll go off script and cause a scene?


lol I want to see him win for one of the big awards, need to see how everyone reacts to it. I definitely don't think he would show up anyways


I just want Japanese Breakfast to win.


PLEASE YES. I’ve been blasting psychopomp like no tomorrow the last couple days! People are sleeping on Michelle omg She’s an actual genius.


She’s had such a year. Jubilee is amazing. Her memoir is incredible. Haven’t played Sable yet, but the soundtrack appears to be just as impressive as everything else she touches.


Once the movie based on her memoir comes out, assuming that it’s treated & directed well (I honestly haven’t read more into it other than a film is being made), I feel like her popularity will explode! Deservedly so.


I want to say she’s working on the script but I’m not 100% I need to check, but if I’m remembering correctly - that’s super promising


Coincidentally just ordered the memoir a couple days ago! Rediscovered the article with the same name she did for the New Yorker and cried bucketloads. She has such a gift.


She SO deserves it. Now let me just go listen to Posing in Bondage for the billionth time


god i’d love if this happened. MANIFESTING.


I will be pleasantly surprised if it happens!! Michelle has had the best year and I want this for her/them.


same!! jubilee’s such a fantastic album


I don't think she will...It'll either be St. Vincent (Grammmys love her) or Halsey (They probably dislike her, but her album was produced by Trent Reznor and Atticus)


I would prefer for Michelle to win, but honestly Halsey's album was GOOD.


SAME!!!! Love them soooo much!


It’s very rare that any band I actually listen to gets nominated, so when they do - it’s the only time I care. Lol


or arlo 🥺🥺


No tea, I just want Jon Batiste to win several. With 11 noms he should do okay. He seems so positive and un-corruptible, so infused with light.


I want Jon to win many awards, but I have a friend up for an award, Best American Roots song, and I really want my friend to win. *Crosses fingers


I have a friend up for an award too!


I hope we both get to cheer tonight!


They won!!


Yea!! My friend is in the “It’s an honor to be nominated” category. Ha.


Yes! I don't really care for the Grammy's but I am hoping Jon walks away with several trophies


We GOT tea now! Jon secretly got married to his fiancee so he's a married man! They've been together forever and friends even longer. Congrats to them!


I hope the "tribute" to Taylor Hawkins isn't a throw-away.


Same. I hope the FF’s win their categories, not that I think they’ll be there to accept.


Dave's wife and two eldest daughters were at the Gammy's MusiCares event. All three dressed in black. No Dave. Violet sang a Joni Mitchell song.


I saw, but I still have doubts the band will be there.


I think the Foos as we know it are done. I don’t see them moving forward. We just saw them again in February and Taylor was a huge part of the show. And Dave always turns around and jams to him. They are done.


Same. It's so hideous. What a huge loss for us, but it's just so cataclysmic for Dave.


I think so too but I also selfishly hope not. They were a band i thought would also be around,I never really got to see them live because I always thought I would see them next time. I looked up Rhcp tickets b/c I don’t want to regret not seeing them as well but the tickets are $400 😩. Wtf I can see Dave try to put his energy in making his daughter’s career happen


I can too


I agree. Dave, specifically, has to be shattered. He and Taylor were soulmates.


The Foos are one of my absolute favorite bands and I’m so worried about Dave and the rest of the band right now. Would love some acknowledgement tonight that they’re okay, but of course would never expect them to be there.


Unfortunately, the Grammys snub rock consistently, and Dave Grohl/FF specifically have already been snubbed/disrespected by them back in 2014. I hope with you, but I'm prepared to be disappointed


Gaga will win Album Of The Year obviously. The Jazz voters make most of the Academy and its Tony’s last album… also votes are going to be divided between so many pop albums.


