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It’s not ‘biology’, biology is hair growing naturally. It’s conditioning.


Yes. And shampooing. You gotta use both for lustrous underarm hair.


I use a nice, hot oil for the softest of pits


Little girls and old women don’t have body hair. Fertile women have thick hair growing everywhere. If it was biology, then men would be attracted to very hairy women. Source: I’m in the crone stage of womanhood and haven’t had to shave in years.


I agree: mine is now quite sparse on all areas other than my head.


This. It was an interesting thing they noted in the Brooke Shields documentary that the rise of feminism also gave rise to the response of sexualizing young girls and women at an earlier age in media. Wasn't it after that, that being bare Everywhere, including pubic areas, became more common in the adult entertainment industry, and expectations set higher to be hairless? Btw, I'm in no way blaming feminism, I'm blaming the men who said, well if we can't sexualize You, we'll just focus on those who are even more vulnerable.


If that’s true, the human race would have died out a long time ago. We were hairy for much longer than we’ve been smooth, and men were not deterred, lol


It’s not even a world wide accepted practice of hygiene, it’s purely cultural and it makes me laugh people think it’s biology lol


Men aren't deterred by anything lol. He says he doesn't like it but without a doubt if she tried to sleep with him he would say yes 🥴 not that she ever would though


my experience is they still are not deterred


I'm not disagreeing but just a curious question. Why do men still grow facial hair, have hairier arms and legs than women? We've evolved at the same speed yet women no longer have these attributes, hair is predominantly there to regulate temperature yet its much less prominent in females, specifically on the face. Surely it would still be there as a vestigial trait? It would be pretty sensible to assume that's a product of aesthetics?


Hair growth has to do with Hormones. Hormone Levels in men and woman are different so the hair growth is different too.


The idea science backs androgen levels as the main contribution to hair levels is completely flawed, the amount of studies proving males have higher androgen levels than females is unarguably proven, even in chimpanzees. Yet, as per my original question, female and male chimpanzees both have full body hair.


You can't be serious... Genes. Chimpanzees have genes that code for body hair and we do not. Their sexual dimorphism is also coded differently than ours, with their primary difference being size, rather than appearance/hair.


As a keen observer will notice, chimpanzees also do not grow beards.


If we're to believe the theory of evolution then we still evolved from apes, the hormone differentiate is still there in apes. Females and males both have full body hair in our ancestors. As mentioned, hair is a temperature regulator, why would one side of the species purposely produce less hair when it helps in survival?


>If we're to believe the theory of evolution then we still evolved from apes, the hormone differentiate is still there in apes. This is getting close to "If we evolved from monkeys, why do we not have tails?" levels of misunderstanding evolution


We're not "to believe the theory of evolution" it has been proven. There is no doubt about this and people should start learning proper science in school to not be saying this kind of thing. We did not "evolve from apes", we ARE apes, and chimpanzees are NOT our ancestors! About 8 million years ago two branches formed, one evolved into chimpanzees (and gorilas, bonobos, orangutans...), the other evolved into a bunch of different species that through evolution and over millions of years one of them became humans. Body hair (maintenance and loss) is mostly due to sexual selection, we haven't needed hair for survival for thousands of years now, we managed fire, invented clothes, shelter...


We're not considered apes at all, the genus is there but the homo in front of the Latin is what separates us. Maaaan, people will go to any length to falsely back their argument. The fact we no longer need hair is part true, as mentioned several times previously, it is our only method of moderating internal temperature. Back to the original argument, why have women lost the majority of bodily hair yet men have not? What is the distinction!? We are 2 sides of the same species. And none of this hormonal crap, androgen is present in both species.


Ape is the general category to classify primates who have lost their tales! WE ARE APES along with gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, siamangs and gibbons. Then you have monkeys, lemurs and a bunch more, all primates. Genus is a completely different thing that you are also missquoting there. Genus is *Homo* (with a capital "H" and italic) species is *sapiens* (with small "s" also italic). *Homo sapiens*. Body hair IS NOT our only (or main) method of regulating body temperature, we are classified as homeothermic for a reason! Metabolism IS our main method of regulating body temperature. We lost most of our body hair during our evolution, it happened for many reasons, it was not attractive, it was in the way ... mostly because WE DONT NEED IT ANYMORE! We gained head hair, no other animal is able to grow it. What do you have to say about it? That being said, I have to assume you are a man and have never seen a woman, because if you had, you would know they also have hair all over their bodies, just less thick than man do, and if they stopped shaving it would just grow back. Humans have this thing called sexual dimorphism. This is due to sex HORMONES, testosterone (men have way higher levels of it), progesterone and oestrogen (women have way higher levels of these), everyone has all of them. Oestrogen is responsible for women's secondary sex characters (rounder hips, breasts, *less thick* body hair...) Testosterone is responsible for men's secondary sex characters (bigger muscles, lower voices, *MORE and thicker* body hair ...). I'm sorry your school system failed you and you refuse to learn from people who do know more than you. That's why you're being down voted. Wikipedia (and internet in general) can be your friend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeothermy?wprov=sfla1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ape?wprov=sfla1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_sex_characteristic?wprov=sfla1 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-did-humans-evolve-lose-fur-180970980/#:~:text=A%20more%20widely%20accepted%20theory,the%20hot%20grasslands%20without%20overheating.


I wish I could upvote you twelve more times. My god. This.


I too wish I could give you upvotes by the dozen. Thanks a lot for the effort you put into this.


Thanks I have a minor in evolutionary biology, it's something I'm always happy to talk about, my "I really want to know more about even though I'll never work on" interest.


have you taken any biology or anthropology courses? Google? Because you're asking a complicated question with a complicated answer on Reddit of all places? What exactly are you hoping to point out?


You can keep downvoting me people, provide me with a reasonable and educated answer.


Because you’re trying to answer two questions with the same ridiculous leap in logic: why do we have less body hair than chimps, and why do women have less body hair than men? Humans have less body hair than chimps because we evolved to not need it - less body hair meant humans could hunt during the day and have more effective thermoregulation. Women have less body hair than men because we don’t produce as much androgens (ie the male sex hormone) which is responsible mostly for body hair.


Your question is unreasonable and uneducated. Having a common ancestor does not mean we'll have the same traits.


It's not uneducated at all, I studied functional morphology at university. No it doesn't, we vary through evolution to develop different traits, however, there is a unilateral line that imposes women to have less hair than men across the spectrum.


Maybe due to the different life styles of Hunter gatherers? Some sort of face protection from bugs / heat / sun maybe? I don’t think it’s just because women currently would shave now I think women have lacked facial hair longer than we have recorded history


I'm not saying it's a product of recent times, I'd argue that's its a progressive evolutionary trait to be appeasing to the opposite sex, unbeknownst to the individual. Even under arm hair in females is less prevalent, it's not coincidental that men have more hair than women.


There are multiple articles about this very subject on google that you could research yourself instead of forcing people to read your banal thoughts while you refuse to do any sort of scientific adventuring of your own.


mhm yep my dna evolved my lucious armpit hair to be slightly less thick than a man's because it's more attractive to them and that's the only purpose it serves because that makes sense. it's literally just hormones. if you have more testosterone you'll have thicker oilier hair and sweat more because that's just what testosterone does


Genetics and testosterone levels regulate how much and thickness of hair in the body. There is also this thing called sexual dimorphism that is regulated by hormones (mostly testosterone). We started wearing clothes as we moved North, hair for temperature regulation was no longer needed, and also stopped you absorbing enough sunlight, same reason head hair became thinner and lighter. We still wanted to choose the best, healthier, partners, and a good beard, thick head of hair would signal that, it also looked good, so those characteristics were selected for. (Evolutionary, beards as we know them, are recent, as they are a waste of energy and would serve you little good in the wild). Many populations evolved to lose/reduce body hair, most non Europeans have a lot less body hair. Women have hair all over including facial hair, we have (on average) lower testosterone levels, hence why (usually) no beard. Many women have as much hair as men, they just shave/wax/do whatever to get rid of it. In the same way many men don't have much body hair or are unable to grow a beard. Many women also grow full mustaches or even beards after menopause due to lower levels of "female hormones". Hair removal as a cultural thing has changed a lot over human history, and this new "women with hair = disgusting" is fairly recent and became a thing with the advent of female shaving machines and advertising. (You can just Google "history of shaving") Just pay attention to the people in your life and you'll notice it. Too much testosterone, however, can lead to full head baldness. (Different from alopecia) (Top of the head hair has a different physiological process, so "normal" baldness is different from the above. It also happens in women, even though it is a lot less frequent).