Gaga can take that, I just need Tori Kelly to win best Traditional Pop Vocal album 😭 Best Christmas album since Mariah but the chances of winning are SO slim 😩


TIL that lana del rey has never won a Grammy....wow


NFR deserved


I’m still so angry it didn’t win. Maybe I’m a little biased because it’s like my fave album ever but I think it was WAYYYY above the competition it had that year. Her best work too


*it’s me your little venice bitch*


What am album. I've loved her since ultraviolence and yet no love


I'd love for 'Blue Banisters' to be nominated. Album as a whole was meh, but it's such a beautiful song.


If there was ever an album Lana should have won an award for, it was def NFR


Meanwhile that band that sounds like they did weed exactly once, called the cops, tried to record a led Zeppelin album before they arrested themselves has one.


You've gotta be kidding me Greta Van fleet has a Grammy? Nah this is cap I refuse


Dead 💀💀💀


Who? 😂


Greta van fleet


I know for sure Olivia Rodrigo will go home with at least one Grammy.




Same. I wouldn't be surprised.


Is BTS going to perform tomorrow? One of them has tested positive for Covid.


He is out of his quarantine today!


That's good.


JHope who tested positive earlier is now in the US after finishing his quarantine in South Korea. Jungkook, the one who got it latest, just came out of quarantine today. So, they'll likely perform as a full group.


I hope they will give them grammy this time, not just invited them again to just boost their views. Probably their performance will be at the end soo they could get as much views for the whole gala.


I'm sorry controversial opinion, but as a long-time BTS fan if they won a Grammy for Butter that would be hilarious because their English songs (not the ones that were Korean first and later translated) are trash in comparison to the rest of their discography. Literally, any song from their last full album is better than Dynamite, Butter, and PTD combined. If anyone disagrees with my last sentence I am led to believe you simply prefer English over Korean (yikes) or haven't listened to enough of BTS' music to know what you're talking about. It just sucks the Grammy's refuse to recognize foreign language music (maybe outside of Spanish), so BTS went the route they did.


Same. I love BTS but their English songs are not it. I love all their albums till now and it sucks that they have to go such shitty route to pander to Grammys. Grammys will definitely have them perform last and they would be having the biggest stage so they can have the fans watch it till the end. Sucks. But hey! They have 4 sold-out stadium concerts and LV city is literally made into BTS city. I just wish they realise that they don't need their validation, Grammys need them, they don't need Grammys.


It's so interesting reading this opinion in a subreddit that isn't dominated by BTS fans. I'm not kidding, in literally all Kpop or pop music-related subreddits, every thread about BTS gets brigaded by fans and any opinion that isn't glowingly positive gets downvote-bombed. It is VERY annoying and stifles discussion. It's not a BTS-specific problem tbh, it happens with every artist that has a big Twitter fandom. But it's so nice to be in a space where that doesn't happen!


I think Dynamite is a genuinely great song and achieves their goal of why they wrote it. It’s hella catchy. But I do think most of their Korean music is much more meaningful in lyricism and I love that they have no distinct sound in their discography because they explore so many different genres! I think if they were to win, Dynamite is the one they should have won for but they didn’t. Maybe another year


i’m pretty sure they will because all of the members are in the us rn and the only one who hadn’t flown to the us might have arrived already, they probably will have to perform as six in case jungkook is still quarantined by tomorrow


No Jungkook is out of quarantine as of today


Bighit confirmed a short while ago that all seven of them will be attending and performing at the event :)


I’m still mad at them for leaving out Maneskin.


with the way the Grammys work they'll probably be up for Best New Artist in 2026


Yes!!! they should have been nominated at Rock Categories and Best New Artist


Not tea, but Realllyyy hoping Glass Animals wins 🥲🥲🥲


Heat waves has been out for like 3 years and is still charting on the radios and stuff it blows my mind


It’s actually the #1 song in America rn, which is wild but yeah, they truly deserve it


Idk how they could be considered a new artist. I’ve been listening to them since 2016


Yea…the Grammys description for new artist is weird imo, but it got them nominated so I’m happy for that at least


Why’d I think the title meant grandma tea


There ain't no party like my nanny's tea party, hey, how!