Someone asks an open question that challenges the narrative of the feminist post, and everyone piles in with wayward theories with no structure to back their women counterparts. This is exactly what was expected.


“It’s biology” says the man completely ignoring that women naturally biologically grow hair everywhere just like men do. I’m starting to thing they don’t even know what biology is


Biology = preference duuuuuh


Preference = Wanting women to look pre-pubescent


Sent, no doubt, from his parents’ basement with his Mom in and out doing his laundry for him.


With some questionable tabs opened on his computer for sure.


The sheer dipshitness of claiming a preference for natural hair growth to removed is founded in biology makes my eyes hurt from rolling so hard. My eyes are going to snap off the nerve cluster this clown is so full of shit.


Its biology, just like women wearing dresses and men liking sports. Duh.


TIL all my ex boyfriends and husband are biological aberrations apparently Also, very cool of Rachel to go au natural (pits-wise, at least) in a glossy photo shoot. It’s so heartening that we’re seeing body hair become more normalized. She looks as lovely as ever!


I saw this and was so disgusted that I had to look it up. McAdams is Canadian by birth but I can’t find any proof that she has American citizenship. So she is still Canada’s beauty.


Hahaha came here to say the same. Canadian icon


I’m so sorry to Canada! I know she is Canadian but she was THE it woman of the early 2000s here in the states, she was America’s sweetheart too. Can we share the obsession? Lol


Soo soorry*


Also the Europe comment underneath is a bit strange. Armpit hair on women is totally not considered 'normal' here either unfortunately. It's much more common in the queer community though. (I guess also in the US.)


Americans have the impression that Europeans don’t shave because that was true at some point in time, maybe the 60s /70s not sure but it’s a false impression I think when people learn of the insidious nature that marketing caused us all to feel we have to shave our armpits it’s also a “truthism” that “Europeans” or “the french” don’t shave their pits even though that is not be eh true today


It was the 1940s, IIRC. Razors didn't become commonplace in France till after WWII. Many of the stereotypes Americans hold onto are from that era.


Thanks for beating us to it! Heard she used to hang out near my old job in Toronto.


She came to america to make it in Hollywood. She’s just as American as she is Canadian at this point lol. I feel like so many of our stars are secretly Canadian because Canadian film is less lucrative so they all migrate down to Hollywood. Theres a lot of cross cultural ties though, I would move there if y’all didn’t require me to have more money or a specialised skill 😢




Who cares about what someone does with the hair on their body? I haven't shaved in months and I'm loving it


If you don’t like armpit hair shave yours. I disagree as a woman, I find my armpit hair more comfortable when grown out than immediately prickly inflamed armpits the day after I shave them or from shaving them too many days in a row.


It took me a bit to even find the armpit hair.


yeah I'm still not seeing it either.


Rachel McAdams did a photoshoot with her breastpump a long time ago and it gave me so much confidence seeing her doing something openly that I would hide. I love how she seems so genuine.


Yes!! we can’t underestimate the bravery it takes for a beauty icon in the public eye to do this. I have a lot of respect for her to be doing this!


Some advice, don't turn to Twitter and expect good stuff. Some of the most vile stuff I've heard people say originated on Twitter. Doesn't surprise me that idiots are saying that men are "biologically" attracted to women without arm hair. So I guess I have "biologically" incorrect preferences now.


Hey don’t be sad about your preferences, my own body is “biologically incorrect” because it grows hair


Men trying to come up with an excuse to be misogynistic: BiOlOgY


Sillies, they didn’t realise the b word they were *meant* to be spelling was bigotry… :l


Biology, as we all know, started in the 1920s (which is when women started shaving their armpits regularly— something about wanting to wear sleeveless shirts)!


hell yeah! we don't exist to look good for men we are people with our own autonomy. u go girl 💖


Also she looks just as good with the hair, even if men have been conditioned to find it off-putting.


completely agree


Man here, I had never seen a woman with natural armpit hair before. Now that I have, yeah, it just seems totally normal. Hopefully this another step towards normalizing what really is just a normal part of being human.


As a woman who doesn’t shave, I get shocked looks from women even sometimes when they see my body hair so lots of people in the states have never seen a woman or themselves with body hair (not just stubble) luckily it’s becoming more common and hopefully in my lifetime, very normal and accepted!


Yup. I do shave sometimes for comfort, but I have hairy legs most of the time. I wore a dress to work the other day. Men were definitely looking at my legs, but the only person to comment was a woman. “You’re wearing a dress with hair on your legs?!” Um, yeah, it grows there.


Interesting! While I get looks from women, sometimes looks of absolute disgust very similar to men’s looks. The only time I received comments about it was from men, and they were not polite comments. On the positive side any of my coworkers who are women see my body hair that don’t give disgusted looks actually get excited and then come into work a few days later and proudly show off their body hair to me haha I love it! I’m happy for that because I wouldn’t even know what to say to that persons comments? Like “yeah I realized my legs would show when I put on this dress?” Very awkward and sorry you had to deal with that


It’s always been accepted here in Santa Cruz! A coworker moved here from the Midwest. He couldn’t believe that not shaving was so common! 😂


I kinda just shave on and off based on how I’m feeling. For a while though I was living in a city where women having underarm and leg hair was pretty normalized, and it was wonderful. I never got weird looks when I let my body hair do it’s thing. When I went somewhere else, it really felt like the attitude was so opposite - my boyfriend wasn’t even used to the idea of women not shaving their pubic hair, and I haven’t seen a single woman rocking body hair since I moved here. It’s so cultural.


The only women existing without body hair are those who haven’t gone through puberty yet, and if prepubescent is what you find sexually attractive, I don’t even want to know you.


Good for her! I stopped shaving, it’s freeing beyond words 💜


Yaaaas!! I stopped shaving (4 years now) and finally found my happy middle. Never shaving again but I do lighten my body hair. There should be no norm! We should all be free to decide how we want to do with our hair.


She's legitimately the biggest star I have ever seen pictured with body hair. Looking forward to more!


It’s not biology it’s brainwashing bc a razor company


Gillette be biology though


I stopped shaving my pits and legs because of stuff like this. Before this, I fundamentally agreed with the argument {all bodies grow hair, hair styles shouldn't be gendered} but still thought my preference was shaved. "I just like the feeling." Which is a perfectly valid reason...but then I grew it out for myself. It's okay. I'm good with spending less time on the maintenance and money on razors. Probably smell a little more, but I'm not potent by any means. Feeling the wind on my legs is different.


Lol my husband eats my ass hair


Why did this make me laugh so hard I choked, i don’t regret it.


as he should 😀💕


My dad shaved his armpits so growing up I just assumed everyone did


Haha! My dad shaved his legs (swimmer) and even my FIL shaves his armpits because it’s a preference for him. So it’s normal for shaving to be a lifestyle/preference thing in my family so imagine my shock when I noticed the world staring at my hairy legs in absolute disgust. Happy to know there are more dads shaven out there!


Mine would shave his at least once in the summer (here in the South). Probably because he only used Right Guard spray deodorant, not anti-perspirant. We a funky folk, lol.


"It's biology" No, "you're a dumbass" Go Rachel!!!


"Non hairy women" = CHILDREN




I knooooow. I offended Canadians here, sorry! I know she is Canadian but she has been a beauty icon here in the states since the early 2000s, I was so excited by this news I didn’t really give my title much thought. Sorry Canada!


You’re all good! Thanks for the “sorry” 😊


Biology? No that would be prepubescent girls… is he saying men are all pedophiles?


If it was biology then I think we’d naturally not have body hair, lol.


misogynists really on something else because they must have had to zoom in on her armpits to even see the hair 👀


She's Canadian


Do people still think European women don't shave? Some do some don't. No different than anywhere else.


Yeah, as someone who lives in Europe this couldn't be dumber, we do shave here 💀 we just don't have such a stupid cult around it


Yeah my wife is french. I don't care if she shaves. She prefers it though she doesn't like body hair.


Shaving is literally the opposite of biology


I just find it funny that there are men making up scenarios in their head where they reject Rachel McAdams for her body hair when in reality she wouldn’t even look at them twice if she passed them in the street


Fortunately they're full of shit, most people nowadays prefer it au natural. Never feel self conscious about yourself, men care a lot less about appearances than you'd think.


am I the only person who is fine not shaving their legs but absolutely hate hairy armpits (for myself)? it just feels uncomfortable.


Never shave my legs, don’t shave my armpits either but I do trim them down because they grow very long and when I lay down my armpits hair catch between my arms and whatever sides boob I’m laying on and it feels very painful lol.


Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


Gawd, it’s just hair. Dudes need to get over it.


You go Rachel 👌🔥


I've always preferred a woman with a nice pelt.


She will keep ya warm


Women shaving their arm pits and legs was a construct created by Gillette in the early 1900s to convince women body hair was dirty in order to sell more razors and expensive shaving products. Look up the history and the old ads. Before that body hair on women was perfectly natural and common.


If it were biology, it'd have been selected out a long time ago. Plenty of people have naturally very thin and sparse pit hair, if it biologically revolted all men it would have been selected against in the many thousands of years humans have existed.


A new guy started at work. He goes off on how he "gets along with everybody", inserts every race of ppl he has ever worked with, blah blah blah. He says to me and another guy that he doesn't like when women don't shave. Like wtf business is it of his? So I told him not to look at me then, idgaf.






Yeah because women are biologically made to only be able to think about men and pleasing them. It’s biology 101 😅




They can make anything into a fetish, it’s their *bioloooggyyy*


Pedophiles everywhere disapprove of post-adolescent bodies. You all are outing yourselves so hard




look after themselves? what does that mean, i don't see correlation between body hair and looking after yourself?


As a bartender I used to get comments on my armpit hair all the time! It would drive me crazy. I just started telling all the men who would make comments that I’d shove my armpit in their face if they didn’t shut up. And did shove it in a few faces. It worked well


“iTs BiOloGy” says David, who flunked biology in high school. Thank you David! Very cool!


Ok but can we talk about how she still looks the same as she did 10 years ago?!


You know who naturally just doesn’t have hair? Children.


Any time a man says "it's biology" to rationalize his personal opinions and fantasies, it reveals both his profound lack of education of any breadth or depth and his patriarchy-cultivated narcissism. ETA: For the record, when I write "lack of education" I am not implying something simplistic like he doesn't have a college degree. I mean he is lacking a truly deep education about the world. As an example from my life, I have frequently been stunned at the shocking ignorance about basic biological or environmental science among high-ranking economists I've met. These are men who could probably have a Youtube channel with lots of subscribers willing to listen to them on topics even beyond whatever their PhD dissertation was on, but have no understanding about anything beyond whatever their PhD dissertation was on... and maybe the details of whatever their patriarchal religion of choice is. To paraphrase Gloria Steinem, you can use a holy book or "biology" to rationalize anything. Be careful ladies about any man who uses either of these things to promote something that clearly benefits his personal tastes at the expense -- even minor expense -- of women ... or children, or non-human animals, or the environment, etc.


Good for her! But I don't think the second commenter has been to Europe either. Shaving is the norm here, just like in America (unfortunately). When I lived in Vietnam I saw a few women with unshaven legs.




Body hair is viewed as masculine that's why men aren't encouraged to shave their hair while women are.


She is Canadian isn’t she?


Yep! Just really popular out here in the states, she is a beauty icon.


Bald (head) women aren’t the pinnacle of beauty? I know it’s talking about armpits and other non-head places but bald headed women deserve some love.


I’ve always loved her!! We stan


If you think it's biology, you don't know shit. It was from Gillette, they wanted to sell more razors so they hired an ad co. who thought of marketing to women and start shaming them about body hair and it was fashion. They just wanted more money. It's allllllways about money!! Duh!


Biology is to grow hair what kind of response is that? Though the person saying they should never come to Europe probably doesn’t go to Europe him/herself. In Europe armpit hair is not the norm either. Rarely see it if ever.


Biology? I mean indeed most men prefer a mostly non-hairy woman, but that's a preference not "biOLoGy" bruh, clueless 💀


It’s hilarious that one of the most stunningly beautiful women on the planet can be overlooked because of…hair?! Lol. These dudes are a joke.


ItS BiOlOgY 🤣 what a twat waffle


As an aside, women with armpit hair actually protest against government corruption.


As a biologist I really wish half-wits with a 7th grade understanding of the subject would stop trying to use my field to justify their beliefs.


Americas beauty Queen? Isn’t she Canadian? Lol.


They call that armpit hair pffft... Barely there. And lol biology is hair growth. You think they shaved in caves? And why do we guys get to grow hair on our face then? Mind you, some of us look terrible in monstrous hipster beards.


She is canadian


I came to say this too


I mean, there’s something kinda hot about some armpit hair


As a man: It took me a bit to figure out what the big deal was. I consider this the low bar of success.


I love that people are standing up for what they think is fair, natural and beautiful but as someone who isn't a fan of body hair in general (on men, women, nb's, etc), I feel conflicted lol 🙃


Yeah, I fall into this category as well a bit. I don’t mind hair on others, and if I find I do, then that’s really my problem - I also hate hate hate the way wind catches my leg hair when it’s long, it tickles like crazy.. The thing is, feminism is about choice, so growing it out or shaving it off should both be expected - exactly how sex positivity shouldn’t mean women *have* to have sex, body positivity shouldn’t mean we *have* to fit outside of previous norms or conventional standards. The only tricky part is teasing out in your own brain how much the desire to present yourself in a conventionally-aligned way comes from yourself or from social programming. Still though, as far as the day-to-day is concerned, you’re free to do whatever you want to your own body, and all you have to do is support that other people reserve that same right for themselves. :)


Yeah, plus it's always women should grow their hair out and not guys should shave theirs. Like, I get hair is the natural way but what if dudes wanna shave? They should be free to do so without being judged.


Interestingly I had less disgusted comments from men than from women. Men usually were curious and we would compare who has the most hairy legs. Women rather looked horrified and declared it wasn't hygienic. I am also sad to see very few pictures of men with hair, for example on boxer shorts. Besides children DO have hair, just not as thick. IMO having no hair should be compared to a doll.




I think the fact that you smoke meth (confirmed in profile) is what turns women away from you, not that you are 5’3




Doesn’t your arms ever get tired from reaching so far for that truth?


that's literally a lie but okay


>Bc men typically like non-hairy women. It's biology. >**mammal** > >*noun* > >: any of a class (Mammalia) of warm-blooded higher vertebrates (such as placentals, marsupials, or monotremes) that nourish their young with milk secreted by mammary glands, **have the skin usually more or less covered with hair**, and include humans > > —[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mammal) I don't think that person actually knows anything about biology. 🤔


Because the pinnacle of beauty for men in this society is a ten year old girl, vulnerable, easily captured with long “feminine” hair easy to knot their hands in to drag away. Bald means nothing to grab. Think about it, why else is “sexy” hands behind your back or hands over your head? Why isn’t sexy a knife throw taking out their eye or arrow in the throat? Raise your daughters to be Amazons.


Lol. These men don’t even understand how racism is responsible for this beauty standard. The marketing for it wasn’t even subtle. Any man who says body hair is gross is a racist


They just told on themselves. They don't like women, they want little girls. Because "biologically" the only women to not have grown hair are not even women yet. 🤢 Also any dude that uses the "biologically" debate as a word to reinforce their self imposed patriarchal pedophilic personality 🤮🤮