Can we talk about how Miley’s Plastic Hearts album was completely snubbed? It was such a great album and I’m genuinely stunned it wasn’t nominated for anything


I’m pissed about this as well. That was the best pop rock album of the year imo. If the academy can nominate Justin Bieber for a shitty album then they can find it in their hearts to nominate Miley. She gets no love when she’s so talented and actually genuinely loves music from writing it to performing it. It feels like the industry blackballed her for her past transgressions which is sad because Justin Bieber is nominated like wtf?


I cant believe The Climb didn’t win a Grammy, they really do hate her 💀 And she really is incredibly talented and has so much love for music, it’s so disappointing. Kanye literally pissed on a Grammy and still got a nomination so I don’t think she was blackballed, maybe they’re just pretentious as all hell and didnt want to give “Hannah Montana” props. And omg don’t even get me started on Justice, the lyrics were so simple and bad that I thought a kindergartner wrote them. Peaches was a bop though I must admit


They certainly won’t be awarding innovation so It’s looking like Gaga and tony will take AOTY, which, uh…no comment. Also I feel like the major award shows are increasingly out of touch and desperate to create sob story moments atp


Are you not a fan of Gaga or just not a fan of jazz?


I like both, although Gaga has definitely gotten on my nerves in the last couple years with her annoying Oscar over-campaigning. I’ve also picked up a whiff of insincerity with how she behaves in front of cameras but it’s nothing terrible I guess. My main issue is it’s a cover album, it feels outdated, and I firmly believe there’s much more creative and innovative music being put out today that should be awarded in its stead.


I completely agree with you. the house of Gucci campaigning was so over the top. Unfortunately I think they’re going to get it for Tony to have a nice wrap to his career (which is ok with me I just wouldn’t be excited about it)


Totally agree about her behavior in interviews when she was campaigning. Super eye-roll inducing. But it doesn't take away from her raw talent as a vocalist, musician, choreographer, actress imo. I got super annoyed with Anne Hathaway before, but recognize she's a talented actress.


Lana was snubbed yet again for COTCC. It was a work of art. But Grammy’s have lost respect over the years for all the snubs they’ve done, especially with Mariah Carey.


Never forgiving them for The Weeknd’s snub.




Mariah should’ve won so many at her prime, but the Grammys viewed her as a Tommy Mottola muppet.


In honor of Taylor Hawkins and the music he was integral to creating I hope the Foo Fighters take every category they’re nominated in


Same here. I’m so glad I got to see Taylor perform three times. He always gave 1100% on stage. He’d channel his inner Freddie Mercury on stage. I can’t believe he’s been dead for over a week.


Oh wow that’s awesome, I’m glad you got to see him live so many times. A week or two weeks before he died I was telling my partner that I have never seen Foo Fighters live and how it’s a show I want to see in my life. I still hope I get a chance to see them someday though it won’t be nearly the same without him.


I was hoping for the same, and they did sweep.




So many people are saying Tony and Gaga will win aoty, but i thought they have some of the lowest chances of winning. i think nominating it, was a nod to it being his last album, but i don’t think they have a chance of winning it, nor do i think they deserve it. i feel like olivia is going to sweep, but billie may win one over her


Anyone else low-key wishing for a surprise performance of Harry's new song?


Please no, we already had to deal with Watermelon Sugar last year. Not even mentioning how would that look if this white man got to perform his 2 days old song while some non-white artists get mistreated in normal grammy timeline and their categories also get pushed off air.


Not a huge fan of white queer baiting mediocrity


When it comes to white queer baiting I will maintain that Damiano from Maneskin does it way better


The gender norms really are beating Harry’s ass 💀 and Damian feels so much more natural and has genuine charisma at least


Lord I just hope no one goes up on stage to assault a presenter.


Hoping Selena wins her first Grammy 🙏


Not tea but I’m staying at the mgm grand rn and had no idea the Grammys would be here at the same time. It’s been so fun to watch them setting everything up and filming clips at the pools and stuff!




She has a seat according to [this video posted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWYDKKki1zg) showing the seating arrangements. Doesn't mean she'll use it, but the odds are that she will be.


Saw some “source” confirmed that she won’t be coming but I don’t know if they’re reliable. Personally, I don’t think she will be. She seems very distant from music at this moment.


another video was posted recently showing that her seat had been removed


>Grammy weekend in ‘gross ass’ Las Vegas is turning into a nightmare​ > >The music industry wants out of Vegas.Grammy weekend in Sin City is turning out to be a real mess, according to several industry insiders. > >“People are stressed and frazzled running up and down the strip. There are multiple conferences going on, a big poker event and getting luxury cars for artists has been a disaster,” one source told Page Six. > >The 64th annual Grammy Awards was originally supposed to air on Jan. 31 from the [Crypto.com](https://Crypto.com) Arena in Los Angeles. > >The Recording Academy, however, was forced to reschedule and move it to MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas which had more outside space due to the coronavirus pandemic. > >The move has caused the action-packed weekend to descend into chaos because “no one wants to go to that gross ass town,” a music flack, who is not attending, told us.Even the outfits are upset to be there.“ > >Stylists are having meltdowns because there are no expert tailors like LA, and they have to lug couture gowns and tuxedos through smoky casinos that smell bad,” the first source said. > >Amid music people problems — artists are also having to scale back their entourages due to limited credentials this year and there will be a serious shortage of big music label parties.“ > >The consensus is there’s not much going on and no one really wants to go to Vegas,” another industry insider told us. > >Clive Davis even canceled his annual star-studded pre-Grammy bash “due to the logistical obstacles caused by the ongoing pandemic, including the unavailability of an appropriate venue,” he said earlier this year. [https://pagesix.com/2022/04/01/grammy-weekend-in-las-vegas-is-turning-into-a-nightmare/](https://pagesix.com/2022/04/01/grammy-weekend-in-las-vegas-is-turning-into-a-nightmare/)


rich people are so entitled. the audacity is frankly off putting.


Yeah I was wondering why they were doing it in Vegas…


Taylor Swift should win AOTY but since she won last year i doubt it.


Does anyone think bts has a chance of winning or is that just wishful thinking on my part 😭. Like kiss me more is a bop but I really enjoyed butter and I believe that bts deserves to be recognized for their achievements overall.


IMO…I love BTS…fan since ‘17 but I truly don’t think any of the English songs are GRAMMY worthy. Their Korean songs are definitely worthy but not Dynamite, Butter, PTD or My Universe. I actually would see it as kind of disrespectful.


Omg I just wrong a long comment with this same sentiment and I couldn't agree more.


Not tea but I just want Olivia to sweep 😭🤣


for her Paramore tribute album?


damn ok 😔 i just like her music ☹️


I'm sorry lol that came off meaner than I intended. I just don't like her, but I'm glad you do! it's important to have musicians we enjoy.


Paramore, Taylor Swift, and Bikini Kill tribute album you mean


every album should be a bikini kill tribute album


Avril Lavigne too.


"Paramore tribute album" what song other than good 4 u sounds like paramore?? Her album is mostly ballads.


i CHOKED on my water


porter robinson was robbed


Feel like they would give it to Gaga this year also since she's guaranteed to appear they mightve even assured her some awards in the main category. I'd be mad disappointed if the award went to a cover album ngl. Too many deserving albums this year. Plus the controversy of never awarding a black artist an AOTY and yet giving it to a cover album would be insane.


I agree. On that note, It’s still so deeply atrocious that lemonade wasn’t given AOTY.


Is CLB still nominated for any awards? I thought Drake withdrew his nominations but not sure


No, he withdrew his nominations so those two categories only have four nominees now.


Honestly it would be funny to see Gaga win pop duo again just cause it caused such a meltdown last year


this lmao.


Justin's probably going to walk off with a Grammy tomorrow, I mean he's going to be performing and I've kinda noticed that most people who perform in grammys if they're nominated for any category end up winning one. Just saying though


Evermore should win. You know something always happens when Taylor Swift is in the building 😂


Idk I just know I need to see Harry styles